165 research outputs found

    Modeling a Multi-modal Distribution of Wind Direction Data in Kudat, Malaysia

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    <p class="Abstract">Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing. It is expressed in terms of degrees measured clockwise from geographical direction. The knowledge of the wind direction can be used to obtain information about the wind energy potential, dispersion of particulate matter in the air, the effects of engineering structures on the building, maritime study, and etc. This study provides a suitable model for the wind direction that indicates multi-modal distributional properties. A case study involves with a data from Kudat, Malaysia has been analysed. The statistical models known as a Finite Mixture of von Mises Fisher (mvMF) and Circular Distribution based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums (NNTS) has been fitted to the data. Then, the suitability of mvMF and NNTS models were judged based on a graphical representation and goodness-of-fit statistics. The results found that the mvMF model with  components is sufficient to provide a best model. </p

    Modeling multivariable air pollution data in Malaysia using vector autoregressive model

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    In this study, the vector autoregressive (VAR) model was used to model and forecast the multivariable air pollution data in Klang area. Stationary test, Hannan–Quinn evaluation criteria, Granger causality test, R2 coefficient and Root Square Mean Error (RMSE) measurements have been conducted to get the best model and will be used in forecasting. The VAR (7) model is found to be the best model with the highest R2 and lowest RMSE value recorded for each dependent pollutant variable. Based on the fitted VAR (7) model, the VAR model is able to describe the dynamic behavior of multivariable air pollution data of Klang. Forecasts of up to 12 days ahead were constructed with confidence intervals. The VAR model found to provides good forecast accuracy on the data

    Une crise entre savoir et conscience

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    International audienceLes bouleversements que subit actuellement le domaine de la transplantation ont été qualifiés, dans le discours juridique et médical, de "crise de confiance". Dans cette hypothèse, ce n'est pas tant la nature de la solution - la transplantation - qui est mise en cause que la façon dont elle est mise en oeuvre. En conférant une place prioritaire au savoir scientifique et technique, l'institution exclut toute autre approche du problème. Ni les multiples aspects du corps, ni les différentes formes de savoirs qui le traversent ne sont réellement mis à profit.Nous pensons que les deux niveaux - insuffisance de la logique mécaniste/crise de confiance - sont intimement liés dans le cas des transplantations. Il faudra donc d'abord interroger la notion même de crise, voir quels sont les acteurs - médecins, juristes, médias, donneurs et receveurs - impliqués et leurs interprétations de la crise. Nous tenterons de comprendre comment ces derniers contribuent à faire exister une crise de la transplantation qui "doit être l'affaire de tous" et les difficultés auxquelles se heurte cette entreprise. Ensuite, il paraît fondamental d'examiner en quoi la "confiance" du public s'est brisée et d'analyser la bipartition - scientifico-juridique et émotionelle - des arguments utilisés pour la restaurer. A la lumière des différents intérêts et logiques qui sous-tendent cette argumentation, nous essayerons d'en examiner les limites

    Madeleine Ferrières, Histoire des peurs alimentaires. Du Moyen-Âge à l’aube du XXe siècle

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    En s’engageant dans la longue histoire des peurs alimentaires, Madeleine Ferrières, Professeur d’histoire moderne, s’atèle à une tâche ardue. D’emblée, elle souligne qu’il lui faudra naviguer entre Charybde et Scylla, c’est-à-dire résister à la tentation de ramener des perceptions différentes du risque alimentaire à une grande peur collective qui aurait toujours existé, tout en évitant de se laisser piéger par le caractère inédit des situations. Les peurs alimentaires jalonnent notre histoire..

    Jean Caune, Pour des humanités contemporaines. Science, technique, culture : quelles médiations ?

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    L’enjeu de ce livre est de se confronter à un constat sans concessions : « L’activité de la science, ses liens avec le politique, son insertion dans le monde qui la porte, ses responsabilités vis-à-vis de la société ne peuvent rester en l’état » (p. 14). Jean Caune acte d’emblée la « crise de la science ». Dès lors, comment la science pourrait-elle contribuer à l’émergence d’une culture centrée sur l’humain… Ainsi s’agit-il de repenser, de réinventer les médiations entre science, techniques e..


