24 research outputs found


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    28歳, 男, 主訴は頻尿で軽度精神発達遅延をもち, 左腎腫瘤を指摘され当科初診.CTでは左腎に10cm大の充実性腫瘍とリンパ節腫大を認めた.血管造影では濃染像や動脈瘤を多数認めるhypervascular tumorであった.悪性腫瘍の疑いにて2001年11月, 根治的左腎摘除術及びリンパ節郭清術を施行した.病理はangiomyolipoma with lymph node involvementであった.左腎腫瘍ならびにリンパ節のミオーゲンマーカー免疫染色が陽性で診断を支持していた.術後4ヵ月経過し, 再発をしていないA 28-year-old man without tuberous sclerosis, who complained of pollakisuria, consulted to our hospital for a left renal mass. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a solid mass without a lipid component, 10 cm in diameter, in the left kidney and with regional lymphadenopathy. Renal arteriography showed a hypervascular mass, demonstrating multiple tumor stains and aneurysms. Left radical nephrectomy and perihilar lymph node dissection were performed for an anticipated diagnosis of malignant tumor in November 2001. The histopathological diagnosis was an angiomyolipoma with lymph node involvement. Immunostaining for myogen markers was positive in the renal mass and lymph node tumors. He was free from disease ten months after surgery

    The effect of aggregations of the green peach aphid. Myzus persicae (Sulzer), on the spatial distribution and parasitization of a hymenopterous parasite, Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead

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    Structure of host-parasite population and mechanism of parasitization in the population which occurred between the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and its parasite, Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, were studied in a radish field in Fukuoka City by analyzing the spatial distribution of aphids and their mummies formed by the parasite. 1) Frequency distributions both of aphid counts and of mummy counts per plant fitted to the negative binomial distribution. 2) Some analyses were attempted by using Morisita\u27s Iδ-index. The spatial distribution pattern of mummies closely resembled to that of the latter in unit of a plant. The aphid population had a structure: Colony―aggregation of individuals on one or two plants (small group)―larger aggregation on six to ten successive plants (large group)―total population in a field. Parasitization behavior of A. gifuensis was also considered. 3) Concerning both colony and aggregation on a plant, there was certain limit in the number of parasitized aphids. This relationship may cause inversely density-dependent parasitism. However, it was sometimes observed that percentage parasitism in the aggregation was nearly constant regardless of variation in host abundance. This fact was considered to be caused by a coaction of the occurrence of upper limit in attacks of parasites and increase in probability of parasite visits to a host group. 4) Concerning the large group of the aphid, any relations were not found between abundance of host and the number of mummies.比較的均一なダイコン圃場で,モモアカアブラムシと寄生蜂によるそのmummyの空間分布を調査し,次の結果を得た. 1) アブラムシおよびmummyの株当り個体数の頻度分布は負の二項分布で記載できた. 2) I_δ指数による分析の結果,アブラムシの分布とmummyの分布は極めて類似している.その集中度は,株を単位にした場合,後者の方がかなり高い.また,寄生蜂はアブラムシの集中度を高めるように働らく.また,圃場内のアブラムシ個体群は,コロニー―1~2株の小集団―6~10株の大集団―圃場を単位とする1個体群という段階的な構造を具えている.また,寄生蜂,Aphidius gifuensisの寄生活動を考察し, 1) 寄主のコロニーや株上の集団では,その構成個体数にかかわりなく,寄生数にある上限が存在する. 2) 寄生数の集中度は,寄主集団の構成個体数が多くなると低下し,寄生蜂の寄主集団に対する発見率は,大きな集団の方が高くなる. 3) 1)と2)の作用によつて,集団毎の寄生率は,一見密度非依存的な値を示すことがある. 4) 6~10株の大集団に対しては,寄生蜂の直接的な反応は認められず,むしろ寄生はコロニーや株上の集囲を単位として行なわれる


