17,634 research outputs found

    High mass X-ray binaries in the NIRorbital solutions of two highly obscured systems

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    The maximum mass of a neutron star (NS) is poorly defined. Theoretical attempts to define this mass have thus far been unsuccessful. Observational results currently provide the only means of narrowing this mass range down. Eclipsing X-ray binary (XRB) pulsar systems are the only interacting binaries in which the mass of the NS may be measured directly. Only 10 such systems are known to exist, 6 of which have yielded NS masses in the range 1.06 - 1.86 M_{\odot}.We present the first orbital solutions of two further eclipsing systems, OAO 1657-415 and EXO 1722-363, whose donor stars have only recently been identified. Using observations obtained using the VLT/ISAAC NIR spectrograph, our initial work was concerned with providing an accurate spectral classification of the two counterpart stars, leading to a consistent explanation of the mechanism for spin period evolution of OAO 1657-415. Calculating radial velocities allowed orbital solutions for both systems to be computed. These are the first accurate determinations of the NS and counterpart masses in XRB pulsar systems to be made employing NIR spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of "The multi-wavelength view of hot, massive stars", 39th Li`ege Int. Astroph. Coll., 12-16 July 201

    SP-100 reactor with Brayton conversion for lunar surface applications

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    Examined here is the potential for integrating Brayton-cycle power conversion with the SP-100 reactor for lunar surface power system applications. Two designs were characterized and modeled. The first design integrates a 100-kWe SP-100 Brayton power system with a lunar lander. This system is intended to meet early lunar mission power needs while minimizing on-site installation requirements. Man-rated radiation protection is provided by an integral multilayer, cylindrical lithium hydride/tungsten (LiH/W) shield encircling the reactor vessel. Design emphasis is on ease of deployment, safety, and reliability, while utilizing relatively near-term technology. The second design combines Brayton conversion with the SP-100 reactor in a erectable 550-kWe powerplant concept intended to satisfy later-phase lunar base power requirements. This system capitalizes on experience gained from operating the initial 100-kWe module and incorporates some technology improvements. For this system, the reactor is emplaced in a lunar regolith excavation to provide man-rated shielding, and the Brayton engines and radiators are mounted on the lunar surface and extend radially from the central reactor. Design emphasis is on performance, safety, long life, and operational flexibility

    Blood Glucose Levels in Hypertensive Patients During Treatment with Different Antihyperten-sive Agents

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    &#60;P&#62;Fasting blood glucose was determined in 27 adults with essential hypertension at four different periods during a 12-month treatment with doxazosin, an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist, and in another set of 20 adult hypertensive patients, after 3 months treatment with amlodipine, a calcium antagonist. The mean fasting blood glucose levels at various determinations during doxazosin therapy did not show any significant variation from the pre-treatment value. Similarly, mean fasting blood glucose level remained the same after 3 months of amlodipine therapy. The findings, therefore, highlights the safety of doxazosin and amlodipine antihypertensive pharmacotherapies.&#60;/P&#62;</p

    Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption of prime ice analogues of Pluto and Charon

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    Here we present the first Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) photoabsorption spectra of ice analogues of Pluto and Charon ice mixtures. For Pluto the ice analogue is an icy mixture containing nitrogen (N2), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and water (H2O) prepared with a 100:1:1:3 ratio, respectively. Photoabsorption of icy mixtures with and without H2O were recorded and no significant changes in the spectra due to presence of H2O were observed. For Charon a VUV photoabsorption spectra of an ice analogue containing ammonia (NH3) and H2O prepared with a 1:1 ratio was recorded, a spectrum of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) was also recorded. These spectra may help to interpret the P-Alice data from New Horizons

    Shock Geometry and Spectral Breaks in Large SEP Events

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    Solar energetic particle (SEP) events are traditionally classified as "impulsive" or "gradual." It is now widely accepted that in gradual SEP events, particles are accelerated at coronal mass ejection-driven (CME-driven) shocks. In many of these large SEP events, particle spectra exhibit double power law or exponential rollover features, with the break energy or rollover energy ordered as (Q/A)^α, with Q being the ion charge in e and A the ion mass in units of proton mass m_p . This Q/A dependence of the spectral breaks provides an opportunity to study the underlying acceleration mechanism. In this paper, we examine how the Q/A dependence may depend on shock geometry. Using the nonlinear guiding center theory, we show that α ~ 1/5 for a quasi-perpendicular shock. Such a weak Q/A dependence is in contrast to the quasi-parallel shock case where α can reach 2. This difference in α reflects the difference of the underlying parallel and perpendicular diffusion coefficients κ_(||) and κ ⊥. We also examine the Q/A dependence of the break energy for the most general oblique shock case. Our analysis offers a possible way to remotely examine the geometry of a CME-driven shock when it is close to the Sun, where the acceleration of particle to high energies occurs

    The role of interplanetary scattering in western hemisphere large solar energetic particle events

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    Using high-sensitivity instruments on the ACE spacecraft, we have examined the intensities of O and Fe in 14 large solar energetic particle events whose parent activity was in the solar western hemisphere. Sampling the intensities at low (~273 keV nucleon to the -1) and high (~12 MeV nucleon to the -1) energies, we find that at the same kinetic energy per nucleon, the Fe/O ratio decreases with time, as has been reported previously. This behavior is seen in more than 70% of the cases during the rise to maximum intensity and continues in most cases into the decay phase. We find that for most events if we compare the Fe intensity with the O intensity at a higher kinetic energy per nucleon, the two time-intensity profiles are strikingly similar. Examining alternate scenarios that could produce this behavior, we conclude that for events showing this behavior the most likely explanation is that the Fe and O share similar injection profiles near the Sun, and that scattering in the interplanetary medium dominates the profiles observed at 1 AU