243 research outputs found

    Comparing the rate of re-stenosis in patients with ballon angioplasty with and without stent in Isfahan Shahid Chamran Hospital.

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    شایعترین علت مرگ و میر در کشور ما بیماریهای قلبی عروقی و عمدتاً بدلیل آترواسکلروز عروق کرونری می‌باشد امروزه آنژیوپلاستی عروق کرونری با و بدون استنت از مهمترین روشهای درمانی این بیماری می‌باشد و به رغم پیشرفتهای زیاد در این رشته تنگی مجدد (restenosis) عروق کرونری هنوز مهمترین عامل در ایجاد محدودیت در نتایج این بیماری می‌باشد. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی میزان تنگی مجدد عروق کرونری قلب پس از آنژیوپلاستی در بیمارستان چمران طراحی گردیده است. نوع مطالعه مقطعی بوده و جمعیت مورد مطالعه شامل 204 بیماری بودند که در بیمارستان شهید چمران آنژیوپلاستی شده بودند نمونه‌گیری به روش طبقه‌ای آسان در دو گروه جنسی زن و مرد به تفکیک روش مورد استفاده (با و بدون استنت) انجام شد و نهایتاً 22 نفر از هر جنس در گروه اول (بدون استنت) و گروه دوم (با استنت) وارد مطالعه گردیدند و 6 ماه بعد آنژیوگرافی پیگیری جهت بررسی تنگی مجدد انجام شد. نتایج مطالعه نشان داد میزان تنگی مجدد 5/52 در گروه بدون استنت و 5/29 درصد در گروه با استنت بوده است که با قطر رگ نسبت معکوس داشت. وجود فاکتورهای خطر قلبی باعث افزایش میزان ری‌استنوز گردید. با توجه به اینکه با وجود کاربرد استنت هنوز میزان تنگی مجدد از عوارض شایع می باشد. پس باید با کنترل فاکتورهای خطر قلبی عروقی در بیماران و جستجو برای روش‌های جدیدتر در کاهش این میزان تلاش نمود

    Termites of Iranian Date Palm Orchards And Their Spatial and Temporal Distribution

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    This study was conducted during 2013-2014 to determine the dominant species and behavior of termites foraging in date palm orchards in Khuzestan province, Iran. Starting in early March, the ‘cluster random sampling’ method was used within sixty-five sampling plots. Termite species were sampled by breaking open mud tubing and collecting different castes, then bringing them to the laboratory for identification using scientific keys. Glass microscope slides of different body parts, especially the labium, maxillae, palps, mandibles, labrum, and clypeus. The Simpson Diversity Index was used to determine the level of dominance. Results showed three species of termites, Microcerotermes diversus Silvestri, Microcerotermes buettikeri Chhotani and Bose and Amitermes vilis Hagen, all family Termitidae, are active in Khuzestan date palm plantations. Microcerotermes diversus was dominant with a correlation coefficient 0.997 and 8.87, respectively.  Seasonal population fluctuations of workers, nymphs, soldiers and winged castes had two, four, four and four peaks, respectively, over the years.  According to Kriging map spatial distribution, four geographic severity groupings for M. diversus can be considered.  These groups include low, medium, and high risk, and hotspot infestation geographic regions, with severity indices of 2.3 to 3.96, 3.97 to 4.82, 4.83 to 5.68, and 5.96 to 6.53, respectively

    Studying the Failure Behavior of Cement-fiber-treated Sand under Triaxial Direct Tension Tests

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    The main goal of this research is to study the failure behavior of cement-fiber-treated sand under triaxial direct tension condition tests. Thus, a new loading system and triaxial cell was designed and built for tensile loading. Samples were prepared with content cement of 3 and 5% (dry wt.) of the sand, while two types of polypropylene fibers 0.024 m in length and 23 μm and 300 μm thick were added at 0.0% and 0.5% (dry wt.) of the sand and cement mixture. After a seven-day curing period, the samples were loaded under triaxial direct tension tests under confining pressures of 100, 200, and 300 kpa in drained conditions. Stress-strain behavior, changes in volume and energy absorbed by cement-fiber reinforced sand were measured and compared with the results of other studies. Adding fibers resulted in reduced peak deviatoric stress and increased residual deviatoric stresses of the cement-fiber reinforced sand, with changes from brittle to ductile behavior. The initial stiffness and stiffness at 50% maximum tensile stress of the samples is decreased with the addition of fibers and with an increase in fiber diameter, the reduction rate of this stiffness is more evident. The absorbed energy for fibers with a thickness of 23 μm is less than fibers with a thickness of 300 μm. The effect of adding fibers to strength parameters showed that the cohesion intercept decreases, while the internal friction angle increases

    An Improved and Fast MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems under Partially Shaded Conditions

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    Uncertainty Quantification of the CO2 Storage Process in the Bunter Closure 36 Model

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    The UK plans to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), an important strategy to reduce global CO2 emissions, is one of the critical objectives of this UK net-zero plan. Among the possible storage site options, saline aquifers are one of the most promising candidates for long-term CO2 sequestrations. Despite its promising potential, few studies have been conducted on the CO2 storage process in the Bunter Closure 36 model located off the eastern shore of the UK. Located amid a number of oil fields, Bunter is one of the primary candidates for CO2 storage in the UK, with plans to store more than 280 Mt of CO2 from injections starting in 2027. As saline aquifers are usually sparsely drilled with minimal dynamic data, any model is subject to a level of uncertainty. This is the first study on the impact of the model and fluid uncertainties on the CO2 storage process in Bunter. This study attempted to fully accommodate the uncertainty space on Bunter by performing twenty thousand forward simulations using a vertical equilibrium-based simulator. The joint impact of five uncertain parameters using data-driven models was analysed. The results of this work will improve our understanding of the carbon storage process in the Bunter model before the injection phase is initiated. Due to the complexity of the model, it is not recommended to make a general statement about the influence of a single variable on CO2 plume migration in the Bunter model. The reservoir temperature was shown to have the most impact on the plume dynamics (overall importance of 41%), followed by pressure (21%), permeability (17%), elevation (13%), and porosity (8%), respectively. The results also showed that a lower temperature and higher pressure in the Bunter reservoir condition would result in a higher density and, consequently, a higher structural capacity

