234 research outputs found


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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper describes the analysis and modelling of word usage frequency time series. During one of previous studies, an assumption was put forward that all word usage frequencies have uniform dynamics approaching the shape of a Gaussian function. This assumption can be checked using the frequency dictionaries of the Google Books Ngram database. This database includes 5.2 million books published between 1500 and 2008. The corpus contains over 500 billion words in American English, British English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Chinese. We clustered time series of word usage frequencies using a Kohonen neural network. The similarity between input vectors was estimated using several algorithms. As a result of the neural network training procedure, more than ten different forms of time series were found. They describe the dynamics of word usage frequencies from birth to death of individual words. Different groups of word forms were found to have different dynamics of word usage frequency variations


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    Do objetivo do estudo é investigar a formação de habilidades de fortalecimento do componente prático de treinamento ambiental de estudantes, com especialização técnica. Isso é alcançado com a introdução de formas e métodos de treinamento, como a pesquisa de projetos técnicos e artigos científicos na área sujeita (usando o método de análise diversionária), a participação dos estudantes no trabalho dos departamentos científicos das empresas, na prática de produção ecológica e no design interdisciplinar. Os resultados do experimento mostram uma dinâmica positiva nas mudanças dos níveis de formação das principais características da cultura ecológica dos alunos e confirmam a eficácia da introdução do considerado.Del objetivo del estudio es investigar la formación de tales habilidades de fortalecimiento del componente práctico de la formación ambiental de los estudiantes, que tienen especialización técnica. Se logra mediante la introducción de tales formas y métodos de capacitación, como la investigación de proyectos técnicos y artículos científicos en el área sujeta (utilizando el método de análisis de distracción), la participación de los estudiantes en el trabajo de los departamentos científicos de las empresas, en la práctica de producción ecológica y en el diseño interdisciplinario. Los resultados del experimento muestran una dinámica positiva en los cambios de los niveles de formación de las principales características de la cultura ecológica de los estudiantes, y confirman la efectividad de la introducción de lo considerado.Of the goal of study is to investigate the formation of such skills of strengthening of practical component of environmental training of students, having technical specialization. It is achieved by the introduction of such forms and methods of training,as the research of technical projects and scientific articles in the subjected area (using the method of diversionary analysis), the participation of students in the work of scientific departments at the enterprises, in eco-oriented production practice and in the interdisciplinary designing. The results of the experiment show a positive dynamics in the changes of formedness levels of the main characteristics of the students' ecological culture, and confirm the effectiveness of introduction the considered. &nbsp

    Use of ELVIS II platform for random process modelling and analysis of its probability density function

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The problem of probability density function estimation for a random process is one of the most common in practice. There are several methods to solve this problem. Presented laboratory work uses methods of the mathematical statistics to detect patterns in the realization of random process. On the basis of ergodic theory, we construct algorithm for estimating univariate probability density distribution function for a random process. Correlational analysis of realizations is applied to estimate the necessary size of the sample and the time of observation. Hypothesis testing for two probability distributions (normal and Cauchy) is used on the experimental data, using χ2 criterion. To facilitate understanding and clarity of the problem solved, we use ELVIS II platform and LabVIEW software package that allows us to make the necessary calculations, display results of the experiment and, most importantly, to control the experiment. At the same time students are introduced to a LabVIEW software package and its capabilities

    Classification of bad pixels of the Hawaii-2RG detector of the ASTROnomical NearInfraRed CAMera

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    ASTRONIRCAM is an infrared camera-spectrograph installed at the 2.5-meter telescope of the CMO SAI. The instrument is equipped with the HAWAII-2RG array. A bad pixels classification of the ASTRONIRCAM detector is proposed. The classification is based on histograms of the difference of consecutive non-destructive readouts of a flat field. Bad pixels are classified into 5 groups: hot (saturated on the first readout), warm (the signal accumulation rate is above the mean value by more than 5 standard deviations), cold (the rate is under the mean value by more than 5 standard deviations), dead (no signal accumulation), and inverse (having a negative signal accumulation in the first readouts). Normal pixels of the ASTRONIRCAM detector account for 99.6% of the total. We investigated the dependence between the amount of bad pixels and the number of cooldown cycles of the instrument. While hot pixels remain the same, the bad pixels of other types may migrate between groups. The number of pixels in each group stays roughly constant. We found that the mean and variance of the bad pixels amount in each group and the transitions between groups do not differ noticeably between normal or slow cooldowns.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Figures, 3 table

