54 research outputs found

    Circulating Levels of Inflammatory Markers in Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    We aimed to investigate possible alterations in circulating levels of the perinatal stress markers high sensitivity (hs)-CRP, PAI-1, and S100B—probably reflecting brain and adipose tissue inflammation—in intrauterine growth-restricted-(IUGR) and appropriate-for-gestational-age-(AGA) pregnancies, given that these groups differ in fat mass and metabolic mechanisms involving aseptic inflammation. Serum hs-CRP, PAI-1, and S100B levels were measured in 40 mothers, and their 20 AGA and 20 IUGR full-term fetuses and neonates on postnatal days 1 and 4. hs-CRP, PAI-1, and S100B levels did not differ at all time points between AGA and IUGR groups. We conclude that the lack of difference in hs-CRP, PAI-1 and S100B levels, between IUGR and AGA fetuses/neonates—despite the lower birth weight, reflecting reduced fat mass in the former—might indicate more intense adipose tissue and nervous system inflammation in IUGRs. However, implication of other inflammation-related mechanisms, common in the IUGR state (e.g. preeclampsia), cannot be excluded

    Dietary Influences on the Microbiota–Gut–Brain Axis

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    Over unimaginable expanses of evolutionary time, our gut microbiota have co-evolved with us, creating a symbiotic relationship in which each is utterly dependent upon the other. Far from confined to the recesses of the alimentary tract, our gut microbiota engage in complex and bi-directional communication with their host, which have far-reaching implications for overall health, wellbeing and normal physiological functioning. Amongst such communication streams, the microbiota–gut–brain axis predominates. Numerous complex mechanisms involve direct effects of the microbiota, or indirect effects through the release and absorption of the metabolic by-products of the gut microbiota. Proposed mechanisms implicate mitochondrial function, the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis, and autonomic, neuro-humeral, entero-endocrine and immunomodulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary composition influences the relative abundance of gut microbiota species. Recent human-based data reveal that dietary effects on the gut microbiota can occur rapidly, and that our gut microbiota reflect our diet at any given time, although much inter-individual variation pertains. Although most studies on the effects of dietary macronutrients on the gut microbiota report on associations with relative changes in the abundance of particular species of bacteria, in broad terms, our modern-day animal-based Westernized diets are relatively high in fats and proteins and impoverished in fibres. This creates a perfect storm within the gut in which dysbiosis promotes localized inflammation, enhanced gut wall permeability, increased production of lipopolysaccharides, chronic endotoxemia and a resultant low-grade systemic inflammatory milieu, a harbinger of metabolic dysfunction and many modern-day chronic illnesses. Research should further focus on the colony effects of the gut microbiota on health and wellbeing, and dysbiotic effects on pathogenic pathways. Finally, we should revise our view of the gut microbiota from that of a seething mass of microbes to one of organ-status, on which our health and wellbeing utterly depends. Future guidelines on lifestyle strategies for wellbeing should integrate advice on the optimal establishment and maintenance of a healthy gut microbiota through dietary and other means. Although we are what we eat, perhaps more importantly, we are what our gut microbiota thrive on and they thrive on what we eat

    Exercise training reduces alcohol consumption but does not affect HPA-axis activity in heavy drinkers

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    It has been suggested that physical exercise could have potential beneficial effects in substance abusers, which are based on both physiological and psychological theories. Although a few studies have examined the effect of exercise on alcohol intake and fitness in individuals with alcohol use disorders (AUDs), there is a gap in the literature concerning the physiological and biochemical mechanisms that could be affected by physical exercise in this population

    Maternal chronic stress correlates with serum levels of cortisol, glucose and C-peptide in the fetus, and maternal non chronic stress with fetal growth

