439 research outputs found

    Growth Cone Pathfinding: a competition between deterministic and stochastic events

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    BACKGROUND: Growth cone migratory patterns show evidence of both deterministic and stochastic search modes. RESULTS: We quantitatively examine how these two different migration modes affect the growth cone's pathfinding response, by simulating growth cone contact with a repulsive cue and measuring the resultant turn angle. We develop a dimensionless number, we call the determinism ratio Ψ, to define the ratio of deterministic to stochastic influences driving the growth cone's migration in response to an external guidance cue. We find that the growth cone can exhibit three distinct types of turning behaviors depending on the magnitude of Ψ. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude, within the context of these in silico studies, that only when deterministic and stochastic migration factors are in balance (i.e. Ψ ~ 1) can the growth cone respond constructively to guidance cues

    Spin densities in 4f and 3d magnetic systems

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    This thesis documents investigations into three novel magnetic materials: the predicted halfmetal, NiMnSb; the magnetoelectric perovskite, TbMnO3; and the layered superconductor, EuFe

    The deformation and elastic anisotropy of a new gyroid-based honeycomb made by laser sintering

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    © 2020 The Author(s) The stiffness, anisotropy and structural deformation of three gyroid-based lattices was investigated, with particular focus on a newly proposed honeycomb gyroid. This honeycomb is based on a modified triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) equation with reduced periodicity. Using the numerical homogenisation method, the anisotropy of the gyroid lattice types was found to differ greatly, as was the dependence of this anisotropy on the volume fraction. From compression testing of laser sintered polyamide PA2200 specimens, the honeycomb gyroid was found to possess extremely high anisotropy, with Emax*/Emin*, the ratio of the highest to the lowest direction-dependent modulus, ∼250 at low volume fraction. The stiffness and anisotropy of the honeycomb gyroid are compared to equivalent results from the square honeycomb, the closest analogue in the set of conventional honeycomb types. The honeycomb gyroid lattice exhibited novel deformation and post-yield stiffening under in-plane loading; it underwent reorientation into a second, stiffer geometry following plastic bending and contact of its cell walls. The unique deformation behaviour and extremely high anisotropy of the honeycomb gyroid provide strong motivation for further investigations into this new family of reduced periodicity TPMS-based honeycombs

    Incorporation of private demand and herd protection into vaccine policy models: an example for cholera vaccination in Matlab, Bangladesh

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    This dissertation examines cholera vaccination policy in a developing country context based on a combination of epidemiological and microeconomic data representing private demand for purchasing vaccinations, cost of illness, cost of vaccination, and herd protection impacts of vaccination. The dissertation incorporates data from Matlab, Bangladesh. Matlab's population is subdivided into four distinct population groups based on variation in disease burden and age. Mathematical optimization is used to solve for the socially optimal prices across population groups that maximize either 1) societal net benefits or 2) the number of DALYs saved across subject to a budget constraint. This analysis demonstrates that is optimal to charge the lowest prices to children in high incidence villages and the highest prices to adults in average incidence villages. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the use of cross-subsidies has only a small impact on program outcomes including both net societal benefits and total DALYs saved (e.g., adults who purchase vaccines in average incidence villages would pay more per vaccine to subsidize children in high incidence villages). This analysis shows that cross-subsidies may be less useful for scenarios in which the herd protection impacts of vaccination are similar across population groups

    Dynamic compressive response of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy hierarchical honeycomb structures

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    Periodic honeycombs have been used for their high strength, low weight and multifunctionality. The quasi-static and dynamic compressive responses of three types of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg honeycomb structures, specifically a single-scale honeycomb and two hierarchical honeycombs with two and three levels of hierarchy, respectively, have been investigated using experimental measurement and finite element (FE) simulations. The validated FE simulation has been employed to investigate the effects of relative density of the honeycombs and the key experimental parameters. The following failure modes of the three types of honeycombs have been observed both under quasi-static and dynamic compression: (1) the single-scale honeycomb experienced a transition of failure mechanism from local plastic buckling of walls to local damage of the parent material without buckling with the increase of the relative density of the honeycomb; (2) the hierarchical honeycombs all failed with parent material damage without buckling at different relative densities. For both quasi-static and dynamic compression, the hierarchical honeycombs offer higher peak nominal wall stresses compared to the single-scale honeycomb at low relative density of ; the difference is diminished as relative density increases, i.e. the three types of honeycombs can achieve similar peak wall stresses when Numerical results have suggested the hierarchical honeycombs can offer better energy absorption capacity than the single-scale honeycomb. The two-scale and three-scale hierarchical honeycombs achieved similar peak nominal wall stresses for both quasi-static and dynamic compression, which may suggest that the structural performance under out-of-plane compression is not sensitive to the hierarchical architecture. This work indicates that the structural advantage of hierarchical honeycombs can be utilised to develop high performance lightweight structural components

    Multidimensional Phononic Bandgaps in Three-Dimensional Lattices for Additive Manufacturing

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    We report on numerical modelling of three-dimensional lattice structures designed to provide phononic bandgaps. The examined lattice structures rely on two distinct mechanisms for bandgap formation: the destructive interference of elastic waves and internal resonance. Further to the effect of lattice type on the development of phononic bandgaps, we also present the effect of volume fraction, which enables the designer to control the frequency range over which the bandgaps exist. The bandgaps were identified from dispersion curves obtained using a finite element wave propagation modelling technique that provides high computational efficiency and high wave modelling accuracy. We show that lattice structures employing internal resonance can provide transmissibility reduction of longitudinal waves of up to −103 dB. Paired with the manufacturing freedom and material choice of additive manufacturing, the examined lattice structures can be tailored for use in wide-ranging applications including machine design, isolation and support platforms, metrology frames, aerospace and automobile applications, and biomedical devices

    A mechanical property evaluation of graded density Al-Si10-Mg lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting

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    Metal components with applications across a range of industrial sectors can be manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). A particular strength of SLM is its ability to manufacture components incorporating periodic lattice structures not realisable by conventional manufacturing processes. This enables the production of advanced, functionally graded, components. However, for these designs to be successful, the relationships between lattice geometry and performance must be established. We do so here by examining the mechanical behaviour of uniform and graded density SLM Al-Si10-Mg lattices under quasistatic loading. As-built lattices underwent brittle collapse and non-ideal deformation behaviour. The application of a microstructure-altering thermal treatment drastically improved their behaviour and their capability for energy absorption. Heat-treated graded lattices exhibited progressive layer collapse and incremental strengthening. Graded and uniform structures absorbed almost the same amount of energy prior to densification, 6.3±0.26.3±0.2 MJ/m3 and 5.7±0.25.7±0.2 MJ/m3, respectively, but densification occurred at around 7% lower strain for the graded structures. Several characteristic properties of SLM aluminium lattices, including their effective elastic modulus and Gibson-Ashby coefficients, C1 and α, were determined; these can form the basis of new design methodologies for superior components in the future
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