108 research outputs found

    Asthma improvement in patients treated with dupilumab for severe atopic dermatitis

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    IntroductionAtopic dermatitis (AD) is considered a systemic type 2 immune driven disease, and it is associated to many atopic comorbidities including asthma. The aim of our study was to prospectively evaluate the respiratory outcomes in patients with persistent allergic asthma treated with dupilumab due to severe AD (sAD).MethodsWe enrolled eligible patients with sAD for dupilumab treatment from September 2018 to December 2020. We then selected the subgroup of patients sensitized to perennial allergens. Dupilumab's efficacy and safety on AD and comorbid asthma were assessed at baseline, one month, four months, and then every 4 months up to one year.ResultsA total of 437 patients with sAD were enrolled for dupilumab treatment due to sAD, and 273 reached 48 weeks of therapy. Respiratory outcomes were evaluated in the 85 asthmatic patients with positivity only to perennial allergens. Our patients showed statistically and clinically significant improvement in asthma control (Asthma Control Test and Asthma Control Questionnaire) and airway obstruction parameters (FEV1), in addition to the expected AD-related skin outcomes. Specifically, a significant improvement was achieved at the fourth month of dupilumab therapy, and this trend was maintained up to twelve months, regardless of asthma severity.ConclusionsOur results showed the overall improvement of the clinical picture that dupilumab offers for patients with severe AD and persistent allergic asthma of any severity, highlighting the importance of a global multidisciplinary approach of type 2 driven disease

    Biosensing circulating MicroRNAs in autoinflammatory skin diseases: Focus on Hidradenitis suppurativa

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in the early diagnosis of autoinflammatory diseases, with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) being a notable example. HS, an autoinflammatory skin disease affecting the pilosebaceous unit, profoundly impacts patients’ quality of life. Its hidden nature, with insidious initial symptoms and patient reluctance to seek medical consultation, often leads to a diagnostic delay of up to 7 years. Recognizing the urgency for early diagnostic tools, recent research identified significant differences in circulating miRNA expression, including miR-24-1-5p, miR-146a-5p, miR26a-5p, miR-206, miR338-3p, and miR-338-5p, between HS patients and healthy controls. These miRNAs serve as potential biomarkers for earlier disease detection. Traditional molecular biology techniques, like reverse transcription quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), are employed for their detection using specific primers and probes. Alternatively, short peptides offer a versatile and effective means for capturing miRNAs, providing specificity, ease of synthesis, stability, and multiplexing potential. In this context, we present a computational simulation pipeline designed for crafting peptide sequences that can capture circulating miRNAs in the blood of patients with autoinflammatory skin diseases, including HS. This innovative approach aims to expedite early diagnosis and enhance therapeutic follow-up, addressing the critical need for timely intervention in HS and similar conditions

    Post-surgical Thyroid Bed Pyoderma Gangrenosum Mimicking Recurrent Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Background: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare inflammatory disease presenting with chronic-recurrent cutaneous ulcers histopathologically hallmarked by neutrophilic infiltrates, which may occur more frequently at sites of surgical traumas. The disease is habitually limited to the skin, but it can virtually involve any organ. Nevertheless, no prior cases of PG involving the thyroid bed have ever been reported.Case Report: A bilateral PG of the breast was diagnosed in a 51-year-old woman and treated with intravenous methylprednisolone pulse-therapy and cyclosporine, with partial improvement. During the hospitalization, cytological examination of two hypoechoic thyroid nodules by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) was consistent with thyroid carcinoma. After total thyroidectomy, histopathology confirmed a papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), and radioactive iodine ablation was performed. At 12-month ultrasonographic follow-up, two hypoechoic avascular areas localized in the empty thyroid bed raised the suspect of PTC recurrence. However, (i) undetectable levels of thyroglobulin without anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, (ii) neutrophilia and increased inflammatory marker levels, and (iii) cytological examination of FNA showing numerous neutrophils induced to suspect thyroid bed PG infiltration. An ex juvantibus approach with high-dose methylprednisolone led to dimensional reduction of the hypoechoic areas on ultrasonography, thus confirming the hypothesis of thyroid bed PG.Conclusion: This case of thyroid bed PG supports the idea that PG reflects a cutaneous phenotype encompassed in the spectrum of systemic neutrophilic diseases. Endocrinologists should be aware that thyroid bed PG involvement is an albeit rare differential diagnosis to consider in patients who had undergone thyroid surgery, especially with a history of PG

    Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Perspective on Genetic Factors Involved in the Disease.

