723 research outputs found

    Year-round multi-scale habitat selection by Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) in lowland mixed forests (northern Italy)

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    Determining how animals respond to resource availability across spatial and temporal extents is crucial to understand ecological processes underpinning habitat selection. Here, we used a multi-scale approach to study the year-round habitat selection of the Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) in a semi-natural lowland woodland of northern Italy, analysing different habitat features at each scale. We performed Crested Tit censuses at three different spatial scales. At the macrohabitat scale, we used geolocalized observations of individuals to compute Manly's habitat selection index, based on a detailed land-use map of the study area. At the microhabitat scale, the trees features were compared between presence and absence locations. At the foraging habitat scale, individual foraging birds and their specific position on trees were recorded using focal animal sampling. Censuses were performed during both the breeding (March to May) and wintering (December to January) seasons. At the macrohabitat scale, the Crested Tits significantly selected pure and mixed pine forests and avoided woods of alien plant species, farmlands and urban areas. At the microhabitat scale, old pine woods with dense cover were selected, with no significant difference in the features of tree selection between the two phenological phases. At the foraging habitat scale, the species was observed spending more time foraging in the canopies than in the understorey, using mostly the portion of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) canopies closer to the trunk in winter, while during the breeding period, the whole canopy was visited. Overall, breeding and wintering habitats largely overlapped in the Crested Tit. Based on our findings, lowland Crested Tits can be well defined as true habitat specialists: they are strictly related to some specific coniferous woodland features. Noteworthily, compared to other tit species, which normally show generalist habits during winter, the Crested Tit behaves as a habitat specialist also out of the breeding season. Our study stressed the importance of considering multi-scale (both spatial and phenological) habitat selection in birds

    Effect of water level on migratory birds habitat at lake maggiore

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    Migratory birds need to stop along their route to rest and feed at so called stopover sites. "Bolle di Magadino"is a protected wetland located near lake Maggiore (CH), an internationally recognized nesting and stop-over site for birds. The waters of Lake Maggiore are important resources for multiple usages, and are artificially regulated through a dam. Even slight variations in the water level are sufficient to cause flooding and draining of large portions of the wetlands, affecting foraging and resting opportunities for birds. We use open data and FOSS4G to study the effect of water level on bird migration. We compared the extent and type of flooded habitat using two approaches: Sentinel-1 remote sensing imagery and simulations based on the measured water level. The effect of type and extent of submerged vegetation obtained with both methods was tested against a time series of bird captures. Both methods had a similar temporal pattern of flooding in autumn, but nearly opposite in spring. The total extent and the type of submerged habitats showed significant differences. The results obtained by simulations based on water level were more correlated to birds captures and species richness than the estimations of flooded habitat derived by with Sentinel-1. The results presented here will contribute to the definition sustainable management tools of water management of lake Maggiore taking into account the effect of lake level on biodiversity

    Limnology for the ornithologist: effects of Lake Maggiore water level on migratory flows

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    Wetlands are widely recognised as the most critical stop-over locations along migration flyways. Wetland ecology is mostly influenced by water levels and water regimes. This research focuses on Bolle di Magadino (Switzerland), an important stop-over site on Lake Maggiore, artificially regulated by a dam. In this work we examined how the artificial flooding of a wetland affects the use of this stop-over site by migrating passerines during spring. Bird presence in the area was evaluated using both data collected at the ringing station located in the wetlands and the bird traffic rate (BTR) supplied by the BirdScan MR1, an avian vertical-looking radar (VLR) capable of automatically detecting and classifying birds in flight. In an attempt to shed light on the effect of lake level on stop- over quality, we i) simulated with GIS the extent of the flooded area and of the different habitat categories as the lake level changes; ii) calculated the relationship between lake level and the ability of stop-overing birds to acquire trophic resources; iii) verified that the flux of passerines below 500 m above ground level measured by radar could be used as a proxy for the number of stop-overing birds; iv) calculated the relationship between the number of birds leaving the stop-over and the lake level. While the number of ringed passerines has proven to be representative of the migratory flow below 500 meters of altitude at the site of interest, a high lake level seems to have a negative impact on the use by some species of the Bolle di Magadino area as a stop-over site during spring. In particular, two of the target species -the blackcap and the reed bunting- have proven to be sensitive to higher water levels. While taking into account the limitations and the relative nature of the results, could be necessary for the competent authorities to take these results into consideration in order to safeguard the Bolle di Magadino's role as an important stop- over area during spring

    Dynamic ordering of driven vortex matter in the peak effect regime of amorphous MoGe films and 2H-NbSe2 crystals

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    Dynamic ordering of driven vortex matter has been investigated in the peak effect regime of both amorphous MoGe films and 2H-NbSe2 crystals by mode locking (ML) and dc transport measurements. ML features allow us to trace how the shear rigidity of driven vortices evolves with the average velocity. Determining the onset of ML resonance in different magnetic fields and/or temperatures, we find that the dynamic ordering frequency (velocity) exhibits a striking divergence in the higher part of the peak effect regime. Interestingly, this phenomenon is accompanied by a pronounced peak of dynamic critical current. Mapping out field-temperature phase diagrams, we find that divergent points follow well the thermodynamic melting curve of the ideal vortex lattice over wide field and/or temperature ranges. These findings provide a link between the dynamic and static melting phenomena which can be distinguished from the disorder induced peak effect.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Living on the edge: Space use of Eurasian red squirrels in marginal high-elevation habitat.

