103 research outputs found

    Reparación de lesiones del cartílago articular de la rótula de conejos con injertos libres de pericondrio costal y periostio tibial: Estudio histológico comparativo

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    El propósito del presente, estudio experimental es comparar la capacidad condrogénica de injertos libres de pericondrio y periostio en lesiones que afectan a todo el espesor del cartílago articular rotuliano. Para ellos, se eligieron 18 conejos adolescentes de Nueva Zelanda con un peso comprendido entre los 2400 y 3600 gramos, a los que se realizó una lesión de 6 mm de diámetro y 3 mm de espesor en la superficie articular de la rótula, y se distribuyeron de modo aleatorio en tres grupos: control, tratados con injerto libre de pericondrio (PC) y tratados con injerto libre de periostio (PO). Todos los animales fueron sacrificados a las 8 semanas y las preparaciones histológicas fueron evaluadas con arreglo a una escala que concede una puntuación de 0 a 17 puntos. En el análisis estadístico, las diferencias encontradas han sido, en todos los casos, entre el control y los grupos tratados, para ninguna de las variables se ha podido demostrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos PC y PO.The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the chondrogenic capacity of both perichondrium and periosteal free grafts in lesions affecting all the articular chondral thickness of the patella. A total of 18 white New Zeland rabbits with a weight ranging from 2.4 to 3.6 kg were operated. A chondral lesion o f 6 mm of diameter and 3 mm in depth was performed at the articular surface on the patella. The lesion was repair with either a perichondrium (6 animals) or a periosteal free grafts (6 animals). In other 6 animals, the control group, the lesion was not repaired. All animals were killed 8 weeks after surgery. Histological studies were performed using a modified O'Discoll's scale. Statistically significant differences were found between the control group and the two groups in which the lesions were repaired, but not between lesions treated with perichondrium and periosteal grafts

    Randomized, double-blind study comparing percutaneous electrolysis and dry needling for the management of temporomandibular myofascial pain

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    To assess whether the techniques of percutaneous needle electrolysis (PNE) and deep dry needling (DDN) used on trigger points (TrP) of lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) can significantly reduce pain and improve function in patients with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) compared to a control group treated with a sham needling procedure (SNP). Sixty patients diagnosed with MPS in the LPM were selected and randomly assigned to one of three groups. The PNE group received electrolysis to the LPM via transcutaneous puncture. The DDN group received a deep puncture to the TrP without the introduction of any substance. In the SNP group, pressure was applied to the skin without penetration. Procedures were performed once per week for 3 consecutive weeks. Clinical evaluation was performed before treatment, and on days 28, 42 and 70 after treatment. Statistically significant differences (p<0.01) were measured for the PNE and DDN groups with respect to pain reduction at rest, during chewing, and for maximum interincisal opening (MIO). Values for the PNE group showed significantly earlier improvement. Differences for PNE and DDN groups with respect to SNP group were significant (p<0.05) up to day 70. Evaluation of efficacy as reported by the patient and observer was better for PNE and DDN groups. No adverse events were observed for either of the techniques. PNE and DDN of the LPM showed greater pain reduction efficacy and improved MIO compared to SNP. Improvement was noted earlier in the PNE group than in the DDN group

    Deep dry needling of trigger points located in the lateral pterygoid muscle: efficacy and safety of treatment for management of myofascial pain and temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Background: To determine whether deep dry needling (DDN) of trigger points (TPs) in the lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) would significantly reduce pain and improve function, compared with methocarbamol/paracetamol medication. Material and Methods: Forty-eight patients with chronic myofascial pain located in the LPM were selected and randomly assigned to one of two groups (DDN test group, n=24; drug-treated control group, n=24). The test group received three applications of needling of the LPM once per week for three weeks, while control group patients were given two tablets of a methocarbamol/paracetamol combination every six hours for three weeks. Assessments were carried out pre-treatment, 2 and 8 weeks after finishing the treatment. Results: A statistically significant difference ( p <0.05) was detected for both groups with respect to pain reduction at rest and with mastication, but the DDN test group had significantly better levels of pain reduction. Moreover, statistically significant differences ( p <0.05) up to day 70 in the test group were seen with respect to maximum mouth opening, laterality and protrusion movements compared with pre-treatment values. Pain reduction in the test group was greater as a function of pain intensity at baseline. The evaluation of efficacy as assessed both by patients/investigators was better for the test group. 41% of the patients receiving the combination drug treatment described unpleasant side effects (mostly drowsiness). Conclusions: DDN of TPs in the LPM showed better efficacy in reducing pain and improving maximum mouth opening, laterality, and protrusion movements compared with methocarbamol/paracetamol treatment. No adverse events were observed with respect to DD

    Modelado de las colisiones de partículas primarias de hollín dentro de la cámara de combustión de un motor diesel

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    En la formación de los aglomerados de hollín dentro de la cámara de combustión de un motor diésel se pueden distinguir tres fases predominantes. La primera es la de formación de las partículas primarias, la segunda la del crecimiento neto de estas partículas y la última es la de la aglomeración de las partículas primarias, dando como resultado el aglomerado que es expulsado por el tubo de escape. Este trabajo solo analiza esta última fase. El modelo planteado utiliza como semilla un delta de Dirac de la función de tamaños de partículas, en la que sólo hay partículas primarias completamente formadas con igual tamaño característico. El resultado del modelo es la obtención de la evolución temporal de la función de distribución de tamaños medios de aglomerados. Se han analizado los fenómenos fluidodinámicos que más afectan a la función de frecuencia de colisiones de los aglomerados en formación. Se observa que los fenómenos más predominantes son el derivado del movimiento browniano y el del movimiento turbulento inercial. El modelo es de tipo semi-experimental, ya que utiliza como variables de entrada, datos experimentales obtenidos en banco de ensayo de motores, y resultados de modelos de diagnóstico de la combustión

    Advances in Breeding in Vegetable <em>Brassica rapa</em> Crops

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    Brassica rapa includes oil and vegetable crops having a variety of forms, such as oilseeds, leafy vegetables and turnips. Leafy types, which are called turnip greens and turnip tops, are popular crops in NW Spain, and they represent an important part of the diet. However, their cultivation is limited in southern areas or in the Mediterranean basin, probably due to a lack of adaptation. Still, they could occupy a prominent place in the Mediterranean diet, which is based on a high consumption of fruits and vegetables. In this review, we summarize the studies on the agronomical and nutritional value of these crops when grown under Mediterranean climate conditions. Data reported here might be useful for a deeper understanding of these crops for both nutritional quality and bioaccessibility, and for selecting varieties adapted to the two abovementioned Mediterranean conditions, as well as for organic farming systems, thus contributing to the diversification of traditional Brassica vegetable production systems

    Supported Porous Nanostructures Developed by Plasma Processing of Metal Phthalocyanines and Porphyrins

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    The large area scalable fabrication of supported porous metal and metal oxide nanomaterials is acknowledged as one of the greatest challenges for their eventual implementation in on-device applications. In this work, we will present a comprehensive revision and the latest results regarding the pioneering use of commercially available metal phthalocyanines and porphyrins as solid precursors for the plasma-assisted deposition of porous metal and metal oxide films and three-dimensional nanostructures (hierarchical nanowires and nanotubes). The most advanced features of this method relay on its ample general character from the point of view of the porous material composition and microstructure, mild deposition and processing temperature and energy constrictions and, finally, its straightforward compatibility with the direct deposition of the porous nanomaterials on processable substrates and device-architectures. Thus, taking advantage of the variety in the composition of commercially available metal porphyrins and phthalocyanines, we present the development of metal and metal oxides layers including Pt, CuO, Fe2O3, TiO2, and ZnO with morphologies ranging from nanoparticles to nanocolumnar films. In addition, we combine this method with the fabrication by low-pressure vapor transport of single-crystalline organic nanowires for the formation of hierarchical hybrid organic@metal/metal-oxide and @metal/metal-oxide nanotubes. We carry out a thorough characterization of the films and nanowires using SEM, TEM, FIB 3D, and electron tomography. The latest two techniques are revealed as critical for the elucidation of the inner porosity of the layers.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades MAT2016-79866-R, PID2019- 110430GB-C21Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, Junta de Andalucía P18- RT-348

    Arte rupestre paleolítico en el yacimiento solutrense de La Cueva de Ambrosio (Vélez-Blanco, Almeria)

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    In the solutrean site o[ La Cueva de Ambrosio several engraved and painted figures dated on the Upper palaeolithic, have been found during the field works of[ 1992 and 1994. In the panel I we have identified an excellent representation of a horse, a bird, one bovidae and another protome of a horse. Below this surface there are many red ochre wallpaintings covered by a calcitic path and for the time being we are unable to give any interpretation for it. In the second panel we have discovered one splendid red painted horse, two more engraved horses and a little head of one other black painted horse. There are many engraved lines and pictural rests that must be studied in the future. The exceptionality of this discovery is that we can interrelate perfectly these rock art paintings with the archaeological levels clearly defined chronologically and culturally (ca. 16000 B.P., Upper Solutrean and Final Solutrean) from the same site.En el yacimiento solutrense de La Cueva de Ambrosio se han encontrado durante las campañas de 1992 y 1994 un conjunto de representaciones artísticas parietales pintadas y grabadas del Paleolítico Superior. Entre los grabados del panel I, se ha descifrado una excelente silueta de caballo, una representación de ave, unos protomos de bóvido y de caballo, así como otros trazos todavía no interpretados. En la parte inferior del panel existen pinturas, poco visibles a causa de una colada calcítica y de momento no es posible interpretar ninguna representación figurativa. En el panel II se han identificado un espléndido caballo pintado en ocre rojo, otros dos caballos grabados, un protomos de caballo pintado en negro y gran cantidad de líneas incisas en trazo múltiple, así como otros restos pictóricos todavía por identificar. La excepcionalidad del hallazgo reside en el hecho de poder interrelacionar perfectamente estas muestras de arte con los niveles arqueológicos claramente definidos desde el punto de vista cultural y cronoestratigráfico (ca. 16000 B.P. Solutrense Superior y Solutrense Superior Evolucionado) del mismo yacimiento

