120 research outputs found

    A strongly interacting Bose gas: Nozi\`eres and Schmitt-Rink theory and beyond

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    We calculate the critical temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas of bosonic atoms across a Feshbach resonance, and show how medium effects at negative scattering lengths give rise to pairs reminiscent of the ones responsible for fermionic superfluidity. We find that the formation of pairs leads to a large suppression of the critical temperature. Within the formalism developed by Nozieres and Schmitt-Rink the gas appears mechanically stable throughout the entire crossover region, but when interactions between pairs are taken into account we show that the gas becomes unstable close to the critical temperature. We discuss prospects of observing these effects in a gas of ultracold Cs133 atoms where recent measurements indicate that the gas may be sufficiently long-lived to explore the many-body physics around a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX. Significantly expanded to include effects beyond NS

    Twin peaks in rf spectra of Fermi gases at unitarity

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    We calculate the radio-frequency spectrum of balanced and imbalanced ultracold Fermi gases in the normal phase at unitarity. For the homogeneous case the spectrum of both the majority and minority components always has a single peak even in the pseudogap regime. We furthermore show how the double-peak structures observed in recent experiments arise due to the inhomogeneity of the trapped gas. The main experimental features observed above the critical temperature in the recent experiment of Schunck et al. [Science 316, 867, (2007)] are recovered with no fitting parameters.Comment: v3: version accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in PRA. With respect to v2, minor changes in the text and in the inset of Fig.

    Spin polarons and molecules in strongly-interacting atomic Fermi gases

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    We examine pairing and molecule formation in strongly-interacting Fermi gases, and we discuss how radio-frequency (RF) spectroscopy can reveal these features. For the balanced case, the emergence of stable molecules in the BEC regime results in a two-peak structure in the RF spectrum with clearly visible medium effects on the low-energy part of the molecular wavefunction. For the highly-imbalanced case, we show the existence of a well-defined quasiparticle (a spin polaron) on both sides of the Feshbach resonance, we evaluate its lifetime, and we illustrate how its energy may be measured by RF spectroscopy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Revised version accepted for publication: minor changes to Fig. 2 (added inset with the chemical potential at unitarity), to Fig. 3 (experimental data updated), and to the notatio

    A Hybrid Lagrangian Variation Method for Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices

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    Solving the Gross--Pitaevskii (GP) equation describing a Bose--Einstein condensate (BEC) immersed in an optical lattice potential can be a numerically demanding task. We present a variational technique for providing fast, accurate solutions of the GP equation for systems where the external potential exhibits rapid varation along one spatial direction. Examples of such systems include a BEC subjected to a one--dimensional optical lattice or a Bragg pulse. This variational method is a hybrid form of the Lagrangian Variational Method for the GP equation in which a hybrid trial wavefunction assumes a gaussian form in two coordinates while being totally unspecified in the third coordinate. The resulting equations of motion consist of a quasi--one--dimensional GP equation coupled to ordinary differential equations for the widths of the transverse gaussians. We use this method to investigate how an optical lattice can be used to move a condensate non--adiabatically.Comment: 16 pages and 1 figur

    Feshbach Resonances and Medium Effects in ultracold atomic Gases

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    We develop an effective low energy theory for multi-channel scattering of cold atomic alkali atoms with particular focus on Feshbach resonances. The scattering matrix is expressed in terms of observables only and the theory allows for the inclusion of many-body effects both in the open and in the closed channels. We then consider the frequency and damping of collective modes for Fermi gases and demonstrate how medium effects significantly increase the scattering rate determining the nature of the modes. Our results obtained with no fitting parameters are shown to compare well with experimental data.Comment: Presented at the 5th workshop on Critical Stability, Erice, Italy 13-17 October 2008. 8 pages, 3 figures. Figure caption correcte

    Topological superfluids on a lattice with non-Abelian gauge fields

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    Two-component fermionic superfluids on a lattice with an external non-Abelian gauge field give access to a variety of topological phases in presence of a sufficiently large spin imbalance. We address here the important issue of superfluidity breakdown induced by spin imbalance by a self-consistent calculation of the pairing gap, showing which of the predicted phases will be experimentally accessible. We present the full topological phase diagram, and we analyze the connection between Chern numbers and the existence of topologically protected and non-protected edge modes. The Chern numbers are calculated via a very efficient and simple method.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Atomic wave packet dynamics in finite time-dependent optical lattices