    Optimizing Employment and learning system using big data and knowledge management based on deduction graph

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    In recent years, big data has usefully been deployed by organizations with the aim of getting a better prediction for the future. Moreover, knowledge management systems are being used by organizations to identify and create knowledge. Here, the output from analysis of big data and a knowledge management system are used to develop a new model with the goal of minimizing the cost of implementing new recognized processes including staff training, transferring and employment costs. Strategies are proposed from big data analysis and new processes are defined accordingly. The company requires various skills to execute the proposed processes. Organization\u2019s current experts and their skills are known through a pre-established knowledge management system. After a gap analysis, managers can make decisions about the expert arrangement, training programs and employment to bridge the gap and accomplish their goals. Finally, deduction graph is used to analyze the model


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    ABSTRACT To evaluate the effect of Kombucha and Kombucha with vitamin E-selenium 0.1% on blood metabolites, performance and morphology of some of the organs, of 140 baby broiler chicks' strain Ross 308 of male and female ones were applied for 42 days in 7 treatments and 4 replications, each replication including 5 chicks. Dietaries were equal in all treatments and the difference was about water and Kombucha and Kombucha with vitamin E-selenium s 0.1%. Finally, the performance showed that the increase of body weight in 1-7 and 8-14 day-age was significantly under the influence of experimental treatments. According to the results during 1-7 day-age and 22-28 day-age, there was significant effect on the feed and the best conversion ratio was in 29-35 day-age and there was significant difference (P<0.05). From morphological aspects there was significant difference between Bursa offabrisious weight and gizzard in various periods. Morphology of Proventriculus, crypt depth (micron), and goblet cells was significantly different and there was no significant difference aboutvillus height (micron) and Epithelium thickness (micron) (P>0.05). there was no significant difference in blood metabolites of liver enzymes concentration and antibody titers against SRBC antigens but antibody titer against Newcastle antigens tested during 21, 25 day-age showed no significant difference (P<0.05)


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    Iron-bearing minerals are the most important interfering compounds that are found with bauxite reserves. The element iron has adverse effects on bauxite applications, including the use of bauxite in refractory soils. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility of iron removal from low-grade bauxite ores to utilize them in refractory industries. For achieving this purpose, iron removal tests were performed on bauxite samples with an alumina to silica modulus of 0.73. After determining the appropriate iron removal method among the magnetic separation, calcination, and leaching (with H2SO4 and HCl) processes, optimal separation conditions were determined by tests that were designed using the Taguchi method. According to leaching results, using HCl for raw feed (un-calcined) provided the best result for iron removal. During this test, Fe2O3 grade decreased from 5.14% to 0.08%, and the alumina to silica modulus increased to 0.75. Calcination of the concentrate obtained from this test has led to favorable results in reducing the Fe2O3 grade (0.04%) and increasing the Al2O3 grade. Afterwards, in tests designed by the Taguchi method, the effect of parameters such as time, process temperature, HCl concentration, and feed grain size on iron removal from bauxite by HCl leaching processes are discussed. According to the results, the best efficiency of iron removal for a feed grain size of 250 µm is achieved in the following conditions: 30% HCl, process temperature of 25°C, and process time of 120 minutes. In this case, iron removal efficiency and Fe2O3 grade in process concentrate are 92.78% and 0.56%, respectively.Minerali nosioci željeza najvažnije su nečistoće koje se nalaze u rezervama boksita. Željezo ima štetne učinke na primjenu boksita, uključujući korištenje boksita u vatrostalnim tlima. Svrha je ovoga rada istražiti mogućnost uklanjanja željeza iz ruda boksita niske kvalitete radi iskorištavanja u vatrostalnoj industriji. U tu svrhu provedena su ispitivanja izdvajanja željeza na uzorcima boksita s modulom aluminijeva oksida i silicija od 0,73. Nakon utvrđivanja odgovarajuće metode za izdvajanje željeza, uključujući magnetsku separaciju, kalcinaciju i luženje (s H2SO4 i HCl), određeni su optimalni uvjeti izdvajanja uz upotrebu Taguchijeve metode. Rezultati luženja HCl-om rovne sirovine (nekalcinirane) dali su najbolji rezultat izdvajanja željeza. Tijekom ovoga ispitivanja udio Fe2O3 smanjio se s 5,14 % na 0,08 %, a modul aluminijeva oksida i silicija povećao se na 0,75. Kalciniranje koncentrata dobivenoga ovim ispitivanjem dovelo je do povoljnih rezultata u smanjenju nekorisne komponente Fe2O3 (0,04 %) i povećanju korisne komponente Al2O3 . Nakon toga u ispitivanjima dizajniranim Taguchijevom metodom određen je utjecaj parametara kao što su vrijeme, temperatura procesa, koncentracija HCl i veličina zrna sirovine, na uklanjanje željeza iz boksita procesima luženja HCl. Prema dobivenim rezultatima najbolja učinkovitost uklanjanja željeza za veličinu ulaznoga zrna od 250 µm postiže se u sljedećim uvjetima: 30 % HCl, temperatura procesa od 25°C i vrijeme procesa 120 minuta. U ovome slučaju učinkovitost uklanjanja željeza i sadržaj Fe2O3 u procesnome koncentratu iznosi 92,78 % odnosno 0,56 %