372 research outputs found

    An analysis of mental imagery in grades two, three, four and five

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston UniversityImagery may be defined as a picture seen in one's mind. It is the ability to create pictures, to hear sounds, to smell odors, to taste, and to feel in one's mind as one reads. All these factors contribute to the varying degrees of mental imagery possessed by different individuals. It may be assumed that people visualize when they read. A writer may give a description of a person or a place, and the reader can recreate the scene in his own mind. The reader's picture may be clear or it may be vague. However, since every individual is different the same sentence or paragraph may appear differently to the subjects being tested. [TRUNCATED

    Active control of aircraft engine inlet noise using compact sound sources and distributed error sensors

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    An active noise control system using a compact sound source is effective to reduce aircraft engine duct noise. The fan noise from a turbofan engine is controlled using an adaptive filtered-x LMS algorithm. Single multi channel control systems are used to control the fan blade passage frequency (BPF) tone and the BPF tone and the first harmonic of the BPF tone for a plane wave excitation. A multi channel control system is used to control any spinning mode. The multi channel control system to control both fan tones and a high pressure compressor BPF tone simultaneously. In order to make active control of turbofan inlet noise a viable technology, a compact sound source is employed to generate the control field. This control field sound source consists of an array of identical thin, cylindrically curved panels with an inner radius of curvature corresponding to that of the engine inlet. These panels are flush mounted inside the inlet duct and sealed on all edges to prevent leakage around the panel and to minimize the aerodynamic losses created by the addition of the panels. Each panel is driven by one or more piezoelectric force transducers mounted on the surface of the panel. The response of the panel to excitation is maximized when it is driven at its resonance; therefore, the panel is designed such that its fundamental frequency is near the tone to be canceled, typically 2000-4000 Hz

    Active control of aircraft engine inlet noise using compact sound sources and distributed error sensors

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    An active noise control system using a compact sound source is effective to reduce aircraft engine duct noise. The fan noise from a turbofan engine is controlled using an adaptive filtered-x LMS algorithm. Single multi channel control systems are used to control the fan blade passage frequency (BPF) tone and the BPF tone and the first harmonic of the BPF tone for a plane wave excitation. A multi channel control system is used to control any spinning mode. The multi channel control system to control both fan tones and a high pressure compressor BPF tone simultaneously. In order to make active control of turbofan inlet noise a viable technology, a compact sound source is employed to generate the control field. This control field sound source consists of an array of identical thin, cylindrically curved panels with an inner radius of curvature corresponding to that of the engine inlet. These panels are flush mounted inside the inlet duct and sealed on all edges to prevent leakage around the panel and to minimize the aerodynamic losses created by the addition of the panels. Each panel is driven by one or more piezoelectric force transducers mounted on the surface of the panel. The response of the panel to excitation is maximized when it is driven at its resonance; therefore, the panel is designed such that its fundamental frequency is near the tone to be canceled, typically 2000-4000 Hz

    Spirituality and/or religious faith: A means for coping with the effects of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease?

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    OBJECTIVE: The notion of spirituality/religious belief is recognized internationally as a domain within end-of-life care and is important in patients' and carers' quality-of-life. When faced with incurable illness, patients often become more philosophical about their life; many seek comfort in spiritual or religious philosophies. Our intention was to understand how personal spirituality and religious faith might help those living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND) cope with their impending death. METHOD: Unsolicited narratives (internet and print-published) written by individuals diagnosed with the terminal condition of ALS/MND were analyzed thematically. Narratives from 161 individuals diagnosed with ALS/MND written over a period of 37 years (from 1968 to 2005) were included. RESULTS: Our findings reveal that religious faith sustains and helps people to avoid despair, and personal spirituality helps them make sense of what is happening to them. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: The use of personal narratives by people with ALS/MND has provided a vehicle for sharing their deepest spiritual and religious thoughts with others. The place of spirituality and religious faith within ALS/MND care should not be underestimated. Assessment of religious or spiritual needs should become a routine part of practice and is the responsibility of all members of the multidisciplinary team

    Hydrographic Changes in Nares Strait (Canadian Arctic Archipelago) in Recent Decades Based on δ18O Profiles of Bivalve Shells

