2,301 research outputs found

    Racing with their legs tied : parents returning to postsecondary education

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    "Racing with their Legs Tied: Parents Returning to Postsecondary Education" explore les diffĂ©rents facteurs qui poussent les parents quĂ©bĂ©cois retournant aux Ă©tudes post-secondaires Ă  persĂ©verer ou Ă  abandonner. Cette thĂšse reflĂšte l'intĂ©rĂȘt renouvelĂ© pour l'apprentissage des adultes qui s'est dĂ©veloppĂ© au niveau national, mais aussi international. Ceci Ă©tant dit, nous avons utilisĂ© dans ce mĂ©moire une approche biographique qui propose un regard comprĂ©hensif sur les diffĂ©rents facteurs pouvant affecter l'expĂ©rience des parents retournant au cĂ©gep. Notons cependant qu'il est difficile de trouver au QuĂ©bec des analyses dĂ©taillĂ©es sur les expĂ©riences de la population Ă©tudiĂ©e dans cet mĂ©moire: les adultes avec enfants Ă  charge. Les dix parents Ă©tudiĂ©s ici proviennent d'un Ă©chantillon plus important de 234 cĂ©gĂ©piens ayant participĂ© au projet: « Les parcours scolaires en science et en technologie au collĂ©gial ». Cette Ă©tude, menĂ©e par Pierre Doray, est qualitative et longitudinale par son approche. Les entrevues rĂ©alisĂ©es durant ce projet Ă©taient semi-structurĂ©es. Pour les besoins de notre mĂ©moire, l'analyse des entrevues avec les parents a respectĂ© l'approche de la « thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e ».\ud En accord avec les principes de la « thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e », aucune hypothĂšse spĂ©cifique n'a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e lors de l'analyse des donnĂ©es. AprĂšs l'analyse de chaque cas individuel, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une typologie, basĂ©e sur le concept de carriĂšre scolaire. Cette typologie sert Ă  souligner la maniĂšre dont un ensemble de facteurs se combinent pour dĂ©terminer les rĂ©sultats scolaires spĂ©cifiques. Nous avons ensuite organisĂ© l'Ă©ventail des facteurs influençant les expĂ©riences scolaires des parents par temporalitĂ©. Les facteurs qui ont dĂ©terminĂ© les carriĂšres scolaires des CĂ©gĂ©piens, incluant leurs rĂ©sultats, sont liĂ©s davantage Ă  leurs expĂ©riences en cours au CĂ©gep plutĂŽt qu'Ă  celles de leur passĂ©. En effet, c'est leur agentivitĂ© individuelle qui explique principalement leurs rĂ©sultats, laquelle s'est traduite par leur capacitĂ© Ă  satisfaire Ă  la fois les exigences des programmes du CĂ©gep et la conciliation famille-Ă©cole. Leur origine sociale et leurs expĂ©riences scolaires antĂ©rieures n'Ă©taient pas dĂ©terminantes. Notons que les dĂ©fis de l'Ă©quilibre famille-Ă©cole Ă©taient une rĂ©alitĂ© prĂ©sente dans toutes leurs expĂ©riences, mais ils ne constituent la cause directe du dĂ©part du programme que dans deux cas seulement. Enfin, mĂȘme si les aspirations futures des parents dĂ©terminent leurs motivations et leurs projets scolaires actuels, elles n'influencent pas directement leurs rĂ©sultats scolaires. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Éducation des adultes, AgentivitĂ©, CarriĂšres Ă©ducatives, Approche parcours de vie

    Entre hier et demain : carriĂšres et persĂ©vĂ©rance scolaires des adultes dans l’enseignement technique

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    ConsidĂ©rant les diffĂ©rentes temporalitĂ©s comme des ressorts ou des sources possible de l’action sociale, les auteurs examinent comment elles influent sur la persĂ©vĂ©rance et la non-persĂ©vĂ©rance scolaire des Ă©tudiants et Ă©tudiantes en retour aux Ă©tudes dans l’enseignement technique. Ils remarquent d’abord que le futur est au coeur du projet de retour aux Ă©tudes, qui est, pour tous les Ă©tudiants, axĂ© sur la mobilitĂ© professionnelle ou l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie. Par la suite, ils cernent les caractĂ©ristiques de l’expĂ©rience scolaire en cours, avec la prĂ©sentation de six carriĂšres Ă©tudiantes. L’expĂ©rience scolaire mĂšne Ă  des dĂ©parts du programme ou au dĂ©crochage. La logique de la reproduction s’exerce : les hĂ©ritages et les acquis antĂ©rieurs, tel un capital de dispositions et de compĂ©tences mobilisables dans les Ă©tudes, ont une influence dĂ©terminante sur le dĂ©roulement de celles-ci. La plupart de ces adultes ont Ă©prouvĂ© des difficultĂ©s que tous n’ont pas surmontĂ©es.Treating different time horizons as a capacity or possible source of social action, the authors examine how these notions affect the level of assiduity of mature students who go back to school for technical training. The study identifies the future as being at the heart of any return to studies. All students see training as a route to job advancement and improved living conditions. The authors then describe the characteristics of the educational experience, for six student trajectories and document that the experience in school leads students to leave the programme or to drop out. A logic of reproduction is revealed : an inherited and previously acquired capital of capacities and competences that can be mobilised for schooling is determinant in how the return to school unfolds

