4,126 research outputs found

    Spectral Energy Distribution Mapping of Two Elliptical Galaxies on sub-kpc scales

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    We use high-resolution Herschel-PACS data of 2 nearby elliptical galaxies, IC1459 & NGC2768 to characterize their dust and stellar content. IC1459 & NGC2768 have an unusually large amount of dust for elliptical galaxies (1-3 x 10^5 Msun), this dust is also not distributed along the stellar content. Using data from GALEX (ultraviolet) to PACS (far-infrared), we analyze the spectral energy distribution (SED) of these galaxies with CIGALEMC as a function of the projected position, binning images in 7.2" pixels. From this analysis, we derive maps of SED parameters, such as the metallicity, the stellar mass, the fraction of young star and the dust mass. The larger amount of dust in FIR maps seems related in our model to a larger fraction of young stars which can reach up to 4% in the dustier area. The young stellar population is fitted as a recent (~ 0.5 Gyr) short burst of star formation for both galaxies. The metallicities, which are fairly large at the center of both galaxies, decrease with the radial distance with fairly steep gradient for elliptical galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 26 figures, to be published in Ap

    Men and Books in fourth-century BC Athens

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    Analisi delle testimonianze relative alla circolazione e conservazione dei libri e al lavoro sui libri nell'Atene del IV secolo a.C.This paper is concerned with books as “working tools” in 4th century BC Athens and aims to collect and discuss evidence for the existence of private book collections. In this period literacy seems to have improved, the book trade to have developed and books appear to have a wider variety of functions than before. The development of new genres of prose, the establishment of schools of higher education and the search by cultural and political figures for consensus are some of the reasons that may explain the rise of a new attitude towards books, their collection and their use for intellectual purposes; there was a gradual move away from the previously accepted idea of book conservation as a kind of sacred act. The way in which 4th century authors describe people reading , working with books and writing and, at the same time, the way in which their own works are built up contain interesting clues to this cultural change and to the birth of the idea of “library” in the Greek world

    Experimental proof of the reciprocal relation between spin Peltier and spin Seebeck effects in a bulk YIG/Pt bilayer

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    We verify for the first time the reciprocal relation between the spin Peltier and spin Seebeck effects in a bulk YIG/Pt bilayer. Both experiments are performed on the same YIG/Pt device by a setup able to accurately determine heat currents and to separate the spin Peltier heat from the Joule heat background. The sample-specific value for the characteristics of both effects measured on the present YIG/Pt bilayer is (6.2 \pm 0.4)\times 10^{-3} \,\, \mbox{KA^{-1}}. In the paper we also discuss the relation of both effects with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of YIG and Pt and we envisage possible strategies to optimize spin Peltier refrigeration.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Wheel – Rail interaction based on roughness calculation

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    Rolling noise is a relevant source in railway applications. The rolling noise is generated by the contact force the wheel, and the rail, exchange each other during relative motion. The interaction force between wheel and rail is generated by their roughness. Wheel and rail surfaces are not perfectly flat, they have a lot of small micro imperfections due to usage, damages, manufacturing. The whole of these imperfection is the roughness of the two surfaces. In the following a new interaction model will be shown where the roughness in kept in account to simulate the real case application. The model, based on previously studies, is improved introducing the rail and wheel real roughness for interaction force calculation. A real case study will be kept in account for model application and its application

    On the Discrepancy between Theoretical and X-Ray Concentration-Mass Relations for Galaxy Clusters

