7 research outputs found

    Criminal law aspects of unfair competition acts

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    This work deals with unfair competition from the perspective of criminal law. It aims to analyze the offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. In the introduction the document compares unfair competition within the parameters of civil and criminal law. The following chapters examine in detail the criminal offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, and further, separate chapters are devoted to specific facts of unfair competition. An additional goal of this thesis is the introduction and brief analysis of other offenses that may qualify as unfair competition, and compare them with the offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. Not only due to the possibility of criminal sanctions for unfair competition when all of the elements of the criminal offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code are not completely fulfilled, but also because of a possible single concurrent act with this offense. Based on the above, the text concludes by asking and answering the question whether the current legal regulation of unfair competition in the Criminal Code is appropriate and sufficient.Práce se zabývá nekalosoutěžním jednáním z pohledu trestního práva. Klade si za cíl analyzovat trestný čin porušení předpisů o pravidlech hospodářské soutěže dle ustanovení § 248 odstavce 1 trestního zákoníku. Dokument v úvodu srovnává nekalou soutěž v rámci civilní a trestní úpravy. V dalších kapitolách je podrobně rozebraná skutková podstata trestného činu porušení předpisů o pravidlech hospodářské soutěže dle ustanovení § 248 odstavce 1 trestního zákoníku, přičemž v samostatných kapitolách se práce věnuje jednotlivým zvláštním skutkovým podstatám nekalé soutěže. Druhým záměrem této rigorózní práce je uvést a stručně zanalyzovat další trestné činy, jež mohou být nekalosoutěžním jednáním taktéž naplněny, a porovnat je s trestným činem porušení předpisů o pravidlech hospodářské soutěže dle ustanovení § 248 odstavce 1 trestního zákoníku. Jednak z důvodu možného trestního postihu za nekalosoutěžní jednání v případě, kdy nebude naplněna skutková podstata trestného činu porušení předpisů o pravidlech hospodářské soutěže dle ustanovení § 248 odstavce 1 trestního zákoníku, tak i z důvodu možného jednočinného souběhu s tímto trestným činem. Na základě výše uvedeného dochází text k závěru, kde si klade a odpovídá na otázku, zda je současná právní úprava nekalé soutěže v trestním zákoníku vhodná a dostatečná.Katedra trestního právaDepartment of Criminal LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Comparing bullying prevention programs in Czech Republic and abroad

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    The thesis is comparing Czech and foreing bullying prevention programs. At first terms bullying and prevention are explained. The bullying prevention programs are described, compared and evaluated acording to predefined criteria. Based on the result quality of Czech bullying prevention programs is determine and suggestions to improve Czech programs are placed

    Criminal law aspects of unfair competition acts

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    This work deals with unfair competition from the perspective of criminal law. It aims to analyze the offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. In the introduction the document compares unfair competition within the parameters of civil and criminal law. The following chapters examine in detail the criminal offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, and further, separate chapters are devoted to specific facts of unfair competition. An additional goal of this thesis is the introduction and brief analysis of other offenses that may qualify as unfair competition, and compare them with the offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. Not only due to the possibility of criminal sanctions for unfair competition when all of the elements of the criminal offense of infringement of the competition rules under § 248 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code are not completely fulfilled, but also because of a possible single concurrent act with this offense. Based on the above, the text concludes by asking and answering the question whether the current legal regulation of unfair competition in the Criminal Code is appropriate and sufficient

    Voltametrické stanovení leukovorinu ve farmaceutických přípravcích

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    Voltammetric behavior of leucovorin has been investigated for the first time using boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) and the method for its determination was developed. Leucovorin provides two well-developed oxidation peaks at about +900 and +1450 mV (pH 5) on BDDE. Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 3.0) was chosen as an optimal supporting electrolyte for its determination using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) with optimized parameters. Limit of detection 1.5×10−8 mol L−1 was reached for leucovorin determination and linear dynamic range 1.5×10−7-2.5×10−5 M was obtained. Relative standard deviation of repeated measurements (RSDM(11) = 0.7 %) and relative standard deviations of repeated determinations (RSDD(5) < 3.0 %) were calculated to confirm very good results. Applicability of the proposed method was verified by an analysis of a pharmaceutical preparation.Voltametrické chování leukovorinu bylo studováno na borem dopované diamantové elektrodě a byla vyvinuta metoda stanovení tohoto léčiva. Ta byla úspěšně aplikována při analýze injekčního roztoku

    Boron-doped diamond electrodes with different boron content – Determination of leucovorin.

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    Elektrochemické vlastnosti borem dopovaných diamantových elektrod s různým obsahem boru byly studovány pomocí cyklické voltametrie redoxních systémů ([Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+) a ([Fe(CN6)]4−/3−). Aplikační možnosti těchto elektrod elektrod byly testovány při stanovení leukovorinu.Electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDEs) with different boron content were studied using cyclic voltammetry of inner-sphere ([Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+) and outer-sphere ([Fe(CN6)]4−/3−) redox markers. Their application possibilities in analysis of organic bioactive compounds were tested by determination of drug leucovorin in model solutions as well as in pharmaceutical preparations. Voltammetric behavior of leucovorin was studied and voltammetric method for its determination was developed using commercially available BDDE. This proposed method was applied for lab-made BDDEs and the appropriated statistical parameters (e.g., LDR, LOD, LOQ, and RSD) were calculated and compared with respect to the boron content