8 research outputs found

    Soil mite (Acari: Mesostigmata) communities and their relationships with some environmental variables in experimental grasslands from Bucegi Mountains in Romania

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    The main objective of the study was to analyse, for the first time in Romania, the relationships between five experimental grasslands and Mesostigmata fauna, considering: (1) the structural differences between mite communities; (2) the variations in some important abiotic factors (vegetation cover, soil temperature, soil moisture content, pH, soil resistance at penetration); and (3) the influence of these abiotic factors on the structures of Mesostigmata mite communities and the dispersal rates of these communities between the investigated plots. In total, 250 soil samples were analysed in July 2017, revealing the presence of 30 species, with 1163 individuals. Using the multivariate analysis, we observed that each experimental plot was defined by characteristic environmental conditions, i.e., vegetation cover, soil moisture content, and soil temperature differed significantly between the experimental grasslands. Each experimental plot was characterised by a specific indicator species and population parameters (numerical abundance and species richness). The effects of these soil variables were even demonstrated at species level: Veigaia planicola, Geolaelaps nolli, and Gamasellodes insignis were influenced by vegetation cover, Lysigamasus conus and Dendrolaelapsfoveolatus by soil temperature. The dispersal rates of mite communities from one plot to another were higher in the grasslands, where there were euconstant–constant species

    Locul și rolul relațiilor publice în cadrul reprezentanțelor diplomatice

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    PR responsability is essential to the policy of any public institution, domestic and diplomatic alike. The PR policies must be, however, the responsibility of a specialized department whose role and place must be well determined within the institution. A coherent PR policy, especially when we talk about diplomatic institutions, should be based on a very strong strategy with clear objectives, deadlines and well-defined methods and resources.</p

    Medierea conflictelor - o soluție viabilă pentru depășirea barierelor comunicaționale. Implicarea Uniunii Europene în conflictul ruso-ucrainean în timpul crizei gazelor naturale

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    The premises of this project are that approximately 90% of the conflicts in the modern society and not only, are based on poor communication. Any type of miscommunication (due to cultural, linguistic, politic or religious differences) can and will generate conflicts of various intensities going from simple quarrels to diplomatic incidents and all the way to wars. The mediator has the role to solve any existing conflict and to help repair the breaches from the communicational system between parts, in order to preserve the relationship. The article presents a case study on the involvement of the European Union’ structures to amicably solve the conflict triggered during 2008 - 2009, between the Russian Government and the Ucrainean one regarding the gas provisions and the price claimed for the natural gas sold to European countries.</p

    Think Small First - Un principiu european pentru sprijinirea mediului de afaceri din România

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    The research is taking into consideration the policies implemented in 2009 by the Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Trade and Business Environment in order to support the small and medium enterprises’ access to European nonrefundable funds and also to cut the red-tape, a major objective of the European Union, stipulated by the Lisbon Strategy for SMEs. The first major results of changing the public policies for small and medium enterprises was a large increase of the number of projects submitted by the business environment in order to receive non-refundable EU funds and, subsequently, an increase of private investments made within the productive sectors of the economy, an increase of the number of work-places accessible in private companies and, last but not least, a qualitative increase of the competition among Romanian private companies and their competitiveness.</p

    Effect of some Improvement Works on the Floristic Composition of the Vegetal Cover in Nardus stricta Grasslands

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    The study of the floristic composition of Nardus stricta grasslands improved through fertilisation, amendment and re-sowing for 18 years points out a structural change of the vegetal cover compared to the initial state of the floristic composition. During this time interval, the share of Nardus stricta dropped from 40 to 14% in the variants grazed rationally (without treatments), from 40 to 4% in the variant fertilised with NPK and grazed, and from 40% to the total disappearance of the species in the variants fertilised with NPK, amended, and re-sowed. The species Nardus stricta was replaced by high-fodder value species such as Agrostis capillaris, Poa pratensis, and Trifolium repens

    Alien Species of EU Concern in Romania

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