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    Introduction: During pregnancy, maternal stressors cause changes in both maternal and fetal HPA axes. We therefore investigated the impact of maternal non chronic and chronic stress on fetal glucose metabolism and growth, and serum levels of cortisol in the fetus. Materials and methods: Normal weight pregnant women (n = 192; mean ± SD 27.9 ± 4.2 years old, and; 26.9 ± 2.4 kg/m²) were assessed during the 2nd and 3rd trimester with anthropometry, fetal ultrasound, blood samples for serum CRH, cortisol and IL6, and STAI trait and state stress questionnaires. We measured serum cortisol, insulin and c-peptide, and plasma glucose from cord blood. Neonates underwent anthropometry at the 3rd post-delivery day. Results: In both 2nd and 3rd trimesters, women with STAI trait scores ≥40 had significantly greater levels of fasting serum CRH and cortisol than those with STAI trait scores<40. 2nd trimester: STAI trait scores correlated positively with cord blood glucose and c-peptide. Maternal serum CRH correlated negatively with U/S fetal biparietal head diameter, while serum cortisol correlated positively with abdominal circumference. Maternal serum IL6, CRH and cortisol all correlated positively with birth waist circumference. 3rd trimester: Women with STAI state scores ≥40 had fetuses with larger U/S abdominal and smaller head circumferences compared to those of women with STAI scores <40. Women with STAI trait scores ≥40 had greater levels of cord blood cortisol, glucose, and c-peptide compared to women with STAI scores <40. STAI state scores ≥40 correlated positively with maternal CRH and U/S fetal abdominal circumference, and negatively with fetal head circumference and biparietal diameter. STAI trait scores correlated positively with cord blood c-peptide, glucose, insulin and cortisol. Maternal serum levels of CRH correlated positively with U/S fetal abdominal circumference and cord blood cortisol, and negatively with fetal head circumference and biparietal head diameter. Maternal serum levels of both CRH and cortisol correlated positively with cord blood c-peptide, glucose, and insulin. STAI trait was the best positive predictor of cord blood cortisol, glucose and c-peptide, whilst STAI state was the best positive and negative predictor, respectively of fetal abdominal circumference and fetal head circumference or biparietal diameter. Conclusions: Increased maternal chronic stress (reflected by the STAI trait score) associates with increased fetal cortisol, glucose, c-peptide secretion and thus, insulin resistance. Maternal non chronic stress (STAI state) in the 3rd trimester associates with changes in fetal growth pattern, including increased and decreased measurements of fetal abdominal and head growth respectively

    Deformation mechanisms and pseudoelastic behaviors in trilayer composite metal nanowires

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    Washington State UniversityAbdolrahim, N. et al. (2010, March 26). Deformation mechanisms and pseudoelastic behaviors in trilayer composite metal nanowires. Poster presented at the Washington State University Academic Showcase, Pullman, WA

    Dislocation-defect interactions in a-Fe

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    Research funded through the Washington State University Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, National Science Foundation, Washington State University School of Mechanical and Materials EngineeringLe, N., Mastorakos, I., and Zbib, Hussein. (2010, March 26). Dislocation-defect interactions in α-Fe. Poster presented at the Washington State University Academic Showcase, Pullman, WA

    Resistance exercise does not affect the serum concentrations of cell adhesion molecules

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    Background: Cell adhesion molecules are proteins expressed on the surface of a variety of cells and mediate the leucocyte response to inflammation. Some of these molecules are released to the plasma as soluble forms, whose presence indicates the degree of vascular endothelial activation or dysfunction. Increased concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules are thought to hamper the immune response and mediate the atherosclerotic inflammatory process. Studies on the effect of exercise on the concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules have almost exclusively used aerobic exercise. Aim: To assess the effect of resistance exercise on the serum concentrations of five cell adhesion molecules during and immediately after 30 min of exercise in lean and obese participants. Methods: Fourteen healthy young men (eight lean and six obese) performed 3 sets of 10 resistance exercises with 10-12 repetitions at 70-75% of one repetition maximum in a circuit training fashion. Venous blood samples were drawn at baseline and at the end of the first, second and third sets. The serum concentrations of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1, E-selectin, P-selectin and L-selectin were measured in a biochip array analyser. Results: No significant changes were observed in the concentrations of these cell adhesion molecules during exercise, or between lean and obese participants. Conclusion: Our data indicate that resistance exercise of moderate to high intensity does not affect the serum concentrations of cell adhesion molecules in healthy young lean or obese men, suggesting no considerable negative effect on immune function