138 research outputs found
Influence of microorganisms on the underground metal constructions corrosion
Проаналізовано основні аспекти впливу ґрунтових мікроорганізмів на корозію підземних
металоконструкцій (трубопроводи, нафтове обладнання). Вснановлено, що крім корозійно-механічної
природи пошкодження труб підземних трубопроводів мають і біологічну складову. Вона спричиняє
деструкцію захисного ізоляційного покриття під дією асоціатів ґрунтових мікроорганізмів. Доведено,
що, корозійний процес нафтогазового обладнання слід розглядати не як лише фізико-хімічне явище
процес, а обов’язково враховувати вплив біологічної деградації. Вплив біологічних міркоорганізмів
зумовлює окрихчення сталей із подальшим утворенням пітингів та тріщиноподібних дефектів, які
можуть спричинити катастрофічне руйнування трубопроводу. Модифікацією бітумно-полімерної
мастики МБПІД-1 інгібіторами корозії з класу амінів (А) та четвертинних амонійних солей (ЧАС)
отримано біостійкі інноваційні протикорозійні покриття та вивчено їх характеристики. Досліджено
бактерицидну активність запропонованих інгібіторів. Адгезія стрічки до мастики не залежить від
рецептури композицій ізоляційного покриття. Встановлено, що адгезія мастики до заґрунтованого
металу була вищою порівняно з базовою композицією для рецептур з інгібітором (А) та інгібітором
(ЧАС) на 36,0 та 24,0% відповідно. Проведено дослідно-промислові випробування розроблених біостійких
покриттів у трасових умовах на магістральних газопроводах Західного та Південного регіонів.
Результати випробувань підтвердили їх високу ефективність у забезпеченні протикорозійного та
мікробіологічного захисту підземних металоконструкцій.Technical problem of the analysis of failure and evaluation of degradation of the structural
materials mechanical properties after their operational degradation is of importance for all critical structures, for
main oil pipelines in particular. Analysis of the condition of operated pipelines is focused on the condition of the
outer surface of the pipe, including the protective properties of coatings and possible damage from the outer
surface. However, the pipelines which have been used for a long time are often characterized by multiple
corrosion damages of the internal surfaces of pipes, which should also be considered. Corrosion damage to the
pipe steel is not a separate problem, but a complex degradation factor, as it causes material embrittlement and
hydrogenation. The basic aspects of the soil microorganisms impact on corrosion of underground metal
structures (pipelines, oil equipment) have been analysed. It was determined that beside corrosion-mechanic
damages the underground pipelines are subject to biological degradation, which causes the failure of the
protective insulating coating under associates of soil microorganisms. It was proved, that the corrosion process
of gas equipment should be considered not only as a physical-chemical phenomenon process, but the biological
degradation impact must be taken into account. The impact of biological microorganisms caused the
embrittlement of steels with further pittings and crack- like defects, which can results in the failure of the
pipeline. Modification of bitumen-polymer mastic MBPID -1 by corrosion inhibitor class of amines (A) and
quaternary ammonium salts (QAS) has resulted in obtaining biostable innovative anticorrosive coating and
studying of their characteristics. Bactericidal activity of the proposed inhibitors has been investigated. Adhesion
to mastic tape does not depend on the formulation of compositions coating. It was established that adhesion of
mastic to primed metal was higher than that compared with the base composition for recipes inhibitor (A) and
inhibitor (QAS) by 36.0 and 24.0 %, respectively. A pilot- scale tests of the designed biostable coating in
highway conditions of gas pipelines in Western and Southern regions have been carried out. The test results
aproved their high efficiency in providing corrosion and microbiological protection of underground metal
In publishing the analysis of the epizootic situation in the world on the African swine fever in 2015. The authors concluded that since 2007, when Georgia began his path virus African swine fever (ASF), it has been eight years, but convincing results in the fight with him not won. The virus has spread to the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries of the Caucasus region (Armenia, Nagorno–Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Azeybardzhan) infected wild boars and domestic pigs. Particularly tense situation arose in the Russian Federation (RF), which during this period outbreaks observed in 37 regions of the European part and the total number of foci reached 771. Moreover, by 2011 in the area formed the first endemic ASF area «South» and in 2012–2013 – the second endemic zone «North». The question of unification of these areas into a single «West of Russia». These areas consistently been infected domestic pigs or wild boars migrated patients in Ukraine (2012), Belarus (2013), Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (2014).It is believed that a significant contribution to the spread of African swine fever and other diseases belongs to wild boar. Noticed that mainly thanks to these animals ASF virus is spreading at a speed of about 300 km per year. Also