6 research outputs found

    Intracranial hemorrhage in a patient with severe hemophilia — case report

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    Hemofilia jest dziedziczną, genetycznie uwarunkowaną skazą krwotoczną, spowodowaną niedoborem lub brakiem czynnika krzepnięcia VIII (hemofilia A) albo IX (hemofilia B). Leczenie krwawień w przebiegu choroby opiera się na substytucji czynników krzepnięcia. Powikłaniem leczenia substytucyjnego pogarszającym rokowanie i utrudniającym leczenie jest pojawianie się inhibitorów, które hamują aktywność czynnika VIII bądź IX. Krwotok do ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) to jedno z najcięższych powikłań hemofilii, wymagające intensywnego leczenia i monitorowania stanu chorego. Mężczyzna, lat 63, z ciężką postacią hemofilii A został przyjęty na Oddział Neurologii i Leczenia Udarów Mózgu z powodu bólu głowy i osłabienia siły mięśniowej lewych kończyn. W badaniu głowy metodą tomografii komputerowej (TK) uwidoczniono rozległe ognisko krwotoczne w okolicy ciemieniowo-skroniowej prawej wielkości 65 × 45 mm z obrzękiem prawej półkuli mózgu. W 1. dobie hospitalizacji aktywność czynnika krzepnięcia wynosiła 85,3%, a miano inhibitora — 1,3 jednostek Bethesda (jB./ml). Pomimo leczenia substytucyjnego dużymi dawkami koncentratu czynnika VIII w kontrolnym TK głowy stwierdzono powiększenie ogniska krwotocznego. Zadecydowano o włączeniu do leczenia koncentratów omijających inhibitor (BPA). Uzyskano poprawę stanu ogólnego i neurologicznego oraz zmniejszenie ogniska krwotocznego w kontrolnym badaniu TK.Hemophilia is a genetically inherited bleeding disorder, caused by deficiency or lack of clotting factor VIII (hemophilia A) or IX (hemophilia B). Treatment of bleeding in the course of the disease is based on the substitution of coagulation factors. The prognosis and treatment is more difficult in patients with elevated level of inhibitors of coagulation factor VIII or IX. Hemorrhage into the central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most serious complications of hemophilia, requiring intensive treatment and monitoring of the patient. Patient, 63 year old male with severe haemophilia A was admitted to the Department of Neurology and Stroke Treatment due to headaches and weakness of left limbs. We performed CT-scan and revealed hemorrhage in the right parieto-temporal region of brain, 65 × 45 mm in diameter, with edema of the right hemisphere. During the first day of hospitalization clotting factor activity was 85.3%, and the inhibitor activity — 1.3 Bethesda Units (BU/mL). Despite substitution treatment with high doses of concentrated factor VIII, in the control CT-scan of patients brain we found enlargement of the hemorrhage. It was decided to include bypassing agents (BPA) in the treatment. General and neurological condition of the patient improved and reduction of hemorrhage was revealed in the next CT-scan

    Evidence of stem cells mobilization in the blood of patients with pancreatitis : a potential link with disease severity

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    A growing number of studies indicate the potential involvement of various populations of bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) in tissue repair. However, the mobilization of BMSCs to the peripheral blood (PB) in acute and chronic pancreatitis (AP and CP) has not been investigated. A total of 78 patients were assigned into AP, CP, and healthy control groups in this study. Using flow cytometry, we found that VSELs, EPCs, and CD133+SCsCD133^{+}SCs were mobilized to the PB of patients with both AP and CP. Interestingly, AP and CP patients exhibited lower absolute number of circulating MSCs in the PB compared to healthy individuals. SC mobilization to the PB was more evident in patients with AP than CP and in patients with moderate/severe AP than mild AP. Using ELISA, we found a significantly increased HGF concentration in the PB of patients with AP and SDF1αSDF1\alpha in the PB of patients with CP. We noted a significant positive correlation between SDF1αSDF1\alpha concentration and the mobilized population of CD133+SCsCD133^{+}SCs in AP and between C5a and the mobilized population of VSELs moderate/severe AP. Thus, bone marrow-derived SCs may play a role in the regeneration of pancreatic tissue in both AP and CP, and mobilization of VSELs to the PB depends on the severity of AP

