32 research outputs found

    A comparison of spatial outliers using different algorithms for constructing of weights system

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    EnThe aim of this work is to highlight the effects of the application of different algorithms for determinates spatial interactions and local Moran index to an economic variable regarding the value added per inhabitant

    Spatial dependence in small cooperative bank risk behavior and its effects on bank competitiveness and SMEs

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    AbstractIn this article we consider the effects of the inclusion of spatial dependence in the empirical model measuring small cooperative banks' risk performance. In the presence of cross‐sectional dependence, spatial analysis deals with co‐movement among geographical units, allowing for the evaluation of spillover effects and improving econometric models. The article makes several contributions to the literature. First, we support the hypothesis that the inclusion of spatial terms improves small bank soundness models. Second, with the Z Score used as a proxy for bank soundness, we indirectly test the impacts of relationship lending on small firms, which is a classic tool adopted by small banks to assess the creditworthiness of small firms. Third, since we control for banks' market power, we expand the literature on the relationship between bank risk and market competitive pressure. Finally, we find empirical evidence that bank size does affect the financial standing of small banks

    The Role of Metacognitions in Predicting Anxiety and Depression Levels in Cancer Patients Ongoing Chemotherapy

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    Abstract Cancer patients often have to deal with numerous side effects and psychological distress during chemotherapy. Research has shown that dysfunctional metacognitive beliefs are the basis for the development and maintenance of emotional disorders. The present research is a first attempt to explore how metacognitions influence anxiety and depression in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. A sample of 175 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy completed a demographic questionnaire, the Metacognitions Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30)and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Medical information about the stage of disease and the history of treatment was obtained. Linguistic analysis (Stansfield et al., 1992) was employed to ensure that the form had been correctly translated because the Italian form of the MCQ-30 was utilized (Quattropani, et.al, 2014) Negative beliefs, the need to control thoughts, and positive beliefs explained up to 89% of variance of anxiety in cancer patients during chemotherapy. The negative beliefs about worry and the gender explained up to 81% of variance of depression in cancer patients during chemotherapy. In fact, female gender was positively correlated with depression level of patients. The negative beliefs about worry and the need to control thoughts explained the 81% variance for the overall distress of patients during chemotherapy. In conclusion, some metacognitive factors have a crucial role both for anxiety and depression in cancer patients ongoing chemotherapy. It is suggested that the psychological intervention for cancer patients should assess such factors and try to address them in clinical practice. Statistical analysis was conducted by Massimo Mucciardi. Mary Ellen Toffle wrote the abstract, re-werote entire article, assisted in translation and wrote section 3.3.

    Clinical Efficacy and Therapeutic Alliance in a Time-Limited Group Therapy for Young Adults

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    This study evaluated the clinical efficacy of a time limited psychodynamic therapy for a group of young adult patients in terms of outcome and process. The results register a favourable outcome concerning not only the gravity of patients' initial symp-toms but also the structural personality changes and attachment style. In an exploratory perspective this study investigated the connection between the outcome of the tre-atment and therapeutic alliance measured by CALPAS-G in three different time intervals of therapy. A correlational analysis highlighted a strong connection between the Patient Commitment scale assessed at the beginning and the final outcome of the therapy. Work-ing Strategy Consensus and Group Understanding and Involvement assessed in the middle of the therapy course, show significant correlations with the final outcome of therapy

    Biokemijski i hematoloơki pokazatelji lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus, 1758.) i komarče (Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758.) u odnosu na temperaturu

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    ent farmed fish, the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758) and the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758), blood samples were collected from a total of 60 specimens of each species, reared in Sicily, in the cold (February, mean temperature 13.40 °C) and warm seasons (October, mean temperature 23.20 °C). Biochemical (glucose, lactate, cholesterol, triglycerides and total protein) and hematological (red blood cell RBC, hemoglobin concentration Hgb, hematoctit Hct, mean corpuscular volume MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCH and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration MCHC) parameters were evaluated. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for glucose, lactate, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein and RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, and MCH. This information could be useful for optimization of the husbandry practices in land-based aquaculture, and provide useful information for monitoring changes in the health status of fish.Cilj istraĆŸivanja bio je procijeniti utjecaj temperature vode na biokemijske i hematoloĆĄke pokazatelje kod dvije različite vrste farmski uzgajanih riba: lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus, 1758.) i komarče (Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758.). Ukupno 60 uzoraka krvi prikupljeno je od svake vrste, uzgajane na Siciliji, tijekom hladne (veljača, srednja temperatura 13,40 °C) i tople (listopad, srednja temperatura 23,20 °C) sezone. Analizirani su biokemijski pokazatelji (glukoza, laktat, kolesterol, trigliceridi i ukupne bjelančevine) i hematoloĆĄki pokazatelji (broj eritrocita, koncentracija hemoglobina, hematokrit, prosječni volumen eritrocita MCV, prosječni hemoglobin u eritrocitu MCH i prosječna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitu MCHC). Značajne razlike (P<0,05) zabiljeĆŸene su za glukozu, laktat, trigliceride, kolesterol i ukupne bjelančevine te za broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV i MCH. Informacije utvrđene ovim istraĆŸivanjem mogle bi biti korisne za optimalnu uzgojnu praksu u akvakulturi kao i za praćenje promjena u zdravstvenom statusu riba

    A comparison of spatial outliers using different algorithms for constructing of weights system

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    EnThe aim of this work is to highlight the effects of the application of different algorithms for determinates spatial interactions and local Moran index to an economic variable regarding the value added per inhabitant

    The impact of criminality on the riskiness of cooperative credit banks in Italy: a macro regional approach

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    In Italy, Cooperative Credit Banks (CCBs), unlike large banks, despite the economic downturn, have continued to extend credit to customers, but at the cost of a higher incidence of bad credit. This increased credit risk of local banks has been caused by management policy choices, such as preferring to modify the conditions applicable to credit supply and to engage firms in long-term credit relationships rather than initiating credit recovery procedures. The originality of this empirical analysis lies in its demonstration of the effects of environmental factors related to the spread of crime and lower economic well-being, higher unemployment and poverty in families on the credit market in Southern Italy. This correlation between the riskiness of credit for CCBs and socioeconomic variables has also been reported through the analysis of territorial differences between geographical areas. This analysis highlights a broader diffusion in this macro-region than in the North and Centre. Finally, an OLS approach with panel corrected standard error is provided for modelling the credit risk as a function of environmental factors

    L'influenza del conteso socio ambientale sulla rischiosità bancaria: un’analisi regionale per l’economia italiana

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    In questa ricerca seguendo una metodologia econometrica originale si tenta di individuare, per gli anni 2006-2013, se la rischio- sità delle banche di credito cooperativo nelle regioni del Mezzogiorno sia l’effetto, anche, di fenomeni socio-ambientali come la presenza di “criminalità” o di disagio sociale come la maggiore incidenza della “povertà”