15 research outputs found

    Wanita modern dalam novel Mudzakaroh Thabibah karya Nawal Sa’dawy

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    Nawal Sa’dawy adalah merupakan salah satu novelis Mesir yang sangat terkenal selain Najib Mahfudz. Novelnya yang bercorak feminisme banyak menguncang kemapanan tradisi arab. Hal inilah yang menarik peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap novel Nawal Sa ‘dawy tersebut dengan teori feminism yang diungkapkan oleh Qasim Amin. Penelitian ini menganalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif tentang wanita modern dengan pendekatan feminis muslim Qāsim Amīn dan cara analisa kritik sastra feminis Rutven. Feminis muslim mempersoalkan teks-teks agama yang dianggap banyak melindungi dan menguatkan kepentingan laki-laki. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan berbagai bentuk budaya patriarki seperti suprioritas laki-laki, peran laki-laki disektor publik dan perempuan disektor domestik, perempuan yang mendapatkan kekerasan baik fisik, seksual dan psikologis danpandangan negatif masyarakat terhadap perempuan. Hal tersebut diatas menurut para femins disinyalir karena salah dalam memahami dan menafsirkan teks-teks agama ditengah-tengah budaya patriarki dalam masyarakat. Dalam noel ini juga ditemukan berbagai perlawanan-perlawanan perempuan diantaranya adalah perlawanan dalam keluarga, perlawanan dalam masyarakat danperlawanan dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Berbagai bentuk perlawanan tersebut adalah menandakan bahwa tokoh aku adalah perempuan modern yang berani melakukan perlawanan terhadap adanya budaya patriarki. Hal lain yang merupakan ciri wanita modern tokoh aku adalah adanya pemahaman laki-laki dan wanita dalam keluarga adalah mitra yang saling melengkapi satu dan lainnnya. Tokoh aku juga melihat pentingnya pendidikan bagi wanita, karena menurutnya pendidikan adalah jalan untuk membebaskan diri dari belenggu budaya patriarki. Selain itu, tokoh aku juga menyoroti maslah perkawinan, baginya perempuan hendaknnya diberi kebebasan untu kmemilih jodonya sendiri tanpa paksaan, perlu adanya perbaikan dalam akad pernikahan dan surat-suratnya, sehinggga tidak hanya seperti hubungan yang bersifat ragawi saja melainkan dapat mencapai makna dari pernikahan itu sendiri sebagaimana yang digariskan dalam al-Qur’an

    Poverty, mysticism, and religiosity of Sumatera Inland communities in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga

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    The description of Indonesian society's reality is frequently discussed in Indonesian novels since earlier times. The description itself is commonly discussed in the form of poverty, social conditions, and religiosity in Indonesian society as comprehensively illustrated in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga novel composed by Tere Liye. This novel portrays the struggle of a brother named Laisa to fulfill the needs of his family, particularly for the school fees of his younger siblings along with all their social problems. The background of this novel thus becomes the attention of the researchers. This study aims to analyze Tere Liye's world view of Sumatra interior communities and to find out the phenomena or events happen in Lahambay Valley that becomes the background of the novel. The theory employed in this research is Lucian Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory in an attempt to reveal the genetic relationship between the writer and the background of his writing. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Based on the relationship between the figures and their relationship with their environment, a number of Tere Liye’s views on Sumatera interior communities in the 1970s are clearly illustrated. These views are; poverty, education, mysticism, and religiosity. Hence, Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga novel by Tere Liye is a depiction of the reality of the author’s life that makes him write the novel

    Egypt in the perspective of Najib Mahfoudz

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    The article aimed to find out Najib Mahfouz perspective on Egypt in his novel Bidayah wa Nihayah. This study uses sociological approach to literature with Lucian Goldman's genetic structuralism theory as theoretical framework and dialectic method as its analysis. After dissecting the structure of relationships between characters and social communities in the novel the result reveals the worldview and social background of Najib Mahfouz. This novel talked about the reality of Egyptian society with all the economic, political and social problems in the Egyptian revolution which was captured through the conflict of Samira’s family, they were the problem of poverty and education, gender inequality and the existence of political recession of colonialism. In this case, poverty became the main theme promoted by Najib Mahfouz through the intrigue within the Samira's family. In addition, the colonialism background and the political recession existence were the other things that Najib Mahfouz wanted to express

    Resistance, humanism, and Islamic value in Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim’s Lemah Tanjung

