61 research outputs found

    Досвід розроблення та використання засобів інформаційних технологій на підставі метал-діелектричних структур та плазмового розряду

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    The article has presented the analysis results of the construction principles and application examples of the modern information technology tools based on metal-dielectric structures. The authors have revealed that the rapid development of modern information technology tools is due to the using of the physical properties of surface plasmons and surface plasmon polaritons. The modulation impact of the surface impedance of metal-dielectric structures as well as the period and length of metallic radial inhomogeneities on the shape of the spatial field distribution is estimated. This effect can be used in the new tools development, such as antennas, microscopes, biosensors, spasers and interferometers, with the necessary electrodynamic characteristics. Corrugated metal structure is revealed to be used effectively as artificial dielectric for slowing of propagation electromagnetic surface wave in the means of electromagnetic energy transmission. The authors have also found that the excitation technology of surface plasmons and surface plasmon polaritons according to the Kretchman geometry is currently widely used in information technology tools. It has been established that the using of highly ionized gas as a component of a structure capable to propagate surface plasmon polaritons plays an important role in the development of modern radiating information technology tools. The number of advantages of information technology tools based on plasma discharge, which are due to the physical characteristics of plasma, are identified. The modern information-computer technologies for electrodynamics modeling of the radiating means parameters have been investigated. The modeling method overviews of the electromagnetic radiators based on the plasma discharge has found that in the research of such means are widely used finite-difference method in the time domain, as well as the finite element method. The analysis which has been performed in this paper enables concluding that corrugated rod structure based on plasma discharge can be used as means of electrodynamics for electromagnetic energy transmission.Наведено результати аналізу принципів побудови та прикладів застосування сучасних засобів інформаційних технологій на базі метал-діелектричних структур. Виявлено, що стрімкий розвиток сучасних засобів інформаційних технологій зумовлений використанням фізичних властивостей поверхневих плазмонів і поверхневих плазмон-поляритонів. Оцінено вплив модуляції поверхневого імпедансу метал-діелектричних структур на форму просторового розподілу поля. Виявлено, що в засобах передавання електромагнітної енергії ефективно використовується гофрована металева структура в ролі штучного діелектрика для сповільнення рухомої поверхневої хвилі. З'ясовано, що технологія збудження поверхневих плазмонів за геометрією Кретчмана дотепер широко вживана в засобах інфокомунікацій. Встановлено, що вагому роль у розвитку сучасних випромінювальних засобів інформаційних технологій відіграє використання високоіонізованого газу як компонента структури, здатної поширювати поверхневі плазмон-поляритони. Виявлено низку переваг засобів інформаційних технологій на базі плазмового розряду, які зумовлені фізичними особливостями плазми. Досліджено сучасні інформаційно-комп'ютерні технології модельних досліджень електродинамічних параметрів випромінювальних засобів. на підстаі здійсненого аналізу запропоновано використання ребристо-стержневих структур на базі плазмового розряду в ролі засобів передавання електромагнітної енергії


