780 research outputs found

    Estimating the number of unvaccinated Chinese workers against yellow fever in Angola

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    Background: A yellow fever epidemic occurred in Angola in 2016 with 884 laboratory confirmed cases and 373 deaths. Eleven unvaccinated Chinese nationals working in Angola were also infected and imported the disease to China, thereby presenting the first importation of yellow fever into Asia. In Angola, there are about 259,000 Chinese foreign workers. The fact that 11 unvaccinated Chinese workers acquired yellow fever suggests that many more Chinese workers in Angola were not vaccinated. Methods: We applied a previously developed model to back-calculate the number of unvaccinated Chinese workers in Angola in order to determine the extent of lack of vaccine coverage. Results: Our models suggest that none of the 259,000 Chinese had been vaccinated, although yellow fever vaccination is mandated by the International Health Regulations. Conclusion: Governments around the world including China need to ensure that their citizens obtain YF vaccination when traveling to countries where such vaccines are required in order to prevent the international spread of yellow fever

    Modeling the risk of malaria for travelers to areas with stable malaria transmission

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is an important threat to travelers visiting endemic regions. The risk of acquiring malaria is complex and a number of factors including transmission intensity, duration of exposure, season of the year and use of chemoprophylaxis have to be taken into account estimating risk. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A mathematical model was developed to estimate the risk of non-immune individual acquiring falciparum malaria when traveling to the Amazon region of Brazil. The risk of malaria infection to travelers was calculated as a function of duration of exposure and season of arrival. RESULTS: The results suggest significant variation of risk for non-immune travelers depending on arrival season, duration of the visit and transmission intensity. The calculated risk for visitors staying longer than 4 months during peak transmission was 0.5% per visit. CONCLUSIONS: Risk estimates based on mathematical modeling based on accurate data can be a valuable tool in assessing risk/benefits and cost/benefits when deciding on the value of interventions for travelers to malaria endemic regions

    Correlation between HIV and HCV in Brazilian prisoners: evidence for parenteral transmission inside prison

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    OBJETIVO: É um fato correntemente aceito que as condições de confinamento aumentam o risco de algumas infecções relacionadas às práticas sexuais e/ou ao uso de drogas injetáveis. Realizou-se estudo para estimar a densidade de incidência da infecção pelo HIV na população prisional com aplicação de técnicas matemáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados em São Paulo, SP, 631 prisioneiros da maior prisão da América do Sul, que abrigava aproximadamente 4.900 presos na ocasião do estudo. Foi colhido sangue da população entrevistada, analisado o risco para a infecção pelo HIV e realizados testes sorológicos para HIV, HCV e sífilis. Técnicas matemáticas foram usadas para se estimar a densidade de incidência do HIV relacionada ao tempo de encarceramento. RESULTADOS: As prevalências gerais encontradas foram: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; sífilis -- 18%. Os principais fatores associados à infecção pelo HIV foram a soropositividade ao HCV (OR=10,49) e a confissão do uso de drogas injetáveis (OR=3,36). A análise matemática mostrou que o risco de adquirir a infecção pelo HIV aumenta com o tempo de detenção, atingindo o máximo por volta de 3 anos de aprisionamento. CONCLUSÕES: A correlação entre a soroprevalência do HIV e do HCV e os resultados da análise matemática sugerem que a transmissão do HIV nestsa população se dá preferencialmente pela via parenteral e que seu risco aumenta com o tempo de encarceramento.OBJECTIVE: It is an accepted fact that confinement conditions increase the risk of some infections related to sexual and/or injecting drugs practices. Mathematical techniques were applied to estimate time-dependent incidence densities of HIV infection among inmates. METHODS: A total of 631 prisoners from a Brazilian prison with 4,900 inmates at that time were interviewed and their blood drawn. Risky behavior for HIV infection was analyzed, and serological tests for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis were performed, intended as surrogates for parenteral and sexual HIV transmission, respectively. Mathematical techniques were used to estimate the incidence density ratio, as related to the time of imprisonment. RESULTS: Prevalence were: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; and syphilis -- 18%. The main risk behaviors related to HIV infection were HCV prevalence (OR=10.49) and the acknowledged use of injecting drugs (OR=3.36). Incidence density ratio derivation showed that the risk of acquiring HIV infection increases with the time of imprisonment, peaking around three years after incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between HIV and HCV seroprevalence and the results of the mathematical analysis suggest that HIV transmission in this population is predominantly due to parenteral exposure by injecting drug, and that it increases with time of imprisonment

    Correlation between HIV and HCV in Brazilian prisoners: evidence for parenteral transmission inside prison

