37 research outputs found

    Experimental periodontal disease treatment by subgingival irrigation with tetracycline hydrochloride in rats

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare subgingival irrigation with tetracycline hydrochloride (TTC-HCL) as adjunctive treatment to scaling and root planning (SRP) on induced periodontitis in rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 60 rats, periodontal disease was ligature-induced at the mandibular left first molar. After 7 days, the ligature was removed and all animals were submitted to SRP, and divided into 2 groups according to the following treatment: C (n=30) - subgingival irrigation with 1 mL of saline; T (n=30) - subgingival irrigation with 1 mL of TTC-HCL (50 mg/mL). Ten animals in each group were euthanized at 7, 15 and 30 days posttreatment. The histometric values were statistically analyzed (

    Effect of 830 nm low-level laser therapy in exercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue in humans

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    Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of 830 nm low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on skeletal muscle fatigue. Ten healthy male professional volleyball players entered a crossover randomized double-blinded placebocontrolled trial. Active LLLT (830 nm wavelength, 100 mW output, spot size 0.0028 cm 2 , 200 s total irradiation time) or an identical placebo LLLT was delivered to four points on the biceps humeri muscle immediately before exercises. All subjects performed voluntary biceps humeri contractions with a load of 75% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force until exhaustion. After active LLLT the mean number of repetitions was significantly higher than after placebo irradiation [mean difference 4.5, standard deviation (SD) ±6.0, P=0.042], the blood lactate levels increased after exercises, but there was no significant difference between the treatments. We concluded that 830 nm LLLT can delay the onset of skeletal muscle fatigue in highintensity exercises, in spite of increased blood lactate levels

    Red (660 nm) and infrared (830 nm) low-level laser therapy in skeletal muscle fatigue in humans: what is better?

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    In animal and clinical trials low-level laser therapy (LLLT) using red, infrared and mixed wavelengths has been shown to delay the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. However, the parameters employed in these studies do not allow a conclusion as to which wavelength range is better in delaying the development of skeletal muscle fatigue. With this perspective in mind, we compared the effects of red and infrared LLLT on skeletal muscle fatigue. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial was performed in ten healthy male volunteers. They were treated with active red LLLT, active infrared LLLT (660 or 830 nm, 50 mW, 17.85 W/cm2, 100 s irradiation per point, 5 J, 1,785 J/cm2 at each point irradiated, total 20 J irradiated per muscle) or an identical placebo LLLT at four points of the biceps brachii muscle for 3 min before exercise (voluntary isometric elbow flexion for 60 s). The mean peak force was significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (12.14%) and infrared LLLT (14.49%) than following placebo LLLT, and the mean average force was also significantly greater (p < 0.05) following red (13.09%) and infrared LLLT (13.24%) than following placebo LLLT. There were no significant differences in mean average force or mean peak force between red and infrared LLLT. We conclude that both red than infrared LLLT are effective in delaying the development skeletal muscle fatigue and in enhancement of skeletal muscle performance. Further studies are needed to identify the specific mechanisms through which each wavelength acts

    Dor após a exodontia: caso clínico

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    Paciente procura a UBS, pois ainda sente muita dor após a extração dentária

    Lesão em bifurcação induzida endodonticamente: caso clínico

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    Um homem queixa-se de dor aguda espontânea e está com uma 'bolinha' na gengiva e sente sensibilidade ao calor

    Alerta: sangramento gengival

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    Paciente com sangramento na cavidade oral e histórico de boca seca e ardor na línguaMinistério da Saúd

    Complicações em cirurgia oral menor: caso clínico

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    Um paciente chega a UBS queixando-se de dor espontânea no lado direito da mandíbula após extração dentária, secreção purulenta no local e sensação de 'buraco' no dente

    Alerta: sangramento gengival: caso clínico

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    Paciente com sangramento na cavidade oral e histórico de boca seca e ardor na língua

    Resposta dos tecidos periodontais frente ao recobrimento de cavidades radiculares restauradas por materiais resinosos: estudo histomorfométrico em cães

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar histomorfometricamente em cães a resposta dos tecidos periodontais frente ao recobrimento de cavidades radiculares classe V restauradas ou não com materiais resinosos. Após levantamento de retalho mucoperiostal, defeitos ósseos de 5 x 5 mm foram criados na face vestibular de 15 caninos de 4 cães, seguidos de preparos cavitários de 3 x 3 x 1 mm na superfície radicular. Antes do reposicionamento do retalho para sua posição original com o objetivo de recobrir o defeito ósseo, as cavidades do grupo teste foram restauradas com resina composta micro-híbrida (RC) ou cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina (RMGIC) e as do grupo controle (CO) permaneceram sem restauração. O sacrifício dos animais foi realizado aos 90 dias pós-operatórios. Foram obtidos cortes histológicos seriados vestíbulo-linguais, corados com HE e Tricrômico de Masson. As secções mais centrais foram selecionadas para a análise histomorfométrica. As medidas histológicas foram submetidas à análise estatística por meio dos testes: teste exato de Fisher, teste de Friedman, ANOVA e teste de Kruskal Wallis, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Histologicamente observou-se migração apical do tecido epitelial (TE) sobre os materiais restauradores (RMGIC e RC). O grupo CO apresentou inserção conjuntiva (IC) significativamente maior (p<0.05) em relação aos grupos testes RMGIC e RC e regeneração óssea significativamente maior (p<0.05) em relação ao grupo teste RMGIC. Em todos os grupos observou-se histologicamente um infiltrado inflamatório crônico mais pronunciado no terço cervical (TC). Os resultados deste estudo permitiram concluir que os materiais restauradores resinosos empregados mostraram-se biocompatíveis, podendo ser uma alternativa na restauração de abrasões cervicais e/ou cáries profundas previamente ao procedimento cirúrgico de recobrimento radicular.This study analyzed the periodontal tissue response to coverage of root cavities filled with resin materials in dogs by histomorphometric evaluation. A mucoperiosteal flap was raised on 15 canines teeth of 4 dogs and bone defects measuring 5x5mm were created on the buccal aspect of canines, followed by cavity preparations measuring 3x3x1mm on the root surface. Before repositioning of the flap in its original position to cover the bone defect, the cavities of the study group were filled with microhybrid composite resin (CR) or resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), and the control group (CO) was not filled. The animals were sacrificed at 90 days postoperatively. Serial buccolingual histological sections were achieved and stained with HE and Masson trichrome. The most central sections were analyzed for histomorphometric analysis. The histological measurements were submitted to statistical analysis by the Fisher's exact test, Friedman test, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis test, at a significance level of 5%. Histological analysis revealed apical migration of the epithelial tissue (ET) over the restorative materials (RMGIC and CR). Group CO presented significantly larger (p<0.05) connective tissue attachment (CTA) than study groups RMGIC and CR, and significantly larger bone regeneration (p<0.05) compared to the study group RMGIC. All groups revealed chronic inflammatory infiltrate, more remarkably at the cervical third (CT). The results of this study allowed the conclusion that resin restorative materials employed were biocompatible and may be an option for restoration of cervical abrasions and/or deep caries before surgical procedure for root coverage