330 research outputs found

    On the coexistence of reciprocity and materialism

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    This paper studies the problem of the long-run preferences distribution in a large population using an evolutionary approach. Special attention is given to the investigation of the property of the mixed population equilibria, in which materialists and reciprocators coexist. Some of the players with reciprocal preference care about not only their own material payoffs but also about those of others, while the remaining ones are materialists who maximize their own material payoffs.Evolution

    Influence of Over-and Underconfidence on Marriage Market

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    This paper is an examination of the influence of an individual’s self-confidence (over- confidence or underconfidence) on others in the marriage market. We consider a model in which there are three types of men and women according to marital charm, and some men/women overestimate/underestimate their own types. The result obtained is that the self-confidence of some single individuals affects not only themselves but also the marital behavior of other rational singles in the market. Furthermore, self-confidence improves the welfare of the economy if there are enough underconfident men/women or if there are sufficiently few overconfident men/women in the marriage market.marriage, search, overconfidence, underconfidence

    Variety expansion and fertility rates

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    To investigate how fertility rates interrelate with the modern economy, we construct a simple model in which variety expansion of consumption goods reduces fertility rates. In our model, variety expansion reduces the relative price of a composite of differentiated goods compared to child- rearing costs. Thus, parents raise the expenditure share for differentiated goods and lower the number of children. We show that this model can be applied to a growth model in which economic growth progresses with variety expansion of consumption goods and fertility rates decrease with economic growth. Thus, we show a new mechanism for fertility decline, and this mechanism can be applied to a growth model.Consumerism; Fertility rates; Variety expansion; Economic growth

    Variety expansion and fertility rates

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    Exit and Voice in a Marriage Market

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    In this paper, we present a model in which agents choose voice, exit, or stay options when their marital condition becomes bad. The voice option can be interpreted as a spouses e¤ort or investment in the household to resolve his/her dissatisfaction and improve the marital condition. If a spouse hopes to divorce, he/she chooses the exitoption. If a spouse does not hope to express his/her opinion and divorce, he/she chooses the stayoption. We focus on the role of exitand voicein a marriage and investigate the e¤ects of a divorce law that is based on fault or no-fault on divorce rates. Our study shows that divorce rates tend to be too high under a unilateral divorce law in the non-transferable utility case. On the other hand, mutual-consent divorce law generates multiple equilibria, and divorce rates are then ine ¢ cient even in the transferable utility case. In this multiple equilibrium case

    One-sided learning about one’s own type in a two-sided search model: The case of n types of agents

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    This study analyzes a two-sided search model in which agents are vertically heterogeneous and agents on one side do not know their own type. Agents with imperfect self-knowledge update their beliefs based on the offers or rejections they receive from others. The results are as follows. An agent with imperfect self-knowledge lowers his or her reservation level if the agent receives a rejection that leads him or her to revise belief downward. However, an agent with imperfect self-knowledge does not raise his or her reservation level even if the agent receives an offer that leads him or her to revise his or her belief upward. As a result, an agent with imperfect self-knowledge has the highest reservation level when he or she has just entered the market; after that, a series of meetings gradually lowers his or her reservation level over the duration of the search.JEL Classification Codes: D82, D83, J12http://doi.org/10.24545/0000134

    大学教員などが実施する保育研究と保育者の協力の実態について : 研究に対する保育者の意識の検討

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    本研究は,大学の教員や学生などが幼児教育の実践現場で行っている研究の実態を明らかにし,それに対する保育者の感想や評価を解明することを目的とする。そのために幼稚園などに勤務している保育者に対して質問紙調査を実施し,回収された126人分の分析を行った。得られた主要な結果は以下の通りである。1.保育者は自分の保育をビデオ収録されるのを好まない。2.大学教員や学生が研究に協力した保育者に研究成果を伝えないことがある。3.保育者は必ずしも大学教授を信頼しているとは限らない。こうした結果を基に,大学教月や学生が研究実施に際して留意すべき点について考察した。This study examined the research activities of professors and students carried out in preschools, and aimed to elucidate preschool teachers\u27 thoughts and critical evaluations of these activities. We analyzed questionnaires answered by 126 preschool teachers. The main results were as follows: First, most preschool teachers did not like to be monitored and videotaped. Second, professors and students often did not report their results to preschool teachers who cooperated with them. Third, preschool teachers did not always place reliance on professors. Based on these, we have considered several points to which professors and students should pay attention when they engage in researches with preschool teachers

    Development of Art Fashion by Integrating Art and Digital Textile Printing

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    [NICOGRAPH International 2022] 4-5 June 2022, virtual conference.Recently digital art using digital technology has emerged and has been well recognized. On the other hand, digital textile printing technology has recently emerged in the fashion world, making it relatively easy to produce small-lot, high-mix garments. Combining this digital art with digital textile printing creates new possibilities for art to enter our everyday life as clothing. In this paper, we will describe the contents of our attempt to create fashion from digital art under the concept of "wearing art" through joint research between companies and universities

    Development of Art Fashion by Integrating Art and Digital Textile Printing

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    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering book series (LNICST, volume 479)11th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2022, Faro, Portugal, November 21-22, 2022, ProceedingsFashion and art are essential elements of our life because they enrich people’s daily lives. As art has a business model of small-scale production and fashion has a business model of mass production, there was little point of contact between the two. However, these two areas are approaching with the spread of digital art in the art world and the emergence of digital textile printing technology in the fashion world. Combining digital art and digital textile printing creates new possibilities for art to enter our everyday life as clothing. This paper describes our attempt to create fashion from digital art under the concept of “wearing art” through joint research between a university and a company