161 research outputs found

    Dietary inclusion of Quebracho (Schinopsis lorentzii) tannins on productive performances of growing pheasant females

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    Tannins are a group of phenolic compounds which have received a lot of attention with respect to their possible nutritional and physiological actions. Tannins can be grouped into condensed and hydrolysable tannins, widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Hydrolysable tannins are polyester of phenolic acids such as gallic acid or ellagic acid or their derivatives and D-glucose. The condensed tannins are polymer of flavan-3-ols, flavan-3,4-diols or related flavanol residues linked via carbon–carbon bonds. There is evidence that high levels of tannins could produce adverse effects in animals. These effects can be instantaneous like astringency or a bitter or unpleasant taste or can have a delayed response related to antinutritional/toxic effects

    Dietary lipid sources and vitamin E affect fatty acid composition or lipid stability of breast meat from Muscovy duck

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    A trial was conducted in order to assess the fatty acid composition and lipid stability of breast meat from Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata domestica L.) fed a basal diet supplemented with 20 g kg 1 of soybean oil or fish oil and 30 or 230 mg kg 1 a-tocopheryl acetate (a-TA). A total of 120 one-day-old female muscovy ducklings were distributed over 12 pens (10 birds/pen). Growth performance traits were measured through the study. Each dietary treatment was randomly administered to three replicates when birds were 43d until the slaughtering age of 66 d. Dietary treatments did not induce differences in growth performances and slaughter traits. Similarly, proximate composition and pH of breast muscle were not influenced by the diets. Significant increases in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contents in breast meat of ducks fed fish-oil-supplemented diets was observed. Lipid oxidation, expressed as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), of breast meat from birds fed 230 mg kg 1 a-TA-supplemented diets was significantly lower, compared with those fed diets supplemented with 30 mg kg 1 a-TA, both 1 and 7 d after slaughter

    Observations on the embryonic development of domestic meat-type guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)

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    Guinea fowl breeding for meat production is widespread across Europe and the USA. For hatcheries to achieve their output potentials, they need in-depth knowledge about incubation techniques and guinea fowl embryonic development. The aim of this study was to provide updated quantitative data on the developing meat-type strain embryo and to describe its embryonic growth pattern in terms of embryonic weight modelled using Gompertz and logistic functions. Eggs from a 56-week-old genetically controlled flock (Galor S.A.S., Amboise, France) were individually weighed and incubated according to good hatchery practices. 10 embryos were randomly removed every 12 h through to hour 192 of incubation, and thereafter every 24 h. Incubation traits, blastoderm diameter, vitelline circulation diameter, and embryo body weight were recorded, and the mean daily wet embryo-specific mass was calculated. During each session, photographic documentation of the embryos was also obtained, including a general view of the egg content as well as the isolated embryonic body. Embryonic growth curves were estimated using Gompertz and logistic functions, and their parameters are given. High fertility (96%) and hatchability (81%) rates were observed, and the mean keet weight was 32 g at hatch. The accuracy of the curve fit was high for both models. The curves’ inflection points occurred on days 21 and 23 for the logistic and Gompertz models, respectively, demonstrating an embryonic growth pattern typical of a precocial bird species. A photographic chart of the in-ovo chronological development of guinea fowl is provided.HIGHLIGHTS The study follows the incubation and embryonic development of meat-type guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Daily photographic images and graphical growth models of body weight document the birds’ embryonic development. The results provide effective practical help for hatchery practices by enabling the determination of embryo age

    Effetto del temporaneo impiego dell'acqua reflua decantata sulle prestazioni produttive in vivo e la sopravvivenza dell'orata (Sparus aurata) in fase d'ingrasso

