1,036 research outputs found

    Spurious free dynamic range for a digitizing array

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    The paper addresses the problem of improving the spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) for digitization by use of sensor arrays. Nonlinearities in the analog-to-digital conversion process give rise to spurious signals (harmonics and intermodulation products) that limit the overall SFDR of the digitization process. When the signal of interest arises from a sensor, such as an antenna or hydrophone, the paper addresses the question of whether array processing (i.e., use of multiple sensors) can improve the resulting SFDR at the beamformer output. The paper argues that significant improvements can be obtained using linear, or more effectively, optimal (minimum variance distortionless response) beamforming.White, L.B.; Feng Rice and Angus Massi


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    Kampung Tubir adalah salah satu daerah yang terletak di Kelurahan Paal 2 Kota Manado yang merupakan daerah yang sering terjadi genangan. Di beberapa ruas jalan ternyata tidak memiliki saluran, sehingga mengakibatkan adanya genangan air. Oleh Karena itu perlu dibuat saluran untuk menangani genangan air tersebut. Selain itu, saluran existing di lokasi penelitian tidak terhubung dengan outlet  sehingga perlu adanya penambahan saluran agar terhubung dengan outlet. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan obsrevasi langsung di lapangan untuk mengetahui penyebab permasalahan genangan di daerah tersebut. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data curah hujan yang kemudian dilakukan analisis hidrologi dalam hal ini melakukan uji outlier untuk mengetahui apakah ada data yang outlier. Data yang terkoreksi akan digunakan dalam menghitung parameter statistik, untuk menentukan jenis sebaran yang akan digunakan. Berdasarkan parameter statistik, kemungkinan data mengikuti tipe sebaran Log Pearson III dan diperoleh hujan rencana sebesar 213.8 mm yang digunakan untuk menghitung debit rencana. Serta dilakukan analisis hidrolika untuk mendapatkan dimensi hidrolis saluran yang mampu mengakomodir debit rencana. Dari hasil analisis terdapat 4 ruas saluran eksisting (S1-2, S3-2, S6-7, S10-11) dimana 2 ruas saluran eksisting (S1-2 dan S10-11) sudah tidak memenuhi kapasitas, sehingga dilakukan perubahan dimensi saluran dan penambahan 3 ruas saluran (S4-5, S7-8 dan S8-9). Dibeberapa titik (2-7, 5-10 dan 9-11) tidak terdapat gorong-gorong, sehingga direkomendasikan penambahan 3 buah gorong-gorong (G2-7, G5-10 dan G9-11), serta saluran menuju outlet (S11-12). Kata kunci :Genangan, Analisis Hidrologi, Analisis Hidrolik


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran perempuan pedagang buah lokal di Pasar Mardika Kota Ambon.  Populasi penelitian ini adalah perempuan pedagang buah lokal di Pasar Mardika yang berjumlah 34 orang. Sampel ditentukan secara sengaja sebanyak 10 pedagang perempuan buah lokal di Pasar Mardika. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yang dipaparkan secara deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu sebuah pendekatan terhadap sesuatu perilaku, fenomena, peristiwa, masalah atau keadaan tertentu yang menjadi object penyelidikan yang hasil temuannya berupa uraian kalimat bermakna yang menjelaskan pemahaman mengenai peran perempuan pedagang buah lokal di Pasar Mardika. Hasil penelitian menyimpukan bahwa, Adapun motivasi perempuan bekerja adalah untuk menambah penghasilan guna menutupi kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang belum terpenuhi. Akan tetapi hal ini tampaknya bukan satu-satunya solusi tepat. Disatu sisi memang pendapatan rumah tangga meningkat, tetapi disisi lain kebutuhanpun semakin bertambah pula. Akibatnya perempuan harus melakukan beberapa strategi untuk mengelola keuangan rumah tangga, baik itu dengan cara mengendalikan tingkat pengeluaran rumah tangga, memanfaatkan pendapatan untuk menabung dan investasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang akan datang, atau jika terpaksa memanfaatkan jaringan social untuk menambal sulam kebutuhan rumahtangga. Kata Kunci: peran, perempuan, pedagang buah lokal, studi kasus, pasar mardik

    Recent Advances in Pediatric Allergy

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    Evidence has been presented to indicate that atopic disease is not limited to man but occurs in subhuman primates. The genetic transmission of allergy may relate to altered membrane permeability or an enzymatic defect, with inability to handle certain N-glycosidic protein-sugar linkages occurring in the atopens of nature. The suggestion that an infectious agent transmits allergic disease has been examined. Finally, in vitro and animal experimental models of anaphylaxis closely akin to atopy and the effects of manipulation of the autonomic nervous system in laboratory animals and man have been discussed

