179 research outputs found

    Quand le militantisme s'adapte au terrain:Continuités et discontinuités dans les carriÚres militantes au sein du mouvement aléviste en Turquie et en Allemagne

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    Les diffĂ©rences de stratĂ©gies et d’actions d’un mouvement transnational sont souvent conçues en termes de ressources ou de structures des opportunitĂ©s politiques dans chaque contexte national. Cet article dĂ©fend l’idĂ©e selon laquelle les trajectoires contrastĂ©es des militants investis dans les espaces en question peuvent Ă©galement jouer un rĂŽle. Il analyse dans cette perspective les carriĂšres des entrepreneurs du mouvement alĂ©viste en Turquie et en Allemagne. Ayant connu des socialisations politiques et des types de reconversion en partie divergents, ces derniers ont investi dans leur engagement alĂ©viste des compĂ©tences diffĂ©renciĂ©es qui peuvent ĂȘtre mises en relation avec les dĂ©veloppements contrastĂ©s qu’a connus le mouvement. La prise en compte des trajectoires militantes, elles-mĂȘmes liĂ©es aux « offres politiques » accessibles selon les contextes et les ressources des acteurs engagĂ©s, enrichit les lectures en termes d’opportunitĂ©s politiques : elle permet de sociologiser l’influence des contextes sur les mouvements, et de rĂ©intĂ©grer la sociologie interne des organisations, souvent nĂ©gligĂ©e dans l’étude des mouvements transnationaux.Differences in the strategies and actions of transnational movements are often conceived of in terms of the resources and political opportunity structures within each national context. This article claims that the diverging trajectories of activists in these spaces can also play a crucial role, and to this end analyses the partly divergent political socializations and trajectories of the leaders of the Alevist movement in both Turkey and Germany. The competences they brought to Alevist activism were various in form, something which can be related to the divergent developments of the movement. By taking into account the activists’ trajectories – which are related to the “political offers” available within a given context as well as being dependent on the resources of those involved – it is possible to enrich the interpretation in terms of political opportunities. It also makes it possible to sociologize the influence contexts have on movements, and more broadly to integrate the sociology internal to organizations, a dimension which is often overlooked in studies of transnational movements

    Post-hérité:Un retour du patronyme en Turquie contemporaine ?

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    La rĂ©forme du nom de 1934 en Turquie, qui instaure l’obligation du nom de famille, est souvent lue comme l’imposition par les institutions Ă  tous les citoyens d’une dĂ©nomination uniforme, dans une logique d’identification et d’encadrement de la population. Cependant, cette rĂ©forme n’instaure pas le principe de l’immutabilitĂ© du nom. À partir de l’analyse des changements de nom de famille intervenus ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, l’article propose une lecture renouvelĂ©e des pratiques d’ (auto-) nomination et des interactions entre État et sociĂ©tĂ© qui se nouent autour d’elles, lecture qui met au centre les choix onomastiques des individus. En effet, le cadre lĂ©gal du changement de nom de famille est libĂ©ral, s’appuyant sur le principe de non-prĂ©judiciabilitĂ© du nom pour son porteur ; en outre, certaines brĂšches juridiques permettent de justifier lĂ©galement une grande partie des demandes de changement de nom. Ce cadre libĂ©ral s’assortit d’une pratique large et d’usages variĂ©s du droit de chaque citoyen Ă  se renommer, qui vont parfois Ă  l’encontre de la fonction identificatrice du nom de famille. L’article s’attarde sur un type rĂ©pandu de changement de nom – l’adoption tardive de noms terminant en -oglu, « fils de », pourtant largement dĂ©laissĂ©s en 1934 – comme rĂ©vĂ©lateur de logiques que la loi avait voulu Ă©vacuer : la tendance Ă  marquer la distinction par le nom, mais aussi Ă  investir le registre de l’ancestralitĂ© (rĂ©elle ou imaginĂ©e).The 1934 surname reform in Turkey made the adoption of a surname mandatory. It is widely considered as the imposition by state institutions of a uniform naming pattern to every citizen in order to better identify and control the people. However, this reform does not imply the principle of immutability of surnames. By analyzing surname changes in the last decades, this paper suggests a reinterpretation of (re-) naming practices and the State-society interactions that happen around them that focuses on individual onomastic choices. The legal framework of surname change is liberal and rests on the principle that the surname should not harm its bearer. Besides, some juridical breaches make it possible to legally legitimize most surname change requests. As a matter of fact, surname change is widely practiced, and its social uses are diverse—sometimes even at the expense of the very function of the surname as an identifier. The paper focuses on one widespread type of surname change: the late adoption of surnames ending in -o?lu (“son of”), that were often abandoned in 1934, though. This tendency reveals dynamics that the name reform wanted to curb: the trend to stress both distinction through surnames and ancestry (be it real or imagined)

