54 research outputs found

    Раціональне природокористування суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання на засадах інклюзивності

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    Introduction. The existing state of the use of natural resources by recreational management subjects showed problems in the legislative framework regarding methodical explanations of the calculation of rental payments for extraction and use of recreation resources of the recreation management subjects have been identified. The directions of management of the recreation management subjects with attraction of recreational resources on the basis of an inclusive approach are offered. Tax liabilities of the recreation management subjects using natural resources fall into the state budget, and they have to local with them further provision in the form of privileges for improving the ecological situation of recreational and tourist territory. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to provide suggestions for improving management in the field of recreation and tourist use of nature, for example, the use of natural resources of the recreation management subjects on the basis of inclusive. The goal is to fulfill the following tasks: to generalize the existing state of management in the field of the recreation management subjects; provide suggestions on how to improve the management of recreation management subjects, which use recreation resources on an inclusive basis. Results. The article substantiates the necessity of administrative management in the recreational and tourist nature management on the basis of inclusive, namely, it is necessary to transfer the rights of state control over the extraction of medical resources to the local level, to improve the system of fiscal and tax control over the recreation management subjects with using recreation resources, etc. Recommendations of improvement  financial regulation due to attraction of private entrepreneurship in compliance with requirements of environmental quality standards, standards of environmental impact, technological standards; product quality standards; environmental certification, etc. It is proved that the distribution of taxes from economic activity should come not only to the state budget, but also to the local. At the same time, taxes that come to the local budget should be used as subsidies to improve the ecological state of the same territory. Conclusions. The general conclusion is that integrated management of recreational resources and the recreational management subjects should provide implementation horizontal functions that are specific to the type of administrative activity that affects the using by recreational management subjects national natural resources of various forms of ownership. Need a clear economic justification and calculation of tax and rent income from the recreational management subjects using of natural resources. So it is necessary to amend the calculation of rent payments for the use of medical resources to increase them and prescribe methodical recommendations for their determination. It have to ensure simultaneous, common, in one economic-ecological plane for all administrative subjects horizontal and vertical branches of compliance with the principles of inclusiveness in nature management.Вступ. Існуючий стан  використання природних ресурсів суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання засвідчив проблеми в законодавчій базі щодо методичних роз’яснень розрахунку рентних платежів видобутку та використання рекреаційних ресурсів суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання. Більшість податкових зобов’язань суб’єктів рекреаційного господарювання з використанням природних ресурсів не спрямовані до місцевих бюджетів з їх подальшим наданням суб’єктам рекреаційного господарювання у вигляді пільг на удосконалення екологічного становища рекреаційно-туристичної території. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є надання пропозицій щодо вдосконалення управління в сфері рекреаційно-туристичного природокористування на прикладі використання природних ресурсів суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання на засадах інклюзивності. Поставлена мета потребує виконання наступних завдань: узагальнити існуючий стан управління в сфері діяльності суб’єктів рекреаційного господарювання; надати пропозиції щодо напрямів вдосконалення управління суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання, які використовують рекреаційні ресурси на засадах інклюзивності. Результати. Обґрунтовано засади адміністративного управління  в рекреаційно-туристичному природокористуванні на засадах інклюзивності, а саме необхідно передати права державного контролю за видобутком лікувальних ресурсів до місцевого рівня, удосконалити систему фіскального та податкового контролю за діяльністю суб’єктів рекреаційного господарювання з використанням рекреаційних ресурсів, тощо. Наведено рекомендації щодо поліпшення регулювання завдяки залученню приватного підприємництва з дотриманням вимог стандартів якості навколишнього середовища, стандартів впливу на навколишнє середовище, технологічних стандартів; стандартів якості продукції; екологічної сертифікації, тощо. Запропоновано напрями розподілу податків для подальшого їх використання як дотації на поліпшення екологічного стану території. Висновки. Комплексне управління рекреаційними ресурсами має передбачати здійснення ряду поєднаних по горизонталі специфічних функцій, що визначають види адміністративної діяльності, які впливають на використання загальнонародних природних ресурсів суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання різних форм власності. Необхідне чітке економічне обґрунтування та розрахунок податкових та рентних надходжень від використання природних ресурсів суб’єктами рекреаційного господарювання. Потрібно внести поправки до розрахунку рентних платежів за використання лікувальних ресурсів до їх збільшення та прописати методичні рекомендації до їх визначення. Для цього необхідно забезпечити одночасне, спільне, в одній економіко-екологічній площині для всіх управлінських суб’єктів по горизонталі та вертикалі галузей дотримання засад інклюзивності в природокористуванні

    Public awareness of circular economy in southern Poland : case of the Malopolska region

