35 research outputs found

    Protection of Chickens against Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) and Marek's Disease Virus (MDV) with a Recombinant MDV Expressing IBDV VP2

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    AbstractTo develop a herpes virus vaccine that can induce immunity for an extended period, a recombinant Marek's disease (MD) virus (MDV) CVI-988 strain expressing infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) host-protective antigen VP2 at theUS2site (rMDV) was developed under the control of an SV40 early promoter. Chickens vaccinated with the rMDV showed no clinical signs and no mortality and 55% of the chickens were considered protected histopathologically after challenge with very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV), whereas all of the chickens vaccinated with the conventional IBDV vaccine showed no clinical signs and were protected. Chickens vaccinated with the CVI-988 or chickens in the challenge control showed severe clinical signs and high mortality (70–75%) and none of them were protected. Also, the rMDV conferred full protection to chickens against vvMDV just as the CVI-988 strain did, whereas 90% of the challenge control chickens died of MD. Antibody levels against IBDV and MDV following the vaccination increased continuously for at least 10 weeks. No histopathological lesions in the rMDV-vaccinated chickens and no contact transmission of the rMDV to their penmates were confirmed. These results demonstrate that an effective and safe recombinant herpesvirus-based IBD vaccine could be constructed by expressing the VP2 antigen at theUS2site of the CVI-988 vaccine strain

    Isolation of a genotypically unique H5N1 influenza virus from duck meat imported into Japan from China

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    AbstractAn H5N1 influenza A virus was isolated from duck meat processed for human consumption, imported to Japan from Shandong Province, China in 2003. This virus was antigenically different from other H5 viruses, including the Hong Kong H5N1 viruses isolated from humans in 1997 and 2003. Sequence analysis revealed that six genes (PB1, PA, HA, NA, M, and NS) of this virus showed > 97% nucleotide identity with their counterparts from recent H5N1 viruses, but that the remaining two genes (PB2 and NP) were derived from other unknown viruses. This duck meat isolate was highly pathogenic to chickens upon intravenous or intranasal inoculation, replicated well in the lungs of mice and spread to the brain, but was not as pathogenic in mice as H5N1 human isolates (with a dose lethal to 50% of mice (MLD50) = 5 × 106 50% egg infectious doses [EID50]). However, viruses isolated from the brain of mice previously infected with the virus were substantially more pathogenic (MLD50 = ∼102 EID50) and possessed some amino acid substitutions relative to the original virus. These results show that poultry products contaminated with influenza viruses of high pathogenic potential to mammals are a threat to public health even in countries where the virus is not enzootic and represent a possible source of influenza outbreaks in poultry

    Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Replication in Feathers of Domestic Waterfowl

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    We examined feathers of domestic ducks and geese inoculated with 2 different avian influenza virus (H5N1) genotypes. Together with virus isolation from the skin, the detection of viral antigens and ultrastructural observation of the virions in the feather epidermis raise the possibility of feathers as sources of infection

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Isolated from Whooper Swans, Japan

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    On April 21, 2008, four whooper swans were found dead at Lake Towada, Akita prefecture, Japan. Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of the H5N1 subtype was isolated from specimens of the affected birds. The hemagglutinin (HA) gene of the isolate belongs to clade 2.3.2 in the HA phylogenetic tree

    Phylogenetic and pathogenic analysis of avian H9N2 and H5N1 influenza A viruses isolated in Japan

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    報告番号: 乙16483 ; 学位授与年月日: 2006-03-08 ; 学位の種別: 論文博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(生命科学) ; 学位記番号: 第16483号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究

    Avian Influenza Viruses isolated in Japan

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    Surveillance of avian paramyxovirus serotype-1 in migratory waterfowls in Japan between 2011 and 2013

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    Phylogenetic Analysis of Fowl Adenoviruses Isolated from Chickens with Gizzard Erosion in Japan

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