2,118 research outputs found

    Exploring Returnee Migrant Women, COVID-19 and Sustainability in Spain

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has signified an historical change in human mobility. By transforming the patterns of people on the move, it has highlighted gender-based inequalities and women’s vulnerabilities. The link between COVID-19 and return migration shapes returnees’ readaptation process in their home countries, as returnees are embedded in a limbo between the pandemic’s pressure on the policy and socio-economic setting, on one hand, and their efforts for reintegration, on the other. Due to the pandemic, the gender-based imbalance has increased existing gender gaps both in migration and return, exacerbating women’s vulnerability. Thus, personal aspirations and professional expectations of highly educated women are caught in a system of socio-economic and geographical (im)mobility, which represents the principal outcome in their relocation and readaptation process. Based on a qualitative methodology through the analysis of ten life histories of highly educated returnee migrant women, this paper sheds light on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their migratory trajectories, providing a typology of them. Findings stress the necessity for more sustainable measures and resources for life–work balance and gender-sensitive policies, to promote a better integration process into the local labour market; to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on returnee women, and to prevent the proliferation of mental health problems among returnee women

    Post-Traumatic Growth in Cancer Survivors: Narrative Markers and Functions of The Experience\u27s Transformation

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    The concept that a traumatic experience, such as a cancer, can lead to a positive change and transformation of self, life and relationships was named as post-traumatic growth (PTG). A large amount of research measured PTG in cancer survivors arguing an interpretation of the construct as an outcome. Recently, qualitative research shows different types of narrative of PTG, but the narrative markers and their functions of transformation remain still unclear. Within a mixed-method, we aim to highlight the narrative markers and their transformative functions, underlying the PTG, within 12 cancer survivors’ narratives with medium/high and medium/low level of PTG. A redemptive sequence analysis was carried out. In the narratives with high/medium PTG we find a specific transformative function on-thinking focused transformation founded on the change/expansion of the own internal criteria to interpret the relationship with the world centralizing the self in the present and future; in the narratives with medium/low PTG we find an on-acting focused transformation, founded on the change of the operational procedures aimed to live centered on the present and on its moments

    Systematic review and meta-analysis on the utility of Interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children: A 2013 update

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    BACKGROUND: Previous meta-analyses regarding the performance of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) for tuberculosis diagnosis in children yielded contrasting results, probably due to different inclusion/exclusion criteria. METHODS: We systematically searched PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane databases and calculated pooled estimates of sensitivities and specificities of QuantiFERON-TB Gold In Tube (QFT-G-IT), T-SPOT.TB, and tuberculin skin test (TST). Several sub-analysis were performed: stratification by background (low income vs. high income countries); including only microbiological confirmed TB cases; including only studies performing a simultaneous three-way comparison of the three tests, and including immunocompromised children. RESULTS: Overall, 31 studies (6183 children) for QFT-G-IT, 14 studies (2518 children) for T-SPOT.TB and 34 studies (6439 children) for TST were included in the analyses. In high income countries QFT-G-IT sensitivity was 0.79 (95%IC: 0.75-0.82) considering all the studies, 0.78 (95%CI:0.70-0.84) including only studies performing a simultaneous three-way comparison and 0.86 (95%IC 0.81-0.90) considering only microbiologically confirmed studies. In the same analyses T-SPOT.TB sensitivity was 0.67 (95%IC 0.62-0.73); 0.76 (95%CI: 0.68 to 0.83); and 0.79 (95%IC 0.69-0.87), respectively. In low income countries QFT-G-IT pooled sensitivity was significantly lower: 0.57 (95%IC:0.52-0.61), considering all the studies, and 0.66 (95%IC 0.55-0.76) considering only microbiologically confirmed cases; while T-SPOT.TB sensitivity was 0.61 (95%IC 0.57-0.65) overall, but reached 0.80 (95%IC 0.73-0.86) in microbiologically confirmed cases. In microbiologically confirmed cases TST sensitivity was similar: 0.86 (95%IC 0.79-0.91) in high income countries, and 0.74 (95%IC 0.68-0.80) in low income countries. Higher IGRAs specificity with respect to TST was observed in high income countries (97-98% vs. 92%) but not in low income countries (85-93% vs. 90%). CONCLUSIONS: Both IGRAs showed no better performance than TST in low income countries

    Vaccine against tuberculosis: what's new?

