3,529 research outputs found

    O Padrão Conceptual da Ideologia Fascista: Uma Reavaliação

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    In spite of all the definitions of fascism that were presented in the last decades and the “consensus” that was created around the definition proposed by Roger Griffin (which focuses on the ultranationalist and palingenetic core of fascism), authors like Michel Dobry have criticized the tendency to opt for what they see as “essentialist” approaches and to worry too much with classifications. Nevertheless, I argue that, although the more dynamic aspects of fascist ideology must be kept in mind, definitions and classifications are a necessary component of the work of the historian that tries to make sense of the era of fascism. For this reason, I here have the goal of arriving at a new definition of fascism by making use of the conceptual morphological approach, put forward by Michael Freeden, which has never been systematically applied to the study of fascism and can lead us to new and interesting conclusions about the nature of this ideology. This essay is, thus, a reassessment of a research that I previously carried out and shall be read as a refined version of that study, which tried to define fascism through the core concepts that are part of its conceptual pattern. As it is made clear in the text, the concepts that I believe to be central to fascism are: Nation, State, Synthessis, Revolution, Authority and Violence.A pesar de todas las definiciones de fascismo que se han presentado en las últimas décadas y del “consenso” que se ha creado en torno a la definición propuesta por Roger Griffin (que se centra en las características ultranacionalistas y palingenéticas del fascismo), autores como Michel Dobry han criticado la tendencia para se optar por lo que vem como enfoques “essencialistas”, así como la excessiva preocupación por las clasificaciones. Sin embargo, defiendo que, si biene es necessario tener en cuenta los aspectos más dinámicos de la ideologia fascista, las definiciones y clasificaciones son un componente necessário del trabajo del historiador que intenta compreender la era del fascismo. Por esa razón, mi objetivo en este ensayo es el de llegar a una neva definición de fascismo, utilizando el enfoque conceptual morfológico, presentado por Michael Freeden, que nunca há sido utilizado de manera sistemática en un estúdio del fascismo y que puede llevarnos a nuevas y interessantes conclusiones sobre la naturaleza de esta ideología. Este ensayo es, por lo tanto, una reevaluación de una investigácion que realicé anteriormente y debe leerse como una versión mejorada de esse estúdio, que intentaba definir el fascismo a través de los conceptos centrales que forman parte de su patrón conceptual. Como se describe en el cuerpo del texto, los conceptos que considero centrales en el fascismo son: Nación, Estado, Síntesis, Revolución, Autoridad y Violencia.Apesar de todas as definições de fascismo que foram apresentadas nas últimas décadas e do “consenso” que se criou em torno da definição proposta por Roger Griffin (que se foca nas características ultranacionalistas e palingenéticas do fascismo), autores como Michel Dobry criticaram a tendência para se optar por aquilo que vêm como abordagens “essencialistas”, bem como a preocupação excessiva com classificações. Contudo, eu defendo que, apesar de os aspectos mais dinâmicos da ideologia fascista precisarem de ser levados em conta, as definições e classificações são uma componente necessária do trabalho do historiador que tenta compreender a era do fascismo.  Por essa razão, o meu objectivo neste ensaio é o de chegar a uma nova definição de fascismo, utilizando a abordagem conceptual morfológica, apresentada por Michael Freeden, que nunca foi usada de forma sistemática num estudo sobre o fascismo e que nos pode levar a novas e interessantes conclusões acerca da natureza desta ideologia. Este ensaio é, portanto, uma reavaliação de uma pesquisa que realizei anteriormente e deve ser lido como uma versão melhorada desse estudo, que tentava definir o fascismo através dos conceitos centrais que fazem parte do seu padrão conceptual. Como é descrito no corpo do texto, os conceitos que acredito serem centrais no fascismo são: Nação, Estado, Síntese, Revolução, Autoridade e Violência

    Asymptotic distribution of Kloosterman sums

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    Tese de Mestrado, Matemática, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasIn this thesis, we will study Kloosterman sums which are a particular case of exponential sums. Our goal is to obtain the best possible bound for these sums. Firstly, we will define characters for finite abelian groups and finite fields. Next, we will define exponential sums and examine some examples that appear in number theory. In Chapter 3, we will prove Weil’s bound, which is a crucial result for Kloosterman sums. In order to accomplish this, we will first prove Stepanov’s theorem and then combine it with Kloosterman sums. Finally, in the last chapter, we will introduce the theory for compact groups. The first five sections will be devoted to the development of the general theory and the last 4 sections will be applications of this theory. Particularly, in section 4.8 we will introduce some concepts of ℓ-adic cohomology, where we will mention the Kloosterman sheaf and Deligne’s equidistribution theorem. These results will be crucial for our objective in this dissertation

