18 research outputs found

    Criterion of unrecognizability of a finite group by its Gruenberg-Kegel graph

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    The Gruenberg-Kegel graph Γ(G)\Gamma(G) associated with a finite group GG has as vertices the prime divisors of G|G|, with an edge from pp to qq if and only if GG contains an element of order pqpq. This graph has been the subject of much recent interest; one of our goals here is to give a survey of some of this material, relating to groups with the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph. However, our main aim is to prove several new results. Among them are the following. - There are infinitely many finite groups with the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph as the Gruenberg-Kegel of a finite group GG if and only if there is a finite group HH with non-trivial solvable radical such that Γ(G)=Γ(H)\Gamma(G)=\Gamma(H). - There is a function FF on the natural numbers with the property that if a finite nn-vertex graph whose vertices are labelled by pairwise distinct primes is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of more than F(n)F(n) finite groups, then it is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of infinitely many finite groups. (The function we give satisfies F(n)=O(n7)F(n)=O(n^7), but this is probably not best possible.) - If a finite graph Γ\Gamma whose vertices are labelled by pairwise distinct primes is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of only finitely many finite groups, then all such groups are almost simple; moreover, Γ\Gamma has at least three pairwise non-adjacent vertices, and 22 is non-adjacent to at least one odd vertex. - Groups whose power graphs, or commuting graphs, are isomorphic have the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph. - The groups 2G2(27){^2}G_2(27) and E8(2)E_8(2) are uniquely determined by the isomorphism types of their Gruenberg-Kegel graphs. In addition, we consider groups whose Gruenberg-Kegel graph has no edges. These are the groups in which every element has prime power order, and have been studied under the name \emph{EPPO groups}; completing this line of research, we give a complete list of such groups.Comment: 29 page

    Synthesis of polycalciumphenylsiloxane and composites based on the skeleton of a sea urchin with the resulting polymer

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    In this work, we obtained polycalciumphenylsiloxane (PCPS) by the interaction of calcium bis (acetylacetonate) with polyphenylsiloxane. The first method consisted in boiling the starting reagents in toluene for several hours; the second was as follows: the mixture of the starting reagents was preliminarily treated mechanically in a ball mill, followed by boiling in toluene for several hours. Two fractions, soluble and insoluble, were isolated in both syntheses. They were investigated using IR, NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and gel permeation chromatography. It was shown that the insoluble fraction is a mixture of calcium acetylacetonate and polyphenylsiloxane with a small calcium ion content. The soluble fraction is polycalciumphenylsiloxane. The yield of the soluble fraction is higher in the second synthesis method. The polymers obtained in the first and second synthesis methods are similar in composition and structure, which was confirmed by physicochemical methods. Next, the skeleton of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius was treated with a soluble fraction in toluene. In this case, a composite was obtained, which was treated with 2–3% hydrochloric acid and then calcined at a temperature of 600 °C. At each stage, the composition of the composites was investigated using elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy. The morphology was investigated using scanning electron microscopy


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    It is offered the understanding of noosphere as environments of unity of the individual and collective inspired reason. It is certain that noosphere development is impossible without the noosphere transition called to produce scientific, psychological, world view, ideological, socially-technological, administrative transformations. Importance is shown semantic and valued updating in technologies of education, and also acmeological innovations. Conception of noosphere education as systems of theoretical, gnosiological, methodological, medical-psihological and practical looks is offered to nature of education and way of achievement of natural effect in education of rising generations. Principle of potential intellectual safety of educational technology is offered

    Nature-aligned Education Technologies as the Basis of Forming an Individual Noospheric Consciousness