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    Structure of host-parasite population and mechanism of parasitization in the population which occurred between the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and its parasite, Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, were studied in a radish field in Fukuoka City by analyzing the spatial distribution of aphids and their mummies formed by the parasite. 1) Frequency distributions both of aphid counts and of mummy counts per plant fitted to the negative binomial distribution. 2) Some analyses were attempted by using Morisita's Iδ-index. The spatial distribution pattern of mummies closely resembled to that of the latter in unit of a plant. The aphid population had a structure: Colony―aggregation of individuals on one or two plants (small group)―larger aggregation on six to ten successive plants (large group)―total population in a field. Parasitization behavior of A. gifuensis was also considered. 3) Concerning both colony and aggregation on a plant, there was certain limit in the number of parasitized aphids. This relationship may cause inversely density-dependent parasitism. However, it was sometimes observed that percentage parasitism in the aggregation was nearly constant regardless of variation in host abundance. This fact was considered to be caused by a coaction of the occurrence of upper limit in attacks of parasites and increase in probability of parasite visits to a host group. 4) Concerning the large group of the aphid, any relations were not found between abundance of host and the number of mummies.比較的均一なダイコン圃場で,モモアカアブラムシと寄生蜂によるそのmummyの空間分布を調査し,次の結果を得た. 1) アブラムシおよびmummyの株当り個体数の頻度分布は負の二項分布で記載できた. 2) I_δ指数による分析の結果,アブラムシの分布とmummyの分布は極めて類似している.その集中度は,株を単位にした場合,後者の方がかなり高い.また,寄生蜂はアブラムシの集中度を高めるように働らく.また,圃場内のアブラムシ個体群は,コロニー―1~2株の小集団―6~10株の大集団―圃場を単位とする1個体群という段階的な構造を具えている.また,寄生蜂,Aphidius gifuensisの寄生活動を考察し, 1) 寄主のコロニーや株上の集団では,その構成個体数にかかわりなく,寄生数にある上限が存在する. 2) 寄生数の集中度は,寄主集団の構成個体数が多くなると低下し,寄生蜂の寄主集団に対する発見率は,大きな集団の方が高くなる. 3) 1)と2)の作用によつて,集団毎の寄生率は,一見密度非依存的な値を示すことがある. 4) 6~10株の大集団に対しては,寄生蜂の直接的な反応は認められず,むしろ寄生はコロニーや株上の集囲を単位として行なわれる

    Malignant lymphomaに対するCyclophosphamide投与後に発症した腎盂腫瘍の1例

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    59歳, 男.Malignant lymphomaに対してCyclophosphamideが投与され, 肉眼的血尿を主訴に受診した.CT, IVP, RPにて左腎盂腫瘍を認め, 尿細胞診はクラスVで根治的左腎尿管全摘除術が施行された.病理組織学的診断は移行上皮癌, G2, pT2, pR0, pL0, pV0, pNxであったため, 追加治療は行わなかったCyclophosphamide is considered to be a bladder carcinogen and there are many reports of secondary bladder cancer, while only a few cases of upper urothelial cancer have been described. A 59-year-old man, who had received cyclophosphamide therapy for malignant lymphoma, was suffering from gross hematuria and consulted our institute. Computerized tomography (CT), intravenous pyelography (IVP) and retrograde pyelography (RP) revealed a left renal pelvic tumor. Urinary cytology showed class V and radical left nephroureterectomy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis of the left renal pelvic tumor was transitional cell carcinoma, invading the renal parenchyma. He is free from recurrence eight months after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the third case of cyclophosphamide-induced upper urothelial carcinoma reported in Japan, and the twelfth reported in the English literature

    A New Brain Positron Emission Tomography Scanner with Semiconductor Detectors for Target Volume Delineation and Radiotherapy Treatment Planning in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

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    Two treatment planning methods for nasopharyngeal carcinoma were compared: conventional whole-body BGO scintillator positron emission tomography and a new brain PET system using semiconductor detec- tors. The average absolute volume of GTV contoured with the use of the new brain PET system was significantly smaller than that of conven- tional whole-body BGO PET. The new brain PET system using semiconductor detectors can provide more accurate tumor delineatio