37 research outputs found

    Anatomia foliar de clones de seringueira

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    A seringueira é uma planta de fácil reconhecimento por ser lenhosa, de porte mediano a grande, que apresenta um padrão característico de desfolha e reenfolhamento e, sobretudo, pela produção de látex. O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar um estudo anatômico e morfológico foliar, comparando os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 de seringueira &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg&93;, desenvolvidos sob as mesmas condições edáficas e climáticas, para obtenção de informações que possam fornecer subsídios para correlações com dados fisiológicos e também diferenciar os clones em relação ao conteúdo de fibras, espessamento de tecidos do parênquima paliçádico e do parênquima lacunoso, caracterização anatômica do pecíolo, número e tamanho de estômatos e fornecer dados referentes a morfologia foliolar. Foram realizadas secções transversais na região do mesófilo, nervura central e pecíolo, seguindo-se os métodos usuais de preparação de lâminas permanentes. Foram realizadas análises biométricas de extensões de tecidos dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso e contagem do número de células do parênquima lacunoso. Paralelamente foram realizadas análises biométricas para aferições de estômatos. Não houve diferenças para a altura das células epidérmicas, altura e número de camadas do parênquima lacunoso e para o comprimento e para a maior largura do limbo foliolar. Porém houve variação para a espessura das células do parênquima paliçádico, sendo que GT 1 apresentou maior espessura em relação a RRIM 600. GT1 apresentou maior número de estômatos em relação a RRIM 600, porém com menor tamanho. GT1 apresentou maior diâmetro da nervura central da folha e do pecíolo e maior quantidade de fibras de esclerênquima que RRIM 600.Rubber trees are easily recognizable for being woody, medium to large-sized plants, having a typical deciduous behavior, and especially because they produce latex. The purpose of this work was to study the anatomy and morphology of the leaf, comparing rubber tree &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg.&93; clones (RRIM 600 and GT 1) grafted on the same root stock (Tjir 1), grown under the same climatic and soil conditions. This study allowed clones to be differentiated and also provided information on the location and disposition of laticifers in the leaf tissue. Cross sections of the mesophyll, center ribbing and petiole regions were made, followed by usual permanent histological blade methods. Biometric analyses of tissue extensions in the palisade and spongy parenchymas were carried out, and the number of cells in the spongy parenchyma were counted. At the same time, biometrical analyses were made for stomata. The comparison between the clones showed that there were no significant differences in epidermal cell height, spongy parenchyma height, number of cells in the spongy parenchyma layer, and size and width of leaflets. However, variation was observed for cell thickness in the palisade parenchyma. The clone GT1 presented greater thickness as compared to the RRIM 600 clone. GT1 had also a greater number of stomata in comparison to RRIM 600, but they were smaller. GT1 presented greater petiole and center ribbing diameters in the leaves and a greater amount of sclerenchyma fibers than RRIM 600

    Thiamethoxam on the histological characteristics of sugarcane young roots

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    Thiamethoxam is a systemic insecticide from the neonicotinoid group, nitroguanidin family which affects the nicotinic receptor acetyl choline in the insect membrane, wounding the nervous system and causing the death of the insect. It was used with success in the control of initial pests of several crops. It was considered that thiamethoxam has a bioactivator effect, because in the absence of insects promoted increase in vigor, development and productivity of crops. This work was carried out to verify if thiamethoxam causes histological changes in sugarcane roots. In this work, it was used optical microscopy, images arrest, tissue biometrics and statistical analysis, in young roots of sugarcane RB 83 5486 after the treatments with different thiamethoxam concentrations. It was determined changes in histological structure of tissues 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the treatments, establishing its effects on root plant anatomy. It was verified that thiamethoxam increased root cortex width, increasing the vascular cylinder and the metaxylem vessel elements number in the vascular tissue until 21 days after application

    Nursing Activities Score: nursing work load in a burns Intensive Care Unit

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the nursing work load in a Burns Intensive Care Unit according to the Nursing Activities Score.METHOD: an exploratory, descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The Nursing Activities Score was used for data collection between October 2011 and May 2012, totalling 1,221 measurements, obtained from 50 patients' hospital records. Data for qualitative variables was described in tables; for the quantitative variables, calculations using statistical measurements were used.RESULTS: the mean score for the Nursing Activities Score was 70.4% and the median was 70.3%, corresponding to the percentage of the time spent on direct care to the patient in 24 hours.CONCLUSION: the Nursing Activities Score provided information which involves the process of caring for patients hospitalized in a Burns Intensive Care Unit, and indicated that there is a high work load for the nursing team of the sector studied

    Estudos de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura em folhas de Mentha spicata e de Mentha spicata x suaveolens (Lamiaceae)

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de anatomia foliar por meio de microscopia óptica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura em Mentha spicata L. e Mentha spicata X suaveolens, caracterizando histologicamente a lâmina foliar. Secções transversais e paradérmicas da região mediana do limbo foliar mostraram a presença de epiderme unisseriada, coberta por uma fina camada de cutícula, apresentando tricomas glandulares do tipo capitado e peltado e não glandulares unisseriados multicelulares, não ramificados. O mesofilo de ambas as espécies é dorsiventral, com parênquima paliçádico uniestratificado, com células alongadas e rico em inclusões citoplasmáticas. O parênquima lacunoso é formado por três a quatro camadas de células irregulares. Os tricomas capitados presentes são classificados como do tipo I, e apresentam-se com uma célula basal, uma célula peduncular e uma grande célula apical, cujo formato varia de circular a piriforme. Os tricomas peltados consistem de uma célula basal, uma célula peduncular curta, larga e unicelular, com paredes externas cutinizadas e uma cabeça grande multicelular com 12 células secretoras, distribuídas radialmente em dois círculos concêntricos, o central com 4 células e o externo com 8 células, as quais acumulam o produto da secreção em uma cavidade entre a cutícula e as células secretoras; o pé do tricoma glandular está inserido em 11 células epidérmicas. Há predominância de tricomas capitados em relação aos tricomas peltados em ambas as espécies de Mentha.The objective of the present work is to make a study of leaf anatomy through optic microscopy and eletronic microscopy of scanning in Mentha spicata L. and Mentha spicata X suaveolens, characterizing the leaf blade histology. Cross and paradermic sections of the leaf, showed the presence of uniseriate epidermal cells covered by a fine cuticle layer, presenting gland trichomes of multicellular type capitate and peltate and no gland trichomes, not ramified. The mesophyll of both species mantain with uniseriate palisade parenchyma only in high epidermal, prolonged cells, and rich in cytoplasmic inclusions. Lacunary parenchyma is formed by 3 to 4 layers of irregular cells. The capitate trichomes are classified as type I they presented with a basal, a pedunculary and a great apical cell, whose format varies from circular to periform. Peltate trichomes consist of a basal cell, a short, wide and unicellular stalk cell, with cutinized external walls and one great multicellular head with 12 secretory cells distributed in two concentrical circles. The trunk has 4 cells and the external one 8 cells, which accumulate the product of the secretion in a cavity between cuticle and the secretor cells, as the foot of glandular trichomes is inserted in 11 epidermal cells. There is a predominance of capitate trichomes in relation to peltate trichomes in both species of Mentha