151 research outputs found

    メザセ タゲンゴ コミュニケーション デザイナー

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    Present Situation and Perspectives Regarding Employment of People with Deafblindness in Japan: From working cases in Japan and overseas

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    Deafblindness is a multiple disability that combines hearing and visual impairment. People who are deafblind face many sorts of difficulties related to communication, orientation and mobility, and accessing information. These challenges affect social participation of deafblind persons. This study focuses on employment as one of the issues faced by people with deafblindness and overviews the cases of working deafblind persons. In Japan, only 99 out of 676 working age people with deafblindness, who joined the survey, worked in the open labor market in 2012. Several studies have highlighted cases of deafblind people working as permanent staff : people with deafblindness continue to work, supported by their own efforts and sufficient accommodation by employers. On the other hand, there are cases where people with deafblindness had to quit their jobs because of a lack of understanding and accommodation. The situation is similar in western countries. However, in the UK, the program, Access to Work, encourages employers to employ people with deafblindness. In the U.S. too, a person with deafblindness utilized the recruitment program for students with disabilities in order to obtain a job. In conclusion, the necessity of (1) setting concrete examples that people with deafblindness are employed, (2) enhancing support for employers, and (3) providing opportunities to acquire skills and knowledge to work at early stage for people with deafblindness were suggested

    Issues and Practices of Career Guidance for Students Who Have Developmental Disorders at Special Schools

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    This study aims to clarify the structure of the process and issues surrounding career guidance for students with developmental disorders, who are learning through a high school equivalent curriculum at upper secondary divisions of special schools for students with health impairments. Semi-structured interviews involving seven teachers from upper secondary divisions of special schools were conducted to collect data for qualitative data analysis. Consequently, three categories of issues that affect students’ career decisions were identified: student issues, school system issues, and family and social resources issues. In addition, three categories for practices were generated: guidance policies, guidance and support for realizing their career paths, and building and maintaining connections with local communities. One category for achievement points after graduation was also generated: career paths of upper secondary divisions graduates. Based on these results, this study concluded that the characteristic issues are effects of school refusal, maladaptation on career learning, and the narrowing of career choices due to lack of support from family. Moreover, maintaining a receptive approach and connections that were established during school also identified as characteristic practices

    The Introduction and the Usage of Three Kinds of Japanese Characters (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) at the Preschool Stages in Japanese Schools for the Deaf: Results of the 2010 Survey

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    特別支援学校(聴覚障害)の就学前段階における日本語文字(ひらがな,カタカナ,漢字)の導入の状況と習得に向けた取り組みについて全国調査を実施した。ひらがな文字は,ほぼすべての学校で使用され,導入の段階も,早い学校では乳幼児教育相談(0~2歳)からであった。ひらがな文字を用いる場面は様々であるが,文字の読みと書きの習得を部として系統的に指導している学校は少なかった。カタカナと漢字について導入している学校数は,ひらがなに比べるとかなり少ないことが示された。また,過去2回行った結果との比較では,各活動の中でひらがな文字を用いる学校数の割合が減少していることが窺えた。新たな特別支援教育の時代を迎えるに当たり,小学部(小学校)入学の段階から始まる教科学習の充実に向けて,日本語文字の習得はその出発点とも言え,改めて入学前段階までの文字指導の状況について明らかにするとともに,教科学習開始に向けた就学前段階での文字習得指導の在り方についての検討が必要であることが示唆された。This paper reported the results of survey on the introduction (presentation) and the usage of three kinds of Japanese characters (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) at the preschool department (age of 0 to 5) of Japanese Deaf schools (97 in total) at 2010. Hiragana characters were introduced (presented) and used at almost of all the schools, in some schools were introduced (presented) in the several situations at the class of babies (below the age of three). However, few schools were tutoring reading or writing of hiragana as a part of the curriculum. That was the same on katakana and kanji, and the fewer schools introduced (presented) to the preschool children than those of hiragana. As comparing with the results of the former our two surveys regarding the usage of Japanese character(s), the percentage of the number of schools that were using hiragana at the several educational activities were reduced. Additional research should be done regarding the usage of Japanese characters at the preschool stage, as it would be one of the fundamental skills for the subject learning, starting immediately after entering the elementary school department. It also suggested that how the teachers of preschool deaf children should introduce (present) and teach the reading and writing of three Japanese characters for the successful entering into subject learning.本研究の概要の一部は,日本特殊教育学会第49回大会(2011)において発表したものである

    A survey on education for deepening awareness of issues relating to disabilities and people with disabilities: Focusing on the lessons the university students took at elementary and secondary school.

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    大学4年次生を対象として、①障害理解教育の授業を受けた経験がどのように大学生活に活かされているのか、②教員志望学生がいかなる理由からどのような障害理解教育の授業を必要であると考えるのか、③障害理解教育の授業を受けた経験の有無により障害観に差異がみられるのか、の3点を明らかにすることを目的に質問紙調査を実施した。①に関しては、障害理解教育の授業を受けた経験が、偏見を持たなくなることや具体的行動につながったとする意見が多く挙げられた。②においては、当事者の状況や気持ちについて理解することや行動に向けたきっかけとすることが理由として主に挙げられた。③の結果としては、授業を受けた経験のある者の方が、障害者本人にとっての困難を想起しやすいことや悲観的・否定的なイメージを持っていないことが示唆された。加えて、経験のない者においては、障害者と共に働くことについて積極的な考えを持ちづらい状況にあることがうかがえた。The purpose of this study was to investigate the following:( i) How the experience of taking lessons of “education for deepening awareness of issues relating to disabilities and people with disabilities” affects respondent’s university life; (ii) What components of the education are thought as necessary by teacher students, and why are selected; (iii) Association between respondent’s prior experience of taking lessons of the education and their conception of disability. A total of 83 university students completed and returned questionnaires with no missing date. The results were as follows: (i) Student’s prior experiences of taking lessons of the education was found to be related to decreased prejudice toward people with disabilities, and to some behaviors such as “helping people with disabilities”. (ii) As the reasons for selecting necessary components of the education, they have a lot of opinions. Major examples are “to understand the situation and feeling of people with disabilities” or“ to apply what student learn to real situations”.( iii) It was implied that those who experienced the education are more likely to aware difficulties for people with disabilities, and to do not have pessimistic or negative ideas of disability. Furthermore, students may benefit from the experiences to think about working with people with disabilities more easily

    Survey on Jiritsu-Katsudo at Special Needs Classes for Hearing Impaired Children in Elementary Schools

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    小学校の難聴特別支援学級で指導を担当している教員を対象として、自立活動の実態と課題を明らかにすることを目的として質問紙調査を実施した。回答者のうち、特別支援学校教諭免許状(聴覚障害教育領域)保有者は11.8%にとどまった。先行研究でも報告されたとおり、多くの学級内で使用されている主たるコミュニケーション手段は音声言語であった。在籍児童が抱える学校生活上の困難として多く回答されたのは、「語彙について」「やりとりの確実さ」であった。回答者が在籍児童と関わる際に苦慮することについては、「自身の難聴に関する知識が十分でないと感じる」「手話や指文字を使いたいが十分に使えない」「児童間の人間関係が十分に形成できていない」という回答が多くみられた。回答者が自立活動において指導経験のある内容については、読み書きや発音・発語、人間関係の形成に関するものが多かった。自立活動の指導内容を精選及び指導する際に苦慮することについては、「指導したい内容に関する知識や技量が追い付かない」という回答が最も多く、難聴特別支援学級担当教員の専門性に関する課題が改めて示された。A questionnaire survey was conducted with the aim of clarifying the actual condition and issues of Jiritsu-Katsudo for teachers who are instructing at special needs classes for hearing impaired children in elementary schools. Among the teachers, the number of holders of the special needs school teacher’s license (education for hearing impaired) was only 11.8%. As reported in previous studies, the main means of communication used in many classes was spoken language. What was mostly answered as a difficulty in school living by the enrolled children was “About vocabulary”, “Reliability of interaction”. Regarding the difficulties when teachers are involved with enrolled children, many teachers said that “I feel that my knowledge on deafness is not sufficient”,“ I want to use sign language and finger spelling but I cannot use it enough”,“ Relationships among children are not sufficient”. As for teachers who had experience in instructing in Jiritsu-Katsudo, there were many things concerning reading and writing, pronunciation / utterance, and formation of human relations. Regarding the difficulties in selecting and instructing the contents of Jiritsu-Katsudo, the answer that“ Knowledge and skills on the content to be taught does not catch up” is the most frequent, and the problem relating to the expertise of the teachers in charge of special needs classes for hearing impaired are shown

    シリョウ チョウカク ショウガイジ ノ リズム チカク ニカンスル ブンケンテキ コウサツ

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    ガイコクゴ ガクシュウ ニ オケル バイカイゴ ノ ジュウヨウセイ

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