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    Atomic wave packets in optical lattices which are both spatially finite and time-dependent exhibit many striking similarities with light pulses in photonic crystals. We analytically characterize the transmission properties of such a potential geometry for an ideal gas in terms of a position-dependent band structure. In particular, we find that at specific energies, wave packets at the center of the finite lattice may be enclosed by pairs of band gaps. These act as mirrors between which the atomic wave packet is reflected, thereby effectively yielding a matter wave cavity. We show that long trapping times may be obtained in such a resonator and investigate the collapse and revival dynamics of the atomic wave packet by numerical evaluation of the Schr\"odinger equation

    Repulsive polarons and itinerant ferromagnetism in strongly polarized Fermi gases

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    We analyze the properties of a single impurity immersed in a Fermi sea. At positive energy and scattering lengths, we show that the system possesses a well-defined but metastable excitation, the repulsive polaron, and we calculate its energy, quasiparticle residue and effective mass. From a thermodynamic argument we obtain the number of particles in the dressing cloud, illustrating the repulsive character of the polaron. Identifying the important 2- and 3-body decay channels, we furthermore calculate the lifetime of the repulsive polaron. The stability conditions for the formation of fully spin polarized (ferromagnetic) domains are then examined for a binary mixture of atoms with a general mass ratio. Our results indicate that mass imbalance lowers the critical interaction strength for phase-separation, but that very short quasiparticle decay times will complicate the experimental observation of itinerant ferromagnetism. Finally, we present the spectral function of the impurity for various coupling strengths and momenta.Comment: Substantial improvements to the section describing quasiparticle decays (included a discussion of two-body and three-body processes), and to the criteria for the stability of the itinerant ferromagnetic phas

    The Toxicity of a Mutant Prion Protein Is Cell-Autonomous, and Can Be Suppressed by Wild-Type Prion Protein on Adjacent Cells

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    Insight into the normal function of PrPC, and how it can be subverted to produce neurotoxic effects, is provided by PrP molecules carrying deletions encompassing the conserved central region. The most neurotoxic of these mutants, Δ105–125 (called ΔCR), produces a spontaneous neurodegenerative illness when expressed in transgenic mice, and this phenotype can be dose-dependently suppressed by co-expression of wild-type PrP. Whether the toxic activity of ΔCR PrP and the protective activity or wild-type PrP are cell-autonomous, or can be exerted on neighboring cells, is unknown. To investigate this question, we have utilized co-cultures of differentiated neural stem cells derived from mice expressing ΔCR or wild-type PrP. Cells from the two kinds of mice, which are marked by the presence or absence of GFP, are differentiated together to yield neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. As a surrogate read-out of ΔCR PrP toxicity, we assayed sensitivity of the cells to the cationic antibiotic, Zeocin. In a previous study, we reported that cells expressing ΔCR PrP are hypersensitive to the toxic effects of several cationic antibiotics, an effect that is suppressed by co-expression of wild type PrP, similar to the rescue of the neurodegenerative phenotype observed in transgenic mice. Using this system, we find that while ΔCR-dependent toxicity is cell-autonomous, the rescuing activity of wild-type PrP can be exerted in trans from nearby cells. These results provide important insights into how ΔCR PrP subverts a normal physiological function of PrPC, and the cellular mechanisms underlying the rescuing process

    Spin effects in Bose-Glass phases

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    We study the mechanism of formation of Bose glass (BG) phases in the spin-1 Bose Hubbard model when diagonal disorder is introduced. To this aim, we analyze first the phase diagram in the zero-hopping limit, there disorder induces superposition between Mott insulator (MI) phases with different filling numbers. Then BG appears as a compressible but still insulating phase. The phase diagram for finite hopping is also calculated with the Gutzwiller approximation. The bosons' spin degree of freedom introduces another scattering channel in the two-body interaction modifying the stability of MI regions with respect to the action of disorder. This leads to some peculiar phenomena such as the creation of BG of singlets, for very strong spin correlation, or the disappearance of BG phase in some particular cases where fluctuations are not able to mix different MI regions
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