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    With the aim of identifying the mechanisms of the emergence of positive changes in the formation of students’ consciousness, factors determining natural conformity of perceiving reality are considered. A number of features of shifting from sinistrocerebral to holistic thinking are considered. It is shown that the introduction of noospheric consciousness into the realization of individual basic functions displays his/her ability to self-awareness of an integrated system of structural-functional dynamics of the psyche. The problem of bringing the education system into line with the major trends in the development of scientific research is set up. In this regard, a mental image in the shape of a holographic form is considered as a holistic holographic image of an event, phenomenon, and subject filled with information and perceived by all senses individually. It is shown that consideration of dynamics of forming mental images in educational processes is a factor of ensuring psychological health. It is shown that nature-aligned consciousness is emergent in the organization of cognition and comprehension, when it unexpectedly arises from the gross properties of consciousness and is projected onto each individual consciousness able to engage in a global neural network – the noosphere, the information layer, the collective unconscious and superconscious. It is shown that instead of a trained sinistrocerebral, clip, terminal way of thinking, when human capabilities are limited and health is exhausted, a nature-aligned, holistic, neural network, emergent way of thinking is possible that opens up new possibilities of the pupil, and, most importantly, saves health. Such feature of the brain as its permanent activity is considered, which is presented by specific cerebral oscillations of the brain rhythms: delta rhythms (0.5 to 4 Hz), theta rhythms (4–8 Hz), alpha rhythms (8–13 Hz), beta rhythms (14–40 Hz) and gamma rhythms (over 40 Hz) and sigma-rhythms (10–16 Hz from 13 to 14 cycles per second). Each of the rhythms is a symptom of a certain state of consciousness. The importance of changing the mode of operation of the brain and nervous system is shown: activity – relaxation in the learning process. It is discussed that the modern system of education and personal development faces the task, the solution of which noospheric psycho-pedagogy offers: how to shape nature-aligned consciousness of the individual, which allows discovering unlimited resources of a person’s alpha theta, sigma and gamma states. It is argued that in the light of the latest scientific discoveries on the modern stage of society development the teacher should know and use in their activities to nature-aligned educational technologies, aimed at forming nature-aligned noospheric consciousness of the individual. A teacher can and should contribute to the harmonious work of a brain of the student in the learning process. This is possible if the teacher applies bioadequate methods of teaching and uses bioadequate textbooks. It is recommended for the teacher to take a refresher course “Holistic thinking” and “Nature-aligned methods of teaching academic disciplines.

    Displaying Wages as an Indicator of the Social Responsibility of Business in Accounting and Reporting

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    The article is concerned with displaying wages in both accounting and reporting, in the context of social responsibility. The basic approaches to definition of social responsibility in the context of relations of employers and employees were considered. It was noted that an effective means of implementing the conception of social responsibility would be the preparation of integrated reporting, and for this purpose the elements of social responsibility of enterprises should be reflected in the accounting system. It is expedient to include in the indicators of social responsibility of the integrated reporting of enterprises the level of remuneration of the current character; the amount of compensation payments in connection with the completion of work and due to difficult working conditions, harmful industries; the amount of incentive payments as a result of developing the skill level and increasing labor efficiency; payments on the sectoral individual pensions and on social support programs, etc. The displaying of the proposed indicators in the reporting of enterprise would provide disclosure of information on the implementation of the principles of social responsibility and would inform the interested parties about the implementation of social programs and projects at the enterprise

    Teaching master students to read and interpret English academic journal articles

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    The article deals with the analysis of a strategy that promotes non-English speaking Master students’ ability to read and interpret authentic English-language academic research articles. The authors have got a hypothesis that the effectiveness of teaching can be promoted if Master students read an academic article in its three versions –the first fully adapted version, the second partly adapted version and finally the same authentic scientific paper in full. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The theoretical part of the research involved the analysis of modern methodological, psychological and linguistic studies. The experimental part of the research consisted of two stages –ascertaining and formative. In order to conduct a formative experiment, all Master students of the same sample were split into 2 groups. Students who had demonstrated a higher level of receptive skills in the process of ascertaining experiment, became participants of the control group (CG), and students who had shown a lower level of the same skills –participants of the experimental group (EG).The ascertaining stage of the experiment has shown that most of the participants (nearly 75%) have significant difficulties in reading, understanding and interpreting academic journal articles. The hypothesis has been experimentally checked. The results for control and experimental groups, taking part in the formative experiment, prove that the introduced method has significant advantages in both learning scientific vocabulary, understanding authentic non-adapted research paper in English, oral retelling and scientific article interpreting. © 2021JLLS and the Authors -Published by JLLS.Keywords:academic reading;interpretation;vocabulary;language;lexical item


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