    Principal ideal languages and synchronizing automata

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    We study ideal languages generated by a single word. We provide an algorithm to construct a strongly connected synchronizing automaton for which such a language serves as the language of synchronizing words. Also we present a compact formula to calculate the syntactic complexity of this language.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Cluster analysis of word frequency dynamics

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper describes the analysis and modelling of word usage frequency time series. During one of previous studies, an assumption was put forward that all word usage frequencies have uniform dynamics approaching the shape of a Gaussian function. This assumption can be checked using the frequency dictionaries of the Google Books Ngram database. This database includes 5.2 million books published between 1500 and 2008. The corpus contains over 500 billion words in American English, British English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Chinese. We clustered time series of word usage frequencies using a Kohonen neural network. The similarity between input vectors was estimated using several algorithms. As a result of the neural network training procedure, more than ten different forms of time series were found. They describe the dynamics of word usage frequencies from birth to death of individual words. Different groups of word forms were found to have different dynamics of word usage frequency variations

    Phagocytosis and oxidative activity of neutrophils after interaction with uropathogenic <i>Escherichia coli</i> biofilms

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    Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are associated primarily with the ability of Escherichia coli to form biofilms. The interaction of neutrophils, factors of innate immunity, with microorganisms in biofilms is difficult compared to planktonic forms due to the lack of direct contact, as well as due to the antiphagocytic action of the extracellular matrix of biofilms. The purpose of this study was evaluation of neutrophils phagocytic and oxidative activity during interaction with biofilms of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) DL82 and R44. Peripheral blood neutrophils from healthy men were isolated using ficoll-urographin double gradient, incubated for 1 h with bacterial cells from biofilms or their supernatants, then leukocytes functional activity was evaluated. Phagocytic activity of neutrophils was determined by the degree of bioluminescence inhibition of bioluminescent strain E. coli K12 TG1 lux+ (pXen) upon their absorption by neutrophils. Production of extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was analyzed by the intensity of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in spontaneous and stimulated by E. coli K12 variants. Significance of differences was determined using Student’s t-test at p &lt; 0.05. It was found that neutrophils interaction with UPEC biofilm cells or supernatants did not affect the phagocytic activity. E. coli DL82 supernatants reduce neutrophils spontaneous ROS production compared to control and biofilm cells. E. coli R44 supernatants with a low virulence potential did not affect ROS production, while biofilm cells stimulated it. When assessing stimulated ROS production, exposure to R44 strain supernatants did not cause a decrease in neutrophils activation in response to an external stimulus (E. coli K12 cells). Preliminary contact of neutrophils with E. coli R44 bacteria resulted in a high and prolonged level of ROS production compared to the control. Neutrophils interaction with DL82 cells resulted in a higher level of ROS compared to supernatants, however a subsequent rapid depletion of neutrophils oxidative potential was observed. Thus, cells and supernatants of UPEC biofilms can determine the activation of neutrophils

    Recurrent Symbiotic Nova T Coronae Borealis Before Outburst

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    The results of photometric and spectral observations of T CrB obtained in a wide range of wavelengths in 2011-2023 are presented. We use the near-IR light curves to determine a new ephemeris JDmin=2455828.9+227.55EJD_{min} = 2455828.9 + 227.55 \cdot E for the times of light minima when the red giant is located between the observer and the hot component. The flux ratio Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta varied from ~3 to ~8 in 2020-2023, which may be due to a change in the flux ratio between the X-ray and optical ranges. It is shown that the value of Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta depends on the rate of accretion onto the hot component of the system. Based on high-speed follow-up observations obtained on June 8, 2023, we detected a variability of the HeII λ4686\lambda 4686 line with a characteristic time-scale of ~25 min, the amplitude of variability in the BB band was ~0.07m^m. Simulations of the near-IR light curves accounting for the ellipsoidal effect allowed us to obtain the parameters of the binary system: the Roche lobe filling factor of the cool component μ=1.0\mu=1.0, the mass ratio q=Mcool/Mhot=0.65±0.2q=M_{cool}/M_{hot}=0.65\pm0.2, the orbit inclination i=56±4i=56^\circ\pm4^\circ. A comparison of the light curve obtained in 2005-2023 with the 1946 outburst template made it possible to predict the date of the upcoming outburst - January 2024.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    Анализ ЭДС вращения магнитоэлектрического двигателя

