114 research outputs found

    Characterization of an epimastigote-stage-specific hemoglobin receptor of Trypanosoma congolense

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    Background: Since Trypanosorna spp. lack a complete heme synthesis pathway, the parasites are totally dependent on their host for heme throughout all of the stages of their life -cycle. We herein report the identification and characterization of a T. congolense epimastigote form (EMF)-specific hemoglobin (Hb) receptor. The gene was initially reported to encode a T. congolense haptoglobin (Hp)-Hb complex receptor (TcHpHbR) based on its similarity to a gene encoding a T brucei Hp-Hb complex receptor (TbHpHbR). Methods: Trypanosorna congolense IL3000 was used in this study. A TcHpHbR gene was PCR amplified from the parasite genome. The recombinant protein was used as an immunogen to raise antibodies for immunofluorescence assay and immunoblotting. Hemoglobin uptake by the parasite was examined by using Alexa 488 labelled Hb and visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The qualitative and quantitative interaction between TcHpHbR and its ligand were measured using a surface plasmon resonance assay. Results: We found that, unlike TbHpHbR, TcHpHbR was exclusively expressed in the EMF stage at RNA and protein levels. The recombinant TcHpHbR (rTcHpHbR) was co-precipitated with free-Hb in a GST-pull down assay. Surface plasmon resonance revealed that rTcHpHbR binds free-Hb with high affinity (dissociation constant (K,A) =2.1x10(-8) M) but free-Hp with low affinity (Kd = 2.2x10(-7) M). Furthermore, Alexa 488-labelled-Hb was only taken up by the EMF and co-localized with tomato lectin, which is a marker of endocytic compartments (flagellar pocket and lysosome). Conclusion: We conclude that the T. congolense EMF takes up free-Hb via TcHpHbR, a receptor which is specific to this developmental stage. We therefore propose renaming TcHpHbR as T congolense EMF-specific Hb receptor (TcEpHbR)

    Epidemiology, risk factors, and co-infection of vector-borne pathogens in goats from Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran

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    Several vector-borne pathogens restrict livestock farming and have significant economic impact worldwide. In endemic areas livestock are exposed to different tick species carrying various pathogens which could result in co-infection with several tick-borne pathogens in a single host. Although the co-infection of and the interaction among pathogens are criticalfactors to determine the disease outcome, pathogen interactions in the vector and the host are poorly understood. In this study, we surveyed the presence of Babesia ovis, Theileria ovis, Theileria lestoquardi, Anaplasma ovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Anaplasma marginale in 200 goats from 3 different districts in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran.Species-specific diagnostic PCRs and sequence analysis revealed that 1.5%, 12.5%, and 80% of samples were positive for T. lestoquardi, T. ovis, and A. ovis, respectively. Co-infections of goats with up to 3 pathogens were seen in 22% of the samples. We detected a significant association between T. ovis infection and age, T. ovis infection and location (Zabol), and A. ovis infection and location (Sarbaz) by multivariate logistic regression analysis. In addition, by analyzing the data with respect to Plasmodium caprae infection in these goats,a negative correlation was found between P. caprae and A. ovis infection. This study contributes to understanding the epidemiology of vector-borne pathogens and their interplay in goats

    Distinct effects on the secretion of MTRAP and AMA1 in Plasmodium yoelii following deletion of acylated pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein

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    Plasmodium, the causative agents of malaria, are obligate intracellular organisms. In humans, pathogenesis is caused by the blood stage parasite, which multiplies within erythrocytes, thus erythrocyte invasion is an essential developmental step. Merozoite form parasites released into the blood stream coordinately secrets a panel of proteins from the microneme secretory organelles for gliding motility, establishment of a tight junction with a target naive erythrocyte, and subsequent internalization. A protein identified in Toxoplasma gondii facilitates microneme fusion with the plasma membrane for exocytosis; namely, acylated pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein (APH). To obtain insight into the differential microneme discharge by malaria parasites, in this study we analyzed the consequences of APH deletion in the rodent malaria model, Plasmodium yoelii, using a DiCre-based inducible knockout method. We found that APH deletion resulted in a reduction in parasite asexual growth and erythrocyte invasion, with some parasites retaining the ability to invade and grow without APH. APH deletion impaired the secretion of microneme proteins, MTRAP and AMA1, and upon contact with erythrocytes the secretion of MTRAP, but not AMA1, was observed. APH-deleted merozoites were able to attach to and deform erythrocytes, consistent with the observed MTRAP secretion. Tight junctions were formed, but echinocytosis after merozoite internalization into erythrocytes was significantly reduced, consistent with the observed absence of AMA1 secretion. Together with our observation that APH largely colocalized with MTRAP, but less with AMA1, we propose that APH is directly involved in MTRAP secretion; whereas any role of APH in AMA1 secretion is indirect in Plasmodium

    cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulates secretion of apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) in Plasmodium yoelii

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    Malaria remains a heavy global burden on human health, and it is important to understand the molecular and cellular biology of the parasite to find targets for drug and vaccine development. The mouse malaria model is an essential tool to characterize the function of identified molecules; however, robust technologies for targeted gene deletions are still poorly developed for the widely used rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium yoelii. To overcome this problem, we established a DiCre-loxP inducible knockout (iKO) system in P. yoelii, which showed more than 80% excision efficacy of the target locus and more than 90% reduction of locus transcripts 24 h (one cell cycle) after RAP administration. Using this developed system, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKAc) was inducibly disrupted and the phenotypes of the resulting PKAc-iKO parasites were analyzed. We found that PKAc-iKO parasites showed severe growth and erythrocyte invasion defects. We also found that disruption of PKAc impaired the secretion of AMA1 in P. yoelii, in contrast to a report showing no role of PKAc in AMA1 secretion in P. falciparum. This discrepancy may be related to the difference in the timing of AMA1 distribution to the merozoite surface, which occurs just after egress for P. falciparum, but after several minutes for P. yoelii. Secretions of PyEBL, Py235, and RON2 were not affected by the disruption of PKAc in P. yoelii. PyRON2 was already secreted to the merozoite surface immediately after merozoite egress, which is inconsistent with the current model that RON2 is injected into the erythrocyte cytosol. Further investigations are required to understand the role of RON2 exposed on the merozoite surface

    A novel Plasmodium yoelii pseudokinase, PypPK1, is involved in erythrocyte invasion and exflagellation center formation

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    Malaria parasites proliferate by repeated invasion of and multiplication within erythrocytes in the vertebrate host. Sexually committed intraerythrocytic parasites undergo sexual stage differentiation to become gametocytes. After ingestion by the mosquito, male and female gametocytes egress from erythrocytes and fertilize within the mosquito midgut. A complex signaling pathway likely responds to environmental events to trigger gametogenesis and regulate fertilization; however, such knowledge remains limited for malaria parasites. Several pseudokinases are highly transcribed at the gametocyte stage and are possible multi-functional regulators controlling critical steps of the life cycle. Here we characterized one pseudokinase, termed PypPK1, in Plasmodium yoelii that is highly expressed in schizonts and male gametocytes. Immunofluorescence assays for parasites expressing Myc-tagged PypPK1 confirmed that PypPK1 protein is expressed in schizonts and sexual stage parasites. Transgenic ΔpPK1 parasites, in which the PypPK1 gene locus was deleted by the CRISPR/Cas9 method, showed significant growth defect and reduced virulence in mice. In the blood stage, ΔpPK1 parasites were able to egress from erythrocytes similar to wild type parasites; however, erythrocyte invasion efficacy was significantly reduced. During sexual stage development, no clear changes were seen in male and female gametocytemias as well as gametocyte egress from erythrocytes; but, the number of exflagellation centers and oocysts were significantly reduced in ΔpPK1 parasites. Taken together, PypPK1 has an important role for both erythrocyte invasion and exflagellation center formation