    Monocyte chemoattractant protein-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) enhances angiogenic and cardiomyogenic potential of murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    The current evidence suggests that beneficial effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) toward myocardial repair are largely due to paracrine actions of several factors. Although Monocyte chemoattractant protein-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) is involved in the regulation of inflammatory response, apoptosis and angiogenesis, whether MCPIP1 plays any role in stem cell-induced cardiac repair has never been examined. By employing retroviral (RV)-transduced overexpression of MCPIP1, we investigated the impact of MCPIP1 on viability, apoptosis, proliferation, metabolic activity, proteome, secretome and differentiation capacity of murine bone marrow (BM) - derived MSCs. MCPIP1 overexpression enhanced angiogenic and cardiac differentiation of MSCs compared with controls as indicated by elevated expression of genes accompanying angiogenesis and cardiomyogenesis in vitro. The proangiogenic activity of MCPIP1-overexpressing MSCs (MCPIP1-MSCs) was also confirmed by increased capillary-like structure formation under several culture conditions. This increase in differentiation capacity was associated with decreased proliferation of MCPIP1-MSCs when compared with controls. MCPIP1-MSCs also expressed increased levels of proteins involved in angiogenesis, autophagy, and induction of differentiation, but not adverse inflammatory agents. We conclude that MCPIP1 enhances endothelial and cardiac differentiation of MSCs. Thus, modulating MCPIP1 expression may be a novel approach useful for enhancing the immune-regulatory, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative capacity of BM-derived MSCs for myocardial repair and regeneration of ischemic tissues

    Criminal liability of management board members of capital companies in the light of the Polish Code of Commercial Companies.

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    Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie zagadnień dotyczących prawnokarnej odpowiedzialności członków zarządu spółek, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przepisów o odpowiedzialności karnej na gruncie kodeksu spółek handlowych. Autorka omawia role, zadania i cele członków zarządu spółek kapitałowych. Praca zawiera również omówienie zjawisk obrotu gospodarczego i przestępczości gospodarczej. Szczególna uwaga została poświęcona rodzajom przestępstw indywidualnych zawartych w kodeksie spółek handlowych, których podmiotem może być członek zarządu spółki kapitałowej.The purpose of the study is to present the issues related to criminal law liability of management board members, with particular emphasis on the provisions on criminal liability under the Polish Code of Commercial Companies. The Author discusses the roles, tasks and goals of management board members of capital companies. The work also contains a discussion of the phenomena of economic network and economic crime. Particular attention was paid to the types of individual crimes contained in the Polish Code of Commercial Companies, which may be commited by a member of the management board of a capital company

    Effects of the lercanidipine - Enalapril combination vs. The corresponding monotherapies on home blood pressure in hypertension: Evidence from a large database

