1,247 research outputs found

    Interacting coronae of two T Tauri stars: first observational evidence for solar-like helmet streamers

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    Context {The young binary system V773 Tau A exhibits a persistent radio flaring activity that gradually increases from a level of a few mJy at apoastron to more than 100 mJy at periastron. Interbinary collisions between very large (> 15 R) magnetic structures anchored on the two rotating stars of the system have been proposed to be the origin of these periodic radio flares. Magnetic structures extended over tens of stellar radii, that can also account for the observed fast decay of the radio flares, seem to correspond to the typical solar semi-open quite extended magnetic configurations called helmet streamers.} Aims {We aim to find direct observational evidence for the postulated, solar-like, coronal topologies.} Methods {We performed seven-consecutive-day VLBI observations at 8.4 GHz using an array consisting of the VLBA and the 100-m Effelsberg telescope.} Results {Two distintive structures appear in the radio images here presented. They happen to be associated with the primary and secondary stars of the V773 Tau A system. In one image (Fig.2-B) the two features are extended up to 18 R each and are nearly parallel revealing the presence of two interacting helmet streamers. One image (Fig.2-E) taken a few hours after a flare monitored by the 100-m Effelsberg telescope shows one elongated fading structure substantially rotated with respect to those seen in the B run. The same decay scenario is seen in Fig.2-G for the helmet streamer associated with the other star.} Conclusions {This is the very first direct evidence revealing that even if the flare origin is magnetic reconnection due to interbinary collision, both stars independently emit in the radio range with structures of their own. These structures are helmet streamers, observed for the first time in stars other than the Sun.}Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, A&A in pres

    Synchrotron emission from the T Tauri binary system V773 Tau A

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    The pre-main sequence binary system V773 Tau A shows remarkable flaring activity around periastron passage. Here, we present the observation of such a flare at a wavelength of 3 mm (90 GHz) performed with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We examine different possible causes for the energy losses responsible for the e-folding time of 2.3 hours of that flare. We exclude synchrotron, collisional, and inverse Compton losses because they are not consistent with observational constraints, and we propose that the fading of the emission is due to the leakage of electrons themselves at each reflection between the two mirror points of the magnetic structure partially trapping them. The magnetic structure compatible with both our leakage model and previous observations is that of a helmet streamer that, as in the solar case, can occur at the top of the X-ray-emitting, stellar-sized coronal loops of one of the stars. The streamer may extend up to 20 R and interact with the corona of the other star at periastron passage, causing recurring flares. The inferred magnetic field strength at the two mirror points of the helmet streamer is in the range 0.12 - 125 G, and the corresponding Lorentz factor, gamma, of the partially trapped electrons is in the range 20 < gamma < 632. We therefore rule out that the emission could be of gyro-synchrotron nature: the derived high Lorentz factor proves that the nature of the emission at 90 GHz from this pre-main binary system is synchrotron radiation. Based on observations carried out with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France), MPG (Germany), and IGN (Spain).Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, A&A in pres

    Acoustic energy transfer by friction induced vibrations

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    Friction-induced vibrations are often investigated for their unwanted effects, such as surface wear and dynamic instabilities. This article focuses on the exploitation of friction-induced vibrations to transfer the energy between different acoustic fields by an interface under frictional contact. One of the main possible applications is the use of the generated acoustic field for passive structural health monitoring (SHM). A mechanical device (secondary acoustic source, SAS), able to perform the energy transfer, is here tested on a simplified benchmark. The energy transfer is obtained between two vibrational fields: a primary field, which is the ambient acoustic field on the structure and is generated by a known source, and a secondary field with a different frequency content produced with the developed device by friction-induced vibrations. The test bench analyzed in this work is composed by a main structure, which is excited by the primary (ambient) acoustic field, and the SAS, able to absorb part of the acoustic energy of the primary field and radiate it within the secondary acoustic field. The device is composed by a main resonator, excited by the primary acoustic field, in frictional contact with a secondary resonator to provide a broadband secondary acoustic field. The objective of the article is to analyze and estimate the power flows from the main structure to the SAS and vice versa, within the two acoustic fields

    Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulation of the circumstellar disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 144432

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    Studies of pre-transitional disks, with a gap region between the inner infrared-emitting region and the outer disk, are important to improving our understanding of disk evolution and planet formation. Previous infrared interferometric observations have shown hints of a gap region in the protoplanetary disk around the Herbig Ae star HD~144432. We study the dust distribution around this star with two-dimensional radiative transfer modeling. We compare the model predictions obtained via the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code RADMC-3D with infrared interferometric observations and the {\SED} of HD~144432. The best-fit model that we found consists of an inner optically thin component at 0.21\enDash0.32~\AU and an optically thick outer disk at 1.4\enDash10~\AU. We also found an alternative model in which the inner sub-AU region consists of an optically thin and an optically thick component. Our modeling suggests an optically thin component exists in the inner sub-AU region, although an optically thick component may coexist in the same region. Our modeling also suggests a gap-like discontinuity in the disk of HD~144432.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Spitzer-MIPS survey of the young stellar content in the Vela Molecular Cloud-D

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    A new, unbiased Spitzer-MIPS imaging survey (~1.8 square degs) of the young stellar content of the Vela Molecular Cloud-D is presented. The survey is complete down to 5mJy and 250mJy at 24micron (mu) and 70mu, respectively. 849 sources are detected at 24mu and 52 of them also have a 70mu counterpart. The VMR-D region is one that we have already partially mapped in dust and gas millimeter emission, and we discuss the correlation between the Spitzer compact sources and the mm contours. About half of the 24mu sources are located inside the region delimited by the 12CO(1-0) contours (corresponding to only one third of the full area mapped with MIPS) with a consequent density increase of about 100% of the 24mu sources [four times for 70mu ones] moving from outside to inside the CO contours. About 400 sources have a 2MASS counterpart. So we have constructed a Ks vs. Ks-[24] diagram and identified the protostellar population. We find an excess of Class I sources in VMR-D in comparison with other star forming regions. This result is reasonably biased by the sensitivity limits, or, alternatively, may reflect a very short lifetime (<=10^6yr) of the protostellar content in this cloud. The MIPS images have identified embedded cool objects in most of the previously identified starless cores; in addition, there are 6 very young, possibly Class 0 objects identified. Finally we report finding of the driving sources for a set of five out of six very compact protostellar jets previously discovered in near-infrared images.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures. To appear in Ap.
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