9 research outputs found

    Развитие стресс-менеджмента в системе управления персоналом предприятия на примере ОАО "Томскнефть" ВНК

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    Стресс-менеджмент и его методика позволяют быстро и эффективно решить стрессовую ситуацию возникшую в организации. Развитие стресс-менеджмента в системе управления персоналом предприятия позволит сформировать конструктивное отношение к стрессовым ситуациям на рабочем месте. Большую часть своего времени современный человек проводит на работе. Высокая нагрузка на работе; недостаточное количество сна; конфликты на работе; отсутствие контроля; отсутствие эмоциональной поддержки со стороны сослуживцев приводят к выявлению у человека одного из синдромов: "boreout" или "burnout". В данной работе были сформированы методические указания конструктивного отношения к стрессовым ситуациям и методам саморегулирования.Stress management and its methodology allow to quickly and effectively solve the stressful situation that arose in the organization. The development of stress management in the personnel management system of the enterprise will allow to form a constructive attitude to stressful situations in the workplace. Most of his time a modern man spends at work. High work load; Insufficient sleep; Conflicts at work; Lack of control; The lack of emotional support from co-workers lead to the identification of a person in one of the syndromes: "boreout" or "burnout". In this work, methodical instructions for a constructive attitude to stressful situations and methods of self-regulation have been formed

    Variability in the Dynamics of Mortality and Immobility Responses of Freshwater Arthropods Exposed to Chlorpyrifos

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    The species sensitivity distribution (SSD) concept is an important probabilistic tool for environmental risk assessment (ERA) and accounts for differences in species sensitivity to different chemicals. The SSD model assumes that the sensitivity of the species included is randomly distributed. If this assumption is violated, indicator values, such as the 50% hazardous concentration, can potentially change dramatically. Fundamental research, however, has discovered and described specific mechanisms and factors influencing toxicity and sensitivity for several model species and chemical combinations. Further knowledge on how these mechanisms and factors relate to toxicologic standard end points would be beneficial for ERA. For instance, little is known about how the processes of toxicity relate to the dynamics of standard toxicity end points and how these may vary across species. In this article, we discuss the relevance of immobilization and mortality as end points for effects of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos on 14 freshwater arthropods in the context of ERA. For this, we compared the differences in response dynamics during 96 h of exposure with the two end points across species using dose response models and SSDs. The investigated freshwater arthropods vary less in their immobility than in their mortality response. However, differences in observed immobility and mortality were surprisingly large for some species even after 96 h of exposure. As expected immobility was consistently the more sensitive end point and less variable across the tested species and may therefore be considered as the relevant end point for population of SSDs and ERA, although an immobile animal may still potentially recover. This is even more relevant because an immobile animal is unlikely to survive for long periods under field conditions. This and other such considerations relevant to the decision-making process for a particular end point are discussed

    Reproductive modes and fecundity of an assemblage of anuran amphibians in the Atlantic rainforest, Brazil Modos reprodutivos e fecundidade de anfíbios anuros em uma taxocenose na Mata Atlântica, Brasil

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    Reproductive modes and size-fecundity relationships are described for anurans from Picinguaba, a region of Atlantic rainforest on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. We observed 13 reproductive modes, confirming a high diversity of modes in the Atlantic rainforest. This diversity of reproductive modes reflects the successful use of diversified and humid microhabitats by anurans in this biome. We measured the snout-vent length of 715 specimens of 40 species of anurans. The size-fecundity relationship of 12 species was analyzed. Female snout-vent lengths explained between 57% and 81% of clutch size variation. Anurans with aquatic modes laid more eggs than those with terrestrial or arboreal modes. Larger eggs were deposited by species with specialized reproductive modes.<br>Neste estudo são apresentados os modos reprodutivos e as relações de tamanho-fecundidade dos anuros encontrados em Picinguaba, uma região de Mata Atlântica no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo. Foram registrados 13 modos reprodutivos, confirmando a alta diversidade de modos reprodutivos encontrados na Mata Atlântica. A diversidade de modos reprodutivos observados na Mata Atlântica é o resultado do sucesso dos anuros na utilização dos diversos microhábitats úmidos desse bioma. Os comprimentos rostro-cloacais de 715 indivíduos de 40 espécies de anuros foram medidos. Foram consideradas as relações de tamanho-fecundidade para 12 espécies. O tamanho do corpo explicou entre 57% e 81% da variação no tamanho da ninhada. Os modos reprodutivos aquáticos apresentaram maior número de ovos, comparados aos modos reprodutivos terrestres ou arborícolas. As espécies com maior tamanho de ovos foram as que apresentaram modos reprodutivos especializados