61 research outputs found

    D6.1. ConnectinGEO methodology

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    Describing the ConnectinGEO methodology to be developed and tested during the project and to be promoted beyond the end of it.The main aim of the ConnectinGEO methodology is to find gaps in EO networks and systems (mainly in-situ or non-space), determine remedies and recommendpriorities to solve these gaps. The gap analysis phase follows five different threads: Top-Down thread 1: Identification of a collection of observation requirements Top-Down thread 2: Research programs aims and targets Bottom-up thread 1: Consultation process Bottom-up thread 2: GEOSS Discovery and Access Broker analysis Bottom-up thread 3: industry-driven challenges. This deliverable describes each thread and enumerates sub-steps for each one. It defines a common data model for gap description that all threads will need to follow and respect to communicate and concentrate gaps in a single list. Then a review process will start and external and internal user feedback will be gathered. To end the review process the feedback will be examined and moderated and some gaps will be discarded but other will be confirmed and profiled.Then, a period for reviewing the gaps and identifying remedies will start. The quantifications of the impact, the feasibility and the costs will permit the application of a semi automatic priority calculation. Once the gap table is sorted by priorities, gaps will be classified and some recommendations will be formulated for the funding agencies

    A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata

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    The complexities of the intricate geospatial resources and formats make preservation and distribution of GIS data difficult even among experts. The proliferation of, for instance, KML, Internet map services, etc, reflects the need for sharing geodata but a comprehensive solution when having to deal with data and metadata of a certain complexity is not currently provided. Original geospatial data is usually divided into several parts to record its different aspects (spatial and thematic features, etc), plus additional files containing, metadata, symbolization specifications and tables, etc; these parts are encoded in different formats, both standard and proprietary. To simplify data access, software providers encourage the use of an additional element that we call generically "map project", and this contains links to other parts (local or remote). Consequently, in order to distribute the data and metadata refereed by the map in a complete way, or to apply the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) standard to preserve it for the future, we need to face the multipart problem. This paper proposes a package allowing the distribution of real (comprehensive although diverse and complex) GIS data over the Internet and for data preservation. This proposal, complemented with the right tools, hides but keeps the multipart structure, so providing a simpler but professional user experience. Several packaging strategies are reviewed in the paper, and a solution based on ISO 29500-2 standard is chosen. The solution also considers the adoption of the recent Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services common standard (OGC OWS) context document as map part, and as a way for also combining data files with geospatial services. Finally, and by using adequate strategies, different GIS implementations can use several parts of the package and ignore the rest: a philosophy that has proven useful (e.g. in TIFF)

    ConnectinGEO dissemination and exploitation plan

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    EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014 - H2020)H2020 Project Nr: 641538. Project start date: 01 Feb 2015Project title: Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations.Theme: SC5-18a-2014. Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials.Description of the ConnectinGEO dissemination and exploitation plan elaborated during the project. This will be done both as outreach and in a collaborative feedback environment

    Results of the data management plan (DMP) and report on the participation in the pilot on open research data in Horizon 2020

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    Revision and description of the results of the Data Management Plan (DMP) and participation in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 as requested in http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-data-mgt_en.pdf. The review will be conducted in collaboration with WP1 and WP5

    Towards the creation of a European Network of Earth Observation Networks within GEO. The ConnectinGEO project