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    Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the pilosebaceous unit, clinically consisting of painful nodules, abscesses, and sinus tracts mostly in, but not limited to, intertriginous skin areas. HS can be defined as a complex skin disease with multifactorial etiologies, including-among others-genetic, immunologic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. Based on genetic heterogeneity and complexity, three different forms can be recognized and considered separately as sporadic, familial, and syndromic. To date, several genetic variants associated to disease susceptibility, disease-onset, and/or treatment response have been reported; some of these reside in genes encoding the gamma-secretase subunits whereas others involve autoinflammatory and/or keratinization genes. The aim of this perspective work is to provide an overview of the contribution of several genetic studies encompassing family linkage analyses, target candidate gene studies, and -omic studies in this field. In our viewpoint, we discuss the role of genetics in Hidradenitis suppurativa considering findings based on Sanger sequencing as well as the more recent Next Generation Sequencing (i.e., exome sequencing or RNA Sequencing) with the aim of better understanding the etio-pathogenesis of the disease as well as identifying novel therapeutic strategies.ThisworkwassupportedbyaBiomolecularAnalysesforTailoredMedicineinAcneiNversa (BATMAN)project, funded by ERA PerMed (JTC_2018) to A.V.M and S.C. and by a Starting Grant (SG-2019-12369421) funded by the Italian Ministry of Health to P.M.T

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Patients with Psoriasis and a History of Malignancies or On-Treatment for Solid Tumors: A Narrative Literature Review

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    Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disease that is linked to an increased risk of cancer. Although numerous studies have explored whether neoplasms are concurrent conditions or are induced by psoriasis, a definitive definition remains elusive. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive narrative literature review to offer practical guidance to oncologists and dermatologists regarding the initiation and discontinuation of biologics for psoriasis. The findings indicate that a customized approach is recommended for each patient, and that a history of malignancies does not constitute an absolute contraindication for biologics. Growing evidence supports the treatment of selected patients, emphasizing a nuanced assessment of benefits and risks. There is a lack of data specifying a safe timeframe to initiate biologics following a neoplasm diagnosis due to influences from cancer-related and patient-specific characteristics impacting prognosis. Some patients may continue anti-psoriasis therapy during cancer treatments. Enhanced comprehension of the biological mechanisms in cancer progression and the immune microenvironment of psoriasis holds promise for refining therapeutic strategies. In conclusion, a personalized treatment approach necessitates collaboration between oncologists and dermatologists, considering factors such as cancer prognosis, psoriasis clinical manifestations, patient characteristics, and preferences when making treatment decisions

    Unraveling the Epigenetic Tapestry: Decoding the Impact of Epigenetic Modifications in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Pathogenesis

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic autoinflammatory skin disorder, which typically occurs during puberty or early adulthood. The pathogenesis of HS is complex and multifactorial; a close interaction between hormonal, genetic, epigenetics factors, host-specific aspects, and environmental influences contributes to the susceptibility, onset, severity, and clinical course of this disease, although the exact molecular mechanisms are still being explored. Epigenetics is currently emerging as an interesting field of investigation that could potentially shed light on the molecular intricacies underlying HS, but there is much still to uncover on the subject. The aim of this work is to provide an overview of the epigenetic landscape involved in HS. Specifically, in this in-depth review we provide a comprehensive overview of DNA methylation/hydroxymethylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs (such as microRNA—miRNA-132, miRNA-200c, miRNA-30a-3p, miRNA-100-5b, miRNA-155-5p, miRNA-338-5p) dysregulation in HS patients. An interesting element of epigenetic regulation in HS is that the persistent inflammatory milieu observed in HS lesional skin could be exacerbated by an altered methylation profile and histone acetylation pattern associated with key inflammatory genes. Deepening our knowledge on the subject could enable the development of targeted epigenetic therapies to potentially restore normal gene expression patterns, and subsequentially ameliorate, or even reverse, the progression of the disease. By deciphering the epigenetic code governing HS, we strive to usher in a new era of personalized and effective interventions for this enigmatic dermatological condition

    Clinical and molecular characterization of hidradenitis suppurativa: a practical framework for novel therapeutic targets.

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    Background: The pathophysiological picture underlying hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) and its syndromic forms is still patchy, thus presenting a great challenge for dermatologists and researchers since just by better understanding the pathogenesis of disease we could identify novel therapeutic targets. Methods: We propose a practical framework to improve subcategorization of HS patients and support the genotype-phenotype correlation, useful for endotype-directed therapies development. Results: This framework includes (i) clinical work-up that involves the collection of demographic, lifestyle, and clinical data as well as the collection of different biological samples; (ii) genetic-molecular work-up, based on multi-omics analysis in combination with bioinformatics pipelines to unravel the complex etiology of HS and its syndromic forms; (iii) functional studies, – represented by skin fibroblast cell cultures, reconstructed epidermal models (both 2D and 3D) and organoids –, of candidate biomarkers and genetic findings necessary to validate novel potential molecular mechanisms possibly involved and druggable in HS; (iv) genotype-phenotype correlation and clinical translation in tailored targeted therapies. Conclusion: Omic findings should be merged and integrated with clinical data; moreover, the skin-omic profiles from each HS patient should be matched and integrated with the ones already reported in public repositories, supporting the efforts of the researchers and clinicians to discover novel biomarkers and molecular pathways with the ultimate goal of providing faster development of novel patient-tailored therapeutic approaches.This work was supported by a Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine in AcneiNversa (BATMAN) project, funded by ERAPerMed, by Starting Grant (SG-2019-12369421) funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, by Grant (RC16/2018) from the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo” funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, and by a grant from Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan (protocol No. 487_2020). This work was also partially supported by Italian Ministry of Health (Ricerca Corrente 2023)/Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan, Italy
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