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    Islam as a discourse of resistance is not a contemporary issue. Islam occurred to encounter injustice and oppression. Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, an author with disabilities, cannot be detached from the strength of her era. She wrote a novel Lemah Tanjung as a form of resistance to her era. As an author, she experienced essential events in her life. This research concerned on two things: the Islamic value in the resistance in Lemah Tanjung and the value of Islam's veiled resistance. This study implemented Faiclough's critical discourse theory which incorporated three basic components in analyzing text.The method administered was a qualitative. The data were collected from the novel Lemah Tanjung. The results of the study revealed that there was a hidden meaning in the content of Islamic resistance encompassing issues for the general public. The series of criticalities contains a hidden meaning that requires to be unveiled. That people desire enlightenment, liberation and previous issues which are necessary to be discussed openly. In this study, polite resistance possesses a significant contribution in society

    Literasi petani desa pada kelompok tani “ Rukun Santosa 1” Dusun Penjalinan, Desa Jatisari, Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Petani sangat erat dengan habitat genuinnya, yaitu desa. Petani dan Desa seolah menjadi dua sisi mata uang. Program atau kegiatan yang menyasar para Petani menjadi perlu dan relevan dengan arah pembangunan masa kini yang juga mengarus-utamakan kemajuan dan kemakmuran (masyarakat) desa. Sebagai habitat petani, pertanian dan desa juga sarat akan nilai budaya lokal. Budaya lokal yang arif (local wisdom) yang melekat pada petani dan desa adalah warisan mahal yang perlu dijaga. Kegiatan pelatihan literasi bisa dijadikan pendekatan untuk menjaga sekaligus mengapresiasi warisan tersebut. Literasi di era milenial serba teknologi (informasi) ini menjadi keahlian (skill) yang diperlukan. Bahkan menurut Forum Ekonomi Dunia (2015) bahwa "salah satu keterampilan utuh abad 21 yang dibutuhkan adalah memiliki kemampuan literasi dasar yang baik, yaitu menerapkan keterampilan inti untuk kegiatan sehari-hari (Majalah Jendela Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Edisi VI, BKLM Kemendikbud RI, 2016). Muatan keahlian literasi pada prinsipnya menyangkut bidang (keahlian) baca-tulis-berhitung (calistung), sains (ilmiah), teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), keuangan, budaya, dan kewarganegaraan. Materi-materi tersebut tentu penting dan urgen untuk ditransferkan pada komunitas petani--dan tentu juga desa sebagai ruang hidup (sosial, ekonomi, budaya). Petani, pertanian, desa dengan lekatan local wisdom dengan demikian kesemuanya adalah fenomena yang dirangkai secara utuh. Kesemuanya itu adalah fakta yang harus kita hadapi. Kita hadir dan menghadapinya dengan membawa solusi. Di sisi lain, sebagaimana transformasi ke arah masyarakat industri, transformasi teknologi-informasi juga membawa dampak; ada positif, juga ada yang negatif. Pendampingan Literasi Petani Desa bisa hadir sebagai jawaban "kecil" atas problem, potensi, dan tantangan tersebut

    Literasi petani desa pada kelompok tani “ Rukun Santosa 1” Dusun Penjalinan, Desa Jatisari, Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Petani sangat erat dengan habitat genuinnya, yaitu desa. Petani dan Desa seolah menjadi dua sisi mata uang. Program atau kegiatan yang menyasar para Petani menjadi perlu dan relevan dengan arah pembangunan masa kini yang juga mengarus-utamakan kemajuan dan kemakmuran (masyarakat) desa. Sebagai habitat petani, pertanian dan desa juga sarat akan nilai budaya lokal. Budaya lokal yang arif (local wisdom) yang melekat pada petani dan desa adalah warisan mahal yang perlu dijaga. Kegiatan pelatihan literasi bisa dijadikan pendekatan untuk menjaga sekaligus mengapresiasi warisan tersebut. Literasi di era milenial serba teknologi (informasi) ini menjadi keahlian (skill) yang diperlukan. Bahkan menurut Forum Ekonomi Dunia (2015) bahwa "salah satu keterampilan utuh abad 21 yang dibutuhkan adalah memiliki kemampuan literasi dasar yang baik, yaitu menerapkan keterampilan inti untuk kegiatan sehari-hari (Majalah Jendela Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Edisi VI, BKLM Kemendikbud RI, 2016). Muatan keahlian literasi pada prinsipnya menyangkut bidang (keahlian) baca-tulis-berhitung (calistung), sains (ilmiah), teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), keuangan, budaya, dan kewarganegaraan. Materi-materi tersebut tentu penting dan urgen untuk ditransferkan pada komunitas petani--dan tentu juga desa sebagai ruang hidup (sosial, ekonomi, budaya). Petani, pertanian, desa dengan lekatan local wisdom dengan demikian kesemuanya adalah fenomena yang dirangkai secara utuh. Kesemuanya itu adalah fakta yang harus kita hadapi. Kita hadir dan menghadapinya dengan membawa solusi. Di sisi lain, sebagaimana transformasi ke arah masyarakat industri, transformasi teknologi-informasi juga membawa dampak; ada positif, juga ada yang negatif. Pendampingan Literasi Petani Desa bisa hadir sebagai jawaban "kecil" atas problem, potensi, dan tantangan tersebut