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    BACKGROUND: one of the World Health Organization Millennium Development Goal is to reduce tuberculosis incidence by 2015. However, more of 8.5 million tuberculosis cases have been reported in 2011, with an increase of multidrug-resistant strains. Therefore, the World Health Organization target cannot be reach without the help of a vaccine able to limit the spread of tuberculosis. Nowadays, bacille Calmette-Guérin is the only vaccine available against tuberculosis. It prevents against meningeal and disseminated tuberculosis in children, but its effectiveness against pulmonary form in adolescents and adults is argued. METHOD: a systematic review was performed by searches of Pubmed, references of the relevant articles and Aeras and ClinicalTrial.gov websites. RESULTS: 100 articles were included in this review. Three viral vectored booster vaccines, five protein adjuvant booster vaccines, two priming vaccines and two therapeutic vaccines have been analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Several vaccines are in the pipeline, but further studies on basic research, clinical trial and mass vaccination campaigns are needed to achieve the TB eradication target by 2050

    Escritoras migrantes y movimiento social no organizado

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    La literatura intercultural escrita por mujeres migrantes se enmarca en la literatura testimonial con carácter universal, ya que dichas escritoras migrantes en sus escritos autobiográficos, semi-autobiográficos o de ficción, incluyen testimonios de procesos de transformación identitaria complejos derivados de la migración, que se reflejan en la vida de otras personas migrantes. Esta literatura testimonial tiene una dimensión socio-política y cultural clara, ya que es una literatura basada en las historias personales en el contexto socio-político del país de destino. En este caso, se interpreta a partir del proceso migratorio y del proceso de integración socio-cultural. Además, la literatura es considerada una forma de activismo socio-político por parte de las escritoras migrantes. La literatura testimonial se aborda aquí dentro de un repertorio de protesta, el repertorio de acción contestataria, como parte de otros movimientos sociales. Las preguntas que se quieren responder son las siguientes: ¿cuál es el posicionamiento socio-político y cultural de las mujeres migrantes escritoras? ¿Dicho género literario puede ser definido como marco de un nuevo movimiento social alternativo? En este artículo se analiza la forma de posicionarse de las escritoras migrantes en nuestras sociedades; así como las formas de desafiar las políticas migratorias con la participación desde abajo a través de la escritura y de la cultura como herramienta de reivindicación

    Identidades en tránsito: mujeres altamente formadas del Europa del Este en trabajos encajados en el País Vasco

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    The international migration is a changing process linked to both economic and socio-political transformations, which impact the migratory career of the women on the move. Migrant women, traditionally, are submerged in complex structure of power and oppression, which demand a de/reconstruction process of their personal and professional identities, and socio-political subject in action. In highly educated women, individual challenges for balancing personal, relational and professional aspirations are based on the interplay of different structures of opportunities and constrains. Thus, they have to apply different coping strategies to overcome barriers and access to new opportunities, in order to achieve a migratory project in line with their pre-migratory aspirations and professional identity profiles. By exploring not lineal migratory careers in highly educated women from East European countries at a macro (structures of opportunities and constrains), meso (networks), and micro (personal aspirations, imaginaries) dimensions, we seek to understand the way they achieve a job-education matching in the Basque Country socio-occupational context. Some findings show that structural problems and professional aspirations are inputs for emigration. In the Basque Country respondents experienced temporary overqualification and deskilling, during the first phase of immigration, due to structural barriers (homologation; work/resident permits; lack of knowledge of the language). The main strategies they use for labour market incorporation are “bridge-works” in gendered care and service sectors, mostly in moonlighting way; mixing study and work; and try to manage the homologation process. Other strategies are up-skilling; re-orientation of professional careers; or recapitalization of their personal and professional competencies. At micro level, resilience and biographical agency are stressed

    Propuesta de psicomotricidad vivencial para mejorar el pensamiento matemático de los niños de 5 años de Institución Pública Piura-2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo la propuesta de un programa de psicomotricidad vivencial para el mejorar pensamiento matemático cada una de sus dimensiones agrupación, cuantificación, seriación, número los niños de la Institución educativa 001 Piura 2020. La metodología de la presente investigación se enmarca dentro de los tipos de estudio cuantitativo en el diseño no experimental, Descriptiva propositiva. Para lograr dicho propósito la investigación tuvo una población de 120 niños, con una muestra de 36 niños de cinco años la cual fue seleccionada por conveniencia a quien se les aplico una ficha de observación, identificando de esta manera el nivel de pensamiento matemático en ellos. Después de haber analizado los datos se pudo determinar que el pensamiento matemático de los niños se encuentran en un nivel de proceso, para ello se propone un programa de psicomotricidad vivencial fundamentado con las teorías analizadas de Aucouturier, quien diserta sobre la formación del pensamiento a través de la motricidad mediante la integración de nivel sensorio motriz (sensaciones, emociones, afectos) así como de Lora quien se centra en la práctica y la vivencia corporal espontanea le da al niño ser su protagonista de su auto educación puesto que permite que explore, descubra, construya su pensamiento Wallon y su teoría psicogenética por otro lado en cuanto al pensamiento matemático tenemos a Piaget quien presenta su teoría genética y Vygotsky con el enfoque sociocultural. El programa de “psicomotricidad Vivencial” fue validado por el juicio de expertos presentando un nivel de validación 90% el cual determina que si es factible realizar la propuesta y se desarrollara en 15 sesiones