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    OBJETIVO: É um fato correntemente aceito que as condições de confinamento aumentam o risco de algumas infecções relacionadas às práticas sexuais e/ou ao uso de drogas injetáveis. Realizou-se estudo para estimar a densidade de incidência da infecção pelo HIV na população prisional com aplicação de técnicas matemáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados em São Paulo, SP, 631 prisioneiros da maior prisão da América do Sul, que abrigava aproximadamente 4.900 presos na ocasião do estudo. Foi colhido sangue da população entrevistada, analisado o risco para a infecção pelo HIV e realizados testes sorológicos para HIV, HCV e sífilis. Técnicas matemáticas foram usadas para se estimar a densidade de incidência do HIV relacionada ao tempo de encarceramento. RESULTADOS: As prevalências gerais encontradas foram: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; sífilis -- 18%. Os principais fatores associados à infecção pelo HIV foram a soropositividade ao HCV (OR=10,49) e a confissão do uso de drogas injetáveis (OR=3,36). A análise matemática mostrou que o risco de adquirir a infecção pelo HIV aumenta com o tempo de detenção, atingindo o máximo por volta de 3 anos de aprisionamento. CONCLUSÕES: A correlação entre a soroprevalência do HIV e do HCV e os resultados da análise matemática sugerem que a transmissão do HIV nestsa população se dá preferencialmente pela via parenteral e que seu risco aumenta com o tempo de encarceramento.OBJECTIVE: It is an accepted fact that confinement conditions increase the risk of some infections related to sexual and/or injecting drugs practices. Mathematical techniques were applied to estimate time-dependent incidence densities of HIV infection among inmates. METHODS: A total of 631 prisoners from a Brazilian prison with 4,900 inmates at that time were interviewed and their blood drawn. Risky behavior for HIV infection was analyzed, and serological tests for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis were performed, intended as surrogates for parenteral and sexual HIV transmission, respectively. Mathematical techniques were used to estimate the incidence density ratio, as related to the time of imprisonment. RESULTS: Prevalence were: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; and syphilis -- 18%. The main risk behaviors related to HIV infection were HCV prevalence (OR=10.49) and the acknowledged use of injecting drugs (OR=3.36). Incidence density ratio derivation showed that the risk of acquiring HIV infection increases with the time of imprisonment, peaking around three years after incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between HIV and HCV seroprevalence and the results of the mathematical analysis suggest that HIV transmission in this population is predominantly due to parenteral exposure by injecting drug, and that it increases with time of imprisonment

    An approximate threshold condition for a non-autonomous system: an application to a vector-borne infection

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    A non-autonomous system is proposed to model the seasonal pattern of dengue fever. We found that an approximate threshold condition for infection persistence describes all possible behavior of the system. As far as we know, the kind of analysis here proposed is entirely new. No precise mathematical theorems are demonstrated but we give enough numerical evidence to support the conclusions.Comment: 11 pages and 6 figure


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    A deterministic model is proposed for the study of the dynamics of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and tuberculosis (TB) co-infection. the model is comprised by a set of sixteen ordinary differential equations representing different states of both diseases, and it is intended to provide a theoretical framework for the study of the interaction between both infections. Numerical simulations of the model resulted in three striking outcomes: first, the pathogenicity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is enhanced by the presence of TB, and vice-versa; second, the prevalence of AIDS is higher in the presence of TB; and third, relative risk analysis demonstrated a much stronger influence of AIDS on TB than the other way around.ESCOLA PAULISTA MED,BR-04023 São Paulo,BRAZILUNIV São Paulo,INST PHYS,São Paulo,BRAZILHCFMUSP,BR-01246 São Paulo,BRAZILESCOLA PAULISTA MED,BR-04023 São Paulo,BRAZILWeb of Scienc

    How doctors diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments: an fMRI study of diagnostic salience

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    Understanding the brain mechanisms involved in diagnostic reasoning may contribute to the development of methods that reduce errors in medical practice. In this study we identified similar brain systems for diagnosing diseases, prescribing treatments, and naming animals and objects using written information as stimuli. Employing time resolved modeling of blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses enabled time resolved (400 milliseconds epochs) analyses. With this approach it was possible to study neural processes during successive stages of decision making. Our results showed that highly diagnostic information, reducing uncertainty about the diagnosis, decreased monitoring activity in the frontoparietal attentional network and may contribute to premature diagnostic closure, an important cause of diagnostic errors. We observed an unexpected and remarkable switch of BOLD activity within a right lateralized set of brain regions related to awareness and auditory monitoring at the point of responding. We propose that this neurophysiological response is the neural substrate of awareness of one’s own (verbal) response. Our results highlight the intimate relation between attentional mechanisms, uncertainty, and decision making and may assist the advance of approaches to prevent premature diagnostic closure

    Dynamics of the 2006/2007 dengue outbreak in Brazil

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    We analyzed dengue incidence in the period between October 2006-July 2007 of 146 cities around the country were Larval Index Rapid Assay (LIRA) surveillance was carried out in October 2006. Of these, we chosen 61 cities that had 500 or more cases reported during this period. We calculated the incidence coefficient, the force of infection (») and the basic reproduction number (R0) of dengue in those 61 cities and correlated those variables with the LIRA. We concluded that » and R0 are more associated with the number of cases than LIRA. In addition, the average R0 for the 2006/2007 dengue season was almost as high as that calculated for the 2001/2002 season, the worst in Brazilian history.CNPqFAPESPFMUSP - H
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