24 research outputs found

    Efficiency of human capital during and after the pandemic in the context of online work and education

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the significance of remote work and learning as tools that reflect the effectiveness of human capital.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research aimed to assess the effectiveness of remote work and learning compared to traditional methods. A survey was conducted in 2022 among a group of 499 students from the Warsaw School of Management. The survey included students from all fields of study. The empirical research was pilot in nature and provides a basis for continuing research in this area, drawing conclusions and formulating recommendations for both employers and the academic community.FINDINGS: The generated conclusions will enable a thorough analysis of key problems in the context of improving solutions and practices implemented in remote work and learning processes as key determinants of the growth of human capital effectiveness in contemporary enterprises.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the actions, threats, and challenges facing employers in the area of utilizing and increasing the effectiveness of human capital, which is a strategic factor of contemporary enterprises, particularly evident in crisis situations that increasingly affect organizations worldwide for various reasons (pandemics, wars, etc.).ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present remote work and learning as modern and effective tools for increasing the effectiveness of human capital in contemporary enterprises, requiring many actions and far-reaching changes that bring undeniable benefits in the work environment. Until the pandemic and in the face of the war in Ukraine, remote work and learning were not used on such a large scale. According to the authors, they have become commonly used tools, which requires further research.peer-reviewe

    Industrial tomography platform for diagnostics and control of the crystallization process

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is an industrial system platform for diagnostics and control of the crystallization process with the use of tomographic technologies.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Various methods are used to study crystallization processes. Here, the tomographic method has been applied.FINDINGS: Tomography of industrial processes is a harmless, non-invasive imaging technique used in various industrial in-process technologies. It plays an important role in continuous data measurement for better understanding and monitoring of industrial processes, providing a fast and dynamic response that facilitates real-time process control, fault detection and system malfunctions.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Sensor networks with their feedback loops are fundamental elements of production control. A critical difference in the mass production of chemicals, metals, building materials, food and other commodities is that common process sensors provide only local measurements, e.g. temperature, pressure, fill level, flow rate or species concentration. However, in most production systems such local measurements are not representative of the entire process, so spatial solutions are required. Here the future belongs to distributed and image sensors.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The concept of a system based on industrial tomography represents a solution currently unavailable on the world market, in its assumptions and effects it has a legitimate character of innovation on a global scale. At the same time, it means the creation of a new, fundamentally different from those available on the market, universal product in the technological sphere. It is an innovative, efficient tool for diagnostics and process control.peer-reviewe

    Corporate social responsibility in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of companies from Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine

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    PURPOSE: This article aimed to identify CSR activities undertaken by companies from various countries during the pandemic. The authors have based their systematics of activities on empirical research conducted among the managerial staff of enterprises in Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: To check how and whether the CSR strategy was implemented among socially responsible enterprises during the COVID 19 pandemic, pilot studies were carried out among middle and senior management in July - August 2020. These studies were carried out in Poland, Ukraine, and Belgium. Authors used a diagnostic survey, interview technique, and a research tool in the form of an interview questionnaire.FINDINGS: Socially responsible enterprises should be mainly involved in the fight against Covid-19 in a pandemic. All respondents confirmed that their employer had taken extraordinary measures to protect the employees against the coronavirus.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the actions of corporate social responsibility undertaken and indicates the gap that has not been taken. According to the authors, this is especially important at the threshold of the fourth wave of the pandemic.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: During the crisis, social expectations towards the most prominent brands are growing, conducive to gaining new customers and building ties. Customers and local communities appreciate all support activities used by companies around the world. Companies from Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine focus on initiatives that mitigate the effects of the crisis and support society. Undoubtedly, support in purchasing masks, respirators for hospitals, MS Teams training for teachers, or employee volunteering in nursing homes were significant.peer-reviewe