    Validation of Plasmodium vivax centromere and promoter activities using Plasmodium yoelii

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    Plasmodium vivax is the leading cause of malaria outside Africa and represents a significant health and economic burden on affected countries. A major obstacle for P. vivax eradication is the dormant hypnozoite liver stage that causes relapse infections and the limited antimalarial drugs that clear this stage. Advances in studying the hypnozoite and other unique biological aspects of this parasite are hampered by the lack of a continuous in vitro laboratory culture system and poor availability of molecular tools for genetic manipulation. In this study, we aim to develop molecular tools that can be used for genetic manipulation of P. vivax. A putative P. vivax centromere sequence (PvCEN) was cloned and episomal centromere based plasmids expressing a GFP marker were constructed. Centromere activity was evaluated using a rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii. A plasmid carrying PvCEN was stably maintained in asexual-stage parasites in the absence of drug pressure, and approximately 45% of the parasites retained the plasmid four weeks later. The same retention rate was observed in parasites possessing a native P. yoelii centromere (PyCEN)-based control plasmid. The segregation efficiency of the plasmid per nuclear division was > 99% in PvCEN parasites, compared to ?90% in a control parasite harboring a plasmid without a centromere. In addition, we observed a clear GFP signal in both oocysts and salivary gland sporozoites isolated from mosquitoes. In blood-stage parasites after liver stage development, GFP positivity in PvCEN parasites was comparable to control PyCEN parasites. Thus, PvCEN plasmids were maintained throughout the parasite life cycle. We also validated several P. vivax promoter activities and showed that hsp70 promoter (?1 kb) was active throughout the parasite life cycle. This is the first data for the functional characterization of a P. vivax centromere that can be used in future P. vivax biological research

    Gliding motility of Plasmodium merozoites

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    Plasmodium malaria parasites are obligate intracellular protozoans that use a unique form of locomotion, termed gliding motility, to move through host tissues and invade cells. The process is substrate dependent and powered by an actomyosin motor that drives the posterior translocation of extracellular adhesins which, in turn, propel the parasite forward. Gliding motility is essential for tissue translocation in the sporozoite and ookinete stages; however, the short-lived erythrocyte-invading merozoite stage has never been observed to undergo gliding movement. Here we show Plasmodium merozoites possess the ability to undergo gliding motility in vitro and that this mechanism is likely an important precursor step for successful parasite invasion. We demonstrate that two human infective species, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi, have distinct merozoite motility profiles which may reflect distinct invasion strategies. Additionally, we develop and validate a higher throughput assay to evaluate the effects of genetic and pharmacological perturbations on both the molecular motor and the complex signaling cascade that regulates motility in merozoites. The discovery of merozoite motility provides a model to study the glideosome and adds a dimension for work aiming to develop treatments targeting the blood stage invasion pathways

    Gliding motility of Plasmodium merozoites.

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    Plasmodium malaria parasites are obligate intracellular protozoans that use a unique form of locomotion, termed gliding motility, to move through host tissues and invade cells. The process is substrate dependent and powered by an actomyosin motor that drives the posterior translocation of extracellular adhesins which, in turn, propel the parasite forward. Gliding motility is essential for tissue translocation in the sporozoite and ookinete stages; however, the short-lived erythrocyte-invading merozoite stage has never been observed to undergo gliding movement. Here we show Plasmodium merozoites possess the ability to undergo gliding motility in vitro and that this mechanism is likely an important precursor step for successful parasite invasion. We demonstrate that two human infective species, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi, have distinct merozoite motility profiles which may reflect distinct invasion strategies. Additionally, we develop and validate a higher throughput assay to evaluate the effects of genetic and pharmacological perturbations on both the molecular motor and the complex signaling cascade that regulates motility in merozoites. The discovery of merozoite motility provides a model to study the glideosome and adds a dimension for work aiming to develop treatments targeting the blood stage invasion pathways
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