    RĂ©pression et changement des formes de militantisme :CarriĂšres de remobilisation Ă  gauche aprĂšs 1980 en Turquie

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    Pour interroger les effets de la rĂ©pression sur l’engagement, cet article analyse un type de trajectoire militante ‘post-rĂ©pression’ : d’anciens militants de gauche devenus, aprĂšs 1980, cadres alĂ©vistes. L’originalitĂ© de ces trajectoires est leur caractĂšre ‘mĂ©dian’ : ni dĂ©sengagement, ni radicalisation mais rĂ©engagement, pour d’autres causes et sous d’autres formes moins contestataires, impliquant de multiples reconversions. La rĂ©pression de 1980 a eu des consĂ©quences sur les trajectoires individuelles – avec ceci de particulier qu’elle n’a ici pas remis en cause l’accumulation de ressources dans d’autres sphĂšres, en particulier professionnelle. Mais elle a Ă©galement eu des consĂ©quences sur l’évolution de l’offre politique, les contraintes de l’action collective et les conditions de militance, autant de facteurs qui ont contraint les formes de reconversion de savoir-faire et de valeurs prĂ©cĂ©demment acquises. Cette carriĂšre-type permet ainsi de cerner certains ‘effets productifs’ de la rĂ©pression sur les modalitĂ©s de l’action militante.This article addresses the consequences of repression on activism. In order to do so, it analyses a type of ‘post-repression’ militant career: former leftist activists having become Alevist leaders in post-1980 Turkey. These trajectories fall somewhere between mere withdrawal from politics and radicalization. They are about post-repression reinvolvement, for other causes and with other, less oppositional, means - and involve multiple reconversions. The 1980 coup repression has impacted individual trajectories, without however, in this case, endangering the accumulation of resources in other spheres, especially in the professional realm. But it also had consequences on the development of political offer, the constraints of collective action and the conditions of activism. All those factors have shaped the ways those individuals could reconvert, or not, activist know-how, competences and values they had acquired previously. Analysing this type of career makes it possible to better understand some of the ‘productive effects’ of repression on patterns of activism

    A Decade of AKP Power in Turkey:Towards a Reconfiguration of Modes of Government?

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    The Justice and Development Party (JDP) has been in power in Turkey since 2002, consolidating its electoral support among an array of social groups ranging from broad appeal among the popular classes to business leaders and a growing middle class. The success of the JDP is a consequence of the manner in which the party inserted itself into certain economic and social sectors. While the party has internalized the principles of reducing the public sphere and outsourcing to the private sector, it has not restricted the reach of government intervention. On the contrary, it has become increasingly involved in certain sectors, including social policy and housing. It has managed this through an indirect approach that relies on intermediaries and private allies such as the businesses and associations that is has encouraged. In this way, the JDP has developed and systematized modes of redistribution that involve the participation of conservative businessmen who benefit from their proximity to the decision-makers, charitable organizations, and underprivileged social groups. These public policies have reconfigured different social sectors in a way that has strengthened the Party’s influence

    La judiciarisation contrastĂ©e de la question alĂ©vie:De la Turquie Ă  l’Europe

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    La judiciarisation de la question alĂ©vie dans trois espaces – en Turquie, en Allemagne oĂč sont installĂ©s de nombreux migrants alĂ©vis, et Ă  la CEDH – montre l’absence de globalisation judiciaire, dĂ©finie comme standardisation des doctrines, jurisprudences, et rĂ©seaux d’acteurs Ă  l’échelle internationale. Dans chaque contexte, les recours judiciaires se font par des acteurs et pour des raisons diffĂ©rentes, et aboutissent Ă  des dĂ©cisions diffĂ©renciĂ©es. En revanche, on observe des circulations et des jeux complexes de renvois entre les niveaux mobilisĂ©s. La gestion des relations entre État et religion s’en voit reconfigurĂ©e : les cadres normatifs et la jurisprudence associĂ©s au champ transnational des droits de l’Homme mais aussi Ă  des droits acquis dans d’autres contextes nationaux offrent des opportunitĂ©s pour les revendications de minoritĂ©s religieuses, tout en contraignant leur articulation dans le champ judiciaire.The judicialization of the Alevi issue in three judicial spaces – Turkey, Germany where numerous Alevis have settled, and the ECHR – shows that there is no judicial globalization, defined as a standardization of doctrines, case law, and networks of actors on an international scale. In each context, courts are mobilized by various actors and for different reasons, and lead to various decisions. However, there are circulations and a complex play of cross references between those levels. This, in turn, impacts the way state-religion relationships are negotiated : the normative framework and case law linked to the transnational field of human rights but also to rights obtained in other national contexts provide opportunities for demands by religious minorities, while also shaping the way they can be claimed for in the judicial field

