942 research outputs found

    Efecto de la hormona de crecimiento sobre los parámetros seminales, el hemograma parcial y el nivel de testosterona en búfalos Nili Ravi

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    The purpose of this trial was to examine the possible effects of exogenous growth hormone (GH) on semen quality, hematological variables and serum testosterone concentration in Nili Ravi buffalo. Bulls of the treatment group (n=3) were injected with recombinant GH 500 mg in a 15 day interval for 10 consecutive weeks, while bulls of control group (n=3) received equal volume of normal saline solution. Semen samples were collected twice per week and analyzed for physiological parameters. Blood samples collected fortnightly were analyzed for red blood cells count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), white blood cell (WBC), neutrophils, lymphocytes, and serum testosterone levels. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test. Results indicated that GH treatment of Nili-Ravi buffaloes significantly (p<0.05) increased ejaculatory volume (8.8±0.2 vs 7.7±0.2 ml), sperm motility (72.6±0.4 vs 67.4±0.7%), mass activity (3.35±0.07 vs 2.52±0.08), sperm concentration (982.2±67.8 vs 731.9±50.5 million/ml), live sperm (80.1±0.3 vs 75.8±0.5%) and serum testosterone (4.02±0.21 vs 2.37±0.07 ng/ml) compared to control bulls. Among hematological variables, lymphocytes were increased (p<0.05), but MCV, WBC count, and neutrophils decreased (p<0.05). Hb, RBC and PCV remained unchanged. However, values of these variables were within normal ranges for buffalo bulls. In conclusion, treatment of Nili-Ravi bulls with GH improved semen quality and increased serum testosterone without ostensible adverse effects on the general state.El propósito de este ensayo fue examinar los posibles efectos de la hormona de crecimiento exógena (GH) sobre la calidad del semen, algunas variables del hemograma y la concentración de testosterona en suero de toros bubalinos Nili Ravi. Los búfalos del grupo tratado (n=3) fueron inyectados con 500 mg de somatotropina recombinante cada 15 días durante 10 semanas consecutivas, mientras que los del grupo control (n=3) recibieron igual volumen de solución fisiológica salina. Las muestras de semen fueron tomadas dos veces por semana y analizadas para evaluar los parámetros fisiológicos. Las muestras de sangre colectadas quincenalmente fueron analizadas para establecer el recuento de glóbulos rojos, la  concentración de hemoglobina, el hematocrito, el volumen corpuscular medio (MCV), recuento de glóbulos blancos (WBC), tasa de neutrófilos y linfocitos, así como los niveles séricos de testosterona. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente por medio del test-t de Student. Los resultados indicaron que el tratamiento con somatotropina aumentó significativamente (p<0,05) el volumen eyaculado (8,8±0,2 versus 7,7±0,2 ml), la motilidad del semen (72,6±0,4 versus 67,4±0,7%), la actividad de masa (3,35±0,07 versus 2,52±0,08), la concentración de espermatozoides (982,2±67,8 versus 731,9±50,5 millones/ml), los espermatozoides vivos (80,1±0,3 versus 75,8±0,5%) y el nivel de testosterona sérica (4,02±0,21 versus 2,37±0,07 ng/ml), comparados con los animales controles. En el hemograma aumentaron los linfocitos (p<0,05) y disminuyeron variables como volumen corpuscular medio, recuento de leucocitos y tasa de neutrófilos (p<0,05). Hemoglobina, concentración de eritrocitos y hematocrito permanecieron inalterados. Todos los parámetros investigados se situaron dentro de los rangos normales para toros bubalinos. En conclusión, el tratamiento de búfalos Nili-Ravi con somatotropina mejoró la calidad del semen y aumentó la testosterona sérica, sin provocar ostensibles efectos adversos en el estado general de los toro

    Historical perspective of in situ hybridization for the analysis of genomic constitution of plants

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    In situ hybridization involves hybridization of DNA or RNA probes to the cytological preparations. The technique originally used auto-radiographic labeling to map both repetitive and low copy DNA sequences. The problem associated with this technique was its short half life, lack of safety and long exposure time which hindered its widespread use in DNA hybridization. To overcome these problems, non isotopic in situ hybridization was developed for use in animal and plant species. In the last decade, the development of haptens and fluorochromes enabled simultaneous multicolored detection of differentially labeled probes. Characterization of parental genomes in interspecific hybrids, restructured chromosomes, gene mapping, detecting nature of chromosome pairing, establishing phylogenetic relationship among the species and localizing introgressed segment have been successfully achieved by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Keywords: In situ hybridization, phylogenetic relationship, homoeologous pairin

    Production and molecular characterization of wide cross derivatives in rice

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    The reduced genetic variability of modern rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) is of great concern because it reduces the possibilities of genetic gain in breeding programs. Introgression lines (ILs) containing genetic fragment from wild rice can be used to obtain new improved cultivars. The objective of the present study was to develop ILs from the cross between O. sativa x O. longistminata aiming to be used in rice breeding program. In the present study, 12 ILs were produced. Among them, three ILs were highly resistant to all the isolates of bacterial blight from North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. A 900 bp DNA fragment linked to Xa21 was raised in these introgression lines and in O. longistminata by a pair of primers confirming the presence of Xa21 gene in these lines. Results indicated that Xa21 has broad spectrum of resistance to bacterial blight and wild species are the useful source for resistance

    An improved particle swarm algorithm for multi-objectives based optimization in MPLS/GMPLS networks

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a swarm-based optimization technique capable of solving different categories of optimization problems. Nevertheless, PSO has a serious exploration issue that makes it a difficult choice for multi-objectives constrained optimization problems (MCOP). At the same time, Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) and its extended version Generalized MPLS, has become an emerging network technology for modern and diverse applications. Therefore, as per MPLS and Generalized MPLS MCOP needs, it is important to find the Pareto based optimal solutions that guarantee the optimal resource utilization without compromising the quality of services (QoS) within the networks. The paper proposes a novel version of PSO, which includes a modified version of the Elitist Learning Strategy (ELS) in PSO that not only solves the existing exploration problem in PSO, but also produces optimal solutions with efficient convergence rates for different MPLS/ GMPLS network scales. The proposed approach has also been applied with two objective functions; the resource provisioning and the traffic load balancing costs. Our simulations and comparative study showed improved results of the proposed algorithm over the well-known optimization algorithms such as the “standard” PSO, Adaptive PSO, BAT, and Dolphin algorithm