2,620 research outputs found

    The place of grammar in the teaching of English in Portugal

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    La gramática siempre ha estado presente en diferentes métodos y enfoques de enseñanza. Sin embargo, el lugar de la gramática en estos métodos ha cambiado a través de los siglos, desde un lugar central en el enfoque de gramática y traducción a un enfoque más ecléctico e integrado. En Portugal, fue duro derrotar el peso de la tradición y liberar la enseñanza de las lenguas de los enfoques tradicionales y pasados de moda. Nuestro propósito es analizar a fondo los programas de 1995 y 1996, un hito en Portugal, que fueron emitidos por el Ministerio de Educación para orientación de la enseñanza de diferentes materias en Educación Básica y Secundaria y compararlos con los nuevos Objetivos Curriculares ("Metas Curriculares") que vieron la luz entre 2013 y 2015. Otra parte interesada en esta ecuación es el papel de las editoriales de libros de texto. Por lo tanto, pretendemos complementar nuestro trabajo con el análisis de varios libros de texto para la enseñanza del inglés, lo que nos permitirá llegar a una perspectiva general de la ecuación portuguesa de tres términos.Grammar has always been present in different teaching methods and approaches. However, the place of grammar in these methods has shifted throughout the centuries, from a central place in the grammar and translation approach to a more eclectic and integrated approach. In Portugal, it was harsh to overcome the weight of tradition and free the teaching of languages from traditional and old-fashioned approaches. Our purpose is to thoroughly analyse the 1995 and 1996 syllabi, which were issued by the Ministry of Education and oriented the teaching of different subjects in Basic and Secondary Education, and compare them to the new Curricular Targets that saw the light between 2013 and 2015. Another stakeholder in this equation is the role of publishing houses, which put out coursebooks for schools. We intend to complement our work with the micro- and macroanalysis of a sample of English coursebooks, which will enable us to reach an overall perspective of the Portuguese three-term equation

    The place of grammar in the teaching of English in Portugal

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    La gramática siempre ha estado presente en diferentes métodos y enfoques de enseñanza. Sin embargo, el lugar de la gramática en estos métodos ha cambiado a través de los siglos, desde un lugar central en el enfoque de gramática y traducción a un enfoque más ecléctico e integrado. En Portugal, fue duro derrotar el peso de la tradición y liberar la enseñanza de las lenguas de los enfoques tradicionales y pasados de moda. Nuestro propósito es analizar a fondo los programas de 1995 y 1996, un hito en Portugal, que fueron emitidos por el Ministerio de Educación para orientación de la enseñanza de diferentes materias en Educación Básica y Secundaria y compararlos con los nuevos Objetivos Curriculares ("Metas Curriculares") que vieron la luz entre 2013 y 2015. Otra parte interesada en esta ecuación es el papel de las editoriales de libros de texto. Por lo tanto, pretendemos complementar nuestro trabajo con el análisis de varios libros de texto para la enseñanza del inglés, lo que nos permitirá llegar a una perspectiva general de la ecuación portuguesa de tres términos.Grammar has always been present in different teaching methods and approaches. However, the place of grammar in these methods has shifted throughout the centuries, from a central place in the grammar and translation approach to a more eclectic and integrated approach. In Portugal, it was harsh to overcome the weight of tradition and free the teaching of languages from traditional and old-fashioned approaches. Our purpose is to thoroughly analyse the 1995 and 1996 syllabi, which were issued by the Ministry of Education and oriented the teaching of different subjects in Basic and Secondary Education, and compare them to the new Curricular Targets that saw the light between 2013 and 2015. Another stakeholder in this equation is the role of publishing houses, which put out coursebooks for schools. We intend to complement our work with the micro- and macroanalysis of a sample of English coursebooks, which will enable us to reach an overall perspective of the Portuguese three-term equation

    Project-based learning in audiovisual translation: a case study in error analysis

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    As professors of audiovisual translation (AVT) in higher education institutions in Portugal, we have been concerned with the teaching of AVT, namely subtitling. In an attempt to prepare our students for the job market, we follow a constructivist approach, in line with Kiraly’s (2005) project-based learning. A dimension we cannot overlook in this context is the identification and analysis of subtitling errors, which we elaborate on according to Kuo (2014), Robert and Remael (2016) and Pedersen’s (2017) research. Thus, we chose a sample of nine films that were the target of our students’ projects from the last five academic years and pinpointed their errors, by following the analysis grid we put together for this purpose, which is based on temporal and spatial constraints, and stylistic, typographical and translation considerations. With this exercise in mind, we were able to conclude that segmentation and reading time of subtitles pose the greatest difficulty for our students.publishe

    João Couto

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    A nova era dos ‘museus modernos’ preconizada por João Couto acompanharam a tendência para a democratização cultural e educativa na Europa, sentida entre as décadas de 60 e 80 do século passado (Deshayes 2002: 24; Lira 1999: 2), que conduziu inevitavelmente a alterações significativas na forma como os museus se passaram a apresentar à comunidade local e a outros públicos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Audio description as an accessibility enhancer

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    Audio description for the blind and visually-impaired has been around since people have described what is seen. Throughout time, it has evolved and developed in different contexts, starting with daily life, moving into the cinema and television, then across other performing arts, museums and galleries, historical sites and public places. Audio description is above all an issue of accessibility and of providing visually-impaired people with the same rights to have access to culture, education and ultimately social life. It has to do with making them feel part of societ