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    Nares Strait is one of three main passages of the Canadian Archipelago that channel relatively fresh seawater from the Arctic Ocean through Baffin Bay to the Labrador Sea. Oxygen isotopic profiles along the growth axis of bivalve shells, collected live over the 5 – 30 m depth range from the Greenland and Ellesmere Island sides of the strait, were used to reconstruct changes in the hydrography of the region over the past century. The variability in oxygen isotope ratios is mainly attributed to variations in salinity and suggests that the northern end of Nares Strait has been experiencing an increase in freshwater runoff since the mid 1980s. The recent changes are most pronounced at the northern end of the strait and diminish toward the south, a pattern consistent with proximity to the apparently freshening Arctic Ocean source in the north and mixing with Baffin Bay waters as the water progresses southward. This increasing freshwater signal may reflect changes in circulation and ice formation that favor an increased flow of relatively fresh waters from the Arctic Ocean into Nares Strait.Le détroit de Nares est l’un des trois principaux passages de l’archipel canadien qui canalise de l’eau de mer relativement fraîche de l’océan Arctique jusqu’à la mer du Labrador en passant par la baie de Baffin. Les profils de la composition isotopique de l’oxygène le long de l’axe de développement des coquillages bivalves recueillis en vie à une profondeur variant entre 5 à 30 m des côtés du détroit à la hauteur du Groenland et de l’île d’Ellesmere ont servi à reconstruire les changements ayant caractérisé l’hydrographie de la région au cours du dernier siècle. La variabilité en matière de ratio d’isotope de l’oxygène est principalement attribuable aux variations de salinité, ce qui laisse entendre que l’extrémité nord du détroit de Nares connaît une augmentation de l’écoulement d’eau douce depuis le milieu des années 1980. Les changements récents sont plus prononcés à l’extrémité nord du détroit et diminuent en arrivant vers le sud, ce qui constitue une tendance conforme à la proximité de la source de l’océan Arctique en dessalure apparente dans le nord et qui se mélange avec les eaux de la baie de Baffin au fur et à mesure que l’eau progresse vers le sud. Cette augmentation de la présence d’eau douce peut être le reflet de changements en matière de circulation et de formation de la glace qui favorisent un écoulement accru d’eaux relativement douces en provenance de l’océan Arctique et se jettent dans le détroit de Nares

    Primary care physicians’ perspectives on computer-based health risk assessment tools for chronic diseases: a mixed methods study

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    Background Health risk assessment tools compute an individual’s risk of developing a disease. Routine use of such tools by primary care physicians (PCPs) is potentially useful in chronic disease prevention. We sought physicians’ awareness and perceptions of the usefulness, usability and feasibility of performing assessments with computer-based risk assessment tools in primary care settings.Methods Focus groups and usability testing with a computer-based risk assessment tool were conducted with PCPs from both university-affiliated and community-based practices. Analysis was derived from grounded theory methodology.Results PCPs (n = 30) were aware of several risk assessment tools although only select tools were used routinely. The decision to use a tool depended on how use impacted practice workflow and whether the tool had credibility. Participants felt that embedding tools in the electronic medical records (EMRs) system might allow for health information from the medical record to auto-populate into the tool. User comprehension of risk could also be improved with computer-based interfaces that present risk in different formats.Conclusions In this study, PCPs chose to use certain tools more regularly because of usability and credibility. Despite there being differences in the particular tools a clinical practice used, there was general appreciation for the usefulness of tools for different clinical situations. Participants characterised particular features of an ideal tool, feeling strongly that embedding risk assessment tools in the EMR would maximise accessibility and use of the tool for chronic disease management. However, appropriate practice workflow integration and features that facilitate patient understanding at point-of-care are also essential.

    Regional Multiple Pathology Scores Are Associated with Cognitive Decline in Lewy Body Dementias.

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    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) are characterized by the presence of α-synuclein-containing Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. However, both dementias also show variable degrees of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology (senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles), particularly in areas of the cortex associated with higher cognitive functions. This study investigates the contribution of the individual and combined pathologies in determining the rate of cognitive decline. Cortical α-synuclein, phosphorylated tau (phosphotau) and Aβ plaque pathology in 34 PDD and 55 DLB patients was assessed semi-quantitatively in four regions of the neocortex. The decline in cognition, assessed by Mini Mental State Examination, correlated positively with the cortical α-synuclein load. Patients also had varying degrees of senile Aβ plaque and phosphotau pathology. Regression analyses pointed to a combined pathology (Aβ plaque plus phosphotau plus α-synuclein-positive features), particularly in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) and temporal lobe neocortex with the superior and middle temporal gyrus (BA21, 22), being a major determining factor in the development of dementia. Thus, cognitive decline in Lewy body dementias is not a consequence of α-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration alone but senile plaque and phosphorylated tau pathology also contribute to the overall deficits.The main fundingwas provided by the Alzheimer’s SocietyUK and the BUPA Foundation. The research in Newcastle was supported in part by the Dunhill Medical Trust (R173/1110). Tissue for this study was provided by (i) the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource; (ii) the London Neurodegenerative Brain Bank; and (iii) the Thomas Willis Oxford Brain Collection. All three resources are funded in part by grants from the UK Medical Research Council and by Brains for Dementia Research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. In Singapore, funding was provided by a Centre grant (NMRC/CG/NUHS/2010) and a Clinical Scientist Award (NMRC/CSA/032/2011) from the National Medical Research Council.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bpa.12182/abstract
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