38 research outputs found

    Mathematical models for dispersive electromagnetic waves: an overview

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    In this work, we investigate mathematical models for electromagnetic wave propagation in dispersive isotropic media. We emphasize the link between physical requirements and mathematical properties of the models. A particular attention is devoted to the notion of non-dissipativity and passivity. We consider successively the case of so-called local media and general passive media. The models are studied through energy techniques, spectral theory and dispersion analysis of plane waves. For making the article self-contained, we provide in appendix some useful mathematical background.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figure

    Transparent Boundary Conditions for Wave Propagation in Fractal Trees: Approximation by Local Operators

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    This work is dedicated to the construction and analysis of high-order transparent boundary conditions for the weighted wave equation on a fractal tree, which models sound propagation inside human lungs. This article follows the works [10, 9], aimed at the analysis and numerical treatment of the model, as well as the construction of low-order and exact discrete boundary conditions. The method suggested in this article is based on the truncation of the meromorphic series that approximate the symbol of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, similarly to the absorbing boundary conditions of B. En-gquist and A. Majda. We analyze its stability, convergence and complexity. The error analysis is largely based on spectral estimates of the underlying weighted Laplacian. Numerical results confirm the efficiency of the method

    Stable perfectly matched layers for a class of anisotropic dispersive models. Part I: Necessary and sufficient conditions of stability

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    Extended VersionInternational audienceIn this work we consider a problem of modelling of 2D anisotropic dispersive wave propagation in unbounded domains with the help of perfectly matched layers (PML). We study the Maxwell equations in passive media with a frequency-dependent diagonal tensor of dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. An application of the traditional PMLs to this kind of problems often results in instabilities. We provide a recipe for the construction of new, stable PMLs. For a particular case of non-dissipative materials, we show that a known necessary stability condition of the perfectly matched layers is also sufficient. We illustrate our statements with theoretical and numerical arguments

    Fast, Parallel Techniques for Time-Domain Boundary Integral Equations

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    This work addresses the question of the efficient numerical solution of time-domain boundary integral equations with retarded potentials arising in the problems of acoustic and electromagnetic scattering. The convolutional form of the time-domain boundary operators allows to discretize them with the help of Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature. This method combines Laplace-transform and time-stepping approaches and requires the explicit form of the fundamental solution only in the Laplace domain to be known. Recent numerical and analytical studies revealed excellent properties of Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature, e.g. high convergence order, stability, low dissipation and dispersion. As a model problem, we consider the wave scattering in three dimensions. The convolution quadrature discretization of the indirect formulation for the three-dimensional wave equation leads to the lower triangular Toeplitz system of equations. Each entry of this system is a boundary integral operator with a kernel defined by convolution quadrature. In this work we develop an efficient method of almost linear complexity for the solution of this system based on the existing recursive algorithm. The latter requires the construction of many discretizations of the Helmholtz boundary single layer operator for a wide range of complex wavenumbers. This leads to two main problems: the need to construct many dense matrices and to evaluate many singular and near-singular integrals. The first problem is overcome by the use of data-sparse techniques, namely, the high-frequency fast multipole method (HF FMM) and H-matrices. The applicability of both techniques for the discretization of the Helmholtz boundary single-layer operators with complex wavenumbers is analyzed. It is shown that the presence of decay can favorably affect the length of the fast multipole expansions and thus reduce the matrix-vector multiplication times. The performance of H-matrices and the HF FMM is compared for a range of complex wavenumbers, and the strategy to choose between two techniques is suggested. The second problem, namely, the assembly of many singular and nearly-singular integrals, is solved by the use of the Huygens principle. In this work we prove that kernels of the boundary integral operators wnh(d)w_n^h(d) (hh is the time step and tn=nht_n=nh is the time) exhibit exponential decay outside of the neighborhood of d=nhd=nh (this is the consequence of the Huygens principle). The size of the support of these kernels for fixed hh increases with nn as na,a<1n^a,a<1, where aa depends on the order of the Runge-Kutta method and is (typically) smaller for Runge-Kutta methods of higher order. Numerical experiments demonstrate that theoretically predicted values of aa are quite close to optimal. In the work it is shown how this property can be used in the recursive algorithm to construct only a few matrices with the near-field, while for the rest of the matrices the far-field only is assembled. The resulting method allows to solve the three-dimensional wave scattering problem with asymptotically almost linear complexity. The efficiency of the approach is confirmed by extensive numerical experiments