contributing factors is a violation of veterinary–sanitary conditions for keeping and feeding pigs, rules, transportation and trade in animals and their products.Considering that an effective vaccine against ASF has not been developed, there is a need to find effective measures that can stop the epizootic in terms of appearance endemic areas.The objective of could organize retrospective data ASF in 2015, to identify patterns and trends spread of the disease in order to find an effective impact on epizootic.For the analysis of the epizootic situation in ASF used methods of retrospective analysis, statistics OIE, information–analytical of the center "Rosselhoznadzor», ProMED, epizootic results of investigations carried out by employees SSRILDVSE. Diagnostic tests of samples of pathological material of pigs from Ukraine’s farms performed by polymerase chain reaction.Comparative purpose authors first examined the progress of African swine fever in 2014 and found that the outbreak of the disease occurred in Côte d'Ivoire, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Chad, and Estonia.A similar situation occurred in 2015: ASF outbreaks were reported on two continents: Europe (6 countries) and Africa (6 countries). At identical amount of outbreaks of ASF at both continents still main events unfolding in Europe because the number of outbreaks on its territory was 1774, whereas in Africa – a total of 15.Analyzing the data of Europe, points out that the most of ASF outbreaks diagnosed in Latvia (741), Estonia (677) and Lithuania (147), and much less – in Poland (83) Russia (83) and Ukraine (43).The number of ASF outbreaks in different country was very different between outbreaks in domestic pigs and wild boars: a smaller number of ASF outbreaks detected among domestic pigs in Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, but in Russia and Ukraine this indicator has been the opposite.The authors propose to distinguish stationary (typical for domestic pigs) and active (typical for wild boars) outbreaks of infection.The authors expressed unfavorable prognosis for ASF in 2016.В публикации проведен анализ эпизоотической ситуации в мире по африканской чуме свиней за 2015 год. Установлено, что вирус АЧС инфицировал свиней на двух континентах: Европе (6 стран), и Африке (6 стран), но напряженность эпизоотического процесса была более высокой в Европе. Эпизоотия характеризовалась разным количеством очагов среди домашних свиней и диких кабанов, что связано с разной степенью биозащиты в свиноводческих хозяйствах.Оценена роль диких кабанов в волнообразном распространении африканской чумы свиней.Авторы предлагают различать стационарные (характерне для домашних свиней) и подвижные (характерне для диких кабанов) очаги инфекции.Учитывая комплекс показателей, авторы сделали неблагоприятный прогноз по АЧС на 2016 год.Проведено аналіз епізоотичної ситуації у світі щодо африканської чуми свиней за 2015 рік. Встановлено, що вірус АЧС уражав свиней на двох континентах: у Європі (6 країн) та Африці (6 країн), але напруженість епізоотичного процесу була вищою у Європі. Епізоотія характеризувалась різною кількістю вогнищ серед домашніх свиней і диких кабанів, що пов’язано з різним ступенем біозахисту у свинарських господарствах.Оцінена роль диких кабанів у хвилеподібному розповсюдженні африканської чуми свиней.Автори пропонують розрізняти стаціонарні (характерні для домашніх свиней) та рухливі (характерні для диких кабанів) вогнища інфекції.Враховуючи комплекс показників, автори зробили несприятливий прогноз щодо АЧС на 2016 рік
Spin relaxation of conduction electrons in bulk III-V semiconductors
Spin relaxation time of conduction electrons through the Elliot-Yafet,
D'yakonov-Perel and Bir-Aronov-Pikus mechanisms is calculated theoretically for
bulk GaAs, GaSb, InAs and InSb of both - and -type. Relative importance
of each spin relaxation mechanism is compared and the diagrams showing the
dominant mechanism are constructed as a function of temperature and impurity
concentrations. Our approach is based upon theoretical calculation of the
momentum relaxation rate and allows understanding of the interplay between
various factors affecting the spin relaxation over a broad range of temperature
and impurity concentration.Comment: an error in earlier version correcte
The article presents current data on the value of factors which express the results of nursing staff activities from the point of view of nurses-managers.У статті викладено сучасні дані щодо значимості факторів, які визначають результати діяльності медсестринського персоналу з точки зору медичних сестер – керівників
Antiretroviral Outcomes in South African Prisoners: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis
