931 research outputs found

    Strategyproof matching with regional minimum and maximum quotas

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    This paper considers matching problems with individual/regional minimum/maximum quotas. Although such quotas are relevant in many real-world settings, there is a lack of strategyproof mechanisms that take such quotas into account. We first show that without any restrictions on the regional structure, checking the existence of a feasible matching that satisfies all quotas is NP-complete. Then, assuming that regions have a hierarchical structure (i.e., a tree), we show that checking the existence of a feasible matching can be done in time linear in the number of regions. We develop two strategyproof matching mechanisms based on the Deferred Acceptance mechanism (DA), which we call Priority List based Deferred Acceptance with Regional minimum and maximum Quotas (PLDA-RQ) and Round-robin Selection Deferred Acceptance with Regional minimum and maximum Quotas (RSDA-RQ). When regional quotas are imposed, a stable matching may no longer exist since fairness and nonwastefulness, which compose stability, are incompatible. We show that both mechanisms are fair. As a result, they are inevitably wasteful. We show that the two mechanisms satisfy different versions of nonwastefulness respectively; each is weaker than the original nonwastefulness. Moreover, we compare our mechanisms with an artificial cap mechanism via simulation experiments, which illustrate that they have a clear advantage in terms of nonwastefulness and student welfare

    Entanglement Dynamics of the Non-Unitary Holographic Channel

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    We study the dynamical properties of a strongly scrambling quantum circuit involving a projective measurement on a finite-sized region by studying the operator entanglement entropy and mutual information (OEE and BOMI) of the dual operator state that corresponds to this quantum circuit. The time-dependence of the OEE exhibits a new dynamical behavior of operator entanglement, namely an additional fractional coefficient that accompanies the linear time growth of the OEE. For a holographic system, this is equivalent to an additional fractional coefficient that modifies the linear growth rate of the wormhole volume. The time-dependence of the BOMI shows that the projective measurement may destroy the non-local correlations in this dual state. We also propose a gravity dual as well as a line-tension picture, which is an effective model, that describe this strongly scrambling quantum circuit.Comment: 30 pages + appendices, 12 figure

    Proteinase-mediated drastic morphological change of peptide-amphiphile to induce supramolecular hydrogelation

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    We report a novel peptide-amphiphile having a simple molecular structure that can gelate an aqueous solution at a remarkably low concentration and can be designed to be responsive to a disease-related enzyme by undergoing a drastic morphological change


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    We have observed Fe14+ (3s^2 ^1S_0 - 3s3p ^1P_1) and Fe15+ (3s ^2S1/2 - 3p ^2P_[3/2]) emissions from a LHD plasma with a space-resolved extreme-ultraviolet spectrometer. The observed intensity distributions against the viewing chord for the respective emissions are reconstructed to the emission flux distributions in the plasma against the normalized radius of the poloidal cross section with a maximum entropy method. Both of the emissions localize in the periphery region, and the Fe^[14+] emission is located outer side than that of Fe15+. We calculate the charge state distribution of Fe ions against the normalized radius assuming the ionization equilibrium at the electron temperature and density, which are measured by a Thomson scattering method. The calculated result is consistent with the experimental one

    Deep Near-Infrared Observations and Identifications of Chandra Sources in the Orion Molecular Cloud 2 and 3

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    We conducted deep NIR imaging observations of the Orion molecular cloud 2 and 3 using QUIRC on the 88-inch telescope of the University of Hawaii. Our purposes are 1) to generate a comprehensive NIR source catalog of these star forming clouds, and 2) to identify the NIR counterpart of the Chandra X-ray sources that have no counterpart in the 2MASS catalog. Our J-, H-, and K-band observations are about 2 mag deeper than those of 2MASS, and well match the current Chandra observation. We detected 1448 NIR sources, for which we derived the position, the J-, H-, and K-band magnitude, and the 2MASS counterpart. Using this catalog, we identified the NIR counterpart for about 42% of the 2MASS-unIDed Chandra sources. The nature of these Chandra sources are discussed using their NIR colors and spatial distributions, and a dozen protostar and brown dwarf candidates are identified.Comment: 39 pages, 9 postscript figures, accepted for publication in A

    Scrambling and Recovery of Quantum Information in Inhomogeneous Quenches in Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories

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    We study various quantum quench processes induced by the M\"obius/sine-square deformation of the Hamiltonian in two-dimensional conformal field theories starting from the thermofield double state in the two copies of the Hilbert space. These quantum quenches, some of which are directly related to the operator entanglement of the time-evolution operators, allow us to study scrambling and recovery of quantum information. In particular, under the SSD time-evolution, we show from the time-dependence of mutual information that the Bell pairs, initially shared by the subsystems of the two Hilbert spaces, may revive even after the mutual information for small subsystems is completely destroyed by quantum information scrambling dynamics. This mutual information is robust against the strong scrambling dynamics. As a consequence, the steady state has a non-local correlation shared not by any of two parties but by three parties. In the holographic dual description, a wormhole connecting the two Hilbert spaces may non-linearly grow with time during the quantum quenches. We also propose effective pictures that describe the dynamics of mutual information during the time-evolution by inhomogeneous Hamiltonians.Comment: 36+26 pages, 23 figure

    Masking Tape Art-Work May Provide Beneficial Positive Effects

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    Background: The authors and colleagues have been involved in treatment and care for the elderly with rehabilitation, Integrative Medicine (IM), art in hospitals for artworks using masking tape. Combined together, we conducted a pilot study for medical application of masking tape art-work for elderly subjects. Subjects and Methods: Subjects enrolled were 12 elderly patients with dementia regularly coming to day care center for rehabilitation (M/F 3/9, 78-100 years, 88.3±6.0 years). As methods, masking tape has been known as Washi Tape (wa=Japanese and shi=paper), which is adhesive tape easily to stick and peel off for decorative work. Protocol included i) working 2-3 times a week, ii) sticking masking tape on a rough sketch paper, iii) evaluation of several biomarkers before and after the intervention. Results: i) Artworks were performed satisfactory for each case, ii) grasping power (right) showed increasing tendency from 13.5±7.7kg to 14.8±6.8kg (p=0.11), iii) vitality test showed significantly increase (p=0.02). Discussion and Conclusion: Artworks of masking tape seem to be beneficial for improving grasping power and psychological condition. This study included other biomarkers such as Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), pinch power, language word test and Barthel index. We plan to develop further detail analyses in the future research

    Partially Folded Structure of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-depleted Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase with Residual NADP+ Binding Domain

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    This research was originally published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Masahiro Maeda, Daizo Hamada, Masaru Hoshino, Yayoi Onda, Toshiharu Hase and Yuji Goto. Partially Folded Structure of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-depleted Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase with Residual NADP+ Binding Domain. J. Biol. Chem. 2002; 277, 17101-17107. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog