788 research outputs found

    Selection rules for the orbital angular momentum of optically-produced THz radiation

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    In this work we theoretically study the transduction ofthe Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM)lfor infraredpump lasers into the THz domain. In the case of opti-cal rectification, the transduction of OAM occurs onlythrough a spin-orbit interaction, with the selection ruleon the OAMl=0valid for any kind of polarizationof the pump, which means that there is no transfer ofOAM along the propagation axis. In the difference fre-quency generation the selection rule for the difference∆lbetween the OAM of the pump fields with linear orcircular polarization isl=∆l, whereaslranges from∆l−2to∆l+2in both the cases of radial and azimuthalpolarization. Moreover, for THz generation in the lat-ter case, high diffraction obtained with tightly focusedpumps yieldsltending to∆l±2, whileltends to zeroin the opposite case of large pump beam

    Thermal simulations for optical transition radiation screen for Eli-NP compton gamma source

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    The ELI-NP GBS (Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics Gamma Beam Source) is a high brightness elec-tron LINAC that is being built in Romania. The goal for this facility is to provide high luminosity gamma beam through Compton Backscattering. A train of 32 bunches at 100Hz with a nominal charge of 250pC is accelerated up to 740 MeV. Two interaction points with an IR Laser beam produces the gamma beam at different energies. In order to measure the electron beam spot size and the beam proper-ties along the train, the OTR screens must sustain the ther-mal and mechanical stress due to the energy deposited by the bunches. This paper is an ANSYS study of the issues due to the high quantity of energy transferred to the OTR screen. They will be shown different analysis, steady-state and thermal transient analysis, where the input loads will be the internal heat generation equivalent to the average power, deposited by the ELI-GBS beam in 512 ns, that is the train duration. Each analyses will be followed by the structural analysis to investigate the performance of the OTR materi

    New technology based on clamping for high gradient radio frequency photogun

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    High gradient rf photoguns have been a key development to enable several applications of high quality electron beams. They allow the generation of beams with very high peak current and low transverse emittance, satisfying the tight demands for free-electron lasers, energy recovery linacs, Compton/Thomson sources and high-energy linear colliders. In the present paper we present the design of a new rf photogun recently developed in the framework of the SPARC_LAB photoinjector activities at the laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati (LNF-INFN, Italy). This design implements several new features from the electromagnetic point of view and, more important, a novel technology for its realization that does not involve any brazing process. From the electromagnetic point of view the gun presents high mode separation, low peak surface electric field at the iris and minimized pulsed heating on the coupler. For the realization, we have implemented a novel fabrication design that, avoiding brazing, strongly reduces the cost, the realization time and the risk of failure. Details on the electromagnetic design, low power rf measurements and high power radiofrequency and beam tests performed at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) are discussed in the paper

    Variable X-ray absorption in the mini-BAL QSO PG 1126-041

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    X-ray studies of active galactic nuclei (AGN) with powerful nuclear winds are important for constraining the physics of the inner accretion/ejection flow around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and for understanding the impact of such winds on the AGN environment. Our main scientific goal is to constrain the properties of the circum-nuclear matter close to the SMBH in the mini-broad absorption line quasar (mini-BAL QSO) PG 1126-041 using a multi-epoch observational campaign with XMM-Newton. We performed temporally resolved X-ray spectroscopy and simultaneous UV and X-ray photometry on the most complete set of observations and on the deepest X-ray exposure of a mini-BAL QSO ever. We found complex X-ray spectral variability on time scales of both months and hours, which is best reproduced by means of variable massive ionized absorbers along the line of sight. As a consequence, the observed optical-to-X-ray spectral index is found to be variable with time. In the highest signal-to-noise observation we detected highly ionized X-ray absorbing material outflowing much faster (v ~ 16500 km/s) than the UV absorbing one (v ~ 5000 km/s). This highly ionized absorber is found to be variable on very short (a few kiloseconds) time scales. Our findings are qualitatively consistent with line-driven accretion disk winds scenarios. Our observations have opened the time-resolved X-ray spectral analysis field for mini-BAL QSOs. Only with future deep studies will we be able to map the dynamics of the inner flow and understand the physics of AGN winds and their impact on the environment.Comment: Replaced to match the published versio

    Performance Evaluation of a THz Pulsed Imaging System: Point Spread Function, Broadband THz Beam Visualization and Image Reconstruction

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    Terahertz (THz) technology is a promising research field for various applications in basic science and technology. In particular, THz imaging is a new field in imaging science, where theories, mathematical models and techniques for describing and assessing THz images have not completely matured yet. In this work, we investigate the performances of a broadband pulsed THz imaging system (0.2–2.5 THz). We characterize our broadband THz beam, emitted from a photoconductive antenna (PCA), and estimate its point spread function (PSF) and the corresponding spatial resolution. We provide the first, to our knowledge, 3D beam profile of THz radiation emitted from a PCA, along its propagation axis, without the using of THz cameras or profilers, showing the beam spatial intensity distribution. Finally, we evaluate the THz image formation on a test-sample composed by a regular linen natural pattern

    Efficient plasma wakefield acceleration simulations via kinetic-hydro code

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    Start-to-end simulations are needed for sensitivity stud- ies and online analysis of experimental data of the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration experiment COMB at SPARC_LAB facility, Frascati (Italy). Ad hoc tools are needed for the plasma section modeling. Particle in cell codes are the most widely used tools for this purpose, but they suffer from the considerable amount of computational resources they re- quire. We seek for a simple, portable, quick-to-run approach. For this purpose we introduce a time-explicit cylindrical hybrid fluid-kinetic code: Architect. The beam particles are treated with PIC-like kinetic approach, while the plasma wake is treated as a fluid. Since the number of computational particles used by the hybrid model is significantly reduced with respect of full PIC codes with the same number of di- mensions, the time required for a simulation is reduced as well

    Multifaceted enrichment analysis of RNA-RNA crosstalk reveals cooperating micro-societies in human colorectal cancer

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    Alterations in the balance of mRNA and microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles contribute to the onset and development of colorectal cancer. The regulatory functions of individual miRNA-gene pairs are widely acknowledged, but group effects are largely unexplored. We performed an integrative analysis of mRNA–miRNA and miRNA–miRNA interactions using high-throughput mRNA and miRNA expression profiles obtained from matched specimens of human colorectal cancer tissue and adjacent non- tumorous mucosa. This investigation resulted in a hypernetwork-based model, whose functional back- bone was fulfilled by tight micro-societies of miR- NAs. These proved to modulate several genes that are known to control a set of significantly enriched cancer-enhancer and cancer-protection biological processes, and that an array of upstream regulatory analyses demonstrated to be dependent on miR-145, a cell cycle and MAPK signalling cascade master regulator. In conclusion, we reveal miRNA-gene clusters and gene families with close functional relationships and highlight the role of miR-145 as potent upstream regulator of a complex RNA–RNA crosstalk, which mechanistically modulates several signalling path- ways and regulatory circuits that when deranged are relevant to the changes occurring in colorectal carcinogenesis
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