    Depiction of Islam’s collapses in Andalusia from the novel Sangkakala di Langit Andalusia

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    This study aims to describe the historical picture of Islam’s collapse during the Andalusian period in novel "Sangkakala di Langit Andalusia" by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method using a New Historicism critical approach. The data analysis technique used by the researcher is categorization, tabulation, data analysis and data inference steps. The analysis was carried out by comparing the historical picture in the novel "Sangkakala di Langit Andalusia" with history in history books related to the glory of Islam in Spain such as; “History of the Arabs”; “Penghancuran Buku dari Masa ke Masa”; dan “Bangkit dan Runtuhnya Andalusia”. The results of this study indicate that there is a historical form of Islam’s during the Andalusian period in the plot of novel "Sangkakala di Langit Andalusia", which starts from the emergence of disunity of the Muslim until the collapse of the Islamic sultanate In Andalusia. The presentation of the content’s relevance in the novel and historical facts in this study is divided into three discussions; (1) An emergence of divisions in the Muslims, (2) the fall of the Islamic region to the power of the Christian kingdom, and (3) An Apocalypse in Andalusia

    The meaning of love, regret, sadness, and confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”

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    New criticism is a literary movement that counters historical, biographical, and impressionistic approaches. This study aims to contribute views to those focusing on a scholarly and critical study of literature, especially in the study of poetry form, to interpret “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” poetry by Farouq Jwaideh. The research uses descriptive-qualitative research methods. The results of this study show that the forms used in the poem “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” are diverse, ranging from hyperbole, climax, personification, repetition, anticlimactic, policemanism, simile, synecdotal, and antithesis forms. The overall meaning revealed in “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” centers around love, sadness, regret, and confusion. Lau Annana Lam Naftariq’s poetry is a poet’s expression about his love life, about his sadness, regret, and confusion towards his lover. Faruq Jwaidah describes her feelings of love, sadness, and confusion with metaphors and stunning language styles

    The meaning of love, regret, sadness, and confusion in the Jwaidah’s “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq”

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    New criticism is a literary movement that counters historical, biographical, and impressionistic approaches. This study aims to contribute views to those focusing on a scholarly and critical study of literature, especially in the study of poetry form, to interpret “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” poetry by Farouq Jwaideh. The research uses descriptive-qualitative research methods. The results of this study show that the forms used in the poem “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” are diverse, ranging from hyperbole, climax, personification, repetition, anticlimactic, policemanism, simile, synecdotal, and antithesis forms. The overall meaning revealed in “Lau Annana Lam Naftariq” centers around love, sadness, regret, and confusion. Lau Annana Lam Naftariq’s poetry is a poet’s expression about his love life, about his sadness, regret, and confusion towards his lover. Faruq Jwaidah describes her feelings of love, sadness, and confusion with metaphors and stunning language styles

    Religiuos forms and meanings in the song Huwa Ahmadun: Louis Hjelmslev’s metasemiotic analysis

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    Huwa Ahmadun is the one of a song by Maher Zain in Nour Ala Nour’s album. In a song by Huwa Ahmadun, the impact of worshiping Prophet Muhammad SAW is emphasized. The metasemiotics analysis model developed by Louis Hjelmslev is used in this work. This study is depending on Louis Hjelmslev’s Metasemiotics, seeks to reveal, define, and assess a shape and significance of religious values in Huwa Ahmadun’s song. This area includes qualitative, descriptive, and semiotic research. The article’s data source was the song Huwa Ahmadun. The study used note-taking and reading techniques to gather data. The heuristic and hermerosa neutic models are the two semiotic layers of the data analysis technique. The songs of Huwa Ahmadun has (a) five different types of expression and content material. It also encompasses the meltdown of religious values, that is done in the sections below: (a) one expression form and content form on the value of worship; and (b) four expression forms and content form on the value of prayer