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    The possibilities  of increasing  the data  rate of adaptive HF communication systems by reducing  redundancy in the  form  of test  signals  used  for its operation are  considered. The problem is currently  pressing  due  to increasing  demands of modern adaptive data  transmission systems to efficient  use of allocated  frequency-time resource  of radio channel. For the  problem solution,  methods based  on the  analysis  of the  received  information signal, taking  into  account the used  signal-code  construction, are proposed. Approaches for solving problems of non-test adaptive signals correction  and channel state  estimation in serial data  communication systems using  convolutional encoder  are  proposed. Search  algorithm  for segments used  for channel impulse response and  equalizer coefficients calculation is shown.  In this case, neither a change in decoding algorithms nor calculating of equalizer  impulse response is required.  Expressions for estimation of the bit error rate for a convolution encoder of general form  are given. The presented approaches maintain operating of adaptive HF data  transmission systems in channels with intersymbol interference, ensuring  the  operative change  of its parameters when the state of the radio channel changes  significantly reducing the use of test signals, or completely abandoning them.Рассмотрены возможности увеличения информационной скорости адаптивных коротковолновых (КВ) систем передачи данных за счет  уменьшения имеющейся избыточности в виде  тестовых  сигналов,  необходимых для  функционирования.  Актуальность указанной проблемы продиктована повышением требований современных адаптивных систем передачи данных к максимально эффективному  использованию выделенного частотно-временного ресурса   радиоканала. Для  решения указанной задачи предложены методы, основанные  на  анализе принимаемого информационного сигнала, учитывающие используемую сигнально-кодовую конструкцию. Рассмотрены подходы к решению задач бестестовых методов адаптивной коррекции и оценки состояния радиоканала в последовательных системах передачи данных, использующих сверточное кодирование. Представлен алгоритм поиска  сегментов, используемых для  расчета импульсных характеристик канала и корректирующего фильтра. При этом  изменение алгоритмов декодирования и расчета импульсной характеристики корректирующего фильтра не требуется. Приведены выражения для  оценки вероятности ошибки на бит  для  сверточного кода общего вида.  Представленные подходы обеспечивают более  эффективное функционирование  адаптивных КВ-систем  передачи данных в каналах с межсимвольной интерференцией  за счет  оперативного управления ее параметрами при  изменении состояния радиоканала. При этом  они  позволяют существенно сократить или  полностью отказаться от использования тестовых сигналов

    An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the products of the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2

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    Nuclear fuel reprocessing by fluorination, a dry method of regeneration of spent nuclear fuel, uses UO2F2 for the separation of plutonium from gaseous mixtures. Since plutonium requires special treatment, IrF6 was used as a thermodynamic model of PuF6. The model reaction of the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2 in the sorption column revealed a change of color of the sorption column contents from pale-yellow to gray and black, indicating the formation of products of such an interaction. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study showed that the interaction of gaseous IrF6 with fine UO2F2 at 125 °C results in the formation of stable iridium compounds where the iridium oxidation state is close to Ir3+. The dependence of the elemental compositions of the layers in the sorption column on the penetration depth of IrF6 was established

    The model and the planning method of volume and variety assessment of innovative products in an industrial enterprise

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    In the long term, the innovative development strategy efficiency is considered as the most crucial condition for assurance of economic system competitiveness in market conditions. It determines the problem relevance of such justification strategies with regard to specific systems features and conditions of their operation. The problem solution for industrial enterprises can be based on mathematical models of supporting the decision-making on the elements of the innovative manufacturing program. An optimization model and the planning method of innovative products volume and variety are suggested. The feature of the suggested model lies in the nonlinear nature of the objective function. It allows taking into consideration the law of diminishing marginal utility. The suggested method of optimization takes into account the system features and enables the effective implementation of manufacturing capabilities in modern conditions of production organization and sales in terms of market saturation

    A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts

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    Permafrost coasts make up roughly one third of all coasts worldwide. Their erosion leads to the release of previously locked organic carbon, changes in ecosystems and the destruction of cultural heritage, infrastructure and whole communities. Since rapid environmental changes lead to an intensification of Arctic coastal dynamics, it is of great importance to adequately quantify current and future coastal changes. However, the remoteness of the Arctic and scarcity of data limit our understanding of coastal dynamics at a pan-Arctic scale and prohibit us from getting a complete picture of the diversity of impacts on the human and natural environment. In a joint effort of the EU project NUNATARYUK and the NSF project PerCS-Net, we seek to close this knowledge gap by collecting and analyzing all accessible high-resolution shoreline position data for the Arctic coastline. These datasets include geographical coordinates combined with coastal positions derived from archived data, surveying data, air and space born remote sensing products, or LiDAR products. The compilation of this unique dataset will enable us to reach unprecedented data coverage and will allow us a first insight into the magnitude and trends of shoreline changes on a pan-Arctic scale with locally highly resolved temporal and spatial changes in shoreline dynamics. By comparing consistently derived shoreline change data from all over the Arctic we expect that the trajectory of coastal change in the Arctic becomes evident. A synthesis of some initial results will be presented in the 2020 Arctic Report Card on Arctic Coastal Dynamics. This initiative is an ongoing effort – new data contributions are welcome


