33 research outputs found

    Probing the FFLO phase by double occupancy modulation spectroscopy

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    We propose here that for a spin-imbalanced two-component attractive Fermi gas loaded in a 1D optical lattice in presence of an harmonic confining potential, the observation of the change in the double occupancy after a lattice depth modulation can provide clear evidence of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase. Simulating the time evolution of the system, we can characterize the double occupancy spectrum for different initial conditions, relating its features to the FFLO wavevector qq. In particular, the narrowing of the width of the spectrum can be related, through Bethe-ansatz equations in the strongly interacting limit, to the FFLO wavevector qq.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality test in an optomechanical device

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    We propose here a scheme, based on the measurement of quadrature phase coherence, aimed at testing the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality in an optomechanical setting. Our setup is constituted by two optical cavities dispersively coupled to a common mechanical resonator. We show that it is possible to generate EPR-like correlations between the quadratures of the output fields of the two cavities, and, depending on the system parameters, to observe the violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality.Comment: 13 pages and 5 figures (typo fixed

    Ground-state cooling of a mechanical oscillator by heating

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    Dissipation and the accompanying fluctuations are often seen as detrimental for quantum systems, since they are associated with fast relaxation and loss of phase coherence. However, it has been proposed that a pure state can be prepared if external noise induces suitable downwards transitions, while exciting transitions are blocked. We demonstrate such a refrigeration mechanism in a cavity optomechanical system, where we prepare a mechanical oscillator in its ground state by injecting strong electromagnetic noise at frequencies around the red mechanical sideband of the cavity. The optimum cooling is reached with a noise bandwidth smaller than, but on the order of the cavity decay rate. At higher bandwidths, cooling is less efficient. In the opposite regime where the noise bandwidth becomes comparable to the mechanical damping rate, damping follows the noise amplitude adiabatically, and the cooling is also suppressed

    Hopping modulation in a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian

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    We consider a strongly repulsive two-component Fermi gas in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice described in terms of a Hubbard Hamiltonian. We analyze the response of the system to a periodic modulation of the hopping amplitude in presence of large two body interaction. By (essentially) exact simulations of the time evolution, we find a non-trivial double occupancy frequency dependence. We show how the dependence relates to the spectral features of the system given by the Bethe ansatz. The discrete nature of the spectrum is clearly reflected in the double occupancy after long enough modulation time. We also discuss the implications of the 1D results to experiments in higher dimensional systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; minor changes in the text, updated references

    Non-Hermitian topological quantum states in a reservoir-engineered transmon chain

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    Dissipation in open systems enriches the possible symmetries of the Hamiltonians beyond the Hermitian framework, allowing the possibility of novel non-Hermitian topological phases which exhibit long-living end states that are protected against disorder. So far, non-Hermitian topology has been explored in settings where probing genuine quantum effects has been challenging. We theoretically show that a non-Hermitian topological quantum phase can be realized in a reservoir-engineered transmon chain. The spatial modulation of dissipation is obtained by coupling each transmon to a quantum circuit refrigerator, allowing in situ tuning of dissipation strength in a wide range. By solving the many-body Lindblad master equation using a combination of the density matrix renormalization group and Prosen-Seligman third quantization approaches, we show that the topological end modes and the associated phase transition are visible in simple reflection measurements with experimentally realistic parameters. Finally, we demonstrate that genuine quantum effects are observable in this system via robust and slowly decaying long-range quantum entanglement of the topological end modes, which can be generated passively starting from a locally excited transmon.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Backaction-evading measurement of entanglement in optomechanics

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    We propose here a fully backaction-evading scheme for the measurement of the entanglement between two nanomechanical resonators. The system, which consists of two mechanical oscillators, coupled to a single mode of an electromagnetic resonant cavity through a radiation-pressure interaction term, is driven by two pump tones and four detection tones. As previously discussed in the literature, the former induce entanglement between the two mechanical oscillators, while we show here that a specific choice of phase and amplitude of the detection tones allows for direct pairwise reconstruction of the collective quadrature fluctuations of the mechanical oscillators belonging to quantum-mechanics-free subspaces, thereby providing direct evidence of the entanglement properties of the two mechanical resonators.peerReviewe

    Mechanical entanglement detection in an optomechanical system

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    We propose here a setup to generate and evaluate the entanglement between two mechanical resonators in a cavity optomechanical setting. As in previous proposals, our scheme includes two driving pumps allowing for the generation of two-mode mechanical squeezing. In addition, we include here four additional probing tones, which allow for the separate evaluation of the collective mechanical quadratures required to estimate the Duan quantity, thus allowing us to infer whether the mechanical resonators are entangled.peerReviewe

    Cross-Kerr nonlinearity : a stability analysis

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    We analyse the combined e ect of the radiation-pressure and cross-Kerr nonlinearity on the stationary solution of the dynamics of a nanomechanical resonator interacting with an electromagnetic cavity. Within this setup, we show how the optical bistability picture induced by the radiation-pressure force is modi ed by the presence of the cross-Kerr interaction term. More speci cally, we show how the optically bistable region, characterising the pure radiation-pressure case, is reduced by the presence of a cross-Kerr coupling term. At the same time, the upper unstable branch is extended by the presence of a moderate cross-Kerr term, while it is reduced for larger values of the cross-Kerr coupling.peerReviewe