    Stable perfectly matched layers for a class of anisotropic dispersive models. Part II: Energy estimates

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    This work was supported by a public grant as part of the Investissement d'avenir project, reference ANR-11-LABX-0056-LMH, LabEx LMH, as well as a co- financing program PRESTIGThis article continues the stability analysis of the generalized perfectly matched layers for 2D anisotropic dispersive models studied in Part I of the work. We obtain explicit energy estimates for the PML system in the time domain, by making use of the ideas stemming from the analysis of the associated sesquilinear form in the Laplace domain. This analysis is based on the introduction of a particular set of auxiliary unknowns related to the PML, which simplifies the derivation of the energy estimates for the resulting system. For 2D dispersive systems, our analysis allows to demonstrate the stability of the PML system for a constant absorption parameter. For 1D dispersive systems, we show the stability of the PMLs with a non-constant absorption parameter

    Limiting Amplitude Principle for a Hyperbolic Metamaterial in Free Space

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    Harmonic wave propagation in hyperbolic metamaterials is described by the Maxwell equations with a frequency-dependent tensor of dielectric permittivity. For a range of frequencies, this tensor has eigenvalues of opposite signs, and thus, in two dimensions, the harmonic Maxwell equations can be written as a Klein-Gordon equation. This technical report is mainly dedicated to the proof of the limiting amplitude principle for the simplest case of such a problem, and is a companion to the manuscript

    Radial perfectly matched layers and infinite elements for the anisotropic wave equation

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    We consider the scalar anisotropic wave equation. Recently a convergence analysis for radial perfectly matched layers (PML) in the frequency domain was reported and in the present article we continue this approach into the time domain. First we explain why there is a good hope that radial complex scalings can overcome the instabilities of PML methods caused by anisotropic materials. Next we discuss some sensitive details, which seem like a paradox at the first glance: if the absorbing layer and the inhomogeneities are sufficiently separated, then the solution is indeed stable. However, for more general data the problem becomes unstable. In numerical computations we observe instabilities regardless of the position of the inhomogeneities, although the instabilities arise only for fine enough discretizations. As a remedy we propose a complex frequency shifted scaling and discretizations by Hardy space infinite elements or truncation-free PMLs. We show numerical experiments which confirm the stability and convergence of these methods.Comment: An extended version of the manuscrip

    Stability and Convergence Analysis of Time-domain Perfectly Matched Layers for The Wave Equation in Waveguides

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    International audienceThis work is dedicated to the proof of stability and convergence of the BĂ©renger's perfectly matched layers in the waveguides for an arbitrary L ∞ damping function. The proof relies on the Laplace domain techniques and an explicit representation of the solution to the PML problem in the waveguide. A bound for the PML error that depends on the absorption parameter and the length of the PML is presented. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical findings

    Local transparent boundary conditions for wave propagation in fractal trees (I). Method and numerical implementation

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    This work is dedicated to the construction and analysis of high-order transparentboundary conditions for the weighted wave equation on a fractal tree, which models sound propaga-tion inside human lungs. This article follows the works [9, 6], aimed at the analysis and numerical treatment of the model, as well as the construction of low-order and exact discrete boundary conditions. The method suggested in the present work is based on the truncation of the meromorphicseries that represents the symbol of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, in the spirit of the absorbingboundary conditions of B. Engquist and A. Majda. We analyze its stability and convergence, as wellas present computational aspects of the method. Numerical results confirm theoretical finding

    Local transparent boundary conditions for wave propagation in fractal trees (ii): error and complexity analysis

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    International audienceThis work is dedicated to a refined error analysis of the high-order transparent boundary conditions introduced in the companion work [8] for the weighted wave equation on a fractal tree. The construction of such boundary conditions relies on truncating the meromorphic series that represents the symbol of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. The error induced by the truncation depends on the behaviour of the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of the weighted Laplacian on a self-similar metric tree. In this work we quantify this error by computing asymptotics of the eigenvalues and bounds for Neumann traces of the eigenfunctions. We prove the sharpness of the obtained bounds for a class of self-similar trees