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    The possibilities  of increasing  the data  rate of adaptive HF communication systems by reducing  redundancy in the  form  of test  signals  used  for its operation are  considered. The problem is currently  pressing  due  to increasing  demands of modern adaptive data  transmission systems to efficient  use of allocated  frequency-time resource  of radio channel. For the  problem solution,  methods based  on the  analysis  of the  received  information signal, taking  into  account the used  signal-code  construction, are proposed. Approaches for solving problems of non-test adaptive signals correction  and channel state  estimation in serial data  communication systems using  convolutional encoder  are  proposed. Search  algorithm  for segments used  for channel impulse response and  equalizer coefficients calculation is shown.  In this case, neither a change in decoding algorithms nor calculating of equalizer  impulse response is required.  Expressions for estimation of the bit error rate for a convolution encoder of general form  are given. The presented approaches maintain operating of adaptive HF data  transmission systems in channels with intersymbol interference, ensuring  the  operative change  of its parameters when the state of the radio channel changes  significantly reducing the use of test signals, or completely abandoning them

    The design of electric drives with electronic protection devices

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    The possibility of designing an electronic device for protection and diagnostics of electric drives with improved characteristics is considered. The technique and algorithm of design of similar devices, the structural scheme of the device constructed on their basis are offered. To improve the characteristics of the device of protection and diagnostics of electric drives in the work it is proposed to provide for the use of measuring transducers with linear dependencies of the output values on the controlled ones. The latter is possible as a result of the use of measuring circuits in measuring transducers with linearized dependencies of the output values on the input and the use of intelligent sensors. As a measuring circuit for the construction of measuring transducers is considered the measuring circuit of Kenigsberg, which is characterized by a linear dependence of the output active value of the passive measured (controlled physical quantities). At the same time, the intelligent sensors are additionally assigned the function of linearization of the output dependence of a «simple» sensor on the controlled physical quantity

    The design of electric drives with electronic protection devices

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    The possibility of designing an electronic device for protection and diagnostics of electric drives with improved characteristics is considered. The technique and algorithm of design of similar devices, the structural scheme of the device constructed on their basis are offered. To improve the characteristics of the device of protection and diagnostics of electric drives in the work it is proposed to provide for the use of measuring transducers with linear dependencies of the output values on the controlled ones. The latter is possible as a result of the use of measuring circuits in measuring transducers with linearized dependencies of the output values on the input and the use of intelligent sensors. As a measuring circuit for the construction of measuring transducers is considered the measuring circuit of Kenigsberg, which is characterized by a linear dependence of the output active value of the passive measured (controlled physical quantities). At the same time, the intelligent sensors are additionally assigned the function of linearization of the output dependence of a «simple» sensor on the controlled physical quantity

    Spatial Structures Formed during High-Temperature Vacuum Annealing of Diamond-Like Film Deposited on a Silicon Substrate

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    The process of an ultrahigh vacuum annealing of a diamond-like carbon film deposited on a silicon substrate has been studied in situ using a photoemission microscope mounted at the MAX-lab synchrotron's radiation source. After the annealing the film was examined ex situ using an atomic force microscope. It is revealed that the graphitization of the film occurs and round formations of several microns in size with a core of similar to 0.2 mu m in size appear on its surface at the temperature exceeding 1000 degrees C. Photoemission images of these formations have shown the presence of silicon on their surface. Apparently, the interaction between the carbon film and silicon substrate begins in the middle of the formation and spreads to the adjacent region at the following stage