2,819 research outputs found

    Understanding the Impact of Immigration in Greater New Haven

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    "Understanding the Impact of Immigration in Greater New Haven," highlights the rapid demographic transformation of the region driven by immigration in the past two decades and the significant economic contributions, particularly in small business creation, of this diverse population. The report compiles data from federal, state and local government agencies, as well as information generated locally by DataHaven and The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

    Mary Abraham, Junior Piano Recital

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    Job Performance Of Nurses In Hospital Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Nursing is a core component of patient care. The quality of nursing provided has a significant impact on the outcome of patient care. This study was conducted with the objective of determining the current level of performance and competency of nurses in Hospital Kota Bharu (HKB). Doctors in HKB were asked to assess the level of performance of nurses in HKB. 50 doctors participated in the study. Data was collected through self administered questionnaires. An expert committee of consultants determined the level of performance that was required to ensure quality nursing. The results of the assessment by the doctors was compared with the level of performance required by the expert committee. The competencies assessed were grouped under those relating to personal capability, nursing knowledge, skills, ability to manage relationships and stressful situations. The overall job performance of nurses in HKB was assessed to be 20% below requirement. The nurses were assessed to be best in managing stressful situations with a 14.5% gap between required and assessed performance. They received lowest scores with competencies related to skills -- with a gap of 23%. Competencies related to knowledge, personal capability and relationships had shortfalls of 22%, 2 Id%, and 18% respectively. The study gave information that could assist in planning interventions to improve nursing in HKB and other government hospitals. The results also provided baseline information that could be used in the future to assess the effectivtmess of remedial measures taken

    Mary Abraham, Senior Piano Recital

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    A New Type of Programmed Cell Death in C. Elegans

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    The most intensively studied form of programmed cell death (PCD) is apoptosis, which is characterized by stereotypical morphological features including chromatin compaction and by a requirement for the activity of caspase proteases, which are controlled by conserved gene pathways. Although non-apoptotic, caspase-independent programmed cell death pathways have been postulated, there is little evidence to convincingly prove their existence, and few insights regarding their molecular basis or possible in vivo functions. To investigate this question, we have studied the developmentally regulated PCD of the Caenorhabditis elegans linker cell. We have carried out transmission electron microscopy studies of dying linker cells, which revealed non-apoptotic features, including nuclear crenellation in the absence of chromatin condensation, swelling of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, and accumulation of cytoplasmic single- and multilayered membrane-bound structures. Similar morphological changes occur during the normal developmental death of some vertebrate neurons in the spinal cord and ciliary ganglia, suggesting that this is a highly conserved cell death program. Our genetic studies demonstrate that linker cell death is a non-apoptotic programmed cell death. This cell death is independent of the ced-3 caspase, other C. elegans caspase homologs, and can occur even when a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor is expressed. We have found that the engulfment of the linker cell is independent of the known C. elegans engulfment genes. We tested and found no evidence for the involvement of autophagic, necrotic, or Wallerian degeneration genes in linker cell death. By ablating cells neighboring the linker cell, and by examining mutants in which the linker cell is abnormally positioned, we demonstrated that the linker cell employs a cell-autonomous program to promote its demise. Using a candidate gene approach, we showed that linker cell death is controlled by the microRNA let-7 and by the zinc finger transcription factor lin-29, both components of the main developmental timing pathway in the animal. Conducting a genome-wide RNAi screen, we have identified new candidate regulators of linker cell death. Characterization of these genes may uncover the molecular mechanism driving this new type of programmed cell death in C. elegans

    The Rhetoric of the Troubadours

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    The medieval troubadours were no wandering musicians, casually improvising their songs as they strolled from town to town, but trained artists who lovingly crafted their songs to please and woo their listeners. The art of rhetoric deeply affected the art of the troubadour. First, the art of rhetoric divided composition of a speech into five well-defined parts. The troubadours consciously molded their songs according to these parts. Second, the medieval troubadour theorists then developed a system of genres, adding their own layer to the ancient art of rhetoric. Each genre demanded a specific topic, such as love, and a peculiar approach to that topic. Finally, the art of rhetoric also inspired a close union of the poems and their melodies. The troubadours were no wandering musicians, casually improvising their songs as they strolled from town to town, but trained artists who lovingly crafted their songs to please and woo their listeners

    Entendiendo el Impacto de la Inmigración en la Región Metropolitana de New Haven

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    Entendiendo el Impacto de la Inmigración en la Región Metropolitana de New Haven explora como la inmigración impacta el desarrollo de ambos, la Región Metropolitana de New Haven y Connecticut. Utilizamos datos recopilados por agencias federales, estatales y gobiernos locales; al igual que información generada localmente por DataHaven y La Fundación Comunitaria para la Región Metropolitana de New Haven (The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven). El Informe fue escrito por Mary Buchanan y Mark Abraham de DataHaven, con asistencia del personal de La Fundación Comunitaria y no debe ser interpretado como representativo de los puntos de vistas oficiales de DataHaven o La Fundación Comunitaria para la Región Metropolitana de New Haven

    Blended Learning: Integrating an e-Learning Component for Competency Validation

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    Introduction: Emergency care providers are required to demonstrate competency in the management of life-threatening situation. The care provider’s ability to manage an emergency situation depends upon his/her knowledge and skills in basic CPR; and the use of emergency equipment and supplies. The education department at our healthcare facility is responsible for CPR/Emergency Management competency validation of over 2500 employees annually. Historically each employee was scheduled to attend 4 hours of class every year to review the content, complete the post-test and demonstrate skills. It was resource-intensive, time consuming, stressful and often difficult to schedule the 24/7 employees for the sessions. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Biochemical composition of the ovary and partial characterisation of yolk protein vitellin in Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798)

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    Yolk protein vitellin in ‘speckled shrimp’ Metapenaeus monoceros was partially characterised employing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). There was an increase in the level of expression of vitellin in the ovary, with the advancement of maturation. The vitellin fraction was not expressed in immature and spent ovaries. Molecular weight of vitellin was 326 kDa. Confirmation of the vitellin band by selective staining showed that the yolk protein was a lipoglyco- carotenoprotein possessing a calcium moiety. A protein fraction with molecular weight 270 kDa, which was a lipoprotein, was expressed in ovaries of all maturity stages as well as in testis. The major biochemical constituents of mature yolk of M. monoceros on dry weight basis were protein (59.36±1.18%), lipid (31.23±2.98%) and carbohydrates (2.97±0.81%). Carotenoids accounted for 0.70±0.81% wet weight of yolk

    Histological and morphological changes associated with ovarian development of speckeled shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) conservation and management

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    Histological techniques and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were applied to validate macroscopic classification of ovaries in Metapenaeus monoceros. The five ovarian maturity stages based on gross morphology were correlated with those based on histomorphology viz., pre-vitellogenic, early vitellogenic, late vitellogenic, vitellogenic and spent. Mean values of GSI increased from 0.353 (immature ovary) to 6.98 (fully mature), thus recording a 20-fold increase. Pre-vitellogenic ovary contained primary oogonial cells, secondary oogonial cells and pre-vitellogenic oocytes. Early vitellogenic stage was characterized by the dominance of perinucleolar oocytes. Folliculogenesis commenced during this stage. Late vitellogenic and vitellogenic ovaries were characterized by rough granular cytoplasm which was fully eosinophilic due to accumulation of yolk and the mean ova diameters during these stages were 170 μm and 230 μm respectively. Cortical rods, which are characteristic features of fully mature oocytes of penaeid shrimp were not encountered during the present study in any of the oocyte development stage