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    Con questo studio si è voluto testare la possibilità di utilizzare in un nuovo ciclo di produzione dell’orata (Sparus aurata), l’acqua reflua di vasche d’allevamento dopo una fase di decantazione in un apposito bacino di lagunaggio. Pesci di circa 240 g, al sesto mese di ingrasso, sono stati distribuiti in due vasche di 208 m3, alimentate una con acqua di mare e l’altra con acqua reflua decantata. Per valutare gli effetti sulle prestazioni produttive in vivo e la sopravvivenza delle orate sottoposte per 137 giorni a tale sistema di allevamento è stato rilevato, giornalmente, la quantità di mangime somministrato ed il numero dei pesci morti per vasca. Inoltre, a cadenza di 45 giorni una dall’altra, sono state effettuate 4 campionature deipesci e dell’acqua in entrata. Nell’intero periodo di sperimentazione, la mortalità nelle due vasche è stata simile (meno del 2%) e il peso medio delle orate campionate ad ogni rilevamento è risultato statisticamente uguale. L’indice di conversione alimentare è stato pari a 2,1 per la vasca decantata ed a 2,8 per la vasca di controllo. Nel complesso le perfomances produttive delle orate sono risultate soddisfacenti evidenziando una buona adattabilità della specie ad un temporaneo allevamento con acqua reflua decantata

    Tear production, intraocular pressure, ultrasound biometric features and conjunctival flora identification in clinically normal eyes of two italian breeds of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

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    Given the abundance of chickens in Italy, it is important for veterinarians to know the normal state of chickens’ eyes in order to identify any ophthalmic pathological changes. The aim of this study was to determine the normal values of select ocular parameters and to evaluate conjunctival microflora in two Italian chicken breeds. Sixty-six healthy chickens underwent a complete ophthalmic examination, which included a phenol red thread test (PRTT) for the evaluation of tear production and the assessment of intraocular pressure by rebound tonometry. B-mode ultrasound biometric measurements and conjunctival microflora identification were also performed in twenty-seven chickens. Mean PRTT was 23.77 ± 2.99 mm/15 s in the Livorno breed and 19.95 ± 2.81 mm/15 s in the Siciliana breed. Mean intraocular pressure was 14.3 ± 1.17 mmHg in the Livorno breed and 14.06 ± 1.15 mmHg in the Siciliana breed. Reference ranges for morphometric parameters were reported in the two breeds. Twenty-three chickens (85.18%) were bacteriologically positive. Chlamydia spp. antigen was detected in 14.81% of chickens. No positive cultures were obtained for fungi. Normal reference range values for selected ophthalmic parameters were obtained in clinically healthy chickens, which could facilitate accurate diagnosis and better management of ophthalmic diseases in these animals

    Italian semen cryobank of autochthonous chicken and turkey breeds: a tool for preserving genetic biodiversity

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    The creation of genetic resource cryobanks provides a crucial link between in situ and ex situ techniques to improve the efficiency of conservation programs. Aim of the present review is to describe all the activities developed for the implementation of the first Italian Semen Cryobank of Autochthonous Chicken and Turkey Breeds. These activities can be classified into three main topics: (1) identification of species-specific semen freezing/thawing reference procedures; (2) drafting Standard Operative Procedures (SOP) for the implementation of the semen cryobank; (3) storage of semen doses from Italian chicken and turkey breeds to establish the cryobank. Several trials have been developed to identify a specie-specific semen cryopreservation protocol for chickens and turkeys. The major results are reviewed and a final reference protocol described. Taking into consideration the FAO guidelines for cryoconservation of animal genetic resources, SOP were drafted with the aim to provide technical guidance and logistical support on the choice of priority breeds, selection of birds for semen production, infrastructures and storage sites, birds and semen management, cryopreservation process and doses traceability. Lastly, the Italian Semen Cryobank was created. A total of 112 semen doses from 22 cockerels of three breeds, and 74 doses from 12 turkey males of three breeds were stored in the Cryobank. Breed specific semen quality parameters assessed before and after cryopreservation are reported. The described activities provide information and tools useful for the implementation of semen cryobanking in avian species and might be transferred also to other species after appropriate adaptations.HIGHLIGHTS Implementation of the first Italian Semen Cryobank of Autochthonous Chicken and Turkey Breeds Drafting Standard Operative Procedures provides technical guidance and logistical support on the design and establishment of the cryobank Semen cryobank is a precious genetic reservoir and could be useful to safeguard genetic variability in small population in vivo conserved
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