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    The main element of gyroscopic equipment is gyro-motor. The precision characteristics of gyroscopic systems mostly depend on the stability of the kinetic moment of the gyro-motor rotor. The article analyzes the possibility of creating gyro based on the magneto-electric motor (MEM) with permanent magnets of high coercive force.The proposed MEM design with radially arranged cylindrical permanent magnets has the following features: the stator has no magnetic core, the inductor is formed of discretely spaced permanent magnets of cylindrical shape from magnetic materials with high energy density, the magnetic field in the working clearance is complicated in nature and determined by the shape of magnets and magnetic circuit from magnetic material, the flux of armature reaction practically has no effect on distribution of magnetic field in the clearance.Since a stator is made without magnetic circuit its space is filled with a spiral single layer phase windings. The radial arrangement of the permanent magnets allows ensuring the stability of the center of mass of the rotor, which improves the precision of gyroscopic devices based on this motor.One of the main research objectives of electromagnetic processes in electric motor is to analyze the EMF in the stator winding. The paper explores the EMF induced in the coil magnet motor with radially arranged cylindrical permanent magnets; the rotor is made without a magnetic core. This study takes into account the fact that the form of distribution of the magnetic system induction of the motor is almost independent on the ratio of the geometric dimensions of the magnets and their magnetic properties. It is determined by the value of the coefficient of pole overlapping and by width of the working clearance.The paper presents comparative results of theoretical calculations and practical investigations of MEM with radially arranged permanent magnets.В статье авторы анализируют возможность создания гиромотора на базе магнитоэлектрического двигателя с постоянными магнитами большой коэрцитивной силы. Авторами предложена конструкция магнитоэлектрического двигателя с радиально расположенными цилиндрическими постоянными магнитами, созданными на основе соединения редкоземельных элементов и кобальта. Такая конструкция электромагнитной системы позволяет выполнить статор без традиционного магнитопровода, заполнив его обмоткой из меди. Такая конструкция статора собирается из элементов без органических фракций, что особенно важно для гироскопов с газодинамическими опорами. Кроме того, радиальное расположение постоянных магнитов позволяет обеспечить стабильность центра масс ротора, что улучшает точностные характеристики гироскопических приборов, созданных на основе такого двигателя. Особое внимание в работе уделено анализу электромагнитных процессов, происходящих в электродвигателе, проведено исследование электродвижущей силы вращения, возникающей в обмотках при работе двигателя. В работе представлены сравнительные результаты теоретических расчетов и практических исследований магнитоэлектрического двигателя с постоянными магнитами радиального исполнения. DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0615.081916