    Human capital in the labour market

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    W artykule dokonano próby charakterystyki kapitału ludzkiego oraz uwarunkowań jego rozwoju w Polsce. Zwrócono także uwagę na aspekty rynku pracy widzianego oczami pracodawcy. Jak wynika z badań, nadal za kluczowe uważa się posiadanie doświadczenia, wykształcenia oraz kompetencji, nie tylko zawodowych, lecz także na poziomie wyższym niż wymaga tego stanowisko pracy. Materiałem badawczym wykorzystanym w artykule są dane empiryczne z badań V edycji projektu Bilans kapitału ludzkiego, GUS oraz Eurostatu. Projekt BKL realizowany był przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości. Liczby uzyskane na podstawie danych BKL mogą być nieco wyższe niż podawane przez PUP, gdyż deklaracje respondentów mogą nie być tak precyzyjne jak oficjalne rejestry. Nie mniej jednak nie wpływają one w sposób znaczący na deformowanie obrazu rzeczywistej sytuacji na rynku pracy oraz sygnalizują kluczowe problemy i tendencje.The article is an attempt to characterize human capital and conditions of his development in Poland. It also draws attention to the aspects of labour market seen through the eyes of an employer. Studies show that experience, education and soft skills are still key factors and they are required on higher level than it is needed for the position. Research material used for the article contains empiric data from studies of Fifth edition of project Study of Human Capital in Poland, data from Central Statistical Office of Poland and Eurostat. Project SoHCiP was implemented by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Numbers obtained based on study by Human Capital in Poland could be a little higher than the ones given by District Labour Office, because responders declarations might be not as precise as their official registers. Nevertheless they do not have such an important impact on deforming the picture of labour`s market situation and they highlight key problems and tendencies

    Information Value of Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements for Indicative Liquidity Assessment of Polish Energy Groups in 2018–2021

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    Electricity is currently one of the most popular sources of energy. Considering such widespread use of electric energy, we may ask, what is the economic cost of producing and supplying it? The climate crisis and the social pressure associated with it have triggered the necessity to make further investments in renewable and low-emission energy sources, while the COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly limited electricity consumption in industry. All these factors can have an impact on disruptions or loss in the liquidity of companies responsible for supplying electricity to end users. Guaranteeing cash flow for energy sector entities is a prerequisite for energy supply continuity. In this context, the selection and application of reliable sources of information are vital for the management of the financial liquidity of energy sector entities. The aim of this article is to prove the value of the financial information of individual (IFR) and consolidated financial statements (CFR) essential for the indicative liquidity assessment of Polish energy groups in 2018–2021. The hypothesis of this study is that individual and consolidated statements do not offer coincident analytical data due to the diversified role of their parent undertakings. We have applied indicative liquidity assessment analysis from a static and dynamic perspective to 2018–2021, on the basis of individual and consolidated financial statements. The results clearly show high dysfunction in the application of indicative liquidity assessment in the case of the individual financial statement of the parent company. This is mainly due to the role parent companies play in Polish energy sector groups, as they are mainly responsible for support processes

    European Integration Influence on the Development of Human Capital of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poland

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    Enterprises from the SME sector significantly affect the quality of human capital in Poland and the standards of their management are rising every year. The aim of this article is to present the essence and specifics of human capital of SMEs, showing the impact of European integration on the development of human capital in this sector. In addition, the authors focus on finding the answer to the question whether employers willingly reach for EU funding (sources of knowledge, forms, types of funding, barriers to access to funds) to be able to support and develop human capital that they have in the long run. The study was carried out by a survey method. The analysis made allowed to formulate the following conclusions. Entrepreneurs willingly undertake to raise funds from EU funds. Respondents were convinced that EU funds help in the development of their businesses, although obtaining funding alone is not easy. The respondents pointed to barriers, which include complicated and lengthy procedures, as well as low availability of information

    Human Capital on the European Labour Market

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    Efficient use of human capital and taking care of its quality in the global labour market is becoming a priority. This is primarily due to the need to function in a multicultural environment, growing competition and population aging. This article is an attempt to systematise knowledge about human capital and its use in the labour market. Attention is being drawn to the effective use of capital, including implementation of European strategies, as well as trends and challenges facing key employment issues. In addition, an effort has been made to identify key employee competencies reflecting global labour market trends. The article shows the importance of quality and investment in human resources, which is associated with the use of EU projects and programmes targeted at young people on the labour market