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    ConnectinGEO (Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations " is a new H2020 Coordination and Support Action with the primary goal of linking existing Earth Observation networks with science and technology (S&T) communities, the industry sector, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and Copernicus. ConnectinGEO aims to facilitate a broader and more accessible knowledge base to support the needs of GEO, its Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) and the users of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). A broad range of subjects from climate, natural resources and raw materials, to the emerging UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be addressed. The project will generate a prioritized list of critical gaps within available observation data and models to translate observations into practice-relevant knowledge, based on stakeholder consultation and systematic analysis. Ultimately, it will increase coherency of European observation networks, increase the use of Earth observations for assessments and forecasts and inform the planning for future observation systems. ConnectinGEO will initiate a European Network of Earth Observation Networks (ENEON) that will encompass space-based, airborne and in-situ observations networks. ENEON will be composed by project partners representing thematic observation networks along with the GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network, GEO Communities of Practices, Copernicus services, Sentinel missions and in-situ support data representatives, representatives of the space-based, airborne and in-situ observations European networks (e.g. EPOS, EMSO and GROOM, etc), representatives of the industry sector and European and national funding agencies, in particular those participating in the future ERA-PlaNET. At the beginning, the ENEON will be created and managed by the project. Then the management will be transferred to the network itself to ensure its future continuity. ConnectinGEO's main goal in ENEON is to mature a consultation complemented by a systematic analysis of available data and metadata, which will draw for the first time a coherent picture of the variety of used data interfaces, policies and indicators. This way, the project will stimulate a harmonized and coherent coverage of the European EO networks, reemphasizing the political strategic targets, create opportunities for SMEs to develop products based on the current networks, and open avenue for industry to participate in investments addressing the identified high-priority gaps

    D1.1. Project Advisory Board composition and communication channels

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    This deliverable exposes the current status of the Project Advisory Board and possible collaborations with three relevant projects: ENVRIPLUS, BACI and GAIA-CLIM

    Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model

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    Altres ajuts: Xavier Pons is the recipient of an ICREA Academia Excellence in Research Grant (2016-2020)Lineage information is the part of the metadata that describes "what", "when", "who", "how", and "where" geospatial data were generated. If it is well-presented and queryable, lineage becomes very useful information for inferring data quality, tracing error sources and increasing trust in geospatial information. In addition, if the lineage of a collection of datasets can be related and presented together, datasets, process chains, and methodologies can be compared. This paper proposes extending process step lineage descriptions into four explicit levels of abstraction (process run, tool, algorithm and functionality). Including functionalities and algorithm descriptions as a part of lineage provides high-level information that is independent from the details of the software used. Therefore, it is possible to transform lineage metadata that is initially documenting specific processing steps into a reusable workflow that describes a set of operations as a processing chain. This paper presents a system that provides lineage information as a service in a distributed environment. The system is complemented by an integrated provenance web application that is capable of visualizing and querying a provenance graph that is composed by the lineage of a collection of datasets. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19115 standards family with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provenance initiative (W3C PROV) were combined in order to integrate provenance of a collection of datasets. To represent lineage elements, the ISO 19115-2 lineage class names were chosen, because they express the names of the geospatial objects that are involved more precisely. The relationship naming conventions of W3C PROV are used to represent relationships among these elements. The elements and relationships are presented in a queryable graph

    W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment

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    Provenance, a metadata component referring to the origin and the processes undertaken to obtain a specific geographic digital feature or product, is crucial to evaluate the quality of spatial information and help in reproducing and replicating geospatial processes. However, the heterogeneity and complexity of the geospatial processes, which can potentially modify part or the complete content of datasets, make evident the necessity for describing geospatial provenance at dataset, feature and attribute levels. This paper presents the application of W3C PROV, which is a generic specification to express provenance records, for representing geospatial data provenance at these different levels. In particular, W3C PROV is applied to feature models, where geospatial phenomena are represented as individual features described with spatial (point, lines, polygons, etc.) and non-spatial (names, measures, etc.) attributes. This paper first analyses the potential for representing geospatial provenance in a distributed environment at the three levels of granularity using ISO 19115 and W3C PROV models. Next, an approach for applying the generic W3C PROV provenance model to the geospatial environment is presented. As a proof of concept, we provide an application of W3C PROV to describe geospatial provenance at the feature and attribute levels. The use case presented consists of a conflation of the U.S. Geological Survey dataset with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency dataset. Finally, an example of how to capture the provenance resulting from workflows and chain executions with PROV is also presented. The application uses a web processing service, which enables geospatial processing in a distributed system and allows to capture the provenance information based on the W3C PROV ontology at the feature and attribute levels