    Museum audio guides as an accessibility enhancer

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    Accessibility to museums is enhanced by various types of cultural mediation, such as the use of audio guides, which consist of a means for innovative mediation put forth to make the museum visit more autonomous and simultaneously replace the traditional guided visit. Their use is integrated in the tendency for museum democratisation felt in Europe between the 60s and the 80s of the 20th century, especially with the development of educational services at museums and their opening to schools. It is also an invaluable solution for foreign visitors and particularly people with special needs, such as the blind and visually impaired, the deaf and hard-of-hearing or the intellectual disabled. This talk intends to analyse examples of audio guides on offer in Portuguese museums, so as to ascertain the current practices and whether they perform their role as an accessibility tool

    Multimodal translation for “1111”

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    This paper intends to account for an experiment developed with master’s students in Translation, which was based on the Portuguese short film produced by Cine-Clube Avanca – “1111” (2005). Within the annual course in Audiovisual Translation, students are expected to grapple with three different types of Audiovisual Translation modes: interlingual subtitling, intralingual subtitling and audio description for the blind and visually-impaired. Students must acquire an in-depth knowledge of the guidelines that apply to these modes, bearing in mind that interlingual subtitling is directed to the general audiences, offering translation from a foreign language into the mother tongue, whereas the other two modes cater for the needs of people with sensory impairment, be it in terms of hearing or of sight. Throughout this process, we realised that the ability to look at the same audiovisual product with different target audiences in mind is of the utmost importance for students and encourages their flexibility skills and a variety of strategies to manage different work contexts. Therefore, using “1111” as the basis for this experiment, students were asked to analyse this short film and extract the information that is of relevance for each group. Students must watch the film without sound and without image, thus allowing them to experience the film from different angles and to become aware of other people’s needs that they are not usually expected to heed. These various exercises bring about multiple advantages, but also a number of challenges which we will also attempt to present.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A acessibilidade museológica: o caso do Museu do Abade de Baçal

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir a progressiva abertura dos museus a diferentes públicos, consubstanciada na atual questão da acessibilidade museológica. Segundo Dodd e Sandell (1998), os museus criam frequentemente obstáculos ao acesso dos visitantes, em especial daqueles com necessidades especiais. No conjunto destas barreiras colocadas à acessibilidade, destaca-se a acessibilidade sensorial, diretamente relacionada com as necessidades das pessoas cegas ou surdas que podem ser supridas por meio dos tradicionais audioguias ou dos modernos signo-guias, respetivamente. Estes guias museológicos cumprem uma importante função de mediação cultural, ao mesmo tempo que concretizam diversas dimensões de acessibilidade. Neste sentido, parte-se da caracterização do contexto museológico nacional para a caracterização dos museus do distrito de Bragança à luz das condições gerais de acessibilidade, terminando-se na análise do Museu do Abade de Baçal, em Bragança. Este serviu de mote para a realização de um diagnóstico das suas condições de acessibilidade e, baseadas nas conclusões retiradas, desenha-se um conjunto de propostas potenciadoras da acessibilidade museológica

    Critical thinking at the hands of literature, cinema and video

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    Learning is considered a fundamental skill for human development, without which no evolution is even conceivable. However, formal education from 18th century onwards was gradually transferred to states’ hands and thus standardised schooling came to be. Despite enabling less privileged people to have access to culture at that time, it is a means to kill creativity and create a gap between those who follow academic pathways and those who don’t, from Ken Robinson’s viewpoint. However, education should also consist of a means to discovery, to exercise critical attitudes towards life and become the springboard for social changes. The concept of critical thinking is profusely discussed, although it exists for over 2500 years, according to the Critical Thinking Community. It is understood as a process that requires discipline and active engagement in analysing events and information, evaluating and reflecting upon them. We believe such events and information can be provided by literature, cinema and video, which we have extensively used in educational contexts at higher education with a view to developing students’ critical thinking. Literature may appear as the starting point (or not) – Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden” or “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley – complemented by classics in cinema, such as “Dead Poets Society” (Peter Weir, 1989) or “Invictus” (Clint Eastwood, 2009). A third part in this equation is played by “Ted: ideas worth spreading”, where short talks can be accessed. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the power of this triad in enhancing critical thinking in young adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As metáforas terminológicas no desenvolvimento da ciência

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    A linguagem utilizada nos textos de especialidade é encarada como sendo de natureza mais objectiva e directa. No entanto, esta não ignora a utilização de recursos da linguagem figurativa, tradicionalmente entendidos como sendo exclusivos dos textos literários. Assim, na tradução especializada, identificam-se inúmeros exemplos deste tipo de recursos, nomeadamente das metáforas, que, ultrapassando o âmbito de mero ornamento retórico, passam a expressar conceitos técnicos e científicos e a assumir o estatuto de termo. Uma análise das metáforas terminológicas, segundo a designação proposta por Kočourek (1991: 166), realizada no contexto da investigação de mestrado, vem provar que as metáforas não só são objecto de diversas teorias linguísticas, entre as quais se destacam a abordagem da linguística cognitiva, a teoria da relevância ou a teoria dos protótipos, como desempenham também importantes papéis no âmbito da ciência, desde a constituição das próprias teorias científicas até à sua divulgação tanto aos pares como aos leigos. Desta forma, as metáforas nas suas funções substantiva e pedagógica funcionam como motores para o desenvolvimento da ciência e para a sua difusão. Tendo em consideração esta problemática, através da apresentação de algumas metáforas retiradas da Agenda 21, analisar-se-ão de forma breve as implicações destas para o trabalho do tradutor