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    In marginal habitats located at the edge of a species\u2019 range, environmental conditions are frequently extreme and individuals may be subject to different selective pressures compared to central populations. These so-called edge or marginal populations tend to have lower densities and reproductive rates than populations located in more suitable habitats, but little is known about local adaptations in spacing behavior. We studied space use and social organization in a population of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in a high-elevation marginal habitat of dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo) and compared it with spacing patterns in high-quality Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest at lower-elevation. Home ranges and core areas were larger in the marginal habitat. In both habitats, males used larger home ranges than females, but sex differences in core area size were significant only in the edge population. Patterns of core area overlap were similar in both habitats with intra-sexual territoriality among adult females and higher degrees of inter-sexual overlap, typical for the species throughout its range. However, low densities in the edge population resulted in higher female by males overlap in spring-summer, suggesting males increased home ranges and core areas during mating season to augment access to estrus females. Thus, in the marginal habitat, with low food abundance and low population densities, linked with extreme winter conditions, squirrels, especially males, used large home ranges. Finally, squirrels responded more strongly to variation in food availability (inverse relation between home range size and seed abundance), and even to fluctuations in density (inverse relation between core area size and density of animals of the same sex), in the marginal than in the high-quality habitat, suggesting high behavioral plasticity to respond to the ecological constraints in marginal habitats

    Nutcrackers become choosy seed harvesters in a mast-crop year.

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    As an efficient seed-disperser, Eurasian nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes) generally consume and hoard mature, edible pine seeds for future use. In 2009, when the Arolla pine, Pinus. cembra, produced a mast-crop, we investigated cones discarded by nutcrackers. Most cones were only partly eaten and some mature seeds remained in the distal part. This was in contrast to years of lower seed production when nearly all seeds were harvested from the majority of cones. To determine whether nutcracker cone-discarding behaviour maximised intake rate, seed kernels and the aborted seeds rate were measured from the different cone parts. In 2009, seeds from cone-tops were on average 17% lighter than in the base and middle sections, and the proportion of aborted seeds in the top part was 81% higher than in the other sections. There was no difference in seed mass and proportion of aborted seeds in cone-tops of intact cones and cones handled by nutcrackers. Regarding each cone as a patch, cone discarding behaviour can be considered as an optimal cone-leaving rule, maximising rate of energy-intake, supporting the Marginal Value Theorem. Hence, we suggest that increased food abundance leads to more selective seed harvesting in nutcrackers

    Pokrovsky-Talapov Model at finite temperature: a renormalization-group analysis

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    We calculate the finite-temperature shift of the critical wavevector QcQ_{c} of the Pokrovsky-Talapov model using a renormalization-group analysis. Separating the Hamiltonian into a part that is renormalized and one that is not, we obtain the flow equations for the stiffness and an arbitrary potential. We then specialize to the case of a cosine potential, and compare our results to well-known results for the sine-Gordon model, to which our model reduces in the limit of vanishing driving wavevector Q=0. Our results may be applied to describe the commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in several physical systems and allow for a more realistic comparison with experiments, which are always carried out at a finite temperature

    Contribution of ultrasound in the assessment of nerve diseases

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    Background and purpose:  Recently, ultrasound (US) has been used to assess the peripheral nervous system; however, there is no real study about its possible significant role in routine practice. Our study aims to assess the contribution of US as a routine tool in a neurophysiological laboratory. Methods:  The study assesses 130 patients who presented clinical suspicion of peripheral nerve diseases, excluding motor neuron disease, radiculopathy, hereditary and acquired polyneuropathy. All patients were clinically, neurophysiologically and sonographically assessed in the same session by the same neurologist/neurophysiologist. To avoid interpretation bias, two independent and blinded clinicians, different than the examiners performing electrodiagnosis and US, reviewed clinical, neurophysiological and US findings (also data about follow-up, when available) and classified the contribution of US as follows: Contributive (US had influence on the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies), Confirming (US confirmed the clinical and neurophysiological diagnosis), Non-Confirming (US findings were normal) and Incorrect (US findings led to incorrect diagnosis). Results:  US impacted, namely modified the diagnostic and therapeutic path in 42.3% of cases (55 patients); US had a confirmatory role in 40% (52 patients); US did not confirm clinical and neurophysiological diagnosis in 17.7% (23 cases); no incorrect US findings were observed. Conclusion:  US complements neurophysiological assessment even in routine practice, and this confirms the increasing interest in US for a multidimensional evaluation of peripheral nerve system disease

    Mode locking of vortex matter driven through mesoscopic channels

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    We investigated the driven dynamics of vortices confined to mesoscopic flow channels by means of a dc-rf interference technique. The observed mode-locking steps in the IVIV-curves provide detailed information on how the number of rows and lattice structure in the channel change with magnetic field. Minima in flow stress occur when an integer number of rows is moving coherently, while maxima appear when incoherent motion of mixed nn and n±1n\pm 1 row configurations is predominant. Simulations show that the enhanced pinning at mismatch originates from quasi-static fault zones with misoriented edge dislocations induced by disorder in the channel edges.Comment: some minor changes were made, 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
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