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    This article presents one of the great figures of nineteenth-century Portuguese journalism: a chronicler, pamphleteer, essayist, literary director and editor-in-chief. The text is also about a cheerful novelist and one of the most successful comedy authors of his time. Speak these lines about Gervásio Lobato (1850-1895) and his writing profession.O presente artigo versa sobre um dos grandes vultos do jornalismo oitocentista finissecular português: um cronista, folhetinista, ensaísta, diretor literário e redator-chefe. Versa ainda sobre um alegre romancista e um dos comediógrafos de maior sucesso do seu tempo. Trata este texto de Gervásio Lobato (1850-1895) e de seu ofício de escritor

    'Promenades': o Passeio Público e o Jardim São Pedro de Alcântara em dois romances queirozianos.

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    A cidade de Lisboa não é, na obra queiroziana, apenas um espaço cenográfico que localiza as ações narrativas.Lisboa é uma das personagens mais trabalhadas pelo escritor português nos seus romances, nosseus contos, nas suas cartas. Este artigo privilegia, contudo, dois espaços da capital pouco mencionadospela fortuna crítica: o extinto Passeio Público e o Jardim S. Pedro de Alcântara, ambos essenciais nastramas narrativas d’O primo Basílio (1878) e d’A Capital! (começos duma carreira), romance publicadopostumamente em 1945

    Casas de tijolos, terra brasileira. Tradição popular na arquitetura de Luís Saia

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    O trabalho aborda a produção arquitetural do arquiteto Luís Saia (1911-1975) e a relaciona com o espectro mais amplo de suas atividades nos campos da historiografia da arquitetura brasileira, da preservação e do restauro do patrimônio nacional, como busca obstinada de parâmetros conceituais para fundamentar o projeto de uma arquitetura moderna e brasileira.El artículo discute la producción arquitectónica del arquitecto Luis Saia (1911-1975) y se refiere al espectro más amplio de actividades en los campos de la historiografía de la arquitectura brasileña, de la conservación y restauración del patrimonio nacional, como tenaz persecución de los parámetros conceptuales para apoyar el proyecto de una arquitectura moderna brasileña.This paper approaches the architectural production of architect Luis Saia (1911-1975) and relates to the broader spectrum of activities in the fields of historiography of Brazilian architecture, preservation and restoration of the national heritage, as obstinate search of conceptual parameters for support the project for a modern Brazilian architecture

    Statistical analysis of vehicle theft crime in Peninsular Malaysia using negative binomial regression model

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    The aim of this paper was to identify the determinants that influence vehicle theft by applying a negative binomial regression model. The identification of these determinants is very important to policy-makers, car-makers and car owners, as they can be used to establish practical steps for preventing or at least limiting vehicle thefts. In addition, this paper also proposed a crime mapping application that allows us to identify the most risky areas for vehicle theft. The results from this study can be utilized by local authorities as well as management of internal resource planning of insurance companies in planning effective strategies to reduce vehicle theft. Indirectly, this paper has built ingenuity by combining information obtained from the database of Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia and insurance companies to pioneer the development of location map of vehicle theft in Malaysia


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    The article retrieves three female dramatic characters belonging to two original pieces: D. Leonor Gonçalves of the comedy in an act The bourgeois, from the nib of Gervásio Lobato (1850-1895), of 1882 and D. Christiana and D. Gabriela of Modern Education, comedy in three acts, written by Guiomar Torresão in 1891. In order to do so, a brief incursion into the history of female education in Portugal in the nineteenth century is necessary, and the understanding of the role reserved to women in society should be considered.O artigo recupera três personagens dramáticas femininas pertencentes a duas peças originais: D. Leonor Gonçalves da comédia em um ato A burguesa, da pena de Gervásio Lobato (1850-1895), de 1882 e D. Christiana e D. Gabriela de Educação Moderna, comédia em três atos, escrita por Guiomar Torresão em 1891. Para tanto, faz-se necessária uma breve incursão na história da educação feminina em Portugal no século XIX e o entendimento do papel reservado às mulheres na sociedade coeva