    STAT1 activation in association with JAK2 exon 12 mutations

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    La inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la actividad jurisdiccional es una demanda sostenida de los colectivos feministas y de mujeres, dado que las sentencias tienen un poder performativo y envían un mensaje a la sociedad: “[…] tienen un poder individual y colectivo que impactan en la vida de las personas y conforman la identidad del poder judicial como un actor imprescindible en la construcción de un Estado democrático de derecho” (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, 2013:7). La incorporación de la perspectiva de género viene a garantizar la igualdad de posiciones (Kessler, 2014) entre mujeres y varones como una meta, trascendiendo la mera igualdad de oportunidades que hasta el presente se ha demostrado insuficiente para que las mujeres consigamos una ciudadanía plena. Al momento de incorporar la perspectiva de género en las sentencias, quienes juzgan deben tener presente en primer lugar, el impacto diferenciado de las normas en base al sexo de las personas. En segundo lugar, la interpretación y aplicación de las leyes en relación con (y en base a) estereotipos de género. Si, por ejemplo, quienes imparten justicia no tienen presentes los estereotipos de género vigentes detrás de las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las mujeres, si no los detectan ni cuestionan, entonces los reproducen. Tal como sostiene Scott (1996) el género es una categoría imprescindible para el análisis social. En tercer lugar, al momento del juzgamiento, se deben tener en cuenta las exclusiones legitimadas por la ley por pensar el mundo en términos binarios y androcéntricos; en cuarto lugar, la distribución no equitativa de recursos y poder que opera entre varones y mujeres en el marco de una organización social patriarcal, y, por último, el trato diferenciado por género legitimado por las propias leyes.Eje 3: Tramas violentas y espacios de exclusión.Instituto de Cultura Jurídic


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    ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EDUCATOR WITH EXTENSION IN THE DISTRICT MINAHASA. Extension workers has a strategic role in improving the welfare of farmers / ranchers. One of the factors that influence the success of the extension duties is the state socio-economic background or socio-economic characteristics of each extension. However, the extent of the relationship between socioeconomic characteristics with the implementation of the extension in Minahasa unknown. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of these characteristics with the execution of tasks with good extension. This study uses survey data collection on respondents extension and analyzed descriptively. The collected data are presented in tables cross between variables (education and experience) were observed and analyzed by looking at the distribution Trends. The results showed that the factor of higher education Bachelor (S1) tend to be better than not on the Bachelor in execution of duty. On the other hand experience of long-serving and who have served a long time showed relatively recent trend duty (< 20 years) is better than the longtime (> 20 years). As a conclusion that the social and economic characteristics based on the educational background related to the implementation of the tasks. The higher the education the better performance of its duties educator.   Keywords: Characteristics , Social Economy, Duties , Extensio

    Collaborative Livelihood Strategy: A Reflection of Social Network in Economic Activity (Case Study in Small Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesian)

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    Research was aimed to analyze the existence of household livelihood strategy and to identify agreements constituting livelihood strategy adopted by households in small island community. Data were collected from questionnaire given to 200 respondents who lived in five small islands, such as Ambon Island, Saparua Island, Gorom Island, Selaru Island, and Kisar Island. Respondents were selected with simple random sampling. Depth interview was also conducted with key informant in each island to verify questionnaire data. Some findings were then obtained. It was found that 83.5% respondents have built social network based on kinship, while 38.5% created network based on friendship and 48% was based on neighborhood. Agreement in network may take few forms such as borrow-lend activity (63%), output marketing (59.5%), and using farming output as collateral (42%). Therefore, it was concluded that kinship is the most influential base underlying the economic activity of community in small islands

    Heritable Variation in Garter Snake Color Patterns in Postglacial Populations

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    Global climate change is expected to trigger northward shifts in the ranges of natural populations of plants and animals, with subsequent effects on intraspecific genetic diversity. Investigating how genetic diversity is patterned among populations that arose following the last Ice Age is a promising method for understanding the potential future effects of climate change. Theoretical and empirical work has suggested that overall genetic diversity can decrease in colonial populations following rapid expansion into postglacial landscapes, with potential negative effects on the ability of populations to adapt to new environmental regimes. The crucial measure of this genetic variation and a population's overall adaptability is the heritable variation in phenotypic traits, as it is this variation that mediates the rate and direction of a population's multigenerational response to selection. Using two large full-sib quantitative genetic studies (NManitoba = 144; NSouth Dakota = 653) and a smaller phenotypic analysis from Kansas (NKansas = 44), we compared mean levels of pigmentation, genetic variation and heritability in three pigmentation traits among populations of the common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, along a north-south gradient, including a postglacial northern population and a putative southern refuge population. Counter to our expectations, we found that genetic variance and heritability for the three pigmentation traits were the same or higher in the postglacial population than in the southern population