6 research outputs found

    Competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales de los egresados de la escuela profesional de Administración de una Universidad privada de Lima - 2018

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    La investigación titulada “Competencias laborales y las Expectativas laborales de los egresados de Administración de una Universidad privada de Lima – 2018”, tuvo como objetivo medir la relación entre las competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales. Bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, basada en el método hipotético deductivo, se desarrolló una investigación básica, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental y corte transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 130 egresados de la escuela de Administración de una universidad privada, para la recolectar la información se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y se realizó a través de instrumentos validados por juicio de expertos y confiables con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.994. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe una relación directa entre competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales, con un Rho de Spearman de 0.660 (relación directa moderada), siendo significativa con un pvalor =0.000 <0.05

    Bricolage as a Management Tool: Literature Review

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    Objective: This research analyzes the main characteristics of bricolage in entrepreneurship by determining the consequences that its use brings to ventures; presenting potential lines of research related to bricolage that can be addressed.   Theoretical Framework: Bricolage is the concept developed by Lévi-Strauss when referring to intellectual bricolage, he presents it as a way of creating, assembling or forming knowledge using parts or elements of diverse origins. The application of this concept to the business field, points to entrepreneurs who defy the limitations imposed by the scarcity of resources, explains how they adapt their work techniques to new contexts such as Bricoleurs. Bricolage applied to entrepreneurship is based on using available resources, both internal company resources and external resources, it involves combining resources for new purposes.   Methodology: The methodology used was the documentary analysis through the systematic review in the Scopus, Web of Science, and Emerald Insight databases. Using the PRISMA method, a total of 202 articles were identified, with 30 articles included in the analysis.   Findings: Bricolage is applied in various types of entrepreneurships, evidencing diverse characteristics depending on the economic and geographical contexts and the specificities of each management.   Originality: This document is based on double-blind peer-reviewed researches and can be consulted in the aforementioned databases

    Digital Competence and Job Performance in University Teachers in the Public Sector

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    Purpose: The objective of the study is to describe and evaluate the association of digital competence and job performance in public sector university teachers located in Lima, Peru.   Theoretical framework: Being the digital competence necessary to improve the performance of teachers and increase their labor remuneration (Martín-Cuadrado et al., 2021).   Design/Methodology/Approach: The same that has been possible to verify; thanks to the cross-sectional design and correlational descriptive level. In a sample of 184 university professors; who decided to participate freely and voluntarily to answer the questionnaires.   Findings:  The results show that the digital competence of teachers is at the advanced level at 45.7%, followed by the intermediate level with 38.9% and low at 15.5%. And in terms of work performance, the average level comes out with 36.2%, high 32.9% and low 13.3%. And by associating digital competence and job performance; it is found that the correlation value is (Rho = .290, p&lt;.001); which expresses being of low magnitude and positive direction. Existing a nexus of positive and significant direction between both.   Research, practical &amp; social implications:  Evidencing that the development of digital skills is associated with the job performance of university teachers in the public sector according to their praxis and academic work. That is, the optimization of the work performance of university teachers improves to the extent that they develop their digital skills, favoring teaching, the use of active strategies; problem solving and timely information management using digital media.   Originality/Value: Because digital competence acts as a conditioning element for job performance in the exercise of university teaching

    Competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales de los egresados de la escuela profesional de Administración de una Universidad privada de Lima - 2018

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    La investigación titulada “Competencias laborales y las Expectativas laborales de los egresados de Administración de una Universidad privada de Lima – 2018”, tuvo como objetivo medir la relación entre las competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales. Bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, basada en el método hipotético deductivo, se desarrolló una investigación básica, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental y corte transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 130 egresados de la escuela de Administración de una universidad privada, para la recolectar la información se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y se realizó a través de instrumentos validados por juicio de expertos y confiables con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.994. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe una relación directa entre competencias laborales y las expectativas laborales, con un Rho de Spearman de 0.660 (relación directa moderada), siendo significativa con un pvalor =0.000 <0.05

    Bricolage as a management tool: literature review

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    Objective: This research analyzes the main characteristics of bricolage in entrepreneurship by determining the consequences that its use brings to ventures; presenting potential lines of research related to bricolage that can be addressed. Theoretical Framework: Bricolage is the concept developed by Lévi-Strauss when referring to intellectual bricolage, he presents it as a way of creating, assembling or forming knowledge using parts or elements of diverse origins. The application of this concept to the business field, points to entrepreneurs who defy the limitations imposed by the scarcity of resources, explains how they adapt their work techniques to new contexts such as Bricoleurs. Bricolage applied to entrepreneurship is based on using available resources, both internal company resources and external resources, it involves combining resources for new purposes. Methodology: The methodology used was the documentary analysis through the systematic review in the Scopus, Web of Science, and Emerald Insight databases. Using the PRISMA method, a total of 202 articles were identified, with 30 articles included in the analysis. Findings: Bricolage is applied in various types of entrepreneurships, evidencing diverse characteristics depending on the economic and geographical contexts and the specificities of each management. Originality: This document is based on double-blind peer-reviewed researches and can be consulted in the aforementioned database