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    [Abridged] In the past 15 years, the concentration-mass relation has been investigated diffusely in theoretical studies. On the other hand, only recently has this relation been derived from X-ray observations. When that happened, the results caused a certain level of concern: the X-ray normalizations and slopes were found significantly dissimilar from those predicted by theory. We analyzed 52 objects, simulated each time with different physical recipes for the baryonic component, as well as 60 synthetic X-ray images, to determine if these discrepancies are real or artificial. In particular, we investigate how the simulated concentration-mass relation depends (1) on the radial range used to derive the concentration, (2) on the presence of baryons in the simulations, and on the prescription used to reproduce the gas. Finally, we evaluate (3) how the results differ when adopting an X-ray approach for the analysis and (4) how the selection functions based on X-ray luminosity can impact the results. All effects studied go in the direction of alleviating the discrepancy between observations and simulations, although with different significance: while the fitting radial range and the baryonic component play only a minor role, the X-ray approach and selection function have profound repercussion on the resulting concentration-mass relation.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, ApJ in press. Significant extension of the study of the selection-function influence and more attentive treatment of errors (results unchanged

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the spin Seebeck and spin Peltier effects

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    We study the problem of magnetization and heat currents and their associated thermodynamic forces in a magnetic system by focusing on the magnetization transport in ferromagnetic insulators like YIG. The resulting theory is applied to the longitudinal spin Seebeck and the spin Peltier effects. By focusing on the specific geometry with one YIG layer and one Pt layer, we obtain the optimal conditions for generating large magnetization currents into Pt or large temperature effects in YIG. The theoretical predictions are compared with experiments from the literature permitting to derive the values of the thermomagnetic coefficients of YIG: the magnetization diffusion length lM0.4μl_M \sim 0.4 \, \mum and the absolute thermomagnetic power coefficient ϵM102\epsilon_M \sim 10^{-2} TK1^{-1}.Comment: accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect

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    In this paper we employ non equilibrium thermodynamics of fluxes and forces to describe magnetization and heat transport. By the theory we are able to identify the thermodynamic driving force of the magnetization current as the gradient of the effective field H\nabla H^*. This definition permits to define the spin Seebeck coefficient ϵM\epsilon_M which relates H\nabla H^* and the temperature gradient T\nabla T. By applying the theory to the geometry of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect we are able to obtain the optimal conditions for generating large magnetization currents. Furthermore, by using the results of recent experiments, we obtain an order of magnitude for the value of ϵM102\epsilon_{M} \sim 10^{-2} TK1^{-1} for yttrium iron garnet (Y3_3Fe5_5O12_{12}).Comment: accepted for publication on Physics Procedi

    Experimental Validation Of An Innovative Procedure For The Rolling Noise Correction

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    Among the wide contest of the train vehicles rolling noise evaluation, the aim of the paper is the development, implementation and experimental testing of a new method for roughness calculation according to FprCEN/TR 16891:2015 and the successive evaluation of the correction parameters of the measured rolling noise due to the presence of not compliant rail roughness. It is, in-fact, a very often operative condition, the execution of rolling noise tests over standard in-operation rails that are characterized by roughness profiles very different from standard one as those prescribed within the ISO 3095 procedure. Very often, this difference lead to the presence of an exceeding noise that needs to be evaluated and revised for a correct definition of the phenomena. Within the paper, the procedure implementation is presented and later on verified in operative experimental contest; forecasted and measured data are compared and successively commented

    An Innovative Procedure for the Rolling Noise Evaluation

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    Noise is often generated by pressure changes in the air induced by mechanical vibrations. The study of these phenomena is known as structural acoustics or, in a more fashionable way, virboacoustics. Vibroacoustics is the study of the mechanical waves in structures and how they interact with, and radiate into, adjacent media. In railway the most important noise source, based on fluid and structure interaction is the rolling noise. The aim of the paper is the development and implementation of a numerical method for the rail decay rate and combined roughness calculation according to the FprCEN/TR 16891:2015 and a subsequent evaluation of the excess noise level in accordance with the ISO/FDIS 3095: 2013. The tool, as a final results, will make possible the evaluation of the rail parameters without the involvement of long and expensive test campaign based on classical roughness measurement methods and will permit the compensation of the roughness induced excess noise level for a comparative comprehension of the acoustic experimental data