    Аккумуляторные батареи носимых электронных устройств

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    The main requirements for power supply of portable electronic devices are as follows: small dimension and weight, high power, long operating time without connection to the industrial network, operational safety and environmental friendliness. If we take an objective assessment of the listed parameters of modern rechargeable batteries used in cell phones, tablet computers, laptops we can draw a disappointing conclusion that just accumulators are the bottleneck in the design of electronic devices.Dimensions of rechargeable batteries are comparable with the size of all the other components of the electronic device together, including the screen and the keyboard. The operating time of the electronic device in an autonomous mode, which the modern battery is capable to provide, is by several orders less than the possible operating time of the device itself. Even with observance of the operating rules, life of rechargeable battery is only a few years. Thus, the battery performance of cell phones, tablet computers, laptops is determined just by the battery characteristics rather than by the parameters of the "electronic stuffing" (components).At present, nickel-based (nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride) and lithium-based (lithium-ion and lithium-polymer) batteries are used to feed portable electronic devices. For nickel batteries, the number of charge-discharge cycles is about one and a half thousand. In addition, owing to low internal resistance they can provide rather high discharge current. However, an inherent "memory" phenomenon of the nickel batteries reduces their capacity when the battery is incompletely discharged.Lithium batteries, which have about two-three times higher capacity than those of nickel, can withstand less than a thousand of charge-discharge cycles, after which their capacity is significantly reduced. In addition, lithium batteries are very sensitive to high temperatures, and in case this parameter is beyond the acceptable limits there can be a fire and even explosion of the battery. Therefore, lithium batteries are equipped with an electronic device to monitor the temperature and voltage at the electrodes, which leads to a significantly increasing size and cost of such power sources.Lithium batteries and nickel ones too have a critical discharge level, but unlike the latter, lithium batteries must not be completely discharged, otherwise they loose their ability to be charged.Thus, in order to increase the service life of the battery, it is necessary to choose the optimum mode of operation, which depends on the type of battery.Nowadays, developers of portable electronic devices devote much attention to the quest for new autonomous power sources, both chemical ones and those based on conversion of light and mechanical energies into electrical one. However, so far such devices are only add-ons to traditional chemical batteries and are not able to replace them completely.Основными требованиями, предъявляемых к источникам питания носимых электронных устройств можно отнести: малые габариты и вес, высокая мощность, длительное время работы без подключения к промышленной сети, эксплуатационная безопасность и экологичность. Если провести объективную оценку характеристик по перечисленным параметрам современных аккумуляторных батарей, используемых в сотовых телефонах, планшетных компьютерах, ноутбуках, то можно сделать неутешительный вывод, что именно аккумуляторы являются самым проблемным звеном в конструкции электронных устройств.Габариты аккумуляторных батарей сравнимы с размерами всех вместе взятых остальных элементов электронного устройства, включая экран и клавиатуру. Время работы электронного устройства в автономном режиме, которое способен обеспечить современный аккумулятор на несколько порядков меньше, чем время возможной работы самого устройства. Срок службы аккумуляторной батареи даже при соблюдении правил эксплуатации – всего нескольких лет. Таким образом, эксплуатационные характеристики сотовых телефонов, планшетных компьютеров, ноутбуков определяются не параметрами «электронной начинки», а именно характеристиками аккумулятора.В настоящее время для питания носимых электронных устройств используются аккумуляторы, созданные на основе никеля (никель-кадмиевые, никель-металлгидридные) и лития (литий-ионные и литий-полимерные). Для никелевых аккумуляторов характерно количество циклов заряда-разряда порядка полутора тысяч. Кроме того, обладая низким внутренним сопротивлением, они могут обеспечивать довольно высокий разрядный ток. Однако никелевым аккумуляторным батареям присуще явление «памяти», которое заключается в снижении их емкости при неполном разряде батареи.Литиевые аккумуляторы, обладая емкостью, примерно в два-три раза выше, чем у никелевых, выдерживают число циклов заряда-разряда менее тысячи, после чего их емкость существенно снижается. Кроме того, литиевые аккумуляторы очени чувствительны к повышенным температурам, причем выход этого параметра за пределы допустимого может привести к возгоранию и даже взрыву батареи. Поэтому литиевые аккумуляторы снабжаются электронным устройством контроля за температурой и напряжением на электродах, что приводит к существенному увеличения габаритов и стоимости таких источников напряжения.Уровень разряда для литиевых батарей является критичным также как и для никелевых, но, в отличие от последних, литиевые батареи нельзя полностью разряжать, иначе они теряют свою способность к зарядке.Таким образом, для увеличения срока службы аккумуляторной батареи необходимо выбирать оптимальный режим ее эксплуатации, который зависит от типа аккумулятора.В настоящее время фирмы-разработчики носимых электронных устройств уделяют большое внимание поиску новых автономных источников питания, как химических, так и на основе преобразования в электрическую световой и механической энергий. Однако пока такие устройства являются лишь дополнением к традиционным химическим аккумуляторам и не могут их полностью заменить