    Highly Anisotropic Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanowalls Grown by Glancing-Angle Deposition

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    Polarizers are ubiquitous components in current optoelectronic devices as displays or photographic cameras. Yet, control over light polarization is an unsolved challenge, since the main drawback of the existing display technologies is the significant optical losses. In such a context, organometal halide perovskites (OMHP) can play a decisive role given their flexible synthesis with tunable optical properties such as bandgap and photoluminescence, and excellent light emission with a low non-radiative recombination rate. Therefore, along with their outstanding electrical properties have elevated hybrid perovskites as the material of choice in photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Among the different OMHP nanostructures, nanowires and nanorods have lately arisen as key players in the control of light polarization for lighting or detector applications. Herein, the fabrication of highly aligned and anisotropic methylammonium lead iodide perovskite nanowalls by glancing-angle deposition, which is compatible with most substrates, is presented. Their high alignment degree provides the samples with anisotropic optical properties such as light absorption and photoluminescence. Furthermore, their implementation in photovoltaic devices provides them with a polarization-sensitive response. This facile vacuum-based approach embodies a milestone in the development of last-generation polarization-sensitive perovskite-based optoelectronic devices such as lighting appliances or self-powered photodetectors

    Ultrathin Plasma Polymer Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells for Improved Stability and Reproducibility

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    Despite the youthfulness of hybrid halide perovskite solar cells, their efficiencies are currently comparable to commercial silicon and have surpassed quantum-dots solar cells. Yet, the scalability of these devices is a challenge due to their low reproducibility and stability under environmental conditions. However, the techniques reported to date to tackle such issues recurrently involve the use of solvent methods that would further complicate their transfer to industry. Herein a reliable alternative relaying in the implementation of an ultrathin plasma polymer as a passivation interface between the electron transport layer and the hybrid perovskite layer is presented. Such a nanoengineered interface provides solar devices with increased long-term stability under ambient conditions. Thus, without involving any additional encapsulation step, the cells retain more than 80% of their efficiency after being exposed to the ambient atmosphere for more than 1000 h. Moreover, this plasma polymer passivation strategy significantly improves the coverage of the mesoporous scaffold by the perovskite layer, providing the solar cells with enhanced performance, with a champion efficiency of 19.2%, a remarkable value for Li-free standard mesoporous n-i-p architectures, as well as significantly improved reproducibility

    Sedimentary thickness distribution in the Protector and Pirie basins (Scotia Sea, Antarctica): control factors

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    Se ha realizado un análisis de estratigrafía sísmica mediante perfiles sísmicos de reflexión multicanal en las cuencas de Protector y Pirie, las cuales están ubicadas en el en el Mar de Scotia meridional, en las proximidades del límite de placas Scotia-Antártica. Mediante este análisis se ha determinado la distribución de los deposcentros sedimentarios más importantes, lo que ha permitido comprobar que la distribución sedimentaria en dichas cuencas está controlada por la morfoestructura del basamento e influenciada por la distribución de las masas de agua profundas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer que ambas cuencas constituyen un buen ejemplo de cuencas oceánicas profundas aisladas y desnutridas, sin aportes continentales y bajo la influencia de corrientes de fondo activas relacionadas con el Agua Profunda Circumpolar Antártica (CDW) y con el Agua Profunda procedente del Mar de Weddell (WSDW)The analysis of multichannel seismic profiles reveals that the distribution of sedimentary depocenters within the Protector and Pirie basins of the southern Scotia Sea, close to the Scotia-Antarctica plate boundary, is largely due to the morpho-structural control of the basement and influenced by the distribution of bottom currents. Both basins constituted a good example of small isolated and undernourished deep basins, lacking major continental inputs and under the influence of active bottom currents related to both the Antarctic Circumpolar deep Water and the Weddell Sea Deep Wate