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    ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EDUCATOR WITH EXTENSION IN THE DISTRICT MINAHASA. Extension workers has a strategic role in improving the welfare of farmers / ranchers. One of the factors that influence the success of the extension duties is the state socio-economic background or socio-economic characteristics of each extension. However, the extent of the relationship between socioeconomic characteristics with the implementation of the extension in Minahasa unknown. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of these characteristics with the execution of tasks with good extension. This study uses survey data collection on respondents extension and analyzed descriptively. The collected data are presented in tables cross between variables (education and experience) were observed and analyzed by looking at the distribution Trends. The results showed that the factor of higher education Bachelor (S1) tend to be better than not on the Bachelor in execution of duty. On the other hand experience of long-serving and who have served a long time showed relatively recent trend duty (< 20 years) is better than the longtime (> 20 years). As a conclusion that the social and economic characteristics based on the educational background related to the implementation of the tasks. The higher the education the better performance of its duties educator.   Keywords: Characteristics , Social Economy, Duties , Extensio

    Thermal emission spectroscopy of the middle atmosphere

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    The general objective of this research is to obtain, via remote sensing, simultaneous measurements of the vertical distributions of stratospheric temperature, ozone, and trace constituents that participate in the catalytic destruction of ozone (NO(sub y): NO, NO2, NO3, HNO3, ClONO2, N2O5, HNO4; Cl(sub x): HOCl), and the source gases for the catalytic cycles (H2O, CH4, N2O, CF2Cl2, CFCl3, CCl4, CH3Cl, CHF2Cl, etc.). Data are collected during a complete diurnal cycle in order to test our present understanding of ozone chemistry and its associate catalytic cycles. The instrumentation employed is an emission-mode, balloon-borne, liquid-nitrogen-cooled Michelson interferometer-spectrometer (SIRIS), covering the mid-infrared range with a spectral resolution of 0.020 cm(exp -1). Cryogenic cooling combined with the use of extrinsic silicon photoconductor detectors allows the detection of weak emission features of stratospheric gaseous species. Vertical distributions of these species are inferred from scans of the thermal emission of the limb in a sequence of elevation angles. The fourth SIRIS balloon flight was carried out from Palestine, Texas on September 15-16, 1986 with 9 hours of nighttime data (40 km). High quality data with spectral resolution 0.022 cm(exp -1), were obtained for numerous limb sequences. Fifteen stratospheric species have been identified to date from this flight: five species from the NO(sub y) family (HNO3, NO2, NO, ClONO2, N2O5), plus CO2, O3, H2O, N2O, CH4, CCl3F, CCl2F2, CHF2Cl, CF4, and CCl4. The nighttime values of N2O5, ClONO2, and total odd nitrogen have been measured for the first time, and compared to model results. Analysis of the diurnal variation of N2O5 within the 1984 and 1986 data sets, and of the 1984 ClONO2 measurements, were presented in the literature. The demonstrated ability of SIRIS to measure all the major NO(sub y) species, and therefore to determine the partitioning of the nitrogen family over a continuous diurnal cycle, is a powerful tool in the verification and improvement of photochemical modeling

    Differences Between Primary Care Physicians and Cardiologists in Management of Congestive Heart Failure: Relation to Practice Guidelines 11This work was supported in part by unrestricted grants from Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Princeton, New Jersey; Burroughs Wellcome Co., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; Merck & Co., West Point, Pennsylvania; and the Department of Veterans Affairs Research Service.22All editorial decisions for this article, including selection of referees, were made by a Guest Editor. This policy applies to all articles with authors from the University of California in San Francisco.

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    AbstractObjectives. This study was designed to characterize physician practices in the management of congestive heart failure (CHF) and to determine whether these practices vary by specialty and how they relate to guideline recommendations.Background. Congestive heart failure is responsible for considerable mortality, morbidity and health care resource utilization. Although there have been important advances in the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of CHF, little information is available on physician practices in this area.Methods. We surveyed physicians concerning their management of patients with CHF. The results were analyzed in multivariate models to determine the relation of diagnostic and treatment approaches to physician specialty, time since training, board certification and volume of patients with CHF. Surveys were sent to a sample of 2,250 family and general practitioners (FP/GPs), internists and cardiologists. Responses were examined in relation to guidelines issued by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research that had been released 9 months previously.Results. Significant differences were found between physician groups with regard to each of the major guideline recommendations. For example, routine evaluation of left ventricular function, a point of emphasis in the guideline, is performed by 87% of cardiologists, but by only 77% of internists and 63% of FP/GPs (p < 0.001 between groups). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were used by cardiologists, internists and FP/GPs in 80%, 71% and 60% of patients with mild to moderate CHF, respectively (p < 0.001 between groups). Larger differences were reported in the prescribed dosages of these drugs and their use in patients with renal dysfunction.Conclusions. Cardiologists report practices more in conformity with published guidelines for CHF than do internists and FP/GPs. Because of the large numbers of patients with CHF and their substantial mortality, morbidity and cost of care, these differences may have a major impact on outcomes and health care costs