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    In the transition to the circular economy (CE) model in Europe, increasing public awareness is one of the major driving forces. This paper presents the results of an evaluation of public awareness and attitudes about CE in the Malopolska region of southern Poland. The data used in this study was collected by random distribution of questionnaires in the Malopolska region and interviews with 430 respondents. Malopolska was chosen for research because the region has significant economic and social potential, but features serious environmental problems - primarily air pollution. As environmental protection has become an important aspect for regional and local policy, the CE concept has already begun to be promoted. The questionnaires distributed to residents were divided into three areas: (1) knowledge and attitudes about CE, (2) CE-related behaviour, and (3) future development of CE in the region. The results show that the CE concept was well recognized mainly by the younger generation, which is more familiar with CE-related behaviours like waste segregation and buying recycled and remanufactured goods. The findings additionally indicate that sharing and collaborative economy practices are becoming popular among residents due to the belief that such services create more economic, environmental, and social benefits for users. People's awareness of the CE concept also has a positive correlation with their educational level, such individuals believing that the CE model could, in the future, be implemented in the region. However, this requires time and additional economic and educational resources

    Circular Economy in Wastewater Treatment Plant—Water, Energy and Raw Materials Recovery

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    Nowadays, the main challenge for industrial and municipal enterprises is related to the tightening regulations and recommendations regarding environmental protection, which have been included in the circular economy (CE) package. Enterprises from all sectors, including water and sewage management, are obliged to actively participate in the CE transition. Modern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) should include actions aimed at a more sustainable use of available resources (water, energy, raw materials) to contribute to the protection of natural resources. In this way, they can be treated as resource facilities. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for a ‘Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future’ that includes several technological solutions that take into account circular management of waste streams generated in WWTPs, such as wastewater (WW), sewage sludge (SS) and sewage sludge ash (SSA). Many actions have been already taken to modernize and build WWTPs that can respond to current and future challenges related to environmental protection. In the case of a CE ‘Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future’, the recovery of water, energy and raw materials from available waste streams is strongly recommended. The implementation of CE solutions in analyzed facilities is incorporated into many strategies and policy frameworks, such as national and international (including European) documents. The proposed CE solutions could indirectly contribute to satisfying significant technological, social and environmental needs of the current and future generations, which is in line with sustainability principles

    Thermochemical Treatment of Sewage Sludge Ash (SSA)—Potential and Perspective in Poland

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    Phosphorus (P) recovery from sewage sludge ash (SSA) is one of the most promising approaches of phosphate rock substitution in mineral fertilizers and might be a sustainable way to secure supply of this raw material in the future. In the current investigation, the process of thermochemical treatment of SSA was applied to SSA coming from selected mono-incineration plants of municipal sewage sludge in Poland (Cracow, Gdansk, Gdynia, Lodz, Kielce and Szczecin). The Polish SSA was thermochemically converted in the presence of sodium (Na) additives and a reducing agent (dried sewage sludge) to obtain secondary raw materials for the production of marketable P fertilizers. The process had a positive impact on the bioavailability of phosphorus and reduced the content of heavy metals in the obtained products. The P solubility in neutral ammonium citrate, an indicator of its bioavailability, was significantly raised from 19.7–45.7% in the raw ashes and 76.5–100% in the thermochemically treated SSA. The content of nutrients in the recyclates was in the range of 15.7–19.2% P2O5, 10.8–14.2% CaO, 3.5–5.4% Na2O, 2.6–3.6% MgO and 0.9–1.3% K2O. The produced fertilizer raw materials meet the Polish norms for trace elements covered by the legislation: the content of lead was in the range 10.2–73.1 mg/kg, arsenic 4.8–22.7 mg/kg, cadmium 0.9–2.8 mg/kg and mercury <0.05 mg/kg. Thus, these products could be potentially directly used for fertilizer production. This work also includes an analysis of the possibilities of using ashes for fertilizer purposes in Poland, based on the assumptions indicated in the adopted strategic and planning documents regarding waste management and fertilizer production

    Best Practices for the Implementation of a Circular Economy (CE) In the Tourism Industry: Diagnosis Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Nowadays, the process of transformation towards a circular economy (CE) is a priority issue for the European Commission (EC). Circular economy presents a new approach, which consists in keeping products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible and minimizing the production of waste, which, if it is created, should be treated as secondary raw material. However, the model of transformation towards the CE is not an easy issue which takes place at different stages in the individual Member States. Moreover, there are visible differences in the implementation of the CE model in individual industries. These differences have deepened in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and worldwide. The paper presented best practices for effective implementation of the CE in the tourism industry, and opportunities and obstacles faced by the sector in the face of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. It should be underlined that tourism industry is the sector most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To rebuild the importance of tourism industry, a lot of attention is paid to the issue of new management models, emphasizing that the recovery plans should include actions focused on economic stability, epidemic safety, but also the implementation of the sustainable development (SD) principles to convert the tourism industry to CE model. It requires reorganizing the functioning model of all key market participants, including entrepreneurs, public institutions and consumers

    Economic Indicators in Water and Wastewater Sector Contributing to a Circular Economy (CE)

