16 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of A biologically informed method for detecting rare variant associations

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    Wilcoxon type I error per biological feature. QQ plots for the type I error Wilcoxon Rank Sum analysis showing the p-value distribution from the average gene (a), XL gene (b), and pathway (c) simulations. The different colors represent various BioBin weighting schemes analyzed. (PNG 147 kb

    Additional file 1: of A biologically informed method for detecting rare variant associations

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    Script for generating reference sequence. Python script used to generate a reference sequence file for input into SeqSIMLA2 simulation software. The allele frequency file used in the script was obtained by parsing the protein coding regions of the autosomes in the 1000 Genomes Project VCF file. Additional specifications include the number of reference samples to generate and the number of markers to include in the reference file. (DOCX 14 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of A biologically informed method for detecting rare variant associations

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    Logistic regression type I error per biological feature. QQ plots for the type I error logistic regression analysis showing the p-value distribution from the average gene (a), XL gene (b), and pathway (c) simulations. The different colors represent various BioBin weighting schemes analyzed. (PNG 170 kb

    Additional file 1: of A simulation study investigating power estimates in phenome-wide association studies

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    Figure S1. Binary Trait Type I Errors. The plot shows the Type I errors for different parameter settings. Each panel represents the different case number on the top and case-control ratio on the right which was used for the simulation dataset. The Type I error on the y-axis is calculated based on the number of false positive association below significance level of α = 0.00025. The disease penetrance is represented on the x-axis and each colored point represent different MAF used in the simulations. (PNG 379 kb