Background and Methods: Little is known about antiretroviral therapy (ART) outcomes in prisoners in Africa. We conducted a retrospective review of outcomes of a large cohort of prisoners referred to a public sector, urban HIV clinic. The review included baseline characteristics, sequential CD4 cell counts and viral load results, complications and co-morbidities, mortality and loss to follow-up up to 96 weeks on ART. Findings: 148 inmates (133 male) initiated on ART were included in the study. By week 96 on ART, 73 % of all inmates enrolled in the study and 92 % of those still accessing care had an undetectable viral load (,400copies/ml). The median CD4 cell count increased from 122 cells/mm 3 at baseline to 356 cells/mm 3 by 96 weeks. By study end, 96 (65%) inmates had ever received tuberculosis (TB) therapy with 63 (43%) receiving therapy during the study: 28 % had a history of TB prior to ART initiation, 33 % were on TB therapy at ART initiation and 22 % developed TB whilst on ART. Nine (6%) inmates died, 7 in the second year on ART. Loss to follow-up (LTF) was common: 14 (9%) patients were LTF whilst still incarcerated, 11 (7%) were LTF post-release and 9 (6%) whose movements could not be traced. 16 (11%) inmates had inter-correctional facility transfers and 34 (23%) were released of whom only 23 (68%) returned to the ART clinic for ongoing follow-up. Conclusions: Inmates responded well to ART, despite a high frequency of TB/HIV co-infection. Attention should be directed towards ensuring eligible prisoners access ART programs promptly and that inter-facility transfers and release procedure
Effectiveness of an HIV Prevention Program for Women Visiting Their Incarcerated Partners: The HOME Project
Having an incarcerated partner presents a unique HIV risk for women, particularly low-income women of color. We developed a population-specific risk reduction intervention for women visiting men in prison that was peer educator-based and included individual and community-level intervention components. Women who were assessed prior to the intervention period had a positive association between the number of unprotected penetrative intercourse (UPI) episodes prior to their partners’ incarceration and the number of UPI episodes following partners’ release from prison. However, this association was negated among women assessed during the intervention. Intervention participants also were more likely to be tested for HIV, to have partners who got tested, and to talk with their partners about significantly more HIV-related topics. Conducting intervention and evaluation activities with women visiting incarcerated men is feasible and is a useful model for reaching more at-risk women
Retention on Buprenorphine Is Associated with High Levels of Maximal Viral Suppression among HIV-Infected Opioid Dependent Released Prisoners
HIV-infected prisoners lose viral suppression within the 12 weeks after release to the community. This prospective study evaluates the use of buprenorphine/naloxone (BPN/NLX) as a method to reduce relapse to opioid use and sustain viral suppression among released HIV-infected prisoners meeting criteria for opioid dependence (OD).From 2005-2010, 94 subjects meeting DSM-IV criteria for OD were recruited from a 24-week prospective trial of directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) for released HIV-infected prisoners; 50 (53%) selected BPN/NLX and were eligible to receive it for 6 months; the remaining 44 (47%) selected no BPN/NLX therapy. Maximum viral suppression (MVS), defined as HIV-1 RNA<50 copies/mL, was compared for the BPN/NLX and non-BPN/NLX (N = 44) groups.The two groups were similar, except the BPN/NLX group was significantly more likely to be Hispanic (56.0% v 20.4%), from Hartford (74.4% v 47.7%) and have higher mean global health quality of life indicator scores (54.18 v 51.40). MVS after 24 weeks of being released was statistically correlated with 24-week retention on BPN/NLX [AOR = 5.37 (1.15, 25.1)], having MVS at the time of prison-release [AOR = 10.5 (3.21, 34.1)] and negatively with being Black [AOR = 0.13 (0.03, 0.68)]. Receiving DAART or methadone did not correlate with MVS.In recognition that OD is a chronic relapsing disease, strategies that initiate and retain HIV-infected prisoners with OD on BPN/NLX is an important strategy for improving HIV treatment outcomes as a community transition strategy
Condom use and incarceration among STI clinic attendees in the Deep South
Abstract Background Incarceration history is associated with lower rates of condom use and increased HIV risk. Less is known about duration of incarceration and multiple incarcerations’ impact on condom use post-release. Methods In the current study, we surveyed 1,416 adults in Mississippi about their incarceration history and sexual risk behaviors. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to test associations between duration of incarceration, multiple incarcerations, socio-demographic factors, substance use, sexual behavior, and event level condom use at last sex. Results After adjusting for covariates, having been incarcerated for at least 6 months two or more times remained significantly associated with condomless sex. Conclusions This study found a strong, independent relationship between condom use and multiple, long-term incarceration events among patients in an urban STI clinic in the Deep South. The results suggest that duration of incarceration and multiple incarcerations have significant effects on sexual risk behaviors, underscoring the deleterious impact of long prison or jail sentences on population health. Our findings also suggest that correctional health care professionals and post-release providers might consider offering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and those providing community care should consider screening for previous incarceration as a marker of risk
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