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    Protection and sustainable management of water was indicated as one of the strategic tasks in the process of transformation towards a circular economy (CE) in the European Union (EU), therefore, the water and wastewater sector plays an important role in this process. At the same time, the European Commission (EC) strongly underlined the importance of the possibility to assess the transformation process toward the CE, and developed a set of CE indicators that are available on the Eurostat website. However, these indicators have limited ability to assess the transformation progress in the water and wastewater sector. This paper presents a set of indicators for assessing the economic progress of transformation towards the CE in this sector. The proposed economic CE indicators were grouped into the following actions of the CE model in the water and wastewater sector: reduction, reclamation (removal), reuse, recycling, recovery and landfilling. The selection of specific indicators was based on a systematic review of the literature presenting economic indicators developed by international organisations and researchers (covering different thematic areas, scopes and potential applications). The selected economic CE indicators were assigned to three groups of the cash flow: income (revenues, expenses), costs, and investment financing. The proposed CE indicators can be used by water supply and sewage companies (i.e., supplying water to the public and wastewater treatment plants, and companies that use water in their production processes) to assess the level of the transformation toward the CE at a microeconomic level. An important aspect of future application and usage of the proposed set of CE economic indicators is the collection and processing of data needed for their reporting. The proposed set of CE economic indicators refers to information that are reported by the companies to prove its revenues, costs and investment outlays, and are collected by companies anyway. The proposed set of economic CE indicators is flexible, allowing the adaptation of indicators and areas of interest to maintain effectiveness throughout the transition period from linear to the CE model

    Analiza potencjału nawozowego różnych strumieni odpadów komunalnych, przemysłowych i rolniczych

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    The circular economy (CE) has been a European Union (EU) priority since 2014, when first official document on the CE was published. Currently, the EU is on the road to the transformation from a linear economy model to the CE model. In 2019, a new strategy was announced – the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to mobilize the industrial sector for the CE implementation. The CE assumes that the generated waste should be treated as a secondary raw material. The paper presents an analysis of the possibility of using selected groups of waste for the production of fertilizers. Moreover, an identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as market opportunities and threats related to the use of selected groups of waste as a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers was conducted. The scope of the work includes characteristics of municipal waste (household waste, food waste, green waste, municipal sewage sludge, digestate), industrial waste (sewage sludge, ashes from biomass combustion, digestate) and agricultural waste (animal waste, plant waste), and a SWOT (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. The fertilizer use from waste is determined by the content of nutrients (phosphorus – P, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium ) and the presence of heavy metals unfavorable for plants (zinc, lead, mercury). Due to the possibility of contamination, including heavy metals, before introducing waste into the soil, it should be subjected to a detailed chemical analysis and treatment. The use of waste for the production of fertilizers allows for the reduction of the EU’s dependence on the import of nutrients from outside Europe, and is in line with the CE.Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym (GOZ ) jest priorytetem Unii Europejskiej (UE) od 2014 r., kiedy opublikowano pierwszy oficjalny dokument nt. GOZ. Obecnie UE jest w procesie transformacji z modelu gospodarki liniowej na GOZ. W 2019 r. ogłoszono nową strategię – Europejski Zielony Ład, której głównym celem jest mobilizacja sektora przemysłowego dla GOZ . Model GOZ zakłada, że wytworzone odpady należy traktować jako surowce wtórne. W pracy przedstawiono analizę możliwości wykorzystania wybranych grup odpadów (komunalnych, przemysłowych i rolniczych) na nawozy. Ponadto, dokonano identyfikacji mocnych i słabych stron, a także szans i zagrożeń rynkowych związanych z wykorzystaniem wybranych grup odpadów jako cenny surowiec do produkcji nawozów. Zakres pracy obejmował charakterystykę odpadów komunalnych (odpady z gospodarstw domowych, odpady spożywcze, odpady zielone, osady ściekowe z komunalnych oczyszczalni ścieków, poferment), przemysłowych (osady ściekowe, popioły ze spalania osadów ściekowych, popioły ze spalania biomasy, poferment) oraz odpadów rolniczych (odpady zwierzęce, odpady roślinne), a także analizę SWOT (mocne i słabe strony, szanse i zagrożenia). Kluczowymi czynnikami wpływającymi na możliwość wykorzystania odpadów na cele nawozowe są zawartość składników pokarmowych (fosfor, azot, potas, magnez, wapń) oraz obecność niekorzystnych dla roślin metali ciężkich (cynk, ołów, rtęć). Ze względu na możliwość występowania zanieczyszczeń, w tym metali ciężkich, przed wprowadzeniem odpadów do gleby należy je poddać szczegółowej analizie chemicznej oraz obróbce. Wykorzystanie odpadów do produkcji nawozów pozwala na zmniejszenie uzależnienia UE od importu substancji odżywczych spoza Europy, i jest zgodne z GOZ