21 research outputs found

    Granite Dust is the Possible Component of the Dry Construction Mixtures

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    This paper is devoted to research of possibility of utilization of granite dust. It is shownthat the granite dust from the crushing screenings of "Shartashskiy stone-crushed stone quarry" can be recommended as a filler for the production of dry building mixes for flooring. With the introduction of dust in the amount of 20 % by weight of cement it is possible to obtain the mortar of the class not less B12.5. Keywords: Granite dust, dust-like waste, Portland cement, polymer, modification, compressive strength, flexural strength, sand, dry mixture, mortar, compositio

    Otkivci i mogućnosti njihova ispitivanja pomoću neutronske tehnike

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    A forging process can lead to material’s micro- and nano-structure evolution, as well as production of internal residual stresses (RS). Typical fine-grained microstructures are achieved after forging at different temperatures, which are usually investigated and interpreted via conventional tests and analyses including optical, scanning and transmission of electron microscopy. The outputs from these methods can present an important lack of data, regarding basic parameters that aid comprehend and eventually predict degradation, possible fracture and lifetime. These parameters are determinable on real samples and can be supplied by neutron-based non-destructive diagnostic methods, in particular small angle neutron scattering (SANS) for micro- and nano-scale characterisation and neutron diffraction (ND) to assess internal RS. In this paper, some examples related to forged components - in particular, made of AlSi12CuNiMg alloy - are reported, concerning investigations by neutron techniques. The result can be translated directly into optimization of performances, reliability, design of operating conditions and procedures, in order to achieve a better quality of forged products.Procesom kovanja može se materijal dovesti do razvoja mikro i nano-strukture materijala, kao i razvoja unutarnjih zaostalih naprezanja. Tipična sitnozrnata mikrostruktura postiže se kovanjem na različitim temperaturama, koje se obično istražuju i objašnjavaju uobičajenim ispitivanjem i analizom uključujući optičke, skenirajuće i transmisijske elektronske metode mikroskopije. Rezultati ispitivanja ovim metodama mogu biti nedostatni za razumijevanje i predviđanje mogućeg propadanja, pojavu loma i skraćenja vijeka trajanja. Ovi parametri mogu se utvrditi na realnim uzorcima nerazornim neutronskim dijagnostičkim metodama, posebno kod malog kuta raspršavanja neutronskog snopa (SANS) za karakterizaciju po mikro i nano-skali te neutronskoj difrakciji (ND), za procjenu unutrašnjeg zaostalog naprezanja.. U ovom radu, neki primjeri se odnose na kovane komponente - osobito od AlSi12CuNiMg legure - iskazuju se, u vezi s ispitivanjem neutronskom tehnikom. Rezultati se mogu direktno optimizirati u smislu poboljšanja svojstava, pouzdanosti, modeliranja radnih uvjeta i procedure, a sve kako bi se opostigla bolja kvaliteta kovanih proizvoda

    A New Simple Method for an Efficient Organization of the Learning Process

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    The most appropriate learning results take place when the trained matter is unmistakably identified, understood and achieved by the student. An individual learning process should be developed by the trainee, in parallel, by self-inspiring and by involving his own capabilities through natural mind procedures. In addition to motivation and pertinent chances which operate as a learning means, practical suggestions gained by the authors through experience and specific studies were used to develop a new suitable method of study organization. In this article, after an introduction in which some existing methods were reviewed related to learning and study planning, a novel simple method is presented, which has been successfully experimented for years. Such an approach has proven to be valid to achieve the main purposes, i.e. learning, passing exams successfully, remembering as long as possible the technical and cultural knowledge studied and applying efficaciously the acquired wealth of knowledge in the future professional life

    Beyond Hydrogen Loading

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    While experimental and technological attention is focused on the operational methods for hydrogen loading in metals and on the observed anomalies with respect to well-established rules, we aim to remark that these methods and these consequences can be seen as a part of a more general problem. In fact, most of the experiments and deductions of material sciences are based on the assumption that space-time is flat and isotropic (Minkowskian). After discarding this assumption, a theory of Deformed Space Time (DST) was developed in the last decades. Following this theory, experimental results were obtained which are not predicted by the Standard Model. The DST-theory concerns the fundamental interactions and in particular the nuclear ones, that can play the main role in the observed anomalies. In order to consider a nuclear reaction as a DST-reaction, four main phenomenological features were deduced: occurrence of an energy threshold; change of atomic weight; absence of gamma radiation; anisotropic emission of nuclear particles in intense beams having a very short life span. From the experimental point of view, rather than looking for fortuitous events that produce the conditions for DST-reactions, more systematic research can be undertaken by following the above reported four general rules. In particular, the occurrence of a thresholds can correspond to a latency time, necessary to reach the energy density necessary to deform space-time. The absence of gamma radiation cannot be considered as a sign that nuclear reactions are not present; in fact, in absence of detected gamma radiation elements were found which were not present before the reaction. The nuclear emissions, which are anisotropic and impulsive, can be difficult to detect with the traditional methods, thus inducing incertitude on the occurring reactions. Finally, a rapid variation of energy density is an experimental common factor of DST-reactions. Thus, the DST-theory can be the leading theory in the design of the experiment and in the interpretation of its experimental results

    Feasibility study for a neutron investigation in archaeological research on Tifernum Mataurense (S. Angelo in Vado, Italy)

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    External milli-beam particle induced X-ray emission spectroscopy (PIXE), Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma Spectrometry (NIPS) and high resolution Time-Of-Flight Neutron Diffraction (TOF-ND) have been considered as non-destructive techniques to plan the investigation of 6 metallic archaeological artefacts sporadically discovered over time at the <em>Tifernum Mataurense</em> area (S. Angelo in Vado, Marche Region, Italy). The primary goal of this feasibility study is to create indications to advance the correct technological and material description of the objects providing scientific data for further and more comprehensive comparative analyses also covering the find material from the close archaeological sites. PIXE would provide quantitative analyses of major and trace elements (e.g., Fe, Pb and As) in order to recognize the constitutive alloys and to supply information on the near-surface elemental composition complementary to the data characteristic for the bulk. The neutron investigations would allow determining the bulk composition, also providing either a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the phase composition and the structural properties of the constituents, or radiographic images, finally to identify possible manufacturing techniques. The expected results would allow also achieving important information on the possible provenance, being useful also to set up a classification according to the chemical composition

    Influence of a Novel Double Tempering Process on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Alloyed Austempered Ductile Iron with Possible Nano (Micro)-Characterization Using Neutron Beam Techniques

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    In this paper, a novel method for the double heat treatment of ductile iron was applied. Ten sets of specimens (three specimens in each set) of ductile cast iron (DCI) containing 0.51% wt. Cu were prepared and converted to austenitic ductile iron. All specimens were austenitized at 850 °C for 60 min and annealed at 420 °C, 331 °C and 250 °C for 120, 68 and 30 min, respectively. Five sets of samples were then annealed at 500 °C for 60 min, creating a novel double heat treatment process for annealing. Finally, all specimens were slowly cooled in air at ambient temperature. Tensile strength, hardness and elongation were measured in all specimens to compare the specimens with and without subsequent tempering. A microstructural analysis was also performed, which showed that the microstructure changed for the specimens that were subsequently tempered with. The results show that specimens with subsequent tempering have slightly higher hardness, a small decrease in tensile strength and significantly higher elongation. In addition, specimens with subsequent tempering exhibit more uniform mechanical properties compared to specimens without subsequent tempering. The use of neutron beam techniques was proposed to further characterize the newly formed microstructure after subsequent tempering