    Integrative Processing of Verbal and Graphical Information During Re-reading Predicts Learning from Illustrated Text: An Eye-Movement Study

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    Printed or digital textbooks contain texts accompanied by various kinds of visualisation. Successful comprehension of these materials requires integrating verbal and graphical information. This study investigates the time course of processing an illustrated text through eye-tracking methodology in the school context. The aims were to identify patterns of first- and second-pass reading and to examine whether the integrative processing of text and picture during the less automatic and more purposeful second-pass reading predicts learning, after controlling for reading comprehension, prior knowledge, and self-concept. Forty-three 7th graders read an illustrated science text while their eye-movements were recorded. A cluster analysis revealed two processing patterns during the first-pass reading, which differed for the time spent on the main concepts in the text and picture. During re-reading, two patterns of stronger and weaker integrative processing emerged. Integration of verbal and graphical information was revealed by the frequency of second-pass transitions from text to picture and from picture to text, and the duration of picture re-inspecting while re-reading text information (look-from text to picture) and re-reading text information while re-inspecting the visualised information (look-from picture to text). A series of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that only the patterns of integrative processing during the second-pass reading uniquely predict verbal and graphical recalls, and the transfer of knowledge. The study provides evidence that the delayed processing which integrates text and graphics contributes to text retention and the application of newly learned knowledge, over and above individual characteristics. The educational significance is outlined

    Reading with induced worry: The role of physiological self‐regulation and working memory updating in text comprehension

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    Background. An interplay of emotional and cognitive aspects underlies academic performance. We focused on the contribution of such interplay to text comprehension. Aims. We investigated the effect of worry on comprehension and the role of two potential moderators of this effect: physiological self-regulation as resting heart rate variability (HRV) and working memory updating. Sample. Eighty-two seventh graders were involved in a quasi-experimental design. Methods. Students read an informational text in one of two reading conditions: to read for themselves to know more (n = 46; low-worry condition) or to gain the highest score in a ranking (n = 36; high-worry condition). Students’ resting HRV was recorded while watching a video of a natural scenario. The executive function of working memory updating was also assessed. After reading, students completed a comprehension task. Results. Findings revealed the moderating role of HRV in the relationship between induced worry and text comprehension. In the high-worry condition, students with higher resting HRV performed better than students who read under the same instructions but had lower HRV. In contrast, in the low-worry condition, students with higher resting HRV showed a lower performance as compared to students with lower HRV. Finally, working memory updating was positively related to text comprehension. Conclusions. Our findings indicate that the cognitive component of anxiety, that is, worry, plays a role in performing a fundamental learning activity like text comprehension. The importance of physiological self-regulation emerges clearly. In a condition of high worry, higher ability to regulate emotions and thoughts acts as a protective factor

    Webpage reading: Psychophysiological correlates of emotional arousal and regulation predict multiple-text comprehension

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    This study aimed to investigate psychophysiological responses while reading multiple webpages on a debated topic. We measured heart rate (HR) as an index of emotional arousal and heart rate variability (HRV) as an index of emotional regulation. Forty-seven lower secondary school students in grade 7 read four webpages varying for reliability and position on the topic of the potential health risks associated with the use of mobile phones, while their cardiac activity was registered. Post-reading performance of multiple-text comprehension at intertextual level was measured by an essay, which was coded for sourcing (reference to the source information and connection with its content) and argumentation on the topic. Results showed that the type of webpage did not differentiate HR and HRV while reading. However, HR and HRV predicted comprehension across texts as reflected in argumentation, after controlling for prior knowledge and reading comprehension. Specifically, HR was a negative predictor and HRV a positive predictor; the less the students were emotionally reactive to the content read and the more they were able to self-regulate while reading, the greater their multiple-text comprehension, such as the ability to argue about the debated topic. Theoretical and practical contributions of the study are discussed

    The Role of Inhibition in Conceptual Learning from Refutation and Standard Expository Texts

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    conceptual change, expository text, inhibition, refutation text, science learning

    Transitions - Note 2

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    Note complÚte ; Résumé ; Capsule 2 : L'accÚs inégal des influence des « EPG » à l'éducation postsecondair