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    Differences in role orientation among Turkish MPs

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    Like in many countries, MPs in Turkey are confronted with contradictory role expectations. However, in a context characterized by high turnover, there seems to be no strong standardization of role learning, neither through the main ways of transmission of political roles (party and elected offices) nor through the professionalisation of legislative activity. This statement makes it even more important to take into account each individual’s extra-parliamentary experience to understand how the MP role-set is interpreted. The basic assumption is that the way individual MPs invest the role-set is shaped mainly by the resources at their disposal. The qualitative analysis of a limited number of selected cases, resting on observation and in-depth interviews, tends to show that the main factor affecting Turkish MPs’ role orientation is their relation with the party. Non-parliamentary (especially professional) skills and relations with the constituency also contribute to shape the MPs’ role orientation

    Les Ă©lections locales du 30 mars 2014 en Turquie : un scrutin entre national et local

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    Les Ă©lections locales du 30 mars 2014 ont Ă©tĂ© largement considĂ©rĂ©es comme un scrutin national. En effet, d’importants enjeux nationaux y ont Ă©tĂ© projetĂ©s Ă  la fois par la majoritĂ© des observateurs et par de nombreux acteurs politiques : il s’agissait de la premiĂšre consultation Ă©lectorale depuis trois ans – ce qui constitue une longue pĂ©riode sans scrutin pour la temporalitĂ© politique turque. Surtout, il s’agissait de la premiĂšre consultation Ă©lectorale depuis deux Ă©pisodes politiques majeurs qui ont fortement Ă©branlĂ© la popularitĂ© de l’AKP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, Parti de la Justice et du DĂ©veloppement) au pouvoir depuis 2002 : d’une part, la contestation de Gezi nĂ©e au printemps 2013 ; d’autre part, les scandales de corruption rythmĂ©s par « fuites » rĂ©guliĂšres d’enregistrements sonores Ă  partir de dĂ©cembre 2013 sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux, compromettants pour le Premier ministre Recep Tayyip Erdoğan et son entourage, les accusant de corruption, de marchĂ©s publics truquĂ©s, de pressions exercĂ©es sur la justice ou sur les mĂ©dias..

    Alevist movements at home and abroad: mobilization spaces and disjunction

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    The Alevist movement developed almost simultaneously in Turkey and among Turkish migrants, but it is structured and acts quite differently in these distinct, albeit related, political spaces. This comparative empirical study tries to explain the differences in the discourses and the success of Alevist movements in Turkey and Germany by relating them to the broader institutional and discursive contexts within which they are embedded. Alevist movements are incorporated differently in state policies directed to claim-makers and consequently possess different discursive and institutional resources. Spatially bounded institutional contexts and political agendas frame the discourse and strategies of Alevist claim-making, and result in divergent developments. It is thus necessary to disentangle the multiple levels of claim-and policy-making involved (local, national and supranational), and to analyze their relationships and possible articulations. ‘Transnational’ mobilization has often been understood as a mere continuation of mobilization at home or, oppositely, as its driving force. This paper questions the continuity between mobilizations at home and abroad, and argues that mobilization in migration entails specific dynamics, which may not be re-imported home

    RĂ©gionalisme impossible, rĂ©gionalisation improbable:La gestion du territoire en Turquie Ă  l’heure du rapprochement avec l’Union EuropĂ©enne

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    L'ouverture des négociations d'adhésion de la Turquie a coïncidé avec d'importantes réformes des pouvoirs locaux. Si elles répondent en partie à des demandes assez floues de l'Union européenne, ces réformes s'inscrivent avant tout dans des logiques internes. Bien qu'elles renforcent l'échelon intermédiaire, elles n'entraßnent pas de régionalisation en raison, notamment, d'une tradition politico- institutionnelle centraliste enracinée qui fait obstacle à tout régionalisme. Ces changements institutionnels laissent perdurer les caractéristiques essentielles du systÚme politico-administratif ; c'est principalement par la mise en place de politiques régionales d'aprÚs le modÚle européen que certains changements pourraient survenir dans la configuration territoriale des ressources. Par ses résistances et adaptations, la Turquie semble suivre la voie des nouveaux membres de l'UE.The opening of negotiations for Turkey to join the EU has coincided with important local government reforms. These reforms respond, in part, to fuzzy European demands but, even more, to internal "logics". Though reinforcing intermediate levels of authority, they do not lead to regionalization since a deep political and institutional tradition of centralization blocks any regionalism. These institutional changes let the political and administrative system intact. The major factor that might change the territorial patterns of resources is the implementation of a regional policy like the EU's. Given its resistance and adaptations, Turkey seems to be following the path taken by new EU member-states