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    103siObjective: To compare a combination of a dihydropyridine calcium-channel blocker with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor vs. monotherapy with one or the other drug and placebo for their effects on home blood pressure (HBP). Methods: After a 2-week placebo wash-out, patients with an elevated office blood pressure (BP) (diastolic 100–109 and systolic <180 mmHg) and HBP (diastolic 85 mmHg) were randomized double-blind to a 10-week treatment with placebo, lercanidipine, 10 or 20mg daily, enalapril, 10 or 20mg daily, or the four possible combinations. In addition to office BP, HBP was self-measured via a validated semiautomatic device twice in the morning and twice in the evening during the 7 days before randomization and at the end of treatment. Baseline and treatment HBP values were separately averaged for each day, morning, evening or the whole monitoring period, excluding the first day. Day-by-day HBP variability was defined as the SD or the variation coefficient of the daily BP averages. Results: Eight hundred and fifty-four patients with valid HBP recordings at baseline and at the end of treatment were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). From the baseline value (147.011.6 mmHg) systolic/diastolic HBP showed a small reduction (average baseline-adjusted change: –1.8/–1.6 mmHg) with placebo, a more marked significant fall with monotherapies (8.8/5.9 mmHg, P<0.001/<0.001 vs. placebo) and even more with combination treatment (11.6/7.6 mmHg, P<0.001/ <0.001 vs. placebo and P<0.01/<0.05 vs. monotherapy). A similar pattern was observed for each of the days of the BP self-monitoring period as well as for either morning or evening values, although the difference between mono and combination treatment appeared to be consistently significant for the morning values only. Dayby- day systolic BP-SD was unaffected by placebo and slightly reduced by drug treatments, with no, however, significant changes in SBP-variation coefficient. Baseline and end of treatment HBP values showed a limited correlation with office BP values, this being particularly the case for treatment-induced changes (correlation coefficients: 0.37 for systolic and 0.45 for diastolic BP). Conclusion: This large HBP database shows that the lercanidipine–enalapril combination lowers HBP more effectively than the corresponding monotherapies and placebo, and that this greater effect is consistent between days.reservedmixedMancia, Giuseppe; Omboni, Stefano; Chazova, Irina; Coca, Antonio; Girerd, Xavier; Haller, Hermann; Parati, Gianfranco; Pauletto, Paolo; Pupek-Musialik, Danuta; Svyshchenko, Yevgeniya; Boye, Alain; Charrier, Bruno; Couffin, Yvon; Marmor, Philippe; Marty, Jacques; Navarre, Jean Louis; Ansari, Anwar; Büttner, Claudia; Kropp, Maximilian; Mehling, Heidrun; Paschen, Christine; Schenkenberger, Isabelle; Schneider, Helmut; Sperling, Karsten; Stübler, Petra; Von Behren, Volker; Lembo, Giuseppe; Scanferla, Flavio; Sechi, Leonardo Alberto; Gębala, Andrzej; Hoffmann, Andrzej; Janik, Krzysztof; Klimza-Masłowska, Anna; Kaczmarek, Barbara; Koźminski, Piotr; Makowiecka-Cies̈la, Magdalena; Mordaka, Robert; Nowakowski, Tomasz; Pasternak, Dariusz; Skibińska, Elzbieta; Sulik, Piotr; Szpajer, Michał; Walczewska, Jolanta; Zaczek, Marcin; Zienciuk-Krajka, Agnieszka; Alexeeva, Nadezhda; Bokarev, Igor; Chazova, Iina; Conrady, Alexandra; Emelyanov, Alexander; Galustyan, Anna; Idrisova, Elena; Khasanov, Niyaz; Khokhlov, Alexander; Libov, Igor; Reshetko, Olga; Sokurenko, German; Stryuk, Raisa; Tereshchenko, Sergey; Trofimov, Vasily; Zrazhevsky, Konstantin; Carlos Calvo, S.; De Teresa, Luis; Ferre, Raimon; García, Juan; Gil, Apolonia; Gil, Blas; Montenegro, Jesús; Oliván, Josefina; Ortiz, Jacinto; Pascual, José María; Rivera, Antonio; De Quevedo, José Antonio Sainz; Zúñiga, Manuel; Martinez, Valentin; Pujol, Montserrat; Bazylevych, Andriy; Gyrina, Olga; Ignatenko, Grygoriy; Kazymyrko, Vitaly; Khomazyuk, Tetyana; Kononenko, Lyudmyla; Korzh, Oleksii; Kovalenko, Volodymyr; Kuryata, Oleksander; Kushnir, Mykola; Lishnevska, Viktoriia; Lymar, Iurii; Ostrovska, Lidiia; Popik, Galyna; Rudyk, Yuriy; Shershnyova, Oxana; Sierkova, Valentyna; Storozhuk, Borys; Tseluyko, Vira; Vatutin, Mykola; Vayda, Myroslava; Vizir, Vadym; Volkov, Volodymyr; Voloshyna, Olena; Yagensky, Andriy; Zhurba, Svitlana; Zorin, ValeriiMancia, Giuseppe; Omboni, Stefano; Chazova, Irina; Coca, Antonio; Girerd, Xavier; Haller, Hermann; Parati, Gianfranco; Pauletto, Paolo; Pupek Musialik, Danuta; Svyshchenko, Yevgeniya; Boye, Alain; Charrier, Bruno; Couffin, Yvon; Marmor, Philippe; Marty, Jacques; Navarre, Jean Louis; Ansari, Anwar; Büttner, Claudia; Kropp, Maximilian; Mehling, Heidrun; Paschen, Christine; Schenkenberger, Isabelle; Schneider, Helmut; Sperling, Karsten; Stübler, Petra; Von Behren, Volker; Lembo, Giuseppe; Scanferla, Flavio; Sechi, Leonardo Alberto; Gębala, Andrzej; Hoffmann, Andrzej; Janik, Krzysztof; Klimza Masłowska, Anna; Kaczmarek, Barbara; Koźminski, Piotr; Makowiecka Cies̈la, Magdalena; Mordaka, Robert; Nowakowski, Tomasz; Pasternak, Dariusz; Skibińska, Elzbieta; Sulik, Piotr; Szpajer, Michał; Walczewska, Jolanta; Zaczek, Marcin; Zienciuk Krajka, Agnieszka; Alexeeva, Nadezhda; Bokarev, Igor; Chazova, Iina; Conrady, Alexandra; Emelyanov, Alexander; Galustyan, Anna; Idrisova, Elena; Khasanov, Niyaz; Khokhlov, Alexander; Libov, Igor; Reshetko, Olga; Sokurenko, German; Stryuk, Raisa; Tereshchenko, Sergey; Trofimov, Vasily; Zrazhevsky, Konstantin; Carlos Calvo, S.; De Teresa, Luis; Ferre, Raimon; García, Juan; Gil, Apolonia; Gil, Blas; Montenegro, Jesús; Oliván, Josefina; Ortiz, Jacinto; Pascual, José María; Rivera, Antonio; De Quevedo, José Antonio Sainz; Zúñiga, Manuel; Martinez, Valentin; Pujol, Montserrat; Bazylevych, Andriy; Gyrina, Olga; Ignatenko, Grygoriy; Kazymyrko, Vitaly; Khomazyuk, Tetyana; Kononenko, Lyudmyla; Korzh, Oleksii; Kovalenko, Volodymyr; Kuryata, Oleksander; Kushnir, Mykola; Lishnevska, Viktoriia; Lymar, Iurii; Ostrovska, Lidiia; Popik, Galyna; Rudyk, Yuriy; Shershnyova, Oxana; Sierkova, Valentyna; Storozhuk, Borys; Tseluyko, Vira; Vatutin, Mykola; Vayda, Myroslava; Vizir, Vadym; Volkov, Volodymyr; Voloshyna, Olena; Yagensky, Andriy; Zhurba, Svitlana; Zorin, Valeri