    STAT1 activation in association with JAK2 exon 12 mutations

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    La inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la actividad jurisdiccional es una demanda sostenida de los colectivos feministas y de mujeres, dado que las sentencias tienen un poder performativo y envían un mensaje a la sociedad: “[…] tienen un poder individual y colectivo que impactan en la vida de las personas y conforman la identidad del poder judicial como un actor imprescindible en la construcción de un Estado democrático de derecho” (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, 2013:7). La incorporación de la perspectiva de género viene a garantizar la igualdad de posiciones (Kessler, 2014) entre mujeres y varones como una meta, trascendiendo la mera igualdad de oportunidades que hasta el presente se ha demostrado insuficiente para que las mujeres consigamos una ciudadanía plena. Al momento de incorporar la perspectiva de género en las sentencias, quienes juzgan deben tener presente en primer lugar, el impacto diferenciado de las normas en base al sexo de las personas. En segundo lugar, la interpretación y aplicación de las leyes en relación con (y en base a) estereotipos de género. Si, por ejemplo, quienes imparten justicia no tienen presentes los estereotipos de género vigentes detrás de las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las mujeres, si no los detectan ni cuestionan, entonces los reproducen. Tal como sostiene Scott (1996) el género es una categoría imprescindible para el análisis social. En tercer lugar, al momento del juzgamiento, se deben tener en cuenta las exclusiones legitimadas por la ley por pensar el mundo en términos binarios y androcéntricos; en cuarto lugar, la distribución no equitativa de recursos y poder que opera entre varones y mujeres en el marco de una organización social patriarcal, y, por último, el trato diferenciado por género legitimado por las propias leyes.Eje 3: Tramas violentas y espacios de exclusión.Instituto de Cultura Jurídic

    Recipient age and outcome after pancreas transplantation:a retrospective dual-center analysis

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    With a later onset of diabetes complications and thus increasing age of transplant candidates, many centers have extended upper age limits for pancreas transplantation. This study investigates the effect of recipient and donor age on outcomes after pancreas transplantation.We retrospectively analyzed 565 pancreas transplants performed at two Eurotransplant centers. The cohort was split at a recipient and donor age of 50 and 40 years, respectively. Median recipient age in old patients (≥50 years; 27.2%) was 54 years and 40 years in young patients (<50 years). Compared to young recipients, old recipients had an inferior patient survival rate (≥50: 5yr, 82.8%; 10yr, 65.6%; <50: 5yr, 93.3%; 10yr, 82.0%; P < 0.0001). Old recipients demonstrated comparable death-censored pancreas (≥50: 1yr, 80.6%; 5yr, 70.2%; <50: 1yr, 87.3%; 5yr, 77.8%; P = 0.35) and kidney graft survival (≥50: 1yr, 97.4%; 5yr, 90.6%; <50: 1yr, 97.8%; 5yr, 90.2%; P = 0.53) compared to young recipients. Besides a lower rate of kidney rejection, similar relative risks for postoperative complications were detected in old and young patients. This study shows that despite an increased mortality in old recipients, excellent graft survival can be achieved similar to that of young patients. Age alone should not exclude patients from receiving a pancreas transplant

    GMP Cryopreservation of Large Volumes of Cells for Regenerative Medicine: Active Control of the Freezing Process.

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    Cryopreservation protocols are increasingly required in regenerative medicine applications but must deliver functional products at clinical scale and comply with Good Manufacturing Process (GMP). Whilst GMP cryopreservation is achievable on a small scale using a Stirling cryocooler-based controlled rate freezer (EF600), successful large scale GMP cryopreservation is more challenging due to heat transfer issues and control of ice nucleation, both complex events which impact on success. We have developed a large scale cryocooler based CRF (VIA Freeze) which can process larger volumes and have evaluated it using alginate encapsulated liver cell (HepG2) spheroids (ELS). It is anticipated that ELS will comprise the cellular component of a bioartificial liver and will be required in volumes of approximately 2L for clinical use. Sample temperatures and Stirling cryocoolerpower consumption were recorded throughout cooling runs for both small (500ul) and large (200ml) volume samples. ELS recoveries were assessed using viability (FDA/PI staining with image analysis), cell number (nuclei count) and function (protein secretion), along with cryo-SEM and freeze substitution techniques to identify possible injury mechanisms. Slow cooling profiles were successfully applied to samples in both the EF600 and the VIA Freeze, and a number of cooling and warming profiles were evaluated. An optimised cooling protocolwith a non-linear cooling profile from ice nucleation to -60ºCwas implemented in both the EF600 and VIA Freeze. In the VIA Freeze the nucleation of ice is detected by the control software, allowing both non-invasive detection of the nucleation event for quality control (QC) purposes and the potential to modify the cooling profile following ice nucleation in an active manner. When processing 200ml of ELS in the VIA Freeze - viabilities at 93.4+/-7.4%, viable cell numbers at 14.3+/-1.7 million nuclei/ml alginate and protein secretion at 10.5+/-1.7 ug/ml/24h were obtained which, compared well with control ELS (viability - 98.1+/- 0.9%; viable cell numbers - 18.3+/-1.0 million nuclei/ml alginate, protein secretion- 18.7+/-1.8 ug/ml/24h). Large volume GMP cryopreservation of ELS is possible with good functional recovery using the VIA Freeze and may also be applied to other regenerative medicine applications