    Indicators Used in the Energy Sector

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    World energy mix still depends heavily on fossil fuels but the foreseen increase demand, the scarcity of those resources, their unevenly distribution as well as other factors such as economic burdens due to fossil fuel prices and climate change concerns contributed to the establishment and implementation of new policies in the energy sector. Renewable energy sources are being promoted worldwide as a pathway to reduce external energy dependency, moving towards lower carbon energy systems. It is important to policy makers, investors and other stakeholders to have tools for deciding which policies, investments and measures should be implemented in the future. Thus indicators play very important role for fulfilling that task. This work present a structured presentation of several indicators commonly used to compare solutions in the energy domain

    Efficiency tests in the Iberian stock markets

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    This paper investigates the efficiency of the two major stock indexes of the Iberian Peninsula, the Portuguese Stock Index (PSI-20) and the Spanish Stock Index (IBEX-35). We used daily data from January 1993 to September 2001 for the Portuguese stock index and daily data from October 1990 to September 2001 for the Spanish stock index. Serial correlations, unit root tests and variance ratio tests are used to test the efficiency of these two stock indexes. Although the complementary of these tests, we used all of them to get a higher robustness of the conclusions. We examined serial correlation coefficients for successive stock index changes to test whether they are statistically equal to zero to establish the random walk nature of stock indexes. The augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test are used to test the null hypothesis that the series has a unit root and the variance ratio tests are used to examine the random walk hypothesis for the series of these two stock indexes. The results of the serial correlations, unit root tests and variance ratio tests provide ambiguous evidence for the random walk hypothesis. The empirical evidence from the unit root tests do not reject the efficient market hypothesis for the two stock indexes, while the results from the variance ratio tests and serial correlations do.stock indexes, market efficiency, unit roots

    Buildings Sustainability — The Non-Intrusive Load-Identification System Contribution

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    Buildings are responsible for an important share of the global energy consumed with the associated consequences at economic and environmental level. To overcome this actual concern several objectives were put in perspective, being one of them the energetic performance of systems and appliances. Efficiency depends on working on optimal conditions and user behavior. Monitoring of the energy consumption of each electric load is important but the use of decentralized energy is not feasible at present due to the huge number of loads connected to the electric grid. An alternative consists on the use of a centralized measurement device able to identify loads. This work presents a measurement infrastructure that have, among others, the possibility to make the identification of electrical loads data will be used to improve the energetic performance of households and buildings and increase the sustainability of the energy system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macro modeling of electricity price towards SDG7

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    Energy challenges are crucial issues to achieve Sustainable Development and its goals. Energy availability and affordability are pillars for ending poverty, giving access to commodities as well as water, etc. Modern lives rely on appliances and gadgets based on electric energy being its price a key issue making it worth to analyze and promote simple models able to predict electric energy prices to support in decision-making processes and in management. This work studied the correlation of electricity price with variables such as the electricity mix, GDP (gross domestic product), energy productivity, electricity consumption per capita, fossil fuel reserves, and diesel price, using Spearman correlation. To the significant correlations found it was then applied the Kruskal–Wallis test and the variables that presented statistically significant differences were then considered to model electricity price based on these macro variables. Our findings revealed that the best models were a logarithmic and a linear model of energy productivity to predict electricity price, which is fundamental to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically SDG7. In the validation process, these models presented an average deviation of 10.3% and 11.7%, respectively, which is reasonable considering the simplicity of the models developed.This work was financially supported by Base Funding – UIDB/04730/2020 of Center for Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology, CIETI – funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macro Modelling of Electricity Price Towards Sdg7

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    Energy challenges are crucial issues to achieve Sustainable Development and its goals. Energy availability and affordability are pillars for ending poverty, giving access to commodities as well as water, etc. Modern lives rely on appliances and gadgets based on electric energy being its price a key issue making it worth to analyze and promote simple models able to predict electric energy prices to support in decision-making processes and in management. This work studied the correlation of electricity price with variables such as the electricity mix , GDP, energy productivity, electricity consumption per capita, fossil fuel reserves, and diesel price, using Spearman correlation. To the significant correlations found it was then applied the Kruskal-Wallis test and the variables that presented statistically significant differences were then considered to model electricity price based on these macro variables. Our findings revealed that the best models were a logarithmic and a linear model of energy productivity to predict electricity price. In the validation process, these models presented an average deviation of 10.3% and 11.7